570 research outputs found

    Adaptive edge-based prediction for lossless image compression

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    Many lossless image compression methods have been suggested with established results hard to surpass. However there are some aspects that can be considered to improve the performance further. This research focuses on two-phase prediction-encoding method, separately studying each and suggesting new techniques.;In the prediction module, proposed Edge-Based-Predictor (EBP) and Least-Squares-Edge-Based-Predictor (LS-EBP) emphasizes on image edges and make predictions accordingly. EBP is a gradient based nonlinear adaptive predictor. EBP switches between prediction-rules based on few threshold parameters automatically determined by a pre-analysis procedure, which makes a first pass. The LS-EBP also uses these parameters, but optimizes the prediction for each pre-analysis assigned edge location, thus applying least-square approach only at the edge points.;For encoding module: a novel Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT) inspired method is suggested, which performs better than applying the BWT directly on the images. We also present a context-based adaptive error modeling and encoding scheme. When coupled with the above-mentioned prediction schemes, the result is the best-known compression performance in the genre of compression schemes with same time and space complexity

    Single event upset hardened embedded domain specific reconfigurable architecture

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    WAVELET BASED DATA HIDING OF DEM IN THE CONTEXT OF REALTIME 3D VISUALIZATION (Visualisation 3D Temps-Réel à Distance de MNT par Insertion de Données Cachées Basée Ondelettes)

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    The use of aerial photographs, satellite images, scanned maps and digital elevation models necessitates the setting up of strategies for the storage and visualization of these data. In order to obtain a three dimensional visualization it is necessary to drape the images, called textures, onto the terrain geometry, called Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Practically, all these information are stored in three different files: DEM, texture and position/projection of the data in a geo-referential system. In this paper we propose to stock all these information in a single file for the purpose of synchronization. For this we have developed a wavelet-based embedding method for hiding the data in a colored image. The texture images containing hidden DEM data can then be sent from the server to a client in order to effect 3D visualization of terrains. The embedding method is integrable with the JPEG2000 coder to accommodate compression and multi-resolution visualization. Résumé L'utilisation de photographies aériennes, d'images satellites, de cartes scannées et de modèles numériques de terrains amène à mettre en place des stratégies de stockage et de visualisation de ces données. Afin d'obtenir une visualisation en trois dimensions, il est nécessaire de lier ces images appelées textures avec la géométrie du terrain nommée Modèle Numérique de Terrain (MNT). Ces informations sont en pratiques stockées dans trois fichiers différents : MNT, texture, position et projection des données dans un système géo-référencé. Dans cet article, nous proposons de stocker toutes ces informations dans un seul fichier afin de les synchroniser. Nous avons développé pour cela une méthode d'insertion de données cachées basée ondelettes dans une image couleur. Les images de texture contenant les données MNT cachées peuvent ensuite être envoyées du serveur au client afin d'effectuer une visualisation 3D de terrains. Afin de combiner une visualisation en multirésolution et une compression, l'insertion des données cachées est intégrable dans le codeur JPEG 2000

    A digital signature and watermarking based authentication system for JPEG2000 images

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    In this thesis, digital signature based authentication system was introduced, which is able to protect JPEG2000 images in different flavors, including fragile authentication and semi-fragile authentication. The fragile authentication is to protect the image at code-stream level, and the semi-fragile is to protect the image at the content level. The semi-fragile can be further classified into lossy and lossless authentication. With lossless authentication, the original image can be recovered after verification. The lossless authentication and the new image compression standard, JPEG2000 is mainly discussed in this thesis

    Joint source-channel coding/decoding of 3D-ESCOT bitstreams

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    International audienceJoint source-channel decoding (JSCD) exploits residual redundancy in compressed bitstreams to improve the robustness to transmission errors of multimedia coding schemes. This paper proposes an architecture to introduce some additional side information in compressed streams to help JSCD. This architecture exploits a reference decoder already present or introduced at the encoder side. An application to the robust decoding of 3D-ESCOT encoded bitstreams generated within the Vidwav video coder is presented. The layered bitstream generated by this encoder allows SNR scalability, and moreover, when processed by a JSCD, provides increased robustness to transmission errors compared with a single layered bitstream

    Robust Transmission of Images Based on JPEG2000 Using Edge Information

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    In multimedia communication and data storage, compression of data is essential to speed up the transmission rate, minimize the use of channel bandwidth, and minimize storage space. JPEG2000 is the new standard for image compression for transmission and storage. The drawback of Compression is that compressed data are more vulnerable to channel noise during transmission. Previous techniques for error concealment are classified into three groups depending on the Approach employed by the encoder and decoder: Forward Error Concealment, Error Concealment by Post Processing and Interactive Error Concealment. The objective of this thesis is to develop a Concealment methodology that has the capability of both error detection and concealment, be Compatible with the JPEG2000 standard, and guarantees minimum use of channel bandwidth. A new methodology is developed to detect corrupted regions/coefficients in the received Images the edge information. The methodology requires transmission of edge information of wavelet coefficients of the original image along with JPEG2000 compressed image. At the receiver, the edge information of received wavelet coefficients is computed and compared with the received edge information of the original image to determine the corrupted coefficients. Three methods of concealment, each including a filter, are investigated to handle the corrupted regions/coefficients. MATLAB™ functions are developed that simulate channel noise, image transmission Using JPEG2000 standard and the proposed methodology. The objective quality measure such as Peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), root-mean-square error (rms) and subjective quality Measure are used to evaluate processed images. The simulation results are presented to demonstrate The performance of the proposed methodology. The results are also compared with recent approaches Found in the literature. Based on performance of the proposed approach, it is claimed that the Proposed approach can be successfully used in wireless and Internet communications

    Combined Industry, Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop

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    The sixth annual Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop and the third annual Data Compression Industry Workshop were held as a single combined workshop. The workshop was held April 4, 1996 in Snowbird, Utah in conjunction with the 1996 IEEE Data Compression Conference, which was held at the same location March 31 - April 3, 1996. The Space and Earth Science Data Compression sessions seek to explore opportunities for data compression to enhance the collection, analysis, and retrieval of space and earth science data. Of particular interest is data compression research that is integrated into, or has the potential to be integrated into, a particular space or earth science data information system. Preference is given to data compression research that takes into account the scien- tist's data requirements, and the constraints imposed by the data collection, transmission, distribution and archival systems