117 research outputs found

    Towards Jeddah Smart City: Assessing People Perception Of Spacious Quality Indicators In Open Spaces.

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    Strengthening sustainability within a smart community often begins with a clear vision but it is really a process of creative, local, balanced decision-making that continues to adjust to changing realities of community and urban living. Jeddah, a city with Waterfront communities that attract people all year round, has a strong character and economic backgrounds. It includes dramatically improving access to the waterfront, that is subject to continuous renovations while maintaining attractive, environmentally sound parks, open spaces and recreational opportunities, stimulating mixed use development. The research demonstrates people responsiveness against promenade experience applying wearable sensors that reflects stress levels along studied areas. The results of data will highlight potential of further design recommendations and modifications in order to maintain a sustainable community that supports and encourages diversity taking in consideration long-term and external impacts into account during municipalities decision-making

    Emotional Gaming

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    In recent years, research on the psychology of gaming has examined the negative and positive outcomes of playing video games. Thus far, a variety of affective phenomena have been investigated. In this chapter we will continue this exploration by examining the emotions elicited by the act of playing video games. Because the study of emotions must rely on different type of methods, including subjective self-reports (e.g., description of feelings), neuropsychophysiological measurements (e.g. electromyography, skin conductance, heart rate, event-related potentials, functional magnetic resonance imaging), biological markers (e.g. cortisol, testosterone) and behaviours (e.g., facial expressions), we will cover all these distinct methods. We will explore how dimensional and categorical models of emotions have been used to identify the emotional responses of players, including their enjoyment experience. Expanding upon past research findings we will also discuss the social implications of gaming and suggest areas for future research.This chapter was supported by a grant from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (GRANT PTDC/PSI-PSO/099985/2008

    MyEvents: a personal visual analytics approach for mining key events and knowledge discovery in support of personal reminiscence

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    Reminiscence is an important aspect in our life. It preserves precious memories, allows us to form our own identities and encourages us to accept the past. Our work takes advantage of modern sensor technologies to support reminiscence, enabling self-monitoring of personal activities and individual movement in space and time on a daily basis. This paper presents MyEvents, a web-based personal visual analytics platform designed for non-computing experts, that allows for the collection of long-term location and movement data and the generation of event mementos. Our research is focused on two prominent goals in event reminiscence: 1) selection subjectivity and human involvement in the process of self knowledge discovery and memento creation; and 2) the enhancement of event familiarity by presenting target events and their related information for optimal memory recall and reminiscence. A novel multi-significance event ranking model is proposed to determine significant events in the personal history according to user preferences for event category, frequency and regularity. The evaluation results show that MyEvents effectively fulfils the reminiscence goals and tasks.

    Dispositifs immersifs rapprochés et individuels

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    Collection : Encyclopédie raisonnée des techniques du cinémaÀ fétichiser la salle de cinéma, on néglige les autres dispositifs de consommation des images. Ce livre numérique suit ainsi le fil des dispositifs rapprochés et individuels, qui sont intimement liés à l’histoire du cinéma mais ont été négligés par l’historiographie. On examine ici quelques nœuds, quelques moments exemplaires où, avec le développement de l’électronique et de l’informatique, le dispositif rapproché individuel est réactivé, mais sous une forme plus immersive encore et désormais interactive, avec une nouvelle extension polysensorielle (visuelle, sonore, haptique, olfactive, gustative) et motrice (qui sollicite la tête, la main et tout le corps).The fetishizing of the movie theater makes us neglect other image consumption systems. This digital book follows the thread of the up-close and individual viewing systems, which are closely tied up with film history but which have been neglected by historiography. Here we will examine a few nubs and exemplary moments in which, with the growth of electronics and computerization, the individual viewing system was reactivated, but in a yet more immersive and henceforth interactive form, with new extensions whose nature is both multi-sensory (visual, acoustic, haptic, olfactory, gustatory) and motive (bringing into play the head, hands and the entire body).Introduction : le cinéma dans le réseau sociotechnique = Introduction : cinema in the socio-technical network / Olivier Asselin ; Une petite typologie des dispositifs immersifs = A brief typology of immersive viewing systems / Olivier Asselin ; Les lunettes télévisuelles = Television eyeglasses / Olivier Asselin ; Les casques interactifs de première génération = First-generation interactive headsets / Olivier Asselin ; Les simulateurs polysensoriels = Multi-sensory simulators / Olivier Asselin ; Les masques stéréoscopiques pour le jeu vidéo = Stereoscopic masks for video games / Adam Lefloïc ; Les gants haptiques = Haptic gloves / Adam Lefloïc ; Des masques avec contrôleurs aux implants sensorimoteurs = From masks with controllers to sensorimotor implants / Olivier Asselin

    “Super Eu!” – Desenvolvimento de um jogo sério de apoio a crianças com dificuldades nas rotinas diárias

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    A falta de empenho das crianças em realizar as suas rotinas diárias constituem um problema que assola a maioria das famílias da nossa sociedade. Isto pode afetar a vida da criança de uma forma drástica, originando ou agravando diversas dificuldades a nível comportamental e emoci-onal, assim como criar um mau ambiente familiar e contribuir para a deterioração das relações entre pais e filhos. Existem métodos que combatem este problema, como uma tabela de tarefas diárias dese-nhada em papel com o que a criança tem que fazer durante a semana, sendo recompensadas pelos pais quando as concretizam. No entanto, as crianças não se sentem motivadas para a realização da sua rotina diária quando utilizam este método, logo é necessário algo que as consiga motivar de uma forma consistente. Portanto, nesta dissertação irá apresentar-se uma solução para este problema, que consiste num jogo digital sério que acompanhe a criança no seu dia-a-dia e que a motive para a realização das suas rotinas diárias, recorrendo a recompensas e a mensagens de reforço positivo. Desta forma, a criança poderá encarar as suas tarefas diárias como algo divertido em vez de algo traba-lhoso. No final, é efetuado um estudo em parceria com o Centro Diferenças, que verifica se esta solução é eficiente no combate à falta de rotinas diárias nas crianças

    Meta Analysis of Smartphone Usage for Gratifications Obtained (2016-2019)

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    Smartphone is mostly used medium today in all age groups. Current study contributes by analyzing the research methodology in context of smartphone usage studies. The population of the study is the “Uses and Gratifications” researches related to smartphone usage published between 2016 and 2019. The research articles were selected by the key words of “smartphone AND gratifications” on Google Scholar and 25 articles were selected for meta-analysis to explore the objectives of approach to uses and gratifications theory, the sampling procedures, the data collection and analyses in the previous studies. It is found that smartphone is a multidimensional construct and scholars have researched them by using the holistic and the reductionist approaches. 64% studies have been found to utilize the quantitative approaches. Both mediated and offline methods are used for data collection in the previous studies. Most of the studies have used survey method. It is recommended to use the validated scales in the context of Pakistani culture