14 research outputs found

    A Methodology for Secured Routing and Intrusion Detection in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Abstract:-The basic aspect of evolution of wireless mesh networks is its characteristic of dynamically self organising, self configured nodes in the network that establish a mesh connectivity with lower mobility mesh routers, low power consumption of nodes that has put this technology into the emerging trends of the day to day networking applications. In general, throughput and security are two vast areas of research. Here we propose the methodology of handling both the security aspect and efficient routing. Initially the main aspect of an efficient communication is through exchange of information that shouldn’t avail ease of access by unauthenticated parties, therefore security issues have to be concentrated. Here we discuss various aspects optimal path selection for efficient routing considering the relevant routing metrics that proportionately affects the throughput. Finally several intrusion detection mechanisms are followed and basic approaches of their prevention for the black hole and grey hole attacks. All these aspects can be visualised by the network simulator tools like ns2, ns3, nctuns etc. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15072

    WING/WORLD: An Open Experimental Toolkit for the Design and Deployment of IEEE 802.11-Based Wireless Mesh Networks Testbeds

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    Wireless Mesh Networks represent an interesting instance of light-infrastructure wireless networks. Due to their flexibility and resiliency to network failures, wireless mesh networks are particularly suitable for incremental and rapid deployments of wireless access networks in both metropolitan and rural areas. This paper illustrates the design and development of an open toolkit aimed at supporting the design of different solutions for wireless mesh networking by enabling real evaluation, validation, and demonstration. The resulting testbed is based on off-the-shelf hardware components and open-source software and is focused on IEEE 802.11 commodity devices. The software toolkit is based on an "open" philosophy and aims at providing the scientific community with a tool for effective and reproducible performance analysis of WMNs. The paper describes the architecture of the toolkit, and its core functionalities, as well as its potential evolutions

    Energy Efficient Design of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    The concept of wireless is not new. When the packet switching technology, the fabric of the Internet was introduced by the Department of Defense, the ARPANET ,it understood the potential of packet switched radio technology to interconnect mobile nodes .The DARPA around early 70’s helped establish the base of ad hoc wireless networking. This is a technology that enables untethered wireless networking environments where there is no wired or cellular infrastructure. Wireless Ad hoc Networks since then is a fast developing research area with a vast spectrum of applications. Wireless sensor network systems enable the reliable monitoring of a variety of environments for both civil and military applications. The Energy efficiency continues to be a key factor in limiting the deployability of ad-hoc networks. Deploying an energy efficient system exploiting the maximum lifetime of the network has remained a great challenge since years. The time period from the instant at which the network starts functioning to the time instant at which the first network node runs out of energy, i.e. the network lifetime is largely dependent on the system energy efficiency. This thesis looks at energy efficient protocols, which can have significant impact on the lifetime of these networks. The cluster heads get drain out maximum energy in the wireless ad hoc networks. The proposed algorithm deals with minimizing the rate of dissipation of energy of cluster heads. The algorithm LEAD deals with energy efficient round scheduling of cluster head followed by allocation of nodes to the cluster heads maximizing network lifetime using ANDA

    Asioiden Internetin tietoturva: ratkaisuja, standardeja ja avoimia ongelmia

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    Internet of Things (IoT) extends the Internet to our everyday objects, which enables new kind of applications and services. These IoT applications face demanding technical challenges: the number of ‘things’ or objects can be very large, they can be very con-strained devices, and may need to operate on challenging and dynamic environments. However, the architecture of today’s Internet is based on many legacy protocols and technology that were not originally designed to support features like mobility or the huge and growing number of objects the Internet consists of today. Similarly, many security features of today’s Internet are additional layers built to fill up flaws in the un-derlying design. Fulfilling new technical requirements set by IoT applications requires efficient solutions designed for the IoT use from the ground up. Moreover, the imple-mentation of this new IoT technology requires interoperability and integration with tra-ditional Internet. Due to considerable technical challenges, the security is an often over-looked aspect in the emerging new IoT technology. This thesis surveys general security requirements for the entire field of IoT applica-tions. Out of the large amount of potential applications, this thesis focuses on two major IoT application fields: wireless sensor networks and vehicular ad-hoc networks. The thesis introduces example scenarios and presents major security challenges related to these areas. The common standards related to the areas are examined in the security perspective. The thesis also examines research work beyond the area of standardization in an attempt to find solutions to unanswered security challenges. The thesis aims to give an introduction to the security challenges in the IoT world and review the state of the security research through these two major IoT areas

    Performance of symmetric and asymmetric links in wireless networks

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    Wireless networks are designed to provide the enabling infrastructure for emerging technological advancements. The main characteristics of wireless networks are: Mobility, power constraints, high packet loss, and lower bandwidth. Nodes’ mobility is a crucial consideration for wireless networks, as nodes are moving all the time, and this may result in loss of connectivity in the network. The goal of this work is to explore the effect of replacing the generally held assumption of symmetric radii for wireless networks with asymmetric radii. This replacement may have a direct impact on the connectivity, throughput, and collision avoidance mechanism of mobile networks. The proposed replacement may also impact other mobile protocol’s functionality. In this work, we are mainly concerned with building and maintaining fully connected wireless network with the asymmetric assumption. For this extent, we propose to study the effect of the asymmetric links assumption on the network performance using extensive simulation experiments. Extensive simulation experiments were performed to measure the impact of these parameters. Finally, a resource allocation scheme for wireless networks is proposed for the dual rate scenario. The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated using simulation

    Routing Design Issues in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network

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    WSN has important applications such as habitat monitoring, structural health monitoring, target tracking in military and many more. This has evolved due to availability of sensors that are cheaper and intelligent but these are having battery support. So, one of the major issues in WSN is maximization of network life. Heterogeneous WSNs have the potential to improve network lifetime and also provide higher quality networking and system services than the homogeneous WSN. Routing is the main concern of energy consumption in WSN. Previous research shows that performance of the network can be improve significantly using protocol of hierarchical HWSN. However, the appropriateness of a particular routing protocol mainly depends on the capabilities of the nodes and on the application requirements. This study presents different aspects of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor network and design issues for routing in heterogeneous environment. Different perspectives from different authors regarding energy efficiency based on resource heterogeneity for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks have been presented

    Real-Time and Secure Wireless Health Monitoring

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    We present a framework for a wireless health monitoring system using wireless networks such as ZigBee. Vital signals are collected and processed using a 3-tiered architecture. The first stage is the mobile device carried on the body that runs a number of wired and wireless probes. This device is also designed to perform some basic processing such as the heart rate and fatal failure detection. At the second stage, further processing is performed by a local server using the raw data transmitted by the mobile device continuously. The raw data is also stored at this server. The processed data as well as the analysis results are then transmitted to the service provider center for diagnostic reviews as well as storage. The main advantages of the proposed framework are (1) the ability to detect signals wirelessly within a body sensor network (BSN), (2) low-power and reliable data transmission through ZigBee network nodes, (3) secure transmission of medical data over BSN, (4) efficient channel allocation for medical data transmission over wireless networks, and (5) optimized analysis of data using an adaptive architecture that maximizes the utility of processing and computational capacity at each platform

    Ad hoc networking in a medical environment

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    Energy Efficient Cluster Based Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The energy utilization of sensor nodes in large scale wireless sensor network points out the crucial need for scalable and energy efficient clustering protocols. Since sensor nodes usually operate on batteries, the maximum utility of network is greatly dependent on ideal usage of energy leftover in these sensor nodes. In this paper, we propose an Energy Efficient Cluster Based Scheduling Scheme for wireless sensor networks that balances the sensor network lifetime and energy efficiency. In the first phase of our proposed scheme, cluster topology is discovered and cluster head is chosen based on remaining energy level. The cluster head monitors the network energy threshold value to identify the energy drain rate of all its cluster members. In the second phase, scheduling algorithm is presented to allocate time slots to cluster member data packets. Here congestion occurrence is totally avoided. In the third phase, energy consumption model is proposed to maintain maximum residual energy level across the network. Moreover, we also propose a new packet format which is given to all cluster member nodes. The simulation results prove that the proposed scheme greatly contributes to maximum network lifetime, high energy, reduced overhead, and maximum delivery ratio

    Modeling and Analysis of Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks

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    Eine Welt ohne drahtlose Ad-Hoc Netzwerke ist heute kaum noch vorstellbar.Auf Grund der geringen Kosten und des minimalen Installationsaufwands werden gegenwärtig immer mehr Geräte in immer mehr Anwendungsfeldern eingesetzt. Da die meisten dieser Netzwerke im lizenzfreien ISM-Band operieren, ist dieses heute stark ausgelastet und weist kaum noch freie Kapazitäten auf. Aktuelle Studien der Federal Communication Commission (FCC) belegen allerdings, dass große Teile (bis zu 70%) der lizenzbehafteten Frequenzen ungenutzt sind. Dieser Umstand zeigt, dass das Problem weniger die generelle Knappheit an freien Frequenzen ist, sondern vielmehr in der ineffizienten Verteilung bzw.Nutzung der verfügbaren Resourcen zu suchen ist. Das Hauptaugenmerk der vorliegenden Dissertation liegt in der Verbesserung der Spektrumsauslastung, um dadurch die weitere Entwicklung von drahtlosen Ad-Hoc Netzwerken zu ermöglichen.In dieser Arbeit wird ein neues Spektrum-Management-Konzept mit dem Namen Opportunistic Spectrum Access with Backup channel (OSAB) entwickelt und vorgestellt. Das hierbei zugrunde liegende Konzept gestattet Secondary Users (SUs)dynamisch und flexibel auf Frequenzen unlizenzierter als auch lizensierterFrequenzbänder zu zugreifen, wenn diese vom Primary User (PU) gerade nicht genutzt werden - es also keine Interferenzen geben kann.Da der Zugriff auf das Frequenzspektrum heute existierender Systeme noch sehr unflexibel ist, soll dieser in Zukunft durch Cognitive Radios (CR)weit flexibler und dynamischer gestaltet werden können. Bei der Entstehung von OSAB wurden speziell die unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften verschiedener Frequenzbänder berücksichtigt.Der Hauptvorteil von lizenzbehafteten Bändern ist, dass diese in hoher Anzahl verfügbar sind. Der Hauptvorteil von lizenzfreien Frequenzen ergibt sich hingegen aus der Gleichstellung aller Nutzer. Sobald ein SU einmal einen Kanal belegt hat, kann er nicht mehr aus selbigem verdrängt werden.Kommuniziert OSAB in lizenzierten Bändern, so wird stets ein Backup Channel (BC)vorgehalten um auf das plötzliche Auftreten des PUs reagieren zu können.Das vorgeschlagene Konzept wurde in dieser Arbeit außerdem einer intensiven Analyse mittel Markov-Ketten unterzogen. Die dabei erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen,dass OSAB den Paketverlust und die erwartete Anzahl an Spektrum-Hand-Offs um 60% bzw. 17% reduzieren kann.Um den Nutzen und die Vorteile von OSAB praktisch unter Beweis zu stellen, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit weiterhin das MAC-Protokoll SWITCH (opportunisticSpectrum access WITh backup CHannel) entwickelt.SWITCH ist ein dezentrales, asynchrones, verbindungsbasiertes MAC-Protokoll, welchesdurch das Backup-Channel-Konzept in der Lage ist, effektiv auf das plötzliche Eintreffen von PUs zu reagieren.Jeder SU ist dabei mit zwei Transceivern ausgestattet, wobei einer davon stets für die Kommunikation auf dem gemeinsam genutzten Kontroll-Kanal (Common Control Channel) verantwortlich ist. Der zweite Transceiver ist so ausgelegt, dass dieser periodisch alle ungenutzten Kanäle absucht und dynamisch auf diese zugreifen kann. Um den Zustand eines Kanals (belegt/nicht belegt) korrekt erkennen zu können wird in dieser Arbeit eine einfache aber effektive Form des kooperativen Sensings genutzt. Die Performanz des Protokolls wurde mit Hilfe von Simulationen evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass SWITCH im Vergleich zu anderen CR-MAC-Protokollen eine Verbesserung des Durchsatzes von bemerkenswerten 91,7% erzielen konnte. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass die vorgeschlagenen Beiträge einen Schritt hin zu einer effektiveren Nutzung der verfügbaren Funkressourcen und zur Erhöhung der Kapazität von drahtlosen Ad-Hoc Netzwerken darstellen.Wireless ad hoc networks are becoming more ubiquitous in terms of devices, application areas, etc. due to their low cost and minimal deployment effort. Since all these networks operate in the unlicensed band, the problems of congestion and spectrum scarcity have arisen. On the other hand, a recent study by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has revealed that swathes of licensed bands, measured by 70%, are unutilized. This highlights that the actual problem is not the scarcity of spectrum but inefficient allocation policies and usage. Therefore, this dissertation is focused on improving spectrum utilization and efficiency to tackle the spectrum scarcity problem and support further wireless ad hoc networks.This thesis proposes a new spectrum management concept called opportunistic spectrum access with backup channel (OSAB). The proposed concept provides secondary users (SUs) (e.g. ad hoc users) with the ability to adaptively and dynamically exploit channels from both licensed and unlicensed bands without interfering the legacy users of licensed bands, i.e. the so called primary users (PUs). Since existing radio systems offer very limited flexibility, cognitive radios (CR), which can sense and adapt to radio environments, are exploited to support such a dynamic concept. For the development of OSAB, the channels' characteristics from each band are taken into consideration. The main advantage of licensed channels is their availability in significant numbers, whereas, the main advantage of unlicensed channels is that all users have the same rights to channel access and thus no preemption occurs once a user obtains a channel. In addition, OSAB uses a backup channel (BC) to handle the appearance of PUs and thus facilitates SU communication. The proposed concept is extensively evaluated using a Markov chain model and compared to existing spectrum management approaches such as opportunistic spectrum access (OSA). The results indicate that OSAB decreases the dropping probability and the expected number of spectrum handoffs for SUs compared to OSA by 60% and 17% respectively.In order to apply OSAB practically, we develop a MAC protocol that reacts efficiently to sudden appearance of PUs. The new protocol is named opportunistic Spectrum access WITh backup CHannel (SWITCH) protocol. SWITCH is a decentralized, asynchronous, and contention-based MAC protocol. The BC's concept makes SWITCH extremely robust to the appearance of PUs. Each SU is equipped with two transceivers, one is tuned to a common control channel for the negotiation purpose with other SUs while the other is designed specifically to periodically sense and dynamically use the identified unused channels. To obtain the channel state accurately, we propose an efficient spectrum sensing strategy. This strategy is based on cooperative spectrum sensing among SUs. The performance of proposed protocol is evaluated through simulations. The results show that SWITCH accomplishes a remarkable 91.7% throughput gain over other CR-MAC protocolsTo conclude, the proposed contributions are a step forward towards efficient use of available radio resources and improve the spectrum capacity for wireless ad hoc networks