3,479 research outputs found

    Nonlinear and adaptive control

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    The primary thrust of the research was to conduct fundamental research in the theories and methodologies for designing complex high-performance multivariable feedback control systems; and to conduct feasibiltiy studies in application areas of interest to NASA sponsors that point out advantages and shortcomings of available control system design methodologies

    Active actuator fault-tolerant control of a wind turbine benchmark model

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    This paper describes the design of an active fault-tolerant control scheme that is applied to the actuator of a wind turbine benchmark. The methodology is based on adaptive filters obtained via the nonlinear geometric approach, which allows to obtain interesting decoupling property with respect to uncertainty affecting the wind turbine system. The controller accommodation scheme exploits the on-line estimate of the actuator fault signal generated by the adaptive filters. The nonlinearity of the wind turbine model is described by the mapping to the power conversion ratio from tip-speed ratio and blade pitch angles. This mapping represents the aerodynamic uncertainty, and usually is not known in analytical form, but in general represented by approximated two-dimensional maps (i.e. look-up tables). Therefore, this paper suggests a scheme to estimate this power conversion ratio in an analytical form by means of a two-dimensional polynomial, which is subsequently used for designing the active fault-tolerant control scheme. The wind turbine power generating unit of a grid is considered as a benchmark to show the design procedure, including the aspects of the nonlinear disturbance decoupling method, as well as the viability of the proposed approach. Extensive simulations of the benchmark process are practical tools for assessing experimentally the features of the developed actuator fault-tolerant control scheme, in the presence of modelling and measurement errors. Comparisons with different fault-tolerant schemes serve to highlight the advantages and drawbacks of the proposed methodology

    Extending the Kalman filter for structured identification of linear and nonlinear systems

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    This paper considers a novel approach to system identification which allows accurate models to be created for both linear and nonlinear multi-input / output systems. In addition to conventional system identification applications the method can also be used as a black-box tool for model order reduction. A nonlinear Kalman filter is extended to include slow-varying parameter states in a canonical model structure. Interestingly, in spite of all model parameters being unknown at the start, the filter is able to evolve parameter estimates to achieve 100% accuracy in noise-free test cases, and is also proven to be robust to noise in the measurements. The canonical structure ensures a well-conditioned model which simultaneously provides valuable dynamic information to the engineer. After extensive testing of a linear example, the model structure is extended to a generalised nonlinear form, which is shown to accurately identify the handling response of a full vehicle model

    A new SSI algorithm for LPTV systems: Application to a hinged-bladed helicopter

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    Many systems such as turbo-generators, wind turbines and helicopters show intrinsic time-periodic behaviors. Usually, these structures are considered to be faithfully modeled as linear time-invariant (LTI). In some cases where the rotor is anisotropic, this modeling does not hold and the equations of motion lead necessarily to a linear periodically time- varying (referred to as LPTV in the control and digital signal field or LTP in the mechanical and nonlinear dynamics world) model. Classical modal analysis methodologies based on the classical time-invariant eigenstructure (frequencies and damping ratios) of the system no more apply. This is the case in particular for subspace methods. For such time-periodic systems, the modal analysis can be described by characteristic exponents called Floquet multipliers. The aim of this paper is to suggest a new subspace-based algorithm that is able to extract these multipliers and the corresponding frequencies and damping ratios. The algorithm is then tested on a numerical model of a hinged-bladed helicopter on the ground

    Dual estimation: Constructing building energy models from data sampled at low rate

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    AbstractEstimation of energy models from data is an important part of advanced fault detection and diagnosis tools for smart energy purposes. Estimated energy models can be used for a large variety of management and control tasks, spanning from model predictive building control to estimation of energy consumption and user behavior. In practical implementation, problems to be considered are the fact that some measurements of relevance are missing and must be estimated, and the fact that other measurements, collected at low sampling rate to save memory, make discretization of physics-based models critical. These problems make classical estimation tools inadequate and call for appropriate dual estimation schemes where states and parameters of a system are estimated simultaneously. In this work we develop dual estimation schemes based on Extended Kalman Filtering (EKF) and Unscented Kalman Filtering (UKF) for constructing building energy models from data: in order to cope with the low sampling rate of data (with sampling time 15min), an implicit discretization (Euler backward method) is adopted to discretize the continuous-time heat transfer dynamics. It is shown that explicit discretization methods like the Euler forward method, combined with 15min sampling time, are ineffective for building reliable energy models (the discrete-time dynamics do not match the continuous-time ones): even explicit methods of higher order like the Runge–Kutta method fail to provide a good approximation of the continuous-time dynamics which such large sampling time. Either smaller time steps or alternative discretization methods are required. We verify that the implicit Euler backward method provides good approximation of the continuous-time dynamics and can be easily implemented for our dual estimation purposes. The applicability of the proposed method in terms of estimation of both states and parameters is demonstrated via simulations and using historical data from a real-life building

    Reduced order modelling through system identification using stochastic filtering

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    This thesis presents a novel approach to model order reduction, through system identification and using stochastic filtering. Order reduction is a particularly relevant application in the automotive context, as the generation of simplified simulation models for the whole vehicle and its subsystems is an increasingly important aspect of vehicle design. First, grey-box parameter identification of vehicle handling dynamics is explored, including identification of a combined-slip tyre model. This introductory study serves as an intermediate step to review three alternative stochastic filters: identifying forms of the unscented Kalman filter, extended Kalman filter and particle filter are here compared for effectiveness, complexity and computational efficiency. Despite being initially merely considered as a stepping stone towards black-box identification, this phase of the PhD generated its own and independent outcomes and might be viewed as a spin-off of the main research topic. All three filters appear suited to system identification and could operate in on-line model predictive controllers or estimators, with varying levels of practicability at different sampling rates. Work on black-box system identification then starts through a non-linear Kalman filter, extended to identify all the parameters of a canonical linear state-space structure. In spite of all model parameters being unknown at the start, the filter is able to evolve parameter estimates to achieve 100%\% accuracy in noise-free test cases, and is also proven to be robust to noise in the measurements. The canonical form ensures that a minimal number of parameters need to be identified and produces additional information in terms of eigenvalues and dominant modes. After extensive testing in the linear domain, state-space is extended into a non-linear framework, with each parameter becoming a non-linear function of system inputs or states. Parameter variation is first constrained by cubic spline polynomials, to provide continuity and maintain relatively small extended state-parameter vectors. This early approach is later simplified, with each element of state-space generated through unconstrained, generic non-linear functions and defined through a number of equally spaced, fixed nodes. Conditioning and convergence are maintained through the definition of additional system outputs, based on specific functions of the non-linear node ordinates. Unlike other methods published in the literature, this new approach does not focus on a specific non-linear structure, but consists in the prescription of a generic and yet simple non-linear state-space model structure, that allows various non-linearities to be identified and approximated solely based on inputs and outputs. The method is illustrated in practice through simple non-linear examples and test cases, which include the identification of a full vehicle model, a highly non-linear brake model and CFD data. These applications show that it is possible to easily expand the order of the system and the complexity of the non-linearities, to achieve higher accuracy while ensuring good parameter conditioning. The approach is completely black-box and requires no physical understanding of the process for successful identification, making it an ideally suited mechanism for order reduction of high order simulation models. In addition to high order simulation data, the developed approach can be used as a tool for conventional system identification and applied to experimental test data as well.</div

    An instrumental variable method for robot identification based on time variable parameter estimation

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    This paper considers the data-based identification of industrial robots using an instrumental variable method that uses off-line estimation of the joint velocities and acceleration signals based only on the measurement of the joint positions. The usual approach to this problem relies on a ‘tailor-made’ prefiltering procedure for estimating the derivatives that depends on good prior knowledge of the system’s bandwidth. The paper describes an alternative Integrated Random Walk SMoothing (IRWSM) method that is more robust to deficiencies in such a priori knowledge and exploits an optimal recursive algorithm based on a simple integrated random walk model and a Kalman filter with associated fixed interval smoothing. The resultant IDIM-IV instrumental variable method, using this approach to signal generation, is evaluated by its application to an industrial robot arm and comparison with previously proposed methods