268 research outputs found

    Adaptive equalisation for fading digital communication channels

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    This thesis considers the design of new adaptive equalisers for fading digital communication channels. The role of equalisation is discussed in the context of the functions of a digital radio communication system and both conventional and more recent novel equaliser designs are described. The application of recurrent neural networks to the problem of equalisation is developed from a theoretical study of a single node structure to the design of multinode structures. These neural networks are shown to cancel intersymbol interference in a manner mimicking conventional techniques and simulations demonstrate their sensitivity to symbol estimation errors. In addition the error mechanisms of conventional maximum likelihood equalisers operating on rapidly time-varying channels are investigated and highlight the problems of channel estimation using delayed and often incorrect symbol estimates. The relative sensitivity of Bayesian equalisation techniques to errors in the channel estimate is studied and demonstrates that the structure's equalisation capability is also susceptible to such errors. Applications of multiple channel estimator methods are developed, leading to reduced complexity structures which trade performance for a smaller computational load. These novel structures are shown to provide an improvement over the conventional techniques, especially for rapidly time-varying channels, by reducing the time delay in the channel estimation process. Finally, the use of confidence measures of the equaliser's symbol estimates in order to improve channel estimation is studied and isolates the critical areas in the development of the technique — the production of reliable confidence measures by the equalisers and the statistics of symbol estimation error bursts

    Spectrally and Energy Efficient Wireless Communications: Signal and System Design, Mathematical Modelling and Optimisation

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    This thesis explores engineering studies and designs aiming to meeting the requirements of enhancing capacity and energy efficiency for next generation communication networks. Challenges of spectrum scarcity and energy constraints are addressed and new technologies are proposed, analytically investigated and examined. The thesis commences by reviewing studies on spectrally and energy-efficient techniques, with a special focus on non-orthogonal multicarrier modulation, particularly spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM). Rigorous theoretical and mathematical modelling studies of SEFDM are presented. Moreover, to address the potential application of SEFDM under the 5th generation new radio (5G NR) heterogeneous numerologies, simulation-based studies of SEFDM coexisting with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) are conducted. New signal formats and corresponding transceiver structure are designed, using a Hilbert transform filter pair for shaping pulses. Detailed modelling and numerical investigations show that the proposed signal doubles spectral efficiency without performance degradation, with studies of two signal formats; uncoded narrow-band internet of things (NB-IoT) signals and unframed turbo coded multi-carrier signals. The thesis also considers using constellation shaping techniques and SEFDM for capacity enhancement in 5G system. Probabilistic shaping for SEFDM is proposed and modelled to show both transmission energy reduction and bandwidth saving with advantageous flexibility for data rate adaptation. Expanding on constellation shaping to improve performance further, a comparative study of multidimensional modulation techniques is carried out. A four-dimensional signal, with better noise immunity is investigated, for which metaheuristic optimisation algorithms are studied, developed, and conducted to optimise bit-to-symbol mapping. Finally, a specially designed machine learning technique for signal and system design in physical layer communications is proposed, utilising the application of autoencoder-based end-to-end learning. Multidimensional signal modulation with multidimensional constellation shaping is proposed and optimised by using machine learning techniques, demonstrating significant improvement in spectral and energy efficiencies

    A Very Brief Introduction to Machine Learning With Applications to Communication Systems

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    Given the unprecedented availability of data and computing resources, there is widespread renewed interest in applying data-driven machine learning methods to problems for which the development of conventional engineering solutions is challenged by modelling or algorithmic deficiencies. This tutorial-style paper starts by addressing the questions of why and when such techniques can be useful. It then provides a high-level introduction to the basics of supervised and unsupervised learning. For both supervised and unsupervised learning, exemplifying applications to communication networks are discussed by distinguishing tasks carried out at the edge and at the cloud segments of the network at different layers of the protocol stack

    Development of Fuzzy System Based Channel Equalisers

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    Channel equalisers are used in digital communication receivers to mitigate the effects of inter symbol interference (ISI) and inter user interference in the form of co-channel interference (CCI) and adjacent channel interference (ACI) in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). An equaliser uses a large part of the computations involved in the receiver. Linear equalisers based on adaptive filtering techniques have long been used for this application. Recently, use of nonlinear signal processing techniques like artificial neural networks (ANN) and radial basis functions (RBF) have shown encouraging results in this application. This thesis presents the development of a nonlinear fuzzy system based equaliser for digital communication receivers. The fuzzy equaliser proposed in this thesis provides a parametric implementation of symbolby-symbol maximum a-posteriori probability (MAP) equaliser based on Bayes’s theory. This MAP equaliser is also called Bayesian equaliser. Its decision function uses an estimate of the noise free received vectors, also called channel states or channel centres. The fuzzy equaliser developed here can be implemented with lower computational complexity than the RBF implementation of the MAP equaliser by using scalar channel states instead of channel states. It also provides schemes for performance tradeoff with complexity and schemes for subset centre selection. Simulation studies presented in this thesis suggests that the fuzzy equaliser by using only 10%-20% of the Bayesian equaliser channel states can provide near optimal performance. Subsequently, this fuzzy equaliser is modified for CCI suppression and is termed fuzzy–CCI equaliser. The fuzzy–CCI equaliser provides a performance comparable to the MAP equaliser designed for channels corrupted with CCI. However the structure of this equaliser is similar to the MAP equaliser that treats CCI as AWGN. A decision feedback form of this equaliser which uses a subset of channel states based on the feedback state is derived. Simulation studies presented in this thesis demonstrate that the fuzzy–CCI equaliser can effectively remove CCI without much increase in computational complexity. This equaliser is also successful in removing interference from more than one CCI sources, where as the MAP equalisers treating CCI as AWGN fail. This fuzzy–CCI equaliser can be treated as a fuzzy equaliser with a preprocessor for CCI suppression, and the preprocessor can be removed under high signal to interference ratio condition

    A review of gallium nitride LEDs for multi-gigabit-per-second visible light data communications

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    The field of visible light communications (VLC) has gained significant interest over the last decade, in both fibre and free-space embodiments. In fibre systems, the availability of low cost plastic optical fibre (POF) that is compatible with visible data communications has been a key enabler. In free-space applications, the availability of hundreds of THz of the unregulated spectrum makes VLC attractive for wireless communications. This paper provides an overview of the recent developments in VLC systems based on gallium nitride (GaN) light-emitting diodes (LEDs), covering aspects from sources to systems. The state-of-the-art technology enabling bandwidth of GaN LEDs in the range of >400 MHz is explored. Furthermore, advances in key technologies, including advanced modulation, equalisation, and multiplexing that have enabled free-space VLC data rates beyond 10 Gb/s are also outlined

    Bounded PCA based Multi Sensor Image Fusion Employing Curvelet Transform Coefficients

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    The fusion of thermal and visible images acts as an important device for target detection. The quality of the spectral content of the fused image improves with wavelet-based image fusion. However, compared to PCA-based fusion, most wavelet-based methods provide results with a lower spatial resolution. The outcome gets better when the two approaches are combined, but they may still be refined. Compared to wavelets, the curvelet transforms more accurately depict the edges in the image. Enhancing the edges is a smart way to improve spatial resolution and the edges are crucial for interpreting the images. The fusion technique that utilizes curvelets enables the provision of additional data in both spectral and spatial areas concurrently. In this paper, we employ an amalgamation of Curvelet Transform and a Bounded PCA (CTBPCA) method to fuse thermal and visible images. To evidence the enhanced efficiency of our proposed technique, multiple evaluation metrics and comparisons with existing image merging methods are employed. Our approach outperforms others in both qualitative and quantitative analysis, except for runtime performance. Future Enhancement-The study will be based on using the fused image for target recognition. Future work should also focus on this method’s continued improvement and optimization for real-time video processing

    Multi-user receiver structures for direct sequence code division multiple access

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    Genetic programming for adaptive digital signal processing

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    Abstract available: p. i-ii

    Design and Analysis of OFDM System for Powerline Based Communication

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    Research on digital communication systems has been greatly developed in the past few years and offers a high quality of transmission in both wired and wireless communication environments. Coupled with advances in new modulation techniques, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a well-known digital multicarrier communication technique and one of the best methods of digital data transmission over a limited bandwidth. The main aim of this research is to design an OFDM modem for powerline-based communication in order to propose and examine a novel approach in comparing the different modulation order, different modulation type, application of Forward Error Correction (FEC) scheme and also application of different noise types and applying them to the two modelled channels, Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and Powerline modelled channel. This is an attempt to understand and recognise the most suitable technique for the transmission of message or image within a communication system. In doing so, MATLAB and embedded Digital Signal Processing (DSP) systems are used to simulate the operation of virtual transmitter and receiver. The simulation results presented in this project suggest that lower order modulation formats (Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) and 4-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)), are the most preferred modulation techniques (in both type and order) for their considerable performance. The results also indicated that, Convolutional Channel Encoding (CCE)-Soft and Block Channel Encoding (BCE)-Soft are by far the best encoding techniques (in FEC type) for their best performance in error detection and correction. Indeed, applying these techniques to the two modelled channels has proven very successful and will be accounted as a novel approach for the transmission of message or image within a powerline based communication system
