7 research outputs found

    Ontology-driven monitoring of patient's vital signs enabling personalized medical detection and alert

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    A major challenge related to caring for patients with chronic conditions is the early detection of exacerbations of the disease. Medical personnel should be contacted immediately in order to intervene in time before an acute state is reached, ensuring patient safety. This paper proposes an approach to an ambient intelligence (AmI) framework supporting real-time remote monitoring of patients diagnosed with congestive heart failure (CHF). Its novelty is the integration of: (i) personalized monitoring of the patients health status and risk stage; (ii) intelligent alerting of the dedicated physician through the construction of medical workflows on-the-fly; and (iii) dynamic adaptation of the vital signs' monitoring environment on any available device or smart phone located in close proximity to the physician depending on new medical measurements, additional disease specifications or the failure of the infrastructure. The intelligence lies in the adoption of semantics providing for a personalized and automated emergency alerting that smoothly interacts with the physician, regardless of his location, ensuring timely intervention during an emergency. It is evaluated on a medical emergency scenario, where in the case of exceeded patient thresholds, medical personnel are localized and contacted, presenting ad hoc information on the patient's condition on the most suited device within the physician's reach

    The Central European initiative : an approach to regional stabilization and democratic consolidation

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    This thesis examines how multilateral institutions can contribute to democratization and regional stability. It is a case study of the Central European Initiative (CEI), a regional intergovernmental organization founded by Italy and Austria in 1989 to undertake a regional integration process, and of its role in stabilizing post-communist democracies. Documents were collected at the CEI offices in Trieste, Italy, and interviews conducted with CEI officers, and data obtained from the websites of related organizations and of CEI member countries. The thesis probes the relevance of concepts derived from theories of international regimes and social constructivism. It shows that the CEI diffuses norms and institutional rules conducive to consolidating democracies, including the development of a free civil society, a relatively autonomous political society, rule of law, state bureaucracies that are usable by the new democratic governments, and functioning free market economies, addition, and fosters habits of dialogue, socializes participants, and supports the creation of supra-national identities

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2005, nr 4

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    Modelo de Maturidade para a Gestão dos Sistemas de Informação Hospitalares

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    Neste projeto de doutoramento, foi desenvolvido um Modelo de Maturidade abrangente denominado HISMM (Hospital Information System Maturity Model), que incorpora os principais Fatores de Influência dos Sistemas de Informação Hospitalares (SIH). A conceção do HISMM, seguiu duas abordagens metodológicas, nomeadamente a Revisão Sistemática de Literatura (RSL) e o Design Science Reserach (DSR). Numa primeira fase, realizou-se uma abrangente RSL. Posteriormente, foi realizado um inquérito por questionário que contou com a participação de vários especialistas de STI da área da saúde, e que possibilitou a conceção de uma primeira versão do Modelo. Finalmente, na perspetiva de validar o Modelo inicialmente proposto, foram encetadas entrevistas a um conjunto restrito de importantes Gestores de SIH Portugueses