9 research outputs found

    Self-Contained Pedestrian Tracking During Normal Walking Using an Inertial/Magnetic Sensor Module

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    This paper proposes a novel self-contained pedestrian tracking method using a foot-mounted inertial and magnetic sensor module, which not only uses the traditional zero velocity updates, but also applies the stride information to further correct the acceleration double integration drifts and thus improves the tracking accuracy. In our method, a velocity control variable is designed in the process model, which is set to the average velocity derived from stride information in the swing (nonzero velocity) phases or zero in the stance (zero-velocity) phases. Stride-based position information is also derived as the pseudomeasurements to further improve the accuracy of the position estimates. An adaptive Kalman filter is then designed to fuse all the sensor information and pseudomeasurements. The proposed pedestrian tracking method has been extensively evaluated using experiments, including both short distance walking with different patterns and long distance walking performed indoors and outdoors, and have been shown to perform effectively for pedestrian tracking

    Applications of MEMS Gyroscope for Human Gait Analysis

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    After decades of development, quantitative instruments for human gait analysis have become an important tool for revealing underlying pathologies manifested by gait abnormalities. However, the gold standard instruments (e.g., optical motion capture systems) are commonly expensive and complex while needing expert operation and maintenance and thereby be limited to a small number of specialized gait laboratories. Therefore, in current clinical settings, gait analysis still mainly relies on visual observation and assessment. Due to recent developments in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, the cost and size of gyroscopes are decreasing, while the accuracy is being improved, which provides an effective way for qualifying gait features. This chapter aims to give a close examination of human gait patterns (normal and abnormal) using gyroscope-based wearable technology. Both healthy subjects and hemiparesis patients participated in the experiment, and experimental results show that foot-mounted gyroscopes could assess gait abnormalities in both temporal and spatial domains. Gait analysis systems constructed of wearable gyroscopes can be more easily used in both clinical and home environments than their gold standard counterparts, which have few requirements for operation, maintenance, and working environment, thereby suggesting a promising future for gait analysis

    Alignment parameter calibration for IMU using the Taguchi method for image deblurring

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    Inertial measurement units (IMUs) utilized in smartphones can be used to detect camera motion during exposure, in order to improve image quality degraded with blur through long hand-held exposure. Based on the captured camera motion, blur in images can be removed when an appropriate deblurring filter is used. However, two research issues have not been addressed: (a) the calibration of alignment parameters for the IMU has not been addressed. When inappropriate alignment parameters are used for the IMU, the camera motion would not be captured accurately and the deblurring effectiveness can be downgraded. (b) Also selection of an appropriate deblurring filter correlated with the image quality has still not been addressed. Without the use of an appropriate deblurring filter, the image quality could not be optimal. This paper proposes a systematic method, namely the Taguchi method, which is a robust and systematic approach for designing reliable and high-precision devices, in order to perform the alignment parameter calibration for the IMU and filter selection. The Taguchi method conducts a small number of systematic experiments based on orthogonal arrays. It studies the impact of the alignment parameters and appropriate deblurring filter, which attempts to perform an effective deblurring. Several widely adopted image quality metrics are used to evaluate the deblurred images generated by the proposed Taguchi method. Experimental results show that the quality of deblurred images achieved by the proposed Taguchi method is better than those obtained by deblurring methods which are not involved with the alignment parameter calibration and filter selection. Also, much less computational effort is required by the Taguchi method when comparing with the commonly used optimization methods for determining alignment parameters and deblurring filter

    3D Passive-Vision-Aided Pedestrian Dead Reckoning for Indoor Positioning

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    The vision-aided Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) systems have become increasingly popular, thanks to the ubiquitous mobile phone embedded with several sensors. This is particularly important for indoor use, where other indoor positioning technologies require additional installation or body-attachment of specific sensors. This paper proposes and develops a novel 3D Passive Vision-aided PDR system that uses multiple surveillance cameras and smartphone-based PDR. The proposed system can continuously track users’ movement on different floors by integrating results of inertial navigation and Faster R-CNN-based real-time pedestrian detection, while utilizing existing camera locations and embedded barometers to provide floor/height information to identify user positions in 3D space. This novel system provides a relatively low-cost and user-friendly solution, which requires no modifications to currently available mobile devices and also the existing indoor infrastructures available at many public buildings for the purpose of 3D indoor positioning. This paper shows the case of testing the prototype in a four-floor building, where it can provide the horizontal accuracy of 0.16m and the vertical accuracy of 0.5m. This level of accuracy is even better than required accuracy targeted by several emergency services, including the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This system is developed for both Android and iOS-running devices

    Estimation of Human Foot Motion During Normal Walking Using Inertial and Magnetic Sensor Measurements

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    The article of record as published may be found at https://doi.org/10.1109/TIM.2011.2179830A foot motion filtering algorithm is presented for es- timating foot kinematics relative to an earth-fixed reference frame during normal walking motion. Algorithm input data are obtained from a foot-mounted inertial/magnetic measurement unit. The sensor unit contains a three-axis accelerometer, a three-axis angular rate sensor, and a three-axis magnetometer. The algorithm outputs are the foot kinematic parameters, which include foot orientation, position, velocity, acceleration, and gait phase. The foot motion filtering algorithm incorporates novel methods for orientation estimation, gait detection, and position estimation. Accurate foot orientation estimates are obtained during both static and dynamic motion using an adaptive-gain complementary filter. Reliable gait detection is accomplished using a simple finite state machine that transitions between states based on angular rate measurements. Accurate position estimates are obtained by inte- grating acceleration data, which has been corrected for drift using zero velocity updates. Algorithm performance is examined using both simulations and real-world experiments. The simulations include a simple but effective model of the human gait cycle. The simulation and experimental results indicate that a position estimation error of less than 1% of the total distance traveled is achievable using commonly available commercial sensor modules

    Indoor positioning system for wireless sensor networks

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    Tese de Doutoramento - Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrónica e ComputadoresPositioning technologies are ubiquitous nowadays. From the implementation of the global positioning system (GPS) until now, its evolution, acceptance and spread has been unanimous, due to the underlying advantages the system brings. Currently, these systems are present in many different scenarios, from the home to the movie theatre, at work, during a walk in the park. Many applications provide useful information, based on the current position of the user, in order to provide results of interest. Positioning systems can be implemented in a wide range of contexts: in hospitals to locate equipment and guide patients to the necessary resources, or in public spaces like museums, to guide tourists during visits. They can also be used in a gymnasium to point the user to his next workout machine and, simultaneously, gather information regarding his fitness plan. In a congress or conference, the positioning system can be used to provide information to its participants about the on-going presentations. Devices can also be monitored to prevent thefts. Privacy and security issues are also important in positioning systems. A user might not want to be localized or its location to be known, permanently or during a time interval, in different locations. This information is therefore sensitive to the user and influences directly the acceptance of the system itself. Concerning outdoor systems, GPS is in fact the system of reference. However, this system cannot be used in indoor environment, due to the high attenuation of the satellite signals from non-line-of-sight conditions. Another issue related to GPS is the power consumption. The integration of these devices with wireless sensor networks becomes prohibitive, due to the low power consumption profile associated with devices in this type of networks. As such, this work proposes an indoor positioning system for wireless sensor networks, having in consideration the low energy consumption and low computational capacity profile. The proposed indoor positioning system is composed of two modules: the received signal strength positioning module and the stride and heading positioning module. For the first module, an experimental performance comparison between several received signal strength based algorithms was conducted in order to assess its performance in a predefined indoor environment. Modifications to the algorithm with higher performance were implemented and evaluated, by introducing a model of the effect of the human body in the received signal strength. In the case of the second module, a stride and heading system was proposed, which comprises two subsystems: the stride detection and stride length estimation system to detect strides and infer the travelled distance, and an attitude and heading reference system to provide the full three-dimensional orientation stride-by-stride. The stride detection enabled the identification of the gait cycle and detected strides with an error percentage between 0% and 0.9%. For the stride length estimation two methods were proposed, a simplified method, and an improved method with higher computational requirements than the former. The simplified method estimated the total distance with an error between 6.7% and 7.7% of total travelled distance. The improved method achieved an error between 1.2% and 3.7%. Both the stride detection and the improved stride length estimation methods were compared to other methods in the literature with favourable results. For the second subsystem, this work proposed a quaternion-based complementary filter. A generic formulation allows a simple parameterization of the filter, according to the amount of external influences (accelerations and magnetic interferences) that are expected, depending on the location that the device is to be attached on the human body. The generic formulation enables the inclusion/exclusion of components, thus allowing design choices according to the needs of applications in wireless sensor networks. The proposed method was compared to two other existing solutions in terms of robustness to interferences and execution time, also presenting a favourable outcome.Os sistemas de posicionamento fazem parte do quotidiano. Desde a implementação do sistema GPS (Global Positioning System) até aos dias que correm, a evolução, aceitação e disseminação destes sistemas foi unânime, derivada das vantagens subjacentes da sua utilização. Hoje em dia, eles estão presentes nos mais variados cenários, desde o lar até́ à sala de cinema, no trabalho, num passeio ao ar livre. São várias as aplicações que nos fornecem informação útil, usando como base a descrição da posição atual, de modo a produzir resultados de maior interesse para os utilizadores. Os sistemas de posicionamento podem ser implementados nos mais variados contextos, como por exemplo: nos hospitais, para localizar equipamento e guiar os pacientes aos recursos necessários, ou nas grandes superfícies públicas, como por exemplo museus, para guiar os turistas durante as visitas. Podem ser igualmente utilizados num ginásio para indicar ao utilizador qual a máquina para onde se deve dirigir durante o seu treino e, simultaneamente, obter informação acerca desta mesma máquina. Num congresso ou conferência, o sistema de localização pode ser utilizado para fornecer informação aos seus participantes sobre as apresentações que estão a decorrer no momento. Os dispositivos também podem ser monitorizados para prevenir roubos. Existem também questões de privacidade e segurança associados aos sistemas de posicionamento. Um utilizador poderá não desejar ser localizado ou que a sua localização seja conhecida, permanentemente ou num determinado intervalo de tempo, num ou em vários locais. Esta informação é por isso sensível ao utilizador e influencia diretamente a aceitação do próprio sistema. No que diz respeito aos sistemas utilizados no exterior, o GPS (ou posicionamento por satélite) é de facto o sistema mais utilizado. No entanto, em ambiente interior este sistema não pode ser usado, por causa da grande atenuação dos sinais provenientes dos satélites devido à falta de linha de vista. Um outro problema associado ao recetor GPS está relacionado com as suas características elétricas, nomeadamente os consumos energéticos. A integração destes dispositivos nas redes de sensores sem fios torna-se proibitiva, devido ao perfil de baixo consumo associado a estas redes. Este trabalho propõe um sistema de posicionamento para redes de sensores sem fio em ambiente interior, tendo em conta o perfil de baixo consumo de potência e baixa capacidade de processamento. O sistema proposto é constituído por dois módulos: o modulo de posicionamento por potência de sinal recebido e o módulo de navegação inercial pedestre. Para o primeiro módulo foi feita uma comparação experimental entre vários algoritmos que utilizam a potência do sinal recebido, de modo a avaliar a sua utilização num ambiente interior pré-definido. Ao algoritmo com melhor prestação foram implementadas e testadas modificações, utilizando um modelo do efeito do corpo na potência do sinal recebido. Para o segundo módulo foi proposto um sistema de navegação inercial pedestre. Este sistema é composto por dois subsistemas: o subsistema de deteção de passos e estimação de distância percorrida; e o subsistema de orientação que fornece a direção do movimento do utilizador, passo a passo. O sistema de deteção de passos proposto permite a identificação das fases da marcha, detetando passos com um erro entre 0% e 0.9%. Para o sistema de estimação da distância foram propostos dois métodos: um método simplificado de baixa complexidade e um método melhorado, mas com maiores requisitos computacionais quando comparado com o primeiro. O método simplificado estima a distância total com erros entre 6.7% e 7.7% da distância percorrida. O método melhorado por sua vez alcança erros entre 1.2% e 3.7%. Ambos os sistemas foram comparados com outros sistemas da literatura apresentando resultados favoráveis. Para o sistema de orientação, este trabalho propõe um filtro complementar baseado em quaterniões. É utilizada uma formulação genérica que permite uma parametrização simples do filtro, de acordo com as influências externas (acelerações e interferências magnéticas) que são expectáveis, dependendo da localização onde se pretende colocar o dispositivo no corpo humano. O algoritmo desenvolvido permite a inclusão/exclusão de componentes, permitindo por isso liberdade de escolha para melhor satisfazer as necessidades das aplicações em redes de sensores sem fios. O método proposto foi comparado com outras soluções em termos de robustez a interferências e tempo de execução, apresentando também resultados positivos

    Step-wise smoothing para ZUPT-aided INSs

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    Debido a la naturaleza recursiva de la mayoría de los sistemas de navegación inercial (Inertial navigation systems, INSs) foot-mounted zero-velocity-updated-aided (ZUPT-aided), la covarianza del error va incrementando a lo largo de cada paso y "colapsa" al final de éste, donde se hace la corrección debido a la ZUPT. Esto da lugar a bruscas correcciones y discontinuidades en la trayectoria estimada. Para aplicaciones con estrictas exigencias de tiempo real este comportamiento es inevitable, ya que cada estimación corresponde a la mejor estimación usando toda la informacion hasta ese instante de tiempo. Sin embargo, para muchas aplicaciones un cierto grado de retardo (no causalidad) puede ser tolerado y la información proporcionada por las ZUPTs al final del paso, que causa las correcciones abruptas, puede hacerse disponible a lo largo de todo el paso. En consecuencia la implementación de un filtro de alisado (smoothing) para un ZUPT-aided INS es considerada en esta tesis para eliminar las correcciones bruscas y la covarianza no simétrica a lo largo de los pasos. Que sepamos, no se ha presentado tratamiento formal de smoothing para sistemas ZUPT-aided INS, pese a que existe una gran variedad de literatura acerca del tema general de smoothing. Debido al habitual filtro complementario de lazo cerrado empleado en aided INSs, las distintas técnicas de smoothing estándar no se pueden aplicar directamente. Además las medidas (las ZUPTs) están espaciadas irregularmente y aparecen en grupos. Por tanto, se requiere de algún tipo de regla de smoothing de retardo variable. En este proyecto se sugiere un método basado en una mezcla de filtro complementario de lazo abierto-cerrado combinado con un smoothing Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS). Se analizan distintos tipos de reglas de smoothing de retardo variable. Para aplicaciones próximas a tiempo real, el smoothing se aplica a los datos paso a paso. Los intervalos (pasos) para el smoothing se determinan en base a disponibilidad de las medidas y a umbrales de tiempo y covarianza. Por otro lado, para un procesado completo off-line, se analizan sets completos de datos. Finalmente, se cuantifican las consecuencias del smoothing y del filtro en bucle abierto-cerrado basándose en datos reales. El impacto del smoothing se ilustra y analiza a lo largo de los pasos

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