80 research outputs found

    The application of ground-based and satellite remote sensing for estimation of bio-physiological parameters of wheat grown under different water regimes

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    Remote sensing technologies have been widely studied for the estimation of crop biometric and physiological parameters. The number of sensors and data acquisition methods have been increasing, and their evaluation is becoming a necessity. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of two remote sensing data for describing the variations of biometric and physiological parameters of durum wheat grown under different water regimes (rainfed, 50% and 100% of irrigation requirements). The experimentation was carried out in Policoro (Southern Italy) for two growing seasons. The Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 images and radiometric ground-based data were acquired regularly during the growing season with plant biometric (leaf area index and dry aboveground biomass) and physiological (stomatal conductance, net assimilation, and transpiration rate) parameters. Water deficit index was closely related to plant water status and crop physiological parameters. The enhanced vegetation index showed slightly better performance than the normalized difference vegetation index when plotted against the leaf area index with R2 = 0.73. The overall results indicated that the ground-based vegetation indices were in good agreement with the satellite-based indices. The main constraint for effective application of satellite-based indices remains the presence of clouds during the acquisition time, which is particularly relevant for winter-spring crops. Therefore, the integration of remote sensing and field data might be needed to optimize plant response under specific growing conditions and to enhance agricultural production

    Use of Sentinel-2 Derived Vegetation Indices for Estimating fPAR in Olive Groves

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    Olive tree cultivation is currently a dominant agriculture activity in the Mediterranean basin, where the increasing impact of climate change coupled with the inefficient management of olive groves is negatively affecting olive oil production and quality in some marginal areas. In this context, satellite imagery may help to monitor crop growth under different environmental conditions, thus providing useful information for optimizing olive grove management and final production. However, the spatial resolution of freely-available satellite products is not yet adequate to estimate plant biophysical parameters in complex agroecosystems such as olive groves, where both olive trees and grass cover contribute to the vegetation indices (VIs) signal at pixel scale. The aim of this study is therefore to test a disentangling procedure to partition the VIs signal among the different components of the agroecosystem to use this information for the monitoring of olive growth processes during the season. Specifically, five VIs (GEMI, MCARI2, NDVI, OSAVI, MCARI2/OSAVI) as recorded by Sentinel-2 at a spatial resolution of 10 m over five olive groves in the Montalbano area (Tuscany, Central Italy), were tested as a proxy for olive tree intercepted radiation. The olive tree volume per pixel was initially used to linearly rescale the VIs signal into the relevant value for the grass cover and olive trees. The models, describing the relationship between rescaled VIs and observed fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fPAR), were fitted and then validated against independent datasets. While in the calibration phase, a greater robustness at predicting fPAR was obtained using NDVI (r = 0.96 and RRMSE = 9.86), the validation results demonstrating that GEMI and MCARI2/OSAVI provided the highest performances (GEMI: r = 0.89 and RRMSE = 21.71; MCARI2/OSAVI: r = 0.87 and RRMSE = 25.50), in contrast to MCARI2 that provided the lowest (r = 0.67 and RRMSE = 36.78). These results may be related to the VIs’ intrinsic features (e.g., lower sensitivity to atmosphere and background effects), which make some of these indices, compared to others, less sensitive to saturation effects by improving fPAR estimation (e.g., GEMI vs. NDVI). On this basis, this study evidenced the need to improve the current methodologies to reduce inter-row effects and select appropriate VIs for fPAR estimation, especially in complex agroecosystems where inter-row grass growth may affect remote sensed-derived VIs signal at an inadequate pixel resolution

    An overview of monitoring methods for assessing the performance of nature-based solutions against natural hazards

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    To bring to fruition the capability of nature-based solutions (NBS) in mitigating hydro-meteorological risks (HMRs) and facilitate their widespread uptake require a consolidated knowledge-base related to their monitoring methods, efficiency, functioning and the ecosystem services they provide. We attempt to fill this knowledge gap by reviewing and compiling the existing scientific literature on methods, including ground-based measurements (e.g. gauging stations, wireless sensor network) and remote sensing observations (e.g. from topographic LiDAR, multispectral and radar sensors) that have been used and/or can be relevant to monitor the performance of NBS against five HMRs: floods, droughts, heatwaves, landslides, and storm surges and coastal erosion. These can allow the mapping of the risks and impacts of the specific hydro-meteorological events. We found that the selection and application of monitoring methods mostly rely on the particular NBS being monitored, resource availability (e.g. time, budget, space) and type of HMRs. No standalone method currently exists that can allow monitoring the performance of NBS in its broadest view. However, equipments, tools and technologies developed for other purposes, such as for ground-based measurements and atmospheric observations, can be applied to accurately monitor the performance of NBS to mitigate HMRs. We also focused on the capabilities of passive and active remote sensing, pointing out their associated opportunities and difficulties for NBS monitoring application. We conclude that the advancement in airborne and satellite-based remote sensing technology has signified a leap in the systematic monitoring of NBS performance, as well as provided a robust way for the spatial and temporal comparison of NBS intervention versus its absence. This improved performance measurement can support the evaluation of existing uncertainty and scepticism in selecting NBS over the artificially built concrete structures or grey approaches by addressing the questions of performance precariousness. Remote sensing technical developments, however, take time to shift toward a state of operational readiness for monitoring the progress of NBS in place (e.g. green NBS growth rate, their changes and effectiveness through time). More research is required to develop a holistic approach, which could routinely and continually monitor the performance of NBS over a large scale of intervention. This performance evaluation could increase the ecological and socio-economic benefits of NBS, and also create high levels of their acceptance and confidence by overcoming potential scepticism of NBS implementations

    Evaluation of the impact of climate and human induced changes on the Nigerian forest using remote sensing

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    The majority of the impact of climate and human induced changes on forest are related to climate variability and deforestation. Similarly, changes in forest phenology due to climate variability and deforestation has been recognized as being among the most important early indicators of the impact of environmental change on forest ecosystem functioning. Comprehensive data on baseline forest cover changes including deforestation is required to provide background information needed for governments to make decision on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REED). Despite the fact that Nigeria ranks among the countries with highest deforestation rates based on Food and Agricultural Organization estimates, only a few studies have aimed at mapping forest cover changes at country scales. However, recent attempts to map baseline forest cover and deforestation in Nigeria has been based on global scale remote sensing techniques which do not confirm with ground based observations at country level. The aim of this study is two-fold: firstly, baseline forest cover was estimated using an ‘adaptive’ remote sensing model that classified forest cover with high accuracies at country level for the savanna and rainforest zones. The first part of this study also compared the potentials of different MODIS data in detecting forest cover changes at regional (cluster level) scale. The second part of this study explores the trends and response of forest phenology to rainfall across four forest clusters from 2002 to 2012 using vegetation index data from the MODIS and rainfall data obtained from the TRMM.Tertiary Education Trust Fund, Nigeri

    Earth observation for water resource management in Africa

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    Index-based Approach with Remote Sensing for the Assessment of Extreme Weather Impact on Watershed Vegetation Dynamics

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    Spatial technologies such as satellite remote sensing can be used to identify vegetation dynamics over space and time, which play a critical role in earth observations. Biophysical and biochemical features associated with vegetation cover can then be used to elucidate climate change impact such as floods and droughts on ecosystem that may in turn affect watershed-scale water resources management. Unlike single flood or drought event, intermittent extreme weather events may exert more physiological and biological pressures on the canopy vegetation. This study aims to investigate the climate change impacts on canopy vegetation, which occurred from March 2017 to October 2017 in the Santa Fe River Watershed, Florida, the United States of America. First, this study explores the effect of Hurricane Irma on vegetation dynamics via the pre and post landfall conditions in terms of biophysical and biochemical features. The environmental system analysis compares a suite of remote sensing indices: enhanced vegetation index (EVI), leaf area index (LAI), fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR), evapotranspiration (ET), land surface temperature (LST), gross primary productivity (GPP), and global vegetation moisture index (GVMI) for a holistic assessment. The satellite images from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) were projected from the MODIS Sinusoidal projection to WGS84 geographic coordination systems to conduct the essential spatial analysis. In addition, the evolution of features associated with the vegetation was analyzed in terms of a new indicator, the functional capacity of the different land uses for grassland, evergreen forested, deciduous forested, and agricultural land uses to elevate our understanding of the ecosystem\u27s sustainability and possible recovery processes as a response to damage caused by the Hurricane Irma event. Urban land use and open water space showed a low level of EVI, LAI, FPAR, GVMI, whereas LST and ET were significantly higher compared to the forested and agricultural land uses. Coupling LAI and LST,EVI and GVMI, or EVI and LST confirms the hypotheses of the study, namely that biophysical features pre and post landfall of Hurricane Irma exhibit significant spatial and temporal variations, and integration of pairwise comparisons of biophysical and biochemical features can better portray the impacts driven by the landfall of Hurricane Irma than a single biophysical feature. The functional capacity of the ecosystem can be derived in terms of EVI, LAI, GVMI, and LST analysis over grassland, evergreen forested, deciduous forested, and agricultural land to quantitively reflect the ecosystem response due to landfall of Hurricane Irma. Secondly, emphasis was placed on determining the impacts of alternating adverse flood and drought events on four vegetative land use types via remote sensing and contrasting the vegetation canopy resilience, resistance, and elasticity in intermittent extreme weather events from March to Oct. 2017 in the same subtropical watershed. Nonlinear extreme weather events in sequence discriminated the marginal resilience, resistance, and thus elasticity of four land uses showing high resilience and elasticity in transitions of dry and wet events. It is indicative that thermodynamics driven LST served as the energy source that explains the forcing of variations of these vegetation indices and sustainability indicators

    Crop growth and yield monitoring in smallholder agricultural systems:a multi-sensor data fusion approach

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    Smallholder agricultural systems are highly vulnerable to production risks posed by the intensification of extreme weather events such as drought and flooding, soil degradation, pests, lack of access to agricultural inputs, and political instability. Monitoring the spatial and temporal variability of crop growth and yield is crucial for farm management, national-level food security assessments, and famine early warning. However, agricultural monitoring is difficult in fragmented agricultural landscapes because of scarcity and uncertainty of data to capture small crop fields. Traditional pre- and post-harvest crop monitoring and yield estimation based on fieldwork is costly, slow, and can be unrepresentative of heterogeneous agricultural landscapes as found in smallholder systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Devising accurate and timely crop phenology detection and yield estimation methods can improve our understanding of the status of crop production and food security in these regions.Satellite-based Earth observation (EO) data plays a key role in monitoring the spatial and temporal variability of crop growth and yield over large areas. The small field sizes and variability in management practices in fragmented landscapes requires high spatial and high temporal resolution EO data. This thesis develops and demonstrates methods to investigate the spatiotemporal variability of crop phenology detection and yield estimation using Landsat and MODIS data fusion in smallholder agricultural systems in the Lake Tana sub-basin of Ethiopia. The overall aim is to further broaden the application of multi-sensor EO data for crop growth monitoring in smallholder agricultural systems.The thesis addressed two important aspects of crop monitoring applications of EO data: phenology detection and yield estimation. First, the ESTARFM data fusion workflow was modified based on local knowledge of crop calendars and land cover to improve crop phenology monitoring in fragmented agricultural landscapes. The approach minimized data fusion uncertainties in predicting temporal reflectance change of crops during the growing season and the reflectance value of fused data was comparable to the original Landsat image reserved for validation. The main sources of uncertainty in data fusion are the small field size and abrupt crop growth changes between the base andviiprediction dates due to flooding, weeding, fertiliser application, and harvesting. The improved data fusion approach allowed us to determine crop phenology and estimate LAI more accurately than both the standard ESTARFM data fusion method and when using MODIS data without fusion. We also calibrated and validated a dynamic threshold phenology detection method using maize and rice crop sowing and harvest date information. Crop-specific phenology determined from data fusion minimized the mismatch between EO-derived phenometrics and the actual crop calendar. The study concluded that accurate phenology detection and LAI estimation from Landsat–MODIS data fusion demonstrates the feasibility of crop growth monitoring using multi-sensor data fusion in fragmented and persistently cloudy agricultural landscapes.Subsequently, the validated data fusion and phenology detection methods were implemented to understand crop phenology trends from 2000 to 2020. These trends are often less understood in smallholder agricultural systems due to the lack of high spatial resolution data to distinguish crops from the surrounding natural vegetation. Trends based on Landsat–MODIS fusion were compared with those detected using MODIS alone to assess the contribution of data fusion to discern crop phenometric change. Landsat and MODIS fusion discerned crop and environment-specific trends in the magnitude and direction of crop phenology change. The results underlined the importance of high spatial and temporal resolution EO data to capture environment-specific crop phenology change, which has implications in designing adaptation and crop management practices in these regions.The second important aspect of the crop monitoring problem addressed in this thesis is improving crop yield estimation in smallholder agricultural systems. The large input requirements of crop models and lack of spatial information about the heterogeneous crop-growing environment and agronomic management practices are major challenges to the accurate estimation of crop yield. We assimilated leaf area index (LAI) and phenology information from Landsat–MODIS fusion in a crop model (simple algorithm for yield estimation: SAFY) to obtain reasonably reliable crop yield estimates. The SAFY model is sensitive to the spatial and temporal resolution of the calibration input LAI, phenology information, and the effective light use efficiency (ELUE) parameter, which needs accurate field level inputs during modelviiioptimization. Assimilating fused EO-based phenology information minimized model uncertainty and captured the large management and environmental variation in smallholder agricultural systems.In the final research chapter of the thesis, we analysed the contribution of assimilating LAI at different phenological stages. The frequency and timing of LAI observations influences the retrieval accuracy of the assimilating LAI in crop growth simulation models. The use of (optical) EO data to estimate LAI is constrained by limited repeat frequency and cloud cover, which can reduce yield estimation accuracy. We evaluated the relative contribution of EO observations at different crop growth stages for accurate calibration of crop model parameters. We found that LAI between jointing and grain filling has the highest contribution to SAFY yield estimation and that the distribution of LAI during the key development stages was more useful than the frequency of LAI to improve yield estimation. This information on the optimal timing of EO data assimilation is important to develop better in-season crop yield forecasting in smallholder systems

    Impact of climate and anthropogenic effects on the energy, water, and carbon budgets of monitored agrosystems: multi-site analysis combining modelling and experimentation

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    Les terres cultivées représentent une unité importante dans le climat mondial, et en réponse à la population, elles sont en expansion. Il est crucial de comprendre et de quantifier les interactions terre-atmosphère via les échanges d'eau, d'énergie et de carbone. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse a consisté à étudier la variabilité du bilan énergétique en fonction de différentes cultures, phénologies et pratiques agricoles via système Eddy-Covariance. En réponse au manque d'eau dans le sud-ouest de la France, deux modèles de surface (ISBA et ISBA-MEB) ont été évalués sur deux cultures (blé et maïs) pour évaluer leur capacité à estimer les flux d'énergie et d'eau. Enfin, en réponse à la contribution des terres cultivées à l'augmentation du dioxyde de carbone atmosphérique, la capacité du modèle ISBA-MEB à simuler correctement les principaux composants du carbone a été testée sur 11 saisons de maïs et de blé.Croplands represent an important unit within the global climate, and in response to population, they are expanding. Hence, understanding and quantifying the land-atmosphere interactions via water, energy and carbon exchanges is crucial. In this context, the first objective of this thesis studied the variability of the energy balance over different crops, phenologies, and farm practices at Lamasquère and Auradé. Secondly, in response to water scarcity and increasing drought in southwestern France, two land surface models (ISBA and ISBA-MEB) of different configurations were evaluated over some wheat and maize years to test their ability to estimate energy and water fluxes using measurements from an eddy covariance system as reference. Finally, in response to the contribution of croplands to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide, the capability of the ISBA-MEB model to correctly simulate the major carbon components was tested over 11 seasons of maize and wheat

    Modeling of soil erosion risk in a typical tropical savannah landscape

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    Tropical savannah landscapes are faced with high soil degradation due to climate change and variability coupled with anthropogenic factors. However, the spatiotemporal dynamics of this is not sufficiently understood particularly, in the tropical savannah contexts. Using the Wa municipality of Ghana as a case, we applied the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model to predict the potential and actual soil erosion risk for 1990 and 2020. Rainfall, soil, topography and land cover data were used as the input parameters. The rate of predicted potential erosion was in the range of 0–111 t ha−1yr−1 and 0–83 t ha−1yr−1 for the years 1990 and 2020, respectively. The prediction for the rate of potential soil erosion risk was generally higher than the actual estimated soil erosion risk which ranges from 0 to 59 t ha−1yr−1 in 1990 and 0 to 58 t ha−1yr−1 in 2020. The open savannah areas accounted for 75.8 % and 73.2 % of the total soil loss in 1990 and 2020, respectively. The validity of the result was tested using in situ data from a 2 km2 each of closed savannah, open savannah and settlement area. By statistical correlation, the predicted soil erosion risk by the model corresponds to the spatial extent of erosion damages measured in the selected area for the validation. Primarily, areas with steep slopes, particularly within settlement, were identified to have the highest erosion risk. These findings underscore the importance of vegetation cover and effective management practices in preventing soil erosion. The results are useful for inferences towards the development and implementation of sustainable soil conservation practice in landscapes with similar attributes

    Impacts of land use land cover change and climate change on river hydro-morphology- a review of research studies in tropical regions

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    Tropical regions have experienced the fastest Land Use Land Cover Change (LULCC) in the last decades, coupled with climate change (CC) this has affected the hydrological and geomorphological processes of river systems. With the increased demand for land, the general trend has been the loss of forest land to agriculture and settlements. These changes have altered the water balance components through enhanced or reduced evaporation, peak flow, flooding, and river morphology. The aim of this review paper is to provide a meta-analysis on the effects of spatiotemporal changes in climate and LULC on river hydro-morphology in the tropics. Following a systematic search, 60 case studies were identified, of which the majority (68%) experienced forest loss due to agricultural and urban expansion, resulting in increased streamflow, surface flow, and total water yield and decreased ET and groundwater recharge. 12% of the case studies showed the impacts of LULCC on channel morphology features through sediment transport and riverbank erosion. Results from this study show limited correlation between LULCC and hydrological variables, indicating that there are likely other factors controlling hydrological processes. Catchment heterogeneity including soil and topography play an important role. Based on studies that project these changes into the future, similar trends are expected over the next decades, with differences based on LU and climate scenarios. There are still limited studies on river hydro-morphology responses to LULCC and CC in the tropics despite the major changes taking place there. In light of future changes, more studies are needed to improve our understanding