29 research outputs found

    SALMon: A SOA system for monitoring service level agreements

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    In this paper we present SALMon, a tool assessing the satisfaction of service level agreement (SLA) clauses by service-oriented systems. SALMon itself is organized as a service-oriented system that offers two kind of services: 1) the Monitor service that measures the values in execution time of dynamic quality attributes (like response time or availability), and 2) the Analyzer service that detects and reports violations of SLA clauses from the values obtained with the Monitor. The SALMon tool is highly versatile, allowing: 1) both active testing and passive monitoring as strategies, 2) different types of technologies for the monitored/tested systems (e.g., Web services, RESTful services), 3) agile definition of measure instruments for new quality attributes. The service-oriented nature of SALMon makes it scalable and easy to integrate with other services that need its functionalities.Postprint (published version

    5G & SLAs: Automated proposition and management of agreements towards QoS enforcement

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    Efficient Service Level Agreements (SLA) management and anticipation of Service Level Objectives (SLO) breaches become mandatory to guarantee the required service quality in software- defined and 5G networks. To create an operational Network Service, it is highly envisaged to associate it with their network-related parameters that reflect the corresponding quality levels. These are included in policies but while SLAs target usually business users, there is a challenge for mechanisms that bridge this abstraction gap. In this paper, a generic black box approach is used to map high-level requirements expressed by users in SLAs to low-level network parameters included in policies, enabling Quality of Service (QoS) enforcement by triggering the required policies and manage the infrastructure accordingly. In addition, a mechanism for determining the importance of different QoS parameters is presented, mainly used for “relevant” QoS metrics recommendation in the SLA template

    Web Service Reputation Evaluation Based on QoS Measurement

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    In the early service transactions, quality of service (QoS) information was published by service provider which was not always true and credible. For better verification the trust of the QoS information was provided by the Web service. In this paper, the factual QoS running data are collected by our WS-QoS measurement tool; based on these objectivity data, an algorithm compares the difference of the offered and measured quality data of the service and gives the similarity, and then a reputation evaluation method computes the reputation level of the Web service based on the similarity. The initial implementation and experiment with three Web services' example show that this approach is feasible and these values can act as the references for subsequent consumers to select the service

    An SLA Support System for Cloud Computing

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    Abstract. Nowadays, even with the existence of many Cloud Providers (CP) in the market, it is still impossible to see CPs who guarantee, or at least offer, an SLA specification to Cloud Users (CU) interests: not just offering percentage of availability, but also guaranteeing specific performance parameters for a certain Cloud application. Due to (1) the huge size of CPs' IT infrastructures and (2) the high complexity with multiple inter-dependencies of resources (physical or virtual), the estimation of specific SLA parameters to compose Service Level Objectives (SLOs) with trustful Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) tends to be inaccurate. This paper proposes the initial design and preliminary approach for an SLA Support System for CC (SLACC) in order to estimate in a formalized methodology -based on available CC infrastructure parameters -what CPs will be able to offer/accept as SLOs or KPIs and, as a consequence, which increasing levels of SLA specificity for their customers can be reached

    Furthering the Growth of Cloud Computing by Providing Privacy as a Service

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    The evolution of Cloud Computing as a viable business solution for providing hardware and software has created many security concerns. Among these security concerns, privacy is often overlooked. If Cloud Computing is to continue its growth, this privacy concern will need to be addressed. In this work we discuss the current growth of Cloud Computing and the impact the public sector and privacy can have in furthering this growth. To begin to provide privacy protection for Cloud Computing, we introduce privacy constraints that outline privacy preferences. We propose the expansion of Cloud Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to include these privacy constraints as Quality of Service (QoS) levels. This privacy QoS must be agreed upon along with the rest of the QoS terms within the SLA by the Cloud consumer and provider. Finally, we introduce Privacy as a Service (PraaS) to monitor the agreement and provide enforcement if necessary

    Analysis of SLA compliance in the cloud: An automated, model-based approach

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    Service Level Agreements (SLA) are commonly used to specify the quality attributes between cloud service providers and the customers. A violation of SLAs can result in high penalties. To allow the analysis of SLA compliance before the services are deployed, we describe in this paper an approach for SLA-aware deployment of services on the cloud, and illustrate its workflow by means of a case study. The approach is based on formal models combined with static analysis tools and generated runtime monitors. As such, it fits well within a methodology combining software development with information technology operations (DevOps)

    Formal Verification of Service Level Agreements Through Distributed Monitoring

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    In this paper, we introduce a formal model of the availability, budget compliance and sustainability of istributed services, where service sustainability is a new concept which arises as the composition of service availability and budget compliance. The model formalizes a distributed platform for monitoring the above service characteristics in terms of a parallel composition of task automata, where dynamically generated tasks model asynchronous events with deadlines. The main result of this paper is a formal model to optimize and reason about service characteristics through monitoring. In particular, we use schedulability analysis of the underlying timed automata to optimize and guarantee service sustainability

    Service level agreements for the digital library

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    Digital libraries offer a massive set of digital services to geographically distributed library patrons. The digital services are commonly sourced from third-party service providers for charge. As externally sourced digital services are becoming prevalence, issues regarding their quality assessment are gaining critical importance. Unfortunately, sourcing digital services from external providers has brought with it stringent quality of service (QoS) demand from the library service users. Currently, there is no way for ensuring QoS between the digital service providers and the library management. In this paper, we propose service level agreements (SLAs) to capture the QoS requirements of the digital service users and the commitments, as well as adherence of the digital service providers