17,697 research outputs found

    Script acquisition : a crowdsourcing and text mining approach

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    According to Grice’s (1975) theory of pragmatics, people tend to omit basic information when participating in a conversation (or writing a narrative) under the assumption that left out details are already known or can be inferred from commonsense knowledge by the hearer (or reader). Writing and understanding of texts makes particular use of a specific kind of common-sense knowledge, referred to as script knowledge. Schank and Abelson (1977) proposed Scripts as a model of human knowledge represented in memory that stores the frequent habitual activities, called scenarios, (e.g. eating in a fast food restaurant, etc.), and the different courses of action in those routines. This thesis addresses measures to provide a sound empirical basis for high-quality script models. We work on three key areas related to script modeling: script knowledge acquisition, script induction and script identification in text. We extend the existing repository of script knowledge bases in two different ways. First, we crowdsource a corpus of 40 scenarios with 100 event sequence descriptions (ESDs) each, thus going beyond the size of previous script collections. Second, the corpus is enriched with partial alignments of ESDs, done by human annotators. The crowdsourced partial alignments are used as prior knowledge to guide the semi-supervised script-induction algorithm proposed in this dissertation. We further present a semi-supervised clustering approach to induce script structure from crowdsourced descriptions of event sequences by grouping event descriptions into paraphrase sets and inducing their temporal order. The proposed semi-supervised clustering model better handles order variation in scripts and extends script representation formalism, Temporal Script graphs, by incorporating "arbitrary order" equivalence classes in order to allow for the flexible event order inherent in scripts. In the third part of this dissertation, we introduce the task of scenario detection, in which we identify references to scripts in narrative texts. We curate a benchmark dataset of annotated narrative texts, with segments labeled according to the scripts they instantiate. The dataset is the first of its kind. The analysis of the annotation shows that one can identify scenario references in text with reasonable reliability. Subsequently, we proposes a benchmark model that automatically segments and identifies text fragments referring to given scenarios. The proposed model achieved promising results, and therefore opens up research on script parsing and wide coverage script acquisition.GemĂ€ĂŸ der Grice’schen (1975) Pragmatiktheorie neigen Menschen dazu, grundlegende Informationen auszulassen, wenn sie an einem GesprĂ€ch teilnehmen (oder eine Geschichte schreiben). Dies geschieht unter der Annahme, dass die ausgelassenen Details bereits bekannt sind, oder vom Hörer (oder Leser) aus Weltwissen erschlossen werden können. Besonders beim Schreiben und Verstehen von Text wird Verwendung einer spezifischen Art von solchem Weltwissen gemacht, welches auch Skriptwissen genannt wird. Schank und Abelson (1977) erdachten Skripte als ein Modell menschlichen Wissens, welches im menschlichen GedĂ€chtnis gespeichert ist und hĂ€ufige Alltags-AktivitĂ€ten sowie deren typischen Ablauf beinhaltet. Solche Skript-AktivitĂ€ten werden auch als Szenarios bezeichnet und umfassen zum Beispiel Im Restaurant Essen etc. Diese Dissertation widmet sich der Bereitstellung einer soliden empirischen Grundlage zur Akquisition qualitativ hochwertigen Skriptwissens. Wir betrachten drei zentrale Aspekte im Bereich der Skriptmodellierung: Akquisition ition von Skriptwissen, Skript-Induktion und Skriptidentifizierung in Text. Wir erweitern das bereits bestehende Repertoire und Skript-DatensĂ€tzen in 2 Bereichen. Erstens benutzen wir Crowdsourcing zur Erstellung eines Korpus, das 40 Szenarien mit jeweils 100 Ereignissequenzbeschreibungen (Event Sequence Descriptions, ESDs) beinhaltet, und welches somit grĂ¶ĂŸer als bestehende Skript- DatensĂ€tze ist. Zweitens erweitern wir das Korpus mit partiellen ESD-Alignierungen, die von Hand annotiert werden. Die partiellen Alignierungen werden dann als Vorwissen fĂŒr einen halbĂŒberwachten Algorithmus zur Skriptinduktion benutzt, der im Rahmen dieser Dissertation vorgestellt wird. Wir prĂ€sentieren außerdem einen halbĂŒberwachten Clusteringansatz zur Induktion von Skripten, basierend auf Ereignissequenzen, die via Crowdsourcing gesammelt wurden. Hierbei werden einzelne Ereignisbeschreibungen gruppiert, um Paraphrasenmengen und der deren temporale Ordnung abzuleiten. Der vorgestellte Clusteringalgorithmus ist im Stande, Variationen in der typischen Reihenfolge in Skripte besser abzubilden und erweitert damit einen Formalismus zur SkriptreprĂ€sentation, temporale Skriptgraphen. Dies wird dadurch bewerkstelligt, dass Equivalenzklassen von Beschreibungen mit "arbitrĂ€rer Reihenfolge" genutzt werden, die es erlauben, eine flexible Ereignisordnung abzubilden, die inhĂ€rent bei Skripten vorhanden ist. Im dritten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit fĂŒhren wir den Task der SzenarioIdentifikation ein, also der automatischen Identifikation von Skriptreferenzen in narrativen Texten. Wir erstellen einen Benchmark-Datensatz mit annotierten narrativen Texten, in denen einzelne Segmente im Bezug auf das Skript, welches sie instantiieren, markiert wurden. Dieser Datensatz ist der erste seiner Art. Eine Analyse der Annotation zeigt, dass Referenzen zu Szenarien im Text mit annehmbarer Akkuratheit vorhergesagt werden können. ZusĂ€tzlich stellen wir ein Benchmark-Modell vor, welches Textfragmente automatisch erstellt und deren Szenario identifiziert. Das vorgestellte Modell erreicht erfolgversprechende Resultate und öffnet damit einen Forschungszweig im Bereich des Skript-Parsens und der Skript-Akquisition im großen Stil

    Moving Towards Analog Functional Safety

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    Over the past century, the exponential growth of the semiconductor industry has led to the creation of tiny and complex integrated circuits, e.g., sensors, actuators, and smart power systems. Innovative techniques are needed to ensure the correct functionality of analog devices that are ubiquitous in every smart system. The standard ISO 26262 related to functional safety in the automotive context specifies that fault injection is necessary to validate all electronic devices. For decades, standardizing fault modeling, injection and simulation mainly focused on digital circuits and disregarding analog ones. An initial attempt is being made with the IEEE P2427 standard draft standard that started to give this field a structured and formal organization. In this context, new fault models, injection, and abstraction methodologies for analog circuits are proposed in this thesis to enhance this application field. The faults proposed by the IEEE P2427 standard draft standard are initially evaluated to understand the associated fault behaviors during the simulation. Moreover, a novel approach is presented for modeling realistic stuck-on/off defects based on oxide defects. These new defects proposed are required because digital stuck-at-fault models where a transistor is frozen in on-state or offstate may not apply well on analog circuits because even a slight variation could create deviations of several magnitudes. Then, for validating the proposed defects models, a novel predictive fault grouping based on faulty AC matrices is applied to group faults with equivalent behaviors. The proposed fault grouping method is computationally cheap because it avoids performing DC or transient simulations with faults injected and limits itself to faulty AC simulations. Using AC simulations results in two different methods that allow grouping faults with the same frequency response are presented. The first method is an AC-based grouping method that exploits the potentialities of the S-parameters ports. While the second is a Circle-based grouping based on the circle-fitting method applied to the extracted AC matrices. Finally, an open-source framework is presented for the fault injection and manipulation perspective. This framework relies on the shared semantics for reading, writing, or manipulating transistor-level designs. The ultimate goal of the framework is: reading an input design written in a specific syntax and then allowing to write the same design in another syntax. As a use case for the proposed framework, a process of analog fault injection is discussed. This activity requires adding, removing, or replacing nodes, components, or even entire sub-circuits. The framework is entirely written in C++, and its APIs are also interfaced with Python. The entire framework is open-source and available on GitHub. The last part of the thesis presents abstraction methodologies that can abstract transistor level models into Verilog-AMS models and Verilog- AMS piecewise and nonlinear models into C++. These abstracted models can be integrated into heterogeneous systems. The purpose of integration is the simulation of heterogeneous components embedded in a Virtual Platforms (VP) needs to be fast and accurate

    Meeting the requirements of both classroom-based and systemic assessment of mathematics proficiency: the potential of Rasch measurement theory

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    The challenges inherent in assessing mathematical proficiency depend on a number of factors, amongst which are an explicit view of what constitutes mathematical proficiency, an understanding of how children learn and the purpose and function of teaching. All of these factors impact on the choice of approach to assessment. In this article we distinguish between two broad types of assessment, classroom-based and systemic assessment. We argue that the process of assessment informed by Rasch measurement theory (RMT) can potentially support the demands of both classroom-based and systemic assessment, particularly if a developmental approach to learning is adopted, and an underlying model of developing mathematical proficiency is explicit in the assessment instruments and their supporting material. An example of a mathematics instrument and its analysis which illustrates this approach, is presented. We note that the role of assessment in the 21st century is potentially powerful. This influential role can only be justified if the assessments are of high quality and can be selected to match suitable moments in learning progress and the teaching process. Users of assessment data must have sufficient knowledge and insight to interpret the resulting numbers validly, and have sufficient discernment to make considered educational inferences from the data for teaching and learning responses

    In no uncertain terms : a dataset for monolingual and multilingual automatic term extraction from comparable corpora

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    Automatic term extraction is a productive field of research within natural language processing, but it still faces significant obstacles regarding datasets and evaluation, which require manual term annotation. This is an arduous task, made even more difficult by the lack of a clear distinction between terms and general language, which results in low inter-annotator agreement. There is a large need for well-documented, manually validated datasets, especially in the rising field of multilingual term extraction from comparable corpora, which presents a unique new set of challenges. In this paper, a new approach is presented for both monolingual and multilingual term annotation in comparable corpora. The detailed guidelines with different term labels, the domain- and language-independent methodology and the large volumes annotated in three different languages and four different domains make this a rich resource. The resulting datasets are not just suited for evaluation purposes but can also serve as a general source of information about terms and even as training data for supervised methods. Moreover, the gold standard for multilingual term extraction from comparable corpora contains information about term variants and translation equivalents, which allows an in-depth, nuanced evaluation

    Knowledge based approach to process engineering design

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    Translation validation for compilation verification

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    Modern optimizing compilers such as LLVM and GCC are huge and complex, and mature releases routinely have uncaught bugs. Beyond harm to software development, the lack of formal correctness guarantees for the compilation process seriously limits the guarantees other software systems can provide, since the compiler that generates the final executable cannot be trusted. These circumstances have motivated broad interest in compilation verification: providing a formal guarantee that a compilation of a program is correct. Translation Validation is a commonly used compilation verification technique that aims to prove the correctness of a single instance of compilation, by considering only the specific input and output programs and treating the compiler mostly as a black box. Translation Validation techniques are well-suited to the compilation verification problem because they can be composed to validate a sequence of compilation steps, they can easily retrofit to existing compilers, and they can be maintained independently from the compiler itself by a separate team of formal method experts. The basic components of a Translation Validation system are (1) a formal notion of program equivalence, (2) a verification condition generator that generates a relation between program points and variables in the input and output programs, (3) a proof system that accepts the verification conditions, generates a machine-checkable equivalence proof, and checks the proof for correctness. Ideally, such a system is completely agnostic to the specifics of transformation from the input to the output as well as independent of the input/output languages. This allows the same system to be reused across the many transformation and translation passes found in modern compilers. However, this is not true in the state of the art: most existing systems are custom-tailored for a particular sequence of transformations, and moreover, specialized for a specific, common intermediate language for the input and output programs. The overall goal of this work is to show that it is possible to develop a (mostly) language-independent, transformation-agnostic translation validation system with support for different input/output languages for an optimizing, production-quality compiler. In this thesis, we present such a system as well as the theoretical and practical advances needed to arrive to it. First, we present a formal framework for program equivalence checking that is transformation-agnostic and language-independent. This framework can serve as-is as the proof system for any number of Translation Validation systems targeting different transformation and/or translation phases within an existing compiler. The basis of the framework is a rigorous formalization, namely cut-bisimulation, for weak bisimulation variants that serve as a generalization of the various (sometimes ad-hoc) notions of program equivalence found in the literature. We develop a program equivalence checking algorithm that proves two programs equivalent by reducing a proposed relation between corresponding program states to a cut-bisimulation relation. We implement this algorithm in KEQ, a new tool for checking program equivalence that accepts the operational semantics of the input and output languages as parameters, and is independent of the transformation used to generate the output. This is the first program equivalence checking tool known to the authors that is language-parametric instead of containing hard-coded language semantics as is the norm in the literature. Then, we use KEQ as the equivalence checker for two different Translation Validation systems targeting two phases of the LLVM compiler: the Instruction Selection phase and the Register Allocation phase. The two systems share the same notion of equivalence (cut-bisimulation), the same proof system (KEQ), as well as the semantic definitions for the input/output languages (LLVM IR and x86-64 based Machine IR), which are separate artifacts and not hardcoded into the logic of the systems. The only components that are transformation-specific are the two verification condition generators. The Instruction Selection one requires minimal support from the compiler in the form of compiler-generated hints, while the Register Allocation one is employing a novel inference algorithm for register allocation and related optimizations. These systems were evaluated on the GCC SPEC 2006 benchmark, where they correctly validated 4331 / 4732 (91.52%) and 4574 / 4732 (96.67%) functions with supported features respectively
