24 research outputs found

    A Multi objective model for supplier evaluation and selection in the presence of both cardinal and imprecise data

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    Imprecise data envelopment analysis (IDEA) has been applied for supplier selection in the presence of both cardinal and imprecise data. In addition to its popularity, IDEA has some drawbacks such as unrealistic inputs-outputs weights and poor discrimination power among all DMUs. To alleviate these deficiencies, this paper develops a multi objective imprecise data envelopment analysis (MOIDEA) based on the common weights. The proposed MOIDEA model is utilized for supplier evaluation and selection in the case where there exist both cardinal and imprecise data. To show both robustness and discriminating power of the proposed approach, it is applied on a numerical example taken from the literature. The results reveal several merits of the common weight MOIDEA model for supplier selection

    Examining technological and productivity change in the Islamic banking industry

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    Islamic banking dominates the largest market share of global Islamic finance assets. Thus, the performance of Islamic banks is crucial in shaping the future development of Islamic finance. This study aims to examine the performance of Islamic banks in the perspective of technological and productivity change based on the country level assessment. By adopting the Malmquist Index analysis, this study selected 44 Islamic banks from the top ten countries that had the largest Islamic banking asset for the period from 2015 to 2018. The findings reveal that the average productivity of Islamic banks has increased during the study period. Productivity improvements were supported by technological innovation, which significantly increased the level of productivity. Nevertheless, the high-tech expansion was not followed by an improvement in the efficiency level. This finding explains that the development of banking technology is not able to fully support the development of products and services

    Fenntarthatóság a beszerzésben = Sustainable purchasing

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    Tanulmányunk a fenntarthatóság beszerzésben való értelmezésével kapcsolatos vizsgálatához szeretne hozzájárulni. A Versenyképesség Kutatás korábbi fázisában a fenntarthatóság beszerzésben való megjelenésével, lehetséges értelmezéseivel, tartalmi elemeivel, azok strukturálásával és azokkal a motivációs tényezőkkel foglalkoztunk, mely a kezdeményezések hátterében állt. Az akkori eredményekre építve szeretnénk a témát folytatni. Áttekintjük a szakirodalom legutóbbi elemzésünk óta született eredményeit és azt szeretnénk vizsgálni, hogy az eltelt idő alatt milyen irányokban folytak a kutatások. Az áttekintésen túl kiemelünk egy-egy olyan területet, amelyek mélyebb elemzése relevánsnak tekinthető, így előremutató lehet. Az első az etika beszerzésben való értelmezése, itt fontos output a fogalmak értelmezése, áttekintése a nemzetközi szakirodalom tapasztalatai alapján, a kutatás egy másik vonulataként szeretnénk azt is vizsgálni, hogy a kutatási eredményekből és a gyakorlati problémákból kiindulva hogyan építhető a matematikai eszköztár segítségével olyan modell, mely gyakorlati relevanciával is bír. _________ This paper aims to provide an overview of the developments in the literature on sustainable purchasing. This serves as the basis of the elaboration of new research topics in the field. Based upon the literature results investigations in two topics are presented. First the issue of purchasing ethics will be investigated, with the aim to identify the effects of developments of purchasing management to ethics in purchasing. Second a new methodology to assess the effect of green criteria to the purchasing decision will be presented

    Heuristic method for optimum shift scheduling design

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    This paper describes a method to schedule shifts in the most optimum way desire for today’s cost sensitive industries.The main problem for this domain is to make sure all shifts are assigned to cover all or maximum jobs available.The shifts also need to be schedule with the least manpower possible, avoid manpower idling during the shift and take into consideration employee’s time adaptability.Our approach is to use the existing manpower prediction method to determine the minimum manpower require to complete all the jobs. Based on the minimum manpower number and shift criteria’s, the shifts are then assigned to form schedules using our proposed algorithm.The potential schedules are then optimized.Our prototype running data from airline staff shows that the method used can solve the problem efficiently even for large problem instances in seconds

    Multi-Criteria Decision Matrix Approach for Suppliers Evaluation in Micro and Small Organisations

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    Usage of Structural Equation Modeling and Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach to Select Information Technology

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    Progressive change is an accurate way to describe the advancement of information technology (IT) throughout the 1990s. As IT continues to evolve, the ways in which companies do business are also changing. The emergence ofthe Internet as a business venue, the growing percentage of consumers accessing the Web, and the increasing number of households equipped with a PC or other Web-access device are speeding IT's rate of change. The industries especially banking and financial services industries (BFSI) are heavily supported by IT and technology vendor for their service oriented business. It indicates that choosing the right vendor remains a critical success factor for every enterprise's business success. Selection of the best possible set of vendors not only allow organisations to downsize and utilise resources more effectively, but also allows themto take advantage of the capabilities andtechnologies of the vendors. The vendor selection process can be a very complicated and emotional undertaking if the approach from the very beginning is not known. The purpose ofthis research is to identify the required criteria for selecting the best vendor for information technology (IT) process and provide a vendor selection model including these criteria by using the structural equation modeling (SEM) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). To demonstrate the above model and also, to arrive at vendor selection scores, the vendor selection for mobile banking application was considered as an example. The developed model is a generic one considering the global economic turmoil and the amount ofpressure on banking &financial services industries (BFSI), where IT is the backbone of the BFSI; In any future studies the model could be applied in making other strategic decisions like IT outsourcing, ERP (enterprise resource planning) implementation vendor selection etc. V

    Ruteo de vehículos en el sector de hidrocarburos aplicando colonia de hormigas

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    En el sector de hidrocarburos existen operaciones que son realizadas de forma manual y sin ningún tipo de estudio u análisis previo antes de ser ejecutadas, lo cual genera que se realicen actividades ineficientes que producen costos extras a la compañía. Una de estas actividades es la logística en la distribución de productos, esto se debe a que no existe un criterio de contratación de vehículos establecido que permita analizar las posibles opciones de contratación de vehículos para que realicen el proceso de distribución. Para esto, se realizará la programación de vehículos encargados de hacer la entrega de los productos mediante una meta-heurística Ant Colony Optimization, la cual buscará dar una solución, teniendo como punto de referencia el modelo matemático exacto que permita identificar el desempeño de la meta- heurística, teniendo en cuenta que el modelo debe estar en la capacidad de cumplir con la demanda de los clientes y disminuir el costo de la operación actual, en al menos un 5% para que el impacto de la implementación sea efectivo.In the hydrocarbon sector there are operations that are performed manually and without any prior study or analysis before being executed, which leads to inefficient activities that produce extra costs to the company. One of these activities is the logistics in the products distribution; this is due to the fact that there is no criterion for hiring vehicles that allows analyzing the possible options for hiring vehicles to carry out the distribution process. For this, the programming of vehicles in charge of delivering the products will be carried out through an Ant Colony Optimization meta-heuristic, which will seek to provide a solution, taking as a point of reference the exact mathematical model to identify the performance of the meta-heuristic, taking into account that the model must be able to meet customer demand and reduce the cost of the current operation.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Trade- off Efisien dan Robustness Pada Pemilihan Pemasok Dengan Gangguan Pada PT.XYZ

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    Pemilihan pemasok merupakan salah satu strategi dasar untuk mengembangkan kualitas output pada tiap organisasi bisnis. Kegagalan pemasok dalam memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan akan menyebabkan kerugian, idle, atau bahkan kebangkrutan. Penelitian terkini menjelaskan bahwa kriteria-kriteria utama dalam memilih pemasok, di antaranya harga, kualitas, kecepattanggapan, inovasi, aset, fleksibilitas, servis, manajemen dan organisasi, serta risiko. Risiko akibat kondisi geografis, geologis, hidrologis, dan demografis makin banyak dikembangkan seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah kejadian bencana di dunia. Kenyataan ini melatarbelakangi dilakukannya pengembangan model pemilihan pemasok dengan mempertimbangkan risiko gangguan akibat bencana. Analisis trade-off efisiensi dan robustness merupakan salah satu metode yang ditawarkan untuk memanajemen risiko tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memilih pemasok dengan mempertimbangkan biaya dan kerugian akibat operasional dan bencana alam serta menentukan jumlah alokasi. Keputusan tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi untuk manajer dalam memitigasi risiko shortage. Studi kasus dilakukan pada PT. XYZ dengan bahan baku utamanya yaitu polipropilena. Perhitungan menggunakan GAMS 24.2.3 dengan mixed interger linear programming yang menunjukkan skenario terbaik dengan nilai alpha sebesar 1 akan menghasilkan trade-off sebesar 1, efisiensi sebesar 1, dan robustness sebesar 0,609. Hal ini disebabkan karena pengaruh Total Supplier Failure Cost yang hanya 1-2% terhadap Total Cost, sehingga Total Purchasing Cost lebih dipertimbangkan dibandingkan dengan Total Supplier Failure Cost. Pada skenario ini pemasok yang terpilih adalah Pemasok 5 dengan alokasi 15.292.431 kg dan Pemasok 6 dengan alokasi 2.400.000 kg. Skenario ini menghasilkan Total Purchasing Cost sebesar 29.446.510 USD dan Total Supplier Failure Cost sebesar 632.142,89 USD. Alternatif pendekatan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu metode kuantitatif dalam pemilihan pemasok. ========== Suppliers selection is one of the basic strategies to improve the quality of the output of each business organization. Failure of suppliers to meet the needs of the company will lead to losses, idle, or even bankruptcy. Recent research explains that the main criteria in selecting suppliers, including price, quality, responsiveness, innovation, assets, flexibility, service, management, organization, and risks. Risk due to geographical, geological, hydrological, and demographic increasingly developed along with the increasing number of natural disasters in the world. This fact does the development of the model underlying the selection of suppliers by considering the risk of disruption caused by the disaster. Analysis of trade-off efficiency and robustness is one of the methods offered to manage these risks. The purpose of this study is to choose a supplier by considering operational costs and losses due to natural disasters and also determine the amount of the allocation. The decision is expected to be a reference for managers to mitigate the risk of shortage. A case study conducted at PT. XYZ with its main raw material is polypropylene. Computations using GAMS 24.2.3 with mixed integer linear programming shows the best scenario with an alpha value of 1 will result in trade-offs amounted to 1, an efficiency of 1, and the robustness of 0.609. In this scenario, chosen supplier was Suppliers 5 with the allocation of 15,292,431 kg and Suppliers 6 with the allocation of 2,400,000 kg. This scenario produces Total Purchasing Cost of 29,446,510andtotalSupplierFailureCostof 29,446,510 and total Supplier Failure Cost of 632,142.89. Because of the influence Total Supplier Failure Cost that only 1-2% of the total cost, the scenario choosen is the same alpha with the most efficient scenario. This approach could be one of the alternative of quantitative methods in the suppliers selection by considering risk

    A atividade transitária nos países da Zona Euro: um contributo multidimensional para a gestão

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    O transporte de cargas requer planeamento e organização da logística associada. Quando essas atividades logísticas, relacionadas com a importação e exportação, são terceirizadas, passam normalmente para empresas transitárias, especializadas no transporte internacional de mercadorias. Nesse contexto, a realização do transporte de cargas envolve uma infinidade de exportadores, importadores, requisitos e aspetos legais, bem como a seleção dos modais de transporte a serem utilizados. Tendo em conta a relevância das empresas transitárias e do setor e por forma a apoiar a decisão de um operador que pretenda entrar no mercado ou que já esteja presente, esta investigação foi realizada para dezanove países da União Europeia, com dados do período de 2009 a 2018. Para este efeito, aplicou-se o método exploratório de análise multivariada de dados multibloco de três vias, COSTATIS (Thioulouse, 2011), para analisar, como um todo, as relações entre uma primeira estrutura, constituída por descritores sobre as Empresas Transitárias, Importações e Exportações, e outra formada pelos descritores dos Modais de Transporte Aéreo, Marítimo, Fluvial, Rodoviário e Ferroviário. Verificou-se que o número de empresas transitárias, importações e exportações apresentou um comportamento não totalmente alinhado com a evolução da utilização dos modais. Além disso, foram encontrados dois padrões específicos de comportamento de uso de modais e dois padrões de número de empresas de agenciamento de carga, importação e exportação. Foram caraterizados os diferentes níveis de influência entre as duas estruturas de dados. Foi produzido um diagnóstico, que configura uma ferramenta facilitadora para o processo de tomada de decisão pelas empresas transitárias.The transportation of cargo requires planning and organizing the associated logistics. When these logistics related to import and export are outsourced, they are usually transferred to freight forwarding companies specializing in the international transport of goods. In this context, carrying out the transportation of cargo involves a multitude of exporters, importers, requirements, and legal aspects, as well as the selection of the modes of transport to be used. Taking into account the relevance of freight forwarding companies and the sector and in order to support the decision of an operator wishing to enter the market or that is already present, this research was carried out for nineteen countries of the European Union, with data from the period between 2009 and 2018. For this purpose, the exploratory method of multivariate analysis of Three-Way Multiblock data, COSTATIS (Thioulouse, 2011), was applied to analyse, as a whole, the relationships between a first structure, consisting of descriptors on the Companies Forwarding, Import and Export, and another formed by descriptors of Air, Maritime, Fluvial, Road, and Rail Transport Modals. It was found that the number of freight forwarding companies, imports and exports presented a behavior not fully aligned with the evolution of the use of modals. Also, two specific behavioral patterns of modal use and two patterns of the number of freight forwarding companies and imports and exports were found. The different levels of influence between the two data structures were characterized. A diagnosis was produced, which configures a facilitating tool for the decision-making process by freight forwarders