530 research outputs found

    Mapping the moral boundaries of biological engineering

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    The following essay was written by a sophomore undergraduate student majoring in Bioengineering at the University of Maryland, Mr. Zachary Russ. Mr. Russ was one of 174 students who submitted a 1000–1200 word essay to the 4th Annual Bioethics Contest sponsored by the Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE). A group of professionals in Biological Engineering assessed and ranked the essays in a blinded process. Five semi-finalists were invited to present their essays at a session at the annual meeting of IBE in Santa Clara, CA on March 21, 2009. Five judges scored all the presentation at the annual meeting and selected Mr. Russ's contribution as the overall winner (1st Place)

    The Conception of Life in Synthetic Biology

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    The phrase ‘synthetic biology' is used to describe a set of different scientific and technological disciplines, which share the objective to design and produce new life forms. This essay addresses the following questions: What conception of life stands behind this ambitious objective? In what relation does this conception of life stand to that of traditional biology and biotechnology? And, could such a conception of life raise ethical concerns? Three different observations that provide useful indications for the conception of life in synthetic biology will be discussed in detail: 1. Synthetic biologists focus on different features of living organisms in order to design new life forms, 2. Synthetic biologists want to contribute to the understanding of life, and 3. Synthetic biologists want to modify life through a rational design, which implies the notions of utilising, minimising/optimising, varying and overcoming life. These observations indicate a tight connection between science and technology, a focus on selected aspects of life, a production-oriented approach to life, and a design-oriented understanding of life. It will be argued that through this conception of life synthetic biologists present life in a different light. This conception of life will be illustrated by the metaphor of a toolbox. According to the notion of life as a toolbox, the different features of living organisms are perceived as various rationally designed instruments that can be used for the production of the living organism itself or secondary products made by the organism. According to certain ethical positions this conception of life might raise ethical concerns related to the status of the organism, the motives of the scientists and the role of technology in our societ

    Frankenstein 2.0.: Identifying and characterising synthetic biology engineers in science fiction films

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    Synthetic biology (SB) has emerged as one of the newest and promising areas of bio-technology. Issues typically associated to SB, notably in the media, like the idea of artificial life creation and "real" engineering of life also appear in many popular films. Drawing upon the analysis of 48 films, the article discusses how scientists applying technologies that can be related to SB are represented in these movies. It hereby discusses that traditional clichés of scientists in general tend to be sublated by new stereotypical characterizations. These reflect real trends in bio-technological research such as SB, especially the increased relationship between science and industry. Frankenstein 2.0 looks less like the old, genius yet mad scientist, and follows a more entrepreneurial than academic spirit

    Nothing is alive

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    Finding an adequate definition of "life" has proven to be a tricky affair. In this article, I discuss the idea that nothing is really alive: we only say so. I shall argue that 'being alive' is not a genuine property of things, and that it only reflects the way we think and talk about things. An eliminativist strategy will then allow us to free ourselves from the burden of having to find a definition of life, and will allow us to focus on the genuinely interesting properties of living (and non-living) entities

    Nootropics use in the workplace. Psychiatric and ethical aftermath towards the new frontier of bioengineering

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    OBJECTIVE: The authors have sought to expound upon and shed a light on the rise of nootropics, which have gradually taken on a more and more relevant role in workplaces and academic settings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Multidisciplinary databases have been delved into by entering the following keys: "nootropics", "cognitive enhancement", "workplace", "productivity", "ethics", "bioengineering". In addition, a broad-ranging search has been undertaken on institutional websites in order to identify relevant analysis and recommendations issued by international institutions and agencies. Papers and reports have been independently pored over by each author. This search strategy has led to the identification of 988 sources but only 64 were considered appropriate for the purposes of the paper after being selected by at least 3 of the authors, independently. RESULTS: The notion of an artificially enhanced work performance - carried out by the 'superworker' - is particularly noteworthy and resonates with the conception of contemporary work on so many different levels: the rising need and demands for higher degrees of flexibility and productivity on the job, the implications of a '24/7' society, where more and more services are available at any time, the ever greater emphasis on entrepreneurial spirit, individual self-reliance and self-improvement, and last but not least, the impact of an ageing society on economic standards and performance. CONCLUSIONS: Moreover, it is worth mentioning that human enhancement technologies will predictably and increasingly go hand in hand with gene editing, bioengineering, cybernetics and nanotechnology. Applications are virtually boundless, and may ultimately affect all human traits (physical strength, endurance, vision, intelligence and even personality and mood)

    Engineering News, Fall 2013

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    Knowledge translation in challenging healthcare environments: The PIOPPO experience at the National Centre of Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO Foundation).

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    Knowledge translation is the ability to translate concepts and ideas effectively among different stakeholders, leading to innovation and new knowledge. Translating knowledge is particularly challenging in the healthcare sector, which has been experiencing a shift from a centralized and sequential model of value creation to a more distributed and open model, where various stakeholders (including patients) act as co-creators of the outcome. According to management as well as the medical literature, knowledge translation in healthcare has been mainly seen as the translation of scientific research into clinical practice. However, different types of knowledge translation emerge, such as when multidisciplinary teams need to work together on a joint medical project. In this situation, multiple backgrounds, competencies, skills, and emotional feelings of the different stakeholders are a compelling barrier that prevents the effective transfer and sharing of knowledge. This is why knowledge translation needs a set of enablers to facilitate the transfer, sharing, and creation of new knowledge, innovation, and ideas. This paper investigates such a perspective by analyzing the PIOPPO project from the National Centre of Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO Foundation) in Pavia, Italy. The CNAO is one of the few dual-beam Hadrontherapy centres in the world that provides a beam that is able to irradiate patients with protons or carbon ions to treat radioresistant tumours. The PIOPPO project is an experimental phase 2 trial involving preoperative chemotherapy and carbon ion therapy to treat resectable and borderline-resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The stakeholders involved in the PIOPPO trial have different characteristics, both in terms of competencies and emotions. The PIOPPO multidisciplinary team includes highly skilled professionals from several disciplines, which are not all related to medicine (from oncologists to physicists, from biologists to surgeons). Pancreatic cancer patients are also involved while experiencing a challenging personal time. The paper analyses the knowledge translation flows, instruments, and issues among such different stakeholders

    UD researcher leads study using nanotechnology to restore damaged stem cells

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    A University of Dayton biomedical engineer is the lead author of a study detailing a new strategy to restore damaged umbilical cord stem cells
