568 research outputs found

    Facilitating modular property-preserving extensions of programming languages

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    We will explore an approach to modular programming language descriptions and extensions in a denotational style. Based on a language core, language features are added stepwise on the core. Language features can be described separated from each other in a self-contained, orthogonal way. We present an extension semantics framework consisting of mechanisms to adapt semantics of a basic language to new structural requirements in an extended language preserving the behaviour of programs of the basic language. Common templates of extension are provided. These can be collected in extension libraries accessible to and extendible by language designers. Mechanisms to extend these libraries are provided. A notation for describing language features embedding these semantics extensions is presented

    How functional programming mattered

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    In 1989 when functional programming was still considered a niche topic, Hughes wrote a visionary paper arguing convincingly ‘why functional programming matters’. More than two decades have passed. Has functional programming really mattered? Our answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’. Functional programming is now at the forefront of a new generation of programming technologies, and enjoying increasing popularity and influence. In this paper, we review the impact of functional programming, focusing on how it has changed the way we may construct programs, the way we may verify programs, and fundamentally the way we may think about programs

    Observation and abstract behaviour in specification and implementation of state-based systems

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    Classical algebraic specification is an accepted framework for specification. A criticism which applies is the fact that it is functional, not based on a notion of state as most software development and implementation languages are. We formalise the idea of a state-based object or abstract machine using algebraic means. In contrast to similar approaches we consider dynamic logic instead of equational logic as the framework for specification and implementation. The advantage is a more expressive language allowing us to specify safety and liveness conditions. It also allows a clearer distinction of functional and state-based parts which require different treatment in order to achieve behavioural abstraction when necessary. We shall in particular focus on abstract behaviour and observation. A behavioural notion of satisfaction for state-elements is needed in order to abstract from irrelevant details of the state realisation

    Formal mechanization of device interactions with a process algebra

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    The principle emphasis is to develop a methodology to formally verify correct synchronization communication of devices in a composed hardware system. Previous system integration efforts have focused on vertical integration of one layer on top of another. This task examines 'horizontal' integration of peer devices. To formally reason about communication, we mechanize a process algebra in the Higher Order Logic (HOL) theorem proving system. Using this formalization we show how four types of device interactions can be represented and verified to behave as specified. The report also describes the specification of a system consisting of an AVM-1 microprocessor and a memory management unit which were verified in previous work. A proof of correct communication is presented, and the extensions to the system specification to add a direct memory device are discussed

    On a conjecture of Bergstra and Tucker

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    AbstractBergstra and Tucker (1983) conjectured that a semicomputable (abstract) data type has a finite hidden enrichment specification under its initial algebra semantics. In a previous paper (1987) we tried to solve the entire conjecture and we found a weak solution. Here, following the line and the proof techniques of the previous paper, we examine a nontrivial case in which the conjecture has a positive answer

    Certified Context-Free Parsing: A formalisation of Valiant's Algorithm in Agda

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    Valiant (1975) has developed an algorithm for recognition of context free languages. As of today, it remains the algorithm with the best asymptotic complexity for this purpose. In this paper, we present an algebraic specification, implementation, and proof of correctness of a generalisation of Valiant's algorithm. The generalisation can be used for recognition, parsing or generic calculation of the transitive closure of upper triangular matrices. The proof is certified by the Agda proof assistant. The certification is representative of state-of-the-art methods for specification and proofs in proof assistants based on type-theory. As such, this paper can be read as a tutorial for the Agda system

    Calculating with lenses: optimising bidirectional transformations

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    This paper presents an equational calculus to reason about bidirectional transformations specified in the point-free style. In particular, it focuses on the so-called lenses as a bidirectional idiom, and shows that many standard laws characterising point-free combinators and recursion patterns are also valid in that setting. A key result is that uniqueness also holds for bidirectional folds and unfolds, thus unleashing the power of fusion as a program optimisation technique. A rewriting system for automatic lens optimisation is also presented, to prove the usefulness of the proposed calculus.(undefined

    Compiling ER Specifications into Declarative Programs

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    This paper proposes an environment to support high-level database programming in a declarative programming language. In order to ensure safe database updates, all access and update operations related to the database are generated from high-level descriptions in the entity- relationship (ER) model. We propose a representation of ER diagrams in the declarative language Curry so that they can be constructed by various tools and then translated into this representation. Furthermore, we have implemented a compiler from this representation into a Curry program that provides access and update operations based on a high-level API for database programming.Comment: Paper presented at the 17th Workshop on Logic-based Methods in Programming Environments (WLPE2007

    'Galculator': functional prototype of a Galois-connection based proof assistant

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    Galculator is the name of the prototype of a proof assistant of a special brand: it is solely based on the algebra of Galois connections. When combined with the pointfree transform and tactics such as the indirect equality principle, Galois connections offer a very powerful, generic device to tackle the complexity of proofs in program verification. The paper describes the architecture of the current Galculator prototype, which is implemented in Haskell in order to steer types as much as possible. The prospect of integrating the Galculator with other proof assistants such as e.g. Coq is also discussed.(undefined