127 research outputs found

    Modeling DVFS and Power-Gating Actuators for Cycle-Accurate NoC-Based Simulators

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    Networks-on-chip (NoCs) are a widely recognized viable interconnection paradigm to support the multi-core revolution. One of the major design issues of multicore architectures is still the power, which can no longer be considered mainly due to the cores, since the NoC contribution to the overall energy budget is relevant. To face both static and dynamic power while balancing NoC performance, different actuators have been exploited in literature, mainly dynamic voltage frequency scaling (DVFS) and power gating. Typically, simulation-based tools are employed to explore the huge design space by adopting simplified models of the components. As a consequence, the majority of state-of-the-art on NoC power-performance optimization do not accurately consider timing and power overheads of actuators, or (even worse) do not consider them at all, with the risk of overestimating the benefits of the proposed methodologies. This article presents a simulation framework for power-performance analysis of multicore architectures with specific focus on the NoC. It integrates accurate power gating and DVFS models encompassing also their timing and power overheads. The value added of our proposal is manyfold: (i) DVFS and power gating actuators are modeled starting from SPICE-level simulations; (ii) such models have been integrated in the simulation environment; (iii) policy analysis support is plugged into the framework to enable assessment of different policies; (iv) a flexible GALS (globally asynchronous locally synchronous) support is provided, covering both handshake and FIFO re-synchronization schemas. To demonstrate both the flexibility and extensibility of our proposal, two simple policies exploiting the modeled actuators are discussed in the article

    Design and implementation of a modular controller for robotic machines

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    This research focused on the design and implementation of an Intelligent Modular Controller (IMC) architecture designed to be reconfigurable over a robust network. The design incorporates novel communication, hardware, and software architectures. This was motivated by current industrial needs for distributed control systems due to growing demand for less complexity, more processing power, flexibility, and greater fault tolerance. To this end, three main contributions were made. Most distributed control architectures depend on multi-tier heterogeneous communication networks requiring linking devices and/or complex middleware. In this study, first, a communication architecture was proposed and implemented with a homogenous network employing the ubiquitous Ethernet for both real-time and non real-time communication. This was achieved by a producer-consumer coordination model for real-time data communication over a segmented network, and a client-server model for point-to-point transactions. The protocols deployed use a Time-Triggered (TT) approach to schedule real-time tasks on the network. Unlike other TT approaches, the scheduling mechanism does not need to be configured explicitly when controller nodes are added or removed. An implicit clock synchronization technique was also developed to complement the architecture. Second, a reconfigurable mechanism based on an auto-configuration protocol was developed. Modules on the network use this protocol to automatically detect themselves, establish communication, and negotiate for a desired configuration. Third, the research demonstrated hardware/software co-design as a contribution to the growing discipline of mechatronics. The IMC consists of a motion controller board designed and prototyped in-house, and a Java microcontroller. An IMC is mapped to each machine/robot axis, and an additional IMC can be configured to serve as a real-time coordinator. The entire architecture was implemented in Java, thus reinforcing uniformity, simplicity, modularity, and openness. Evaluation results showed the potential of the flexible controller to meet medium to high performance machining requirements

    Energy-efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks

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    A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a collection of tiny devices called sensor nodes which are deployed in an area to be monitored. Each node has one or more sensors with which they can measure the characteristics of their surroundings. In a typical WSN, the data gathered by each node is sent wirelessly through the network from one node to the next towards a central base station. Each node typically has a very limited energy supply. Therefore, in order for WSNs to have acceptable lifetimes, energy efficiency is a design goal that is of utmost importance and must be kept in mind at all levels of a WSN system. The main consumer of energy on a node is the wireless transceiver and therefore, the communications that occur between nodes should be carefully controlled so as not to waste energy. The Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is directly in charge of managing the transceiver of a node. It determines when the transceiver is on/off and synchronizes the data exchanges among neighbouring nodes so as to prevent collisions etc., enabling useful communications to occur. The MAC protocol thus has a big impact on the overall energy efficiency of a node. Many WSN MAC protocols have been proposed in the literature but it was found that most were not optimized for the group of WSNs displaying very low volumes of traffic in the network. In low traffic WSNs, a major problem faced in the communications process is clock drift, which causes nodes to become unsynchronized. The MAC protocol must overcome this and other problems while expending as little energy as possible. Many useful WSN applications show low traffic characteristics and thus a new MAC protocol was developed which is aimed at this category of WSNs. The new protocol, Dynamic Preamble Sampling MAC (DPS-MAC) builds on the family of preamble sampling protocols which were found to be most suitable for low traffic WSNs. In contrast to the most energy efficient existing preamble sampling protocols, DPS-MAC does not cater for the worst case clock drift that can occur between two nodes. Rather, it dynamically learns the actual clock drift experienced between any two nodes and then adjusts its operation accordingly. By simulation it was shown that DPS-MAC requires less protocol overhead during the communication process and thus performs more energy efficiently than its predecessors under various network operating conditions. Furthermore, DPS-MAC is less prone to become overloaded or unstable in conditions of high traffic load and high contention levels respectively. These improvements cause the use of DPS-MAC to lead to longer node and network lifetimes, thus making low traffic WSNs more feasible.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2008.Electrical, Electronic and Computer EngineeringMEngUnrestricte

    The MANGO clockless network-on-chip: Concepts and implementation

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    Managing Mobility for Distributed Smart Cities Services

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    The IoT refers to the idea of internetworking physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and any other item embedded with the appropriate electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity to allows them to interchange data and to provide highly effective new services. In this thesis we focus on the communications issues of the IoT in relation to mobility and we provide different solutions to alleviate the impact of these potential problems and to guarantee the information delivery in mobile scenarios. Our reference context is a Smart City where various mobile devices collaboratively participate, periodically sending information from their sensors. We assume that these services are located in platforms based in cloud infrastructures where the information is protected through the use of virtualisation ensuring their security and privacy. This thesis is structured into seven chapters. We first detail our objectives and identify the current problems we intend to address. Next, we provide a thorough review of the state of the art of all the areas involved in our work, highlighting how we improved the existing solutions with our research. The overall approach of the solutions we propose in this thesis use prototypes that encompasses and integrates different technologies and standards in a small infrastructure, using real devices in real scenarios with two of the most commonly used networks around the world: WiFi and 802.15.4 to efficiently solve the problems we originally identified. We focussed on protocols based on a producer/consumer paradigm, namely AMQP and particularly MQTT. We observed the behaviour of these protocols using in lab experiments and in external environments, using a mesh wireless network as the backbone network. Various issues raised by mobility were taken into consideration, and thus, we repeated the tests with different messages sizes and different inter-message periodicity, in order to model different possible applications. We also present a model for dimensioning the number of sources for mobile nodes and calculating the number of buffers required in the mobile node as a function of the number of sources and the size of the messages. We included a mechanism for avoiding data loss based on intermediate buffering adapted to the MQTT protocol that, in conjunction with the use of an alternative to the Network Manager in certain contexts, improves the connection establishment for wireless mobile clients. We also performed a detailed study of the jitter behaviour of a mobile node when transmitting messages with this proposal while moving through a real outdoor scenario. To emulate simple IoT networks we used the Cooja simulator to study and determine the effects on the probability of delivering messages when both publishers and subscribers were added to different scenarios. Finally we present an approach that combines the MQTT protocol with DTN which we specifically designed for constrained environments and guarantees that important information will never be lost. The advantage of our proposed solutions is that they make an IoT system more resilient to changes in the point of attachment of the mobile devices in an IoT network without requiring IoT application & service developers to explicitly consider this issue. Moreover, our solutions do not require additional support from the network through protocols such as MobileIP or LISP. We close the thesis by providing some conclusions, and identifying future lines of work which we unable to address here.Internet de las cosas (IoT) se refiere a la idea de interconectar sensores, actuadores, dispositivos físicos, vehículos, edificios y cualquier elemento dotado de la electrónica, así como del software y de la conectividad de red que los hace capaces de intercambiar datos para proporcionar servicios altamente efectivos. En esta tesis nos centramos en temas relacionados con la comunicación de sistemas IoT, específicamente en situaciones de movilidad y en los problemas que esto conlleva. Con este fin ofrecemos diferentes soluciones que alivian su impacto y garantizan la entrega de información en estas situaciones. El contexto de referencia es una ciudad inteligente donde varios dispositivos móviles participan de forma colaborativa enviando periódicamente información desde sus sensores hacia servicios ubicados en plataformas en la nube (cloud computing) donde mediante el uso de virtualización, la información está protegida garantizando su seguridad y privacidad. Las soluciones propuestas en esta tesis se enfocan en probar sobre una pequeña infraestructura un prototipo que abarca e integra diferentes tecnologías y estándares para resolver eficientemente los problemas previamente identificados. Hemos enfocado nuestro esfuerzo en el uso de dispositivos sobre escenarios reales con dos de las redes más extendidas en todo el mundo: WiFi y enlaces 802.15.4. Nos enfocamos en protocolos que ofrecen el paradigma productor/consumidor como el protocolo avanzado de colas de mensajes (AMQP) y particularmente el protocolo de transporte de mensajes telemétricos (MQTT), observamos su comportamiento a través de experimentos en laboratorio y en pruebas al aire libre, repitiendo las pruebas con diferentes tamaños de mensajes y diferente periodicidad entre mensajes. Para modelar las diferentes posibles aplicaciones de la propuesta, se tomaron en consideración varias cuestiones planteadas por la movilidad, resultando en un modelo para dimensionar eficientemente el número de fuentes para un nodo móvil y para calcular el tamaño requerido del buffer, en función del número de fuentes y del tamaño de los mensajes. Proponemos un mecanismo adaptado al protocolo MQTT que evita la pérdida de datos en clientes móviles, basado en un buffer intermedio entre la producción y publicación de mensajes que, en conjunto con el uso de una alternativa al gestor de conexiones inalámbricas "Network Manager", en ciertos contextos mejora el establecimiento de las conexiones. Para la evaluación de esta propuesta se presenta un estudio detallado de un nodo móvil que se mueve en un escenario real al aire libre, donde estudiamos el comportamiento del jitter y la transmisión de mensajes. Además, hemos utilizado emuladores de redes IoT para estudiar y determinar los efectos sobre la probabilidad de entrega de mensajes, cuando se agregan tanto publicadores como suscriptores a diferentes escenarios. Finalmente, se presenta una solución totalmente orientada a entornos con dispositivos de recursos limitados que combina los protocolos MQTT con redes tolerantes a retardos (DTN) para garantizar la entrega de información. La ventaja de las soluciones que proponemos reside en el hecho de que los sistemas IoT se vuelven resilientes a la movilidad y a los cambios de punto de acceso, permitiendo así que los desarrolladores creen fácilmente aplicaciones y servicios IoT evitando considerar estos problema. Otra ventaja de nuestras soluciones es que no necesitan soporte adicional de la red como sucede con protocolos como MobileIP o el protocolo que separa el identificador del localizador (LISP). Se destaca cómo hemos mejorado las soluciones existentes hasta el momento de la escritura de esta disertación, y se identifican futuras líneas de actuación que no han sido contempladas.Internet de les coses (IoT) es refereix a la idea d'interconnectar sensors, actuadors, dispositius físics, vehicles, edificis i qualsevol element dotat de l'electrònica, així com del programari i de la connectivitat de xarxa que els fa capaces d'intercanviar dades per proporcionar serveis altament efectius. En aquesta tesi ens centrem en temes relacionats amb la comunicació de sistemes IoT, específicament en situacions de mobilitat i en els problemes que això comporta. A aquest efecte oferim diferents solucions que alleugeren el seu impacte i garanteixen el lliurament d'informació en aquestes situacions. El context de referència és una ciutat intel·ligent on diversos dispositius mòbils participen de forma col·laborativa enviant periòdicament informació des dels seus sensors cap a serveis situats en plataformes en el núvol (cloud computing) on mitjançant l'ús de virtualització, la informació està protegida garantint la seva seguretat i privadesa. Les solucions proposades en aquesta tesi s'enfoquen a provar sobre una xicoteta infraestructura un prototip que abasta i integra diferents tecnologies i estàndards per a resoldre eficientment els problemes prèviament identificats. Hem enfocat el nostre esforç en l'ús de dispositius sobre escenaris reals amb dos de les xarxes més esteses a tot el món: WiFi i enllaços 802.15.4. Ens enfoquem en protocols que ofereixen el paradigma productor/consumidor com el protocol avançat de cues de missatges (AMQP) i particularment el protocol de transport de missatges telemètrics (MQTT), observem el seu comportament a través d'experiments en laboratori i en proves a l'aire lliure, repetint les proves amb diferents grandàries de missatges i diferent periodicitat entre missatges. Per a modelar les diferents possibles aplicacions de la proposta, es van prendre en consideració diverses qüestions plantejades per la mobilitat, resultant en un model per a dimensionar eficientment el nombre de fonts per a un node mòbil i per a calcular la grandària requerida del buffer, en funció del nombre de fonts i de la grandària dels missatges. Proposem un mecanisme adaptat al protocol MQTT que evita la pèrdua de dades per a clients mòbils, basat en un buffer intermedi entre la producció i publicació de missatges que en conjunt amb l'ús d'una alternativa al gestor de connexions sense fils "Network Manager'', en certs contextos millora l'establiment de les connexions. Per a l'avaluació d'aquesta proposta es presenta un estudi detallat d'un node mòbil que es mou en un escenari real a l'aire lliure, on estudiem el comportament del jitter i la transmissió de missatges. A més, hem utilitzat emuladors de xarxes IoT per a estudiar i determinar els efectes sobre la probabilitat de lliurament de missatges, quan s'agreguen tant publicadors com subscriptors a diferents escenaris. Finalment, es presenta una solució totalment orientada a entorns amb dispositius de recursos limitats que combina els protocols MQTT amb xarxes tolerants a retards (DTN) per a garantir el lliurament d'informació. L'avantatge de les solucions que proposem resideix en el fet que els sistemes IoT es tornen resilients a la mobilitat i als canvis de punt d'accés, permetent així que els desenvolupadors creuen fàcilment aplicacions i serveis IoT evitant considerar aquests problema. Un altre avantatge de les nostres solucions és que no necessiten suport addicional de la xarxa com succeeix amb protocols com MobileIP o el protocol que separa l'identificador del localitzador (LISP). Es destaca com hem millorat les solucions existents fins al moment de l'escriptura d'aquesta dissertació, i s'identifican futures línies d'actuació que no han sigut contemplades.Luzuriaga Quichimbo, JE. (2017). Managing Mobility for Distributed Smart Cities Services [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/84744TESI

    QoE-aware inter-stream synchronization in open N-screens cloud

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    The growing popularity and increasing performance of mobile devices is transforming the way in which media can be consumed, from single device playback to orchestrated multi-stream experiences across multiple devices. One of the biggest challenges in realizing such immersive media experience is the dynamic management of synchronicity between associated media streams. This is further complicated by the faceted aspects of user perception and heterogeneity of user devices and networks. This paper introduces a QoE-aware open inter-stream media synchronization framework (IMSync). IMSync employs efficient monitoring and control mechanisms, as well as a bespoke QoE impact model derived from subjective user experiments. Given a current lag, IMSync's aim is to use the impact model to determine a good catch-up strategy that minimizes detrimental impact on QoE. The impact model balances the accumulative impact of re-synchronization processes and the degree of non-synchronicity to ensure the QoE. Experimental results verify the run-time performance of the framework as a foundation for immersive media experience in open N-Screens cloud

    Wide-Area Time-Synchronized Closed-Loop Control of Power Systems And Decentralized Active Distribution Networks

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    The rapidly expanding power system grid infrastructure and the need to reduce the occurrence of major blackouts and prevention or hardening of systems against cyber-attacks, have led to increased interest in the improved resilience of the electrical grid. Distributed and decentralized control have been widely applied to computer science research. However, for power system applications, the real-time application of decentralized and distributed control algorithms introduce several challenges. In this dissertation, new algorithms and methods for decentralized control, protection and energy management of Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) and the Active Distribution Network (ADN) are developed to improve the resiliency of the power system. To evaluate the findings of this dissertation, a laboratory-scale integrated Wide WAMPAC and ADN control platform was designed and implemented. The developed platform consists of phasor measurement units (PMU), intelligent electronic devices (IED) and programmable logic controllers (PLC). On top of the designed hardware control platform, a multi-agent cyber-physical interoperability viii framework was developed for real-time verification of the developed decentralized and distributed algorithms using local wireless and Internet-based cloud communication. A novel real-time multiagent system interoperability testbed was developed to enable utility independent private microgrids standardized interoperability framework and define behavioral models for expandability and plug-and-play operation. The state-of-theart power system multiagent framework is improved by providing specific attributes and a deliberative behavior modeling capability. The proposed multi-agent framework is validated in a laboratory based testbed involving developed intelligent electronic device prototypes and actual microgrid setups. Experimental results are demonstrated for both decentralized and distributed control approaches. A new adaptive real-time protection and remedial action scheme (RAS) method using agent-based distributed communication was developed for autonomous hybrid AC/DC microgrids to increase resiliency and continuous operability after fault conditions. Unlike the conventional consecutive time delay-based overcurrent protection schemes, the developed technique defines a selectivity mechanism considering the RAS of the microgrid after fault instant based on feeder characteristics and the location of the IEDs. The experimental results showed a significant improvement in terms of resiliency of microgrids through protection using agent-based distributed communication

    LEI: Livestock Event Information Schema for Enabling Data Sharing

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    Data-driven advances have resulted in significant improvements in dairy production. However, the meat industry has lagged behind in adopting data-driven approaches, underscoring the crucial need for data standardisation to facilitate seamless data transmission to maximise productivity, save costs, and increase market access. To address this gap, we propose a novel data schema, Livestock Event Information (LEI) schema, designed to accurately and uniformly record livestock events. LEI complies with the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) and Integrity System Company (ISC) schemas to deliver this data standardisation and enable data sharing between producers and consumers. To validate the superiority of LEI, we conducted a structural metrics analysis and a comprehensive case study. The analysis demonstrated that LEI outperforms the ICAR and ISC schemas in terms of design, while the case study confirmed its superior ability to capture livestock event information. Our findings lay the foundation for the implementation of the LEI schema, unlocking the potential for data-driven advances in livestock management. Moreover, LEI's versatility opens avenues for future expansion into other agricultural domains, encompassing poultry, fisheries, and crops. The adoption of LEI promises substantial benefits, including improved data accuracy, reduced costs, and increased productivity, heralding a new era of sustainability in the meat industry.Comment: 63 pages, 7 figure