885 research outputs found


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    Recruitment process is a procedure of selecting an ideal candidate amongst different applicants who suit the qualifications required by the given institution in the best way. Due to the multi criteria nature of the recruitment process, it involves contradictory, numerous and incommensurable criteria that are based on quantitative and qualitative measurements. Quantitative criteria evaluation are not always dependent on the judgement of the expert, they are expressed in either monetary terms or engineering measurements, meanwhile qualitative criteria evaluation depend on the subjective judgement of the decision maker, human evaluation which is often characterized with subjectivity and uncertainties in decision making. Given the uncertain, ambiguous, and vague nature of recruitment process there is need for an applicable methodology that could resolve various inherent uncertainties of human evaluation during the decision making process. This work thus proposes an interval type 2 fuzzy evidential reasoning approach to recruitment process. The approach is in three phases; in the first phase in order to capture word uncertainty an interval type 2(IT2) fuzzy set Hao and Mendel Approach (HMA) is proposed to model the qualification requirement for recruitment process. This approach will cater for both intra and inter uncertainty in decision makers’judgments and demonstrates agreements by all subjects (decision makers) for the regular overlap of subject data intervals and the manner in which data intervals are collectively classified into their respective footprint of uncertainty. In the second phase the Intervaltype 2 fuzzy Analytical hierarchical process was employed as the weighting model to determine the weight of each criterion gotten from the decision makers. In the third phase the interval type 2 fuzzy was hybridized with the ranking evidential reasoning algorithm to evaluate each applicant to determine their final score in order to choose the most ideal candidate for recruitment.The implementation tool for phase two and three is Java programming language. Application of this proposed approach in recruitment process will resolve both intra and inter uncertainty in decision maker’s judgement and give room for consistent ranking even in place of incomplete requirement

    A Review and Classification of Approaches for Dealing with Uncertainty in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Healthcare Decisions

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    Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is increasingly used to support decisions in healthcare involving multiple and conflicting criteria. Although uncertainty is usually carefully addressed in health economic evaluations, whether and how the different sources of uncertainty are dealt with and with what methods in MCDA is less known. The objective of this study is to review how uncertainty can be explicitly taken into account in MCDA and to discuss which approach may be appropriate for healthcare decision makers. A literature review was conducted in the Scopus and PubMed databases. Two reviewers independently categorized studies according to research areas, the type of MCDA used, and the approach used to quantify uncertainty. Selected full text articles were read for methodological details. The search strategy identified 569 studies. The five approaches most identified were fuzzy set theory (45 % of studies), probabilistic sensitivity analysis (15 %), deterministic sensitivity analysis (31 %), Bayesian framework (6 %), and grey theory (3 %). A large number of papers considered the analytic hierarchy process in combination with fuzzy set theory (31 %). Only 3 % of studies were published in healthcare-related journals. In conclusion, our review identified five different approaches to take uncertainty into account in MCDA. The deterministic approach is most likely sufficient for most healthcare policy decisions because of its low complexity and straightforward implementation. However, more complex approaches may be needed when multiple sources of uncertainty must be considered simultaneousl

    Condition Assessment Models for Sewer Pipelines

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    Underground pipeline system is a complex infrastructure system that has significant impact on social, environmental and economic aspects. Sewer pipeline networks are considered to be an extremely expensive asset. This study aims to develop condition assessment models for sewer pipeline networks. Seventeen factors affecting the condition of sewer network were considered for gravity pipelines in addition to the operating pressure for pressurized pipelines. Two different methodologies were adopted for models’ development. The first method by using an integrated Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP) and Monte-Carlo simulation and the second method by using FANP, fuzzy set theory (FST) and Evidential Reasoning (ER). The models’ output is the assessed pipeline condition. In order to collect the necessary data for developing the models, questionnaires were distributed among experts in sewer pipelines in the state of Qatar. In addition, actual data for an existing sewage network in the state of Qatar was used to validate the models’ outputs. The “Ground Disturbance” factor was found to be the most influential factor followed by the “Location” factor with a weight of 10.6% and 9.3% for pipelines under gravity and 8.8% and 8.6% for pipelines under pressure, respectively. On the other hand, the least affecting factor was the “Length” followed by “Diameter” with weights of 2.2% and 2.5% for pipelines under gravity and 2.5% and 2.6% for pipelines under pressure. The developed models were able to satisfactorily assess the conditions of deteriorating sewer pipelines with an average validity of approximately 85% for the first approach and 86% for the second approach. The developed models are expected to be a useful tool for decision makers to properly plan for their inspections and provide effective rehabilitation of sewer networks.1)- NPRP grant # (NPRP6-357-2-150) from the QatarNational Research Fund (Member of Qatar Foundation) 2)-Tarek Zayed, Professor of Civil Engineeringat Concordia University for his support in the analysis part, the Public Works 3)-Authority of Qatar (ASHGAL) for their support in the data collection

    Can we verify and intrinsically validate risk assessment results? What progress is being made to increase QRA trustworthiness?

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    PresentationThe purpose of a risk assessment is to make a decision whether the risk of a given situation is acceptable, and, if not, how we can reduce it to a tolerable level. For many cases, this can be done in a semi-quantitative fashion. For more complex or problematic cases a quantitative approach is required. Anybody who has been involved in such a study is aware of the difficulties and pitfalls. Despite proven software many choices of parameters must be made and many uncertainties remain. The thoroughness of the study can make quite a difference in the result. Independently, analysts can arrive at results that differ orders of magnitude, especially if uncertainties are not included. Because for important decisions on capital projects there are always proponents and opponents, there is often a tense situation in which conflict is looming. The paper will first briefly review a standard procedure introduced for safety cases on products that must provide more or less a guarantee that the risk of use is below a certain value. Next will be the various approaches how to deal with uncertainties in a quantitative risk assessment and the follow-on decision process. Over the last few years several new developments have been made to achieve, to a certain extent, a hold on so-called deep uncertainty. Expert elicitation and its limitations is another aspect. The paper will be concluded with some practical recommendations

    Interval Certitude Rule Base Inference Method using the Evidential Reasoning

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    Development of rule-based systems is an important research area for artificial intelligence and decision making, as rule base is one of the most general purpose forms for expressing human knowledge. In this paper, a new rule-based representation and its inference method based on evidential reasoning are presented based on operational research and fuzzy set theory. In this rule base, the uncertainties of human knowledge and human judgment are designed with interval certitude degrees which are embedded in the antecedent terms and consequent terms. The knowledge representation and inference framework offer an improvement of the recently developed rule base inference method, and the evidential reasoning approach is still applied to the rule fusion. It is noteworthy that the uncertainties will be defined and modeled using interval certitude degrees. In the end, an illustrative example is provided to illustrate the proposed knowledge representation and inference method as well as demonstrate its effectiveness by comparing with some existing approaches
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