145 research outputs found

    Time-dependent photovoltaic performance assessment on a global scale using artificial neural networks

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    The integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs), particularly solar PhotoVoltaics (PVs) has become an imperative aspect of sustainable energy systems. In this pursuit, accurate and efficient simulation tools play a pivotal role in optimizing the performance of PV systems. Traditional simulation approaches, while effective, are often characterized by computational complexities and time-intensive processes. This paper introduces a groundbreaking paradigm in solar energy modeling by harnessing the power of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to revolutionize the accuracy and reliability of PV system simulations. In this work, an hourly, daily, monthly and yearly comparison of the electrical energy obtained with the 5-parameter model and those obtained with the ANNs was developed. For this purpose, a very wide ensemble of localities around the world and types of PV systems were considered in the training and validation phase. ANNs exhibited a maximum mean absolute relative error of 3.5% during training and consistently maintained hourly relative errors below 5% across diverse localities during validation. Hourly power forecasting remains acceptable also in localities with extreme weather conditions. Monthly errors peak at high negative and positive latitudes in summer months when daylight duration exceeds nighttime. However, in the least accurate locality, yearly energy forecasting yielded a maximum error of 8%. Empirical equations based on the trained ANNs are proposed and a relative input-output importance criterion was applied to detect the impact of air temperature and solar radiation on the performance of each PV module. The proposed ANNs demonstrate significant utility in decision-making and real-time processes, providing a valuable framework for managing energy flows within a network and predicting energy production during specific time intervals. This alternative approach surpasses conventional dynamic simulation methodologies found in existing literature in terms of computational cost with comparable accuracy

    Neural network for prediction solar radiation in Relizane region (Algeria) - Analysis study

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    The global solar radiation prediction is the most necessary part of the project and performance of solar energy applications. The objective of the present work is to predict global solar radiation (GSR) received on the horizontal surface using an artificial neural network (ANN). For the city (Relizane) in the west region of Algeria. The inputs used in the neural network are: time (h), day, month, year, temperature (k), relative humidity (%), pressure (mbar), wind speed (m/s), wind direction (°), and rainfall (kg/m2). The neural network-optimal model was trained and tested using 80 %, and 20 % of whole data, respectively. The best results were obtained with the structure 10-25-1 (10 inputs, 25 hidden, and 1 output neurons) presented an excellent agreement between the calculated and the experimental data during the test stage with a correlation coefficient of R = 0.9879, root means squared error of RMSE = 47.7192 (Wh/m2), mean absolute error MAE = 27.7397 (Wh/m2), and mean squared error MSE = 2.2771e+03(Wh/m2), considering a three-layer Feedforward neural network with Regularization Bayesienne (trainbr)  training algorithm, a hyperbolic tangent sigmoid and linear transfer function at the hidden and the output layer, respectively. The results demonstrate proper ANN’s predictions with a root mean square error (RMSE) of less than 0.50 (Wh/m2) and coefficient of correlation (R) higher than 0.98, which can be considered very acceptable. This model can be used for designing solar energy systems in the hottest regions

    A Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous (NARX) Neural Network Model for the Prediction of the Daily Direct Solar Radiation

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    The solar photovoltaic (PV) energy has an important place among the renewable energy sources. Therefore, several researchers have been interested by its modelling and its prediction, in order to improve the management of the electrical systems which include PV arrays. Among the existing techniques, artificial neural networks have proved their performance in the prediction of the solar radiation. However, the existing neural network models don't satisfy the requirements of certain specific situations such as the one analyzed in this paper. The aim of this research work is to supply, with electricity, a race sailboat using exclusively renewable sources. The developed solution predicts the direct solar radiation on a horizontal surface. For that, a Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous (NARX) neural network is used. All the specific conditions of the sailboat operation are taken into account. The results show that the best prediction performance is obtained when the training phase of the neural network is performed periodically

    Economy of grid-connected photovoltaic systems and comparison of irradiance/electric power predictions vs. experimental results

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    This thesis is focused on various aspects concerning the Distributed Generation (DG) from Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and in particular from PhotoVoltaics (PV). The PV generation strongly depends on weather conditions (irradiance and temperature), therefore the solar irradiance forecast is very important for grid-connected PV systems. The PV power injected into the grid is concentrated during sunlight hours, in which the maximum peak load demand occurs and, as a consequence, an impact on the electrical system occurs. The task of the Transmission System Operator (TSO) is to ensure a constant balance between supply and consumption within the grid. Therefore, the presence of strong fluctuations of the solar radiation requires additional regulatory actions and compensation, through the use of short-term power backup, causing an increase in network costs. Thus, the solar irradiance forecast is necessary for an accurate evaluation of the PV power from PV systems, for the management of electrical grids in order to minimize the costs of energy imbalance and for the decisions concerning the energy market. This thesis essentially consists of two parts. In the first part, the profitability of investments in the rooftop grid-connected PV systems subjected to incentive and the grid-parity analysis in the two main European PV markets (Italy and Germany) are presented. In the second part, in order to minimize the costs of energy imbalance in the Italian electricity market, the comparison of irradiance and electric power predictions with respect to the experimental results of grid-connected PV systems is presented

    Development of AI-Based Tools for Power Generation Prediction

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    This study presents a model for predicting photovoltaic power generation based on meteorological, temporal and geographical variables, without using irradiance values, which have traditionally posed challenges and difficulties for accurate predictions. Validation methods and evaluation metrics are used to analyse four different approaches that vary in the distribution of the training and test database, and whether or not location-independent modelling is performed. The coefficient of determination,R2, is used to measure the proportion of variation in photovoltaic power generation that can be explained by the model’s variables, while gCO2eq represents the amount of CO2 emissions equivalent to each unit of power generation. Both are used to compare model performance and environmental impact. The results show significant differences between the locations, with substantial improvements in some cases, while in others improvements are limited. The importance of customising the predictive model for each specific location is emphasised. Furthermore, it is concluded that environmental impact studies in model production are an additional step towards the creation of more sustainable and efficient models. Likewise, this research considers both the accuracy of solar energy predictions and the environmental impact of the computational resources used in the process, thereby promoting the responsible and sustainable progress of data science.This research is supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund in the scope of the project ”Exploration the application of statistics and machine learning in electronics” under contract number κπ-06-H42/1

    Prediction of direct normal irradiation using a new empirical sunshine duration-based model

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    In this work, we are interested in presenting a new approach allowing us to express the Direct Normal solar Irradiation (DNI) according to the sunshine duration essentially. This choice is justified by the fact that in addition to the sunshine, duration has a strong correlation with solar irradiation, it is measured in many radiometric stations. Some clear sky models with modifications developed exclusively here are made valid for all types of sky. The proposed model is compared with one of the intelligent models such as the Support Vector Regression (SVR) for daily data from GhardaĂŻa

    Global solar irradiation prediction using a multi-gene genetic programming approach

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AIP Publishing via the DOI in this record.In this paper, a nonlinear symbolic regression technique using an evolutionary algorithm known as multi-gene genetic programming (MGGP) is applied for a data-driven modelling between the dependent and the independent variables. The technique is applied for modelling the measured global solar irradiation and validated through numerical simulations. The proposed modelling technique shows improved results over the fuzzy logic and artificial neural network (ANN) based approaches as attempted by contemporary researchers. The method proposed here results in nonlinear analytical expressions, unlike those with neural networks which is essentially a black box modelling approach. This additional flexibility is an advantage from the modelling perspective and helps to discern the important variables which affect the prediction. Due to the evolutionary nature of the algorithm, it is able to get out of local minima and converge to a global optimum unlike the back-propagation (BP) algorithm used for training neural networks. This results in a better percentage fit than the ones obtained using neural networks by contemporary researchers. Also a hold-out cross validation is done on the obtained genetic programming (GP) results which show that the results generalize well to new data and do not over-fit the training samples. The multi-gene GP results are compared with those, obtained using its single-gene version and also the same with four classical regression models in order to show the effectiveness of the adopted approach

    Implementation of Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using Markov Switching Model and Energy Management System

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    Photovoltaic (PV) systems integration is increasingly being used to reduce fuel consumption in diesel-based remote microgrids. However, uncertainty and low correlation of PV power availability with load reduce the benefits of PV integration. These challenges can be handled by introducing reserve, which however leads to increased operational cost. Solar irradiance forecasting helps to reduce reserve requirement, thereby improving the utilization of PV energy. In this thesis, a new solar irradiance forecasting method for remote microgrids based on the Markov Switching Model (MSM) is presented. This method uses locally available data to predict one-day-ahead solar irradiance for scheduling energy resources in remote microgrids. The model considers the past solar irradiance data, the Clear Sky Irradiance (CSI), and the Fourier basis functions to create linear models for three regimes or states: high, medium, and low energy regimes for a day corresponding to sunny, mildly cloudy, and extremely cloudy days, respectively. The case study for Brookings, SD, discussed in this thesis, resulted in an average Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 31.8% for five years, 2001 to 2005, with higher errors during summer months than during winter months. The solar irradiance forecasting method was implemented in OPAL-RT real-time digital simulator using PV panels as sensors. For forecasting irradiance, the first four hours of irradiance data in the morning are required. These data were measured using the solar panels rather than pyranometers as the sensors . A case study for real-time irradiance forecasting in Brookings on June 9, 2015 showed RMSE and MAPE of 131.08W=m2 and 45.45%, respectively. The improvement of renewable integration is the future and present prospects for power utilization. Microgrids experience several constraints such as integration of intermittent renewable sources, costlier reliability improvements, restricted expansion of the microgrid system, growth in load, etc. Hence, more research in this field of study is required and a complete laboratory scale microgrid testbed is needed for experimenting different types of microgrid topologies and for studying the coordination of individual components with a well-defined energy management scheme. In this thesis, the development of a laboratory scale single-phase microgrid testbed along with the implementation of microgrid’s Energy Management System (EMS) are discussed. The testbed was developed using central controller and Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) equipment. The EMS comprised of double layers: schedule layer and real-time dispatch layer. A case study conducted for the implementation of the EMS showed that the difference in the scheduled and the dispatched powers were handled by the generator and the energy storage system themselves
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