23,026 research outputs found

    Online-Ethnographie – Wege und Ergebnisse zur Forschung im Kulturraum Internet

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird der Begriff der Online-Ethnographie eingefĂŒhrt, indem zunĂ€chst die zugrunde liegende doppelte Transformation der klassischen Ethnographie dargestellt wird. Im zweiten Schritt wird der Gegenstandsbereich der Online-Ethnographie auf virtuelle Gruppen spezifiziert und schließlich – drittens – acht Merkmalsbereiche virtueller Gruppen herausgearbeitet

    MĂŒndĂŒ language and culture: the current state of research

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    The article outlines the ethnography and the socio-linguistic situation of the MĂŒndĂŒ with focus on the sociolinguistic situation and on the endangerment of their language. The MĂŒndĂŒ are a little known ethnic group living in several non-contiguous areas in the border triangle of Sudan, DR Congo and Uganda. Data on the history and the culture of the MĂŒndĂŒ are scant and scattered in small pieces in the reports of the early European travellers in the region, in ethnographic descriptions of the neighbouring peoples, in particular on the Zande, in ethnographic surveys of Africa and ethnographic handbooks. All pieces of information on the cultural, economic and political situation of the MĂŒndĂŒ from the latter second half the 20th century until now are published online on the websites of various organisations. Data on the current situation of the MĂŒndĂŒ result partly from my own observations in Arua/Uganda

    2. Editorial: Ethnographie

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    Das Editorial stellt die Kontur und die BeitrÀge des ersten Themenhefts zur ethnographischen Forschung des Fallarchiv KindheitspÀdagogische Forschung vor

    Ethnopoesie und Ethnographie

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    This paper is a comparative investigation of two kinds of anthropological fieldwork – ethnopoetry and ethnography – made by two authors on the same subject, at the same place and time: the Afro-Brazilian temple Casa das Minas, in SĂŁo Luis do MaranhĂŁo, in 1981-1982. The analysis focuses on the work of the German writer Hubert Fichte(1935-1986), 'Das Haus der Mina in SĂŁo Luis do MaranhĂŁo (l989), and on the study of the Brazilian anthropologist Sergio FERRETTI, 'QuerenbentĂŁ de ZomadĂŽnu. Etnografia da Casa das Minas do MamnhĂŁo' (1983 and 1996). The comparison of methods and results reveals, on the one hand, advantages of the ethnopoetical approach in the art of interview, priority given to the informants' discourse, and the interpretation of religious rituals, from a general point of view. On the other hand, the special qualities of the ethnographical approach are the theoretical understanding and the didactic transmission of the other culture, combined with the translation of basic concepts through a glossary. – See also, in this number of Pandaemonium Germanicum, Sergio Ferretti's complementary article on "Ethnography and Ethnopoetry".Este trabalho investiga que tipo de conhecimentos especĂ­ficos proporciona a antropologia poĂ©tica ou etnopoesia, de Hubert FICHTE (1935-1986) em comparação com a etnografia atual. Para tanto, sĂŁo analisados contrastivamente o Lvro de FICHTE, 'Das Haus der Mina in SĂŁo Luiz de MaranhĂŁo' (1989), e o estudo do antropologo Sergio FERRETTI, 'QuerebentĂŁ de ZomadĂŽnu. Etnografia da Casa das Minas do MaranhĂŁo' (1983 e 1996) – tendo ambos os autores trabalhado juntos, no mesmo local, sobre o mesmo assunto. Na comparação de mĂ©todos e resultados, a etnopoesia leva vantagem quanto Ă  arte da entrevista, Ă  primazia dada ao discurso dos informantes e Ă  interpretação psicossocial dos rituais religiosos que sĂŁo relacionados com temas de interesse geral. Por outro lado, realçam-se como pontos mais fortes da etnografia, a maior penetição teĂłrica e a qualidade da transmissĂŁo didĂĄtica da cultura do outro, juntamente com a tradução dos conceitos bĂĄsicos, atravĂ©s de um glossĂĄrio. – Veja-se tambĂ©m, neste mesmo nĂșmero da revista Pandaemonium Germanicum, o artigo complementar de Sergio FERRETTI, "Etnogtafia e Etnopoesia"

    Recension : Changement urbain et démocratie participative. Ethnographie du grand ensemble de Marzahn.

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    Note de lectureRecension de l'ouvrage de Cécile Cuny : Changement urbain et démocratie participative. Ethnographie du grand ensemble de Marzahn

    StĂ€dtische Lebenswelten in Bewegung: In Afrika und darĂŒber hinaus

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    Although throughout the history of anthropology the ethnography of urban societies was never an important topic, investigations on cities in Africa contributed to the early theoretical development of urban studies in social sciences. As the ethnography of rural migrants in towns made clear, cultural diversity and creativity are foundational and permanent elements of urban cultures in Africa (and beyond). Currently, two new aspects complement these insights: 1) Different forms of mobility have received a new awareness through the concept of transnationalism. They are much more complex, including not only rural–urban migration, but also urban–urban migration, and migrations with a destination beyond the continent. 2) Urban life-worlds also include the appropriation of globally circulating images and lifestyles, which contribute substantially to the current cultural dynamics of cities in Africa. These two aspects are the reasons for the high complexity of urban contexts in Africa. Therefore, whether it is still appropriate to speak about the “locality” of these life-worlds has become questionable. At the same time, these new aspects explain the self-consciousness of members of urban cultures in Africa. They contribute to the expansive character of these societies and to the impression that cities in Africa host the most innovative and creative societies worldwide.Auch wenn die Ethnographie stĂ€dtischer Gesellschaften in der Geschichte der Ethnologie nie eine große Rolle gespielt hat, leisteten doch Untersuchungen zu urbanen Lebenswelten in Afrika einen wichtigen Beitrag zur frĂŒhen theoretischen Entwicklung sozialwissenschaftlicher Stadtforschung. Wie die Ethnographie von Migranten aus lĂ€ndlichen RĂ€umen in afrikanischen StĂ€dten schon damals deutlich machte, sind kulturelle DiversitĂ€t und KreativitĂ€t grundlegende und dauerhafte Elemente urbaner Kultur in Afrika (und weltweit). In letzter Zeit haben zwei wichtige Aspekte diese frĂŒhen Einsichten ergĂ€nzt: 1) Verschiedene Formen der MobilitĂ€t haben durch das Konzept der TransnationalitĂ€t neue Relevanz gewonnen. 2) Zu urbanen Lebenswelten gehört auch die aktive Aneignung global zirkulierender Bilder und Lebensstile; sie trĂ€gt wesentlich zur kulturellen Dynamik afrikanischer StĂ€dte bei. Beide Aspekte sind ursĂ€chlich fĂŒr die außerordentliche KomplexitĂ€t heutiger urbaner Lebenswelten in Afrika. Daher steht infrage, ob es noch angemessen ist, von der „LokalitĂ€t“ dieser Lebenswelten zu sprechen. Zugleich erklĂ€ren diese Aspekte das Selbstbewusstsein der Angehörigen urbaner Gesellschaften in Afrika. Sie tragen zum expansiven Charakter dieser Gesellschaften bei sowie zu dem Eindruck, stĂ€dtische Gesellschaften in Afrika gehörten zu den innovativsten und kreativsten weltweit

    African American male youth: An urban ethnography of race, space & place

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    Student migration within U.S. urban school districts is now a central feature of policies that promote school choice to access a quality education. Policymakers also support the value of diversity in public schools, even as educational policies and legal decisions that redress racial inequities have receded into the political background. This paper draws from a four-year ethnography (2007-2011) to explore the intersections of race and the geography of school opportunity, and their impact on 15 African American male youth who leave their neighborhoods to participate in a diversity initiative [DI] at an elite public high school in Chicago. The ethnography conveys the visible and often invisible borders of race and place and the impact on youth\u27s perceptual cartographies of the spaces in which their daily lives occur. As the issue of social inclusion gains salience, not only in U.S. cities, but also in cities everywhere, the relevance of these processes and their impact on disadvantaged groups are important to understand. (DIPF/Orig.

    Toward a model of computational attention based on expressive behavior: applications to cultural heritage scenarios

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    Our project goals consisted in the development of attention-based analysis of human expressive behavior and the implementation of real-time algorithm in EyesWeb XMI in order to improve naturalness of human-computer interaction and context-based monitoring of human behavior. To this aim, perceptual-model that mimic human attentional processes was developed for expressivity analysis and modeled by entropy. Museum scenarios were selected as an ecological test-bed to elaborate three experiments that focus on visitor profiling and visitors flow regulation

    Ethnographie und ihre Folgen fĂŒr die Kulturgeographie : eine Kritik des Netzwerkkonzepts in Studien zu translokaler MobilitĂ€t

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    The aim of this article is to show the difference between an interpretative-hermeneutic ethnographic approach deeply embedded in the history of anthropology and ethnographic methods introduced as part of a social science repertoire. Taking the classical "network" as an example, it contrasts the way this concept is generally used in studies on translocal mobility with interpretations of ethnographic research. This not only opens up critical reflections on the role of "networks" when it comes to understanding translocality as a lived experience, but also illustrates what it actually means to follow an interpretative-hermeneutic approach in which ethnographic material is seen to serve as a way to ground, question and refine abstract concepts. The article thus argues that it is through ethnographies and their inherent openness towards the field that a more enriching and creative engagement with theories and methodologies can be achieved than qualitative social science approaches usually allow for
