5,728 research outputs found

    Inclusive Education through Digital Comic Creation in Higher Learning Environments

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    This research aims to promote diversity and inclusion among higher education students by examining the integration of technology into project-based learning (PBL) for English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher candidates. Based on a mixed-methods approach and convenience sampling (n = 84 participants), this study involved pre-service teachers who collaboratively employed several authoring tools to create 16 digital comic strips for teaching English. The focus of the project was on inclusivity, cultural diversity, and affective education. This study consisted of five stages corresponding to different critical thinking skills: comprehension, negotiation, creation, presentation, and evaluation. The instruments used for quantitative data included a pre/post-survey based on two validated scales. Qualitative data were gathered through class discussions and semi-structured interviews. The results, analyzed through SPSS and QDA Miner Lite, revealed that teacher candidates lacked prior experience using digital tools to create EFL-inclusive materials. However, the study also highlighted increased awareness of inclusive education and strong advocacy for the integration of transformative technology in teacher training programs.This research has been funded by the Redes Program of the Institute of Educational Sciences (ICE) of the University of Alicante (code 4391)


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    This study simulates the making of comic strips using Canva in teaching writing skills. This research utilizes descriptive qualitative. The analysis shows that creating comic strips using Canva is easy and simple. Open Canva at www.canva.com/ on mobile/ desktop then sign in or register using email, Facebook, or Google. Search for "comics" to start designs. Browse templates, start with a blank page, or choose Canva's ready-made templates. Experiment with features comic designs then customize comics with color schemes, lawyers, font styles, and combinations of stickers, icons, and illustrations. Rearrange speech bubbles and frames, upload images, save/publish and share. Teachers can use Canva to create/design comic strips for writing English sentences/conversations. We can use the available comic strip template patterns or customize them as needed. For example, we create/design a comic strip about "My Daily Activity", we ask students to write sentences/essays of descriptive text according to the picture instructions in the comic strips from the activities of waking up to going to school using the present tense. We can ask students to write sentences/essays about "All About Me". We can ask students to write down what is depicted in the comic strips, for example, personal information including name, birthday, address, family, favorite, hobby, or ambition. Several ways need to be considered in creating comic strips such as the concept/story idea, storyline, and attractive image. For making interesting and educative learning comics, we can include an element of humor, insert material in character conversations, use casual language, and create attractive visuals

    Exploring digital comics as an edutainment tool: An overview

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    This paper aims t oexplore the growing potential of digital comics and graphic novels as an edutainment tool.Initially, the evolvement of comics medium along with academic and commercial initiatives in designing comicware systems arebriefly discussed. Prominent to this study, the methods and impact of utilizing this visual media with embedded instructional content and student-generated comics in classroom setting are rationallyoutlined.By recognizing the emerging technologies available for supporting and accelerating educational comic development, this article addresses the diverse research challenges and opportunities of innovating effective strategies to enhance comics integrated learning across disciplines

    Tag, You’re It: Enhancing Access to Graphic Novels

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    Current users of academic libraries are avid readers of graphic novels. These thought-provoking materials are used for leisure reading, in instruction, and for research purposes. Libraries need to take care in providing access to these resources. This study analyzed the cataloging practices and social tagging of a specific list of graphic novel titles in the academic libraries of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Results found that of the 668 graphic novel records 68 (10.17 percent) used the genre heading “graphic novel” and 99 (14.8 percent) were tagged. This limited access could be improved by using social tagging and genre heading

    Views of Students and Lecturers on Module Development in Learning Listening Skills in Higher Education

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    The aim of the initial research was to describe the potential that supports the implementation of listening skills using digital technology, namely the implementation of listening skills learning in the classroom, student characteristics, and the use of technology in developing teaching materials. The type of research used is descriptive. The research subject for lecturers in listening skills courses and students studying listening skills material in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education study program, Padang State University. The instruments used to collect data were observation sheets, questionnaire sheets, and listening skills test sheets. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The results of the preliminary research are: 1) The average score of students’ listening skills is still low so it needs to be improved. 2) The results of observations regarding the use of modules are still not utilized optimally, 3) The results of observations of digital teaching materials used by lecturers based on the LMS (Learning Management System) display conclude that not all lecturers use digital materials in the LMS, and 4) Results of student response questionnaires agree with the development of digital materials in the Learning Management System so that student learning outcomes improve. Based on the results of this preliminary study, it can be concluded that the modules currently used by lecturers in listening skills courses still need to be developed. The development of teaching materials is carried out by utilizing technology

    Digital Mangatoon to Born Out New Peace in English Classroom

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    Digital comics are proven to be an effective learning tool for both teachers and students. At the university level, this study was set out to find the views of second-semester students on the use of Mangatoon digital comics in reading instruction. A quantitative study was performed, involving second-semester students at the Universitas of Al Asyariah Mandar (n=30). This study found, that on average, students find Mangatoon helpful in assisting them in reading since it has practical features preserving their motivation. Based on the student’s perception, the reading material presented in Mangatoon is easily understood, hence improvement in their reading skills can be maximised. Keywords: Digital Comic; Reading; ELT; and Pedagogical Innovation

    Educational data comics:What can comics do for education in visualization?

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    This paper discusses the potential of comics for explaining concepts with and around data visualization. With the increasing spread of visualizations and the democratization of access to visualization tools, we see a growing need for easily approachable resources for learning visualization techniques, applications, design processes, etc. Comics are a promising medium for such explanation as they concisely combine graphical and textual content in a sequential manner and they provide fast visual access to specific parts of the explanations. Based on a first literature review and our extensive experience with the subject, we survey works at the respective intersections of comics, visualization and education: data comics, educational comics, and visualization education. We report on five potentials of comics to create and share educational material, to engage wide and potentially diverse audiences, and to support educational activities. For each potential we list, we describe open questions for future research. Our discussion aims to inform both the application of comics by educators and their extension and study by researchers


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    Bahasa merupakan aspek penting dalam perkembangan anak usia dini yang memerlukan keterlibatan terus-menerus untuk menjamin anak-anak memperoleh keterampilan verbal yang kuat. Kemampuan anak dalam mengekspresikan diri dan berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan lingkungannya erat kaitannya dengan bahasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara komprehensif pemanfaatan media pembelajaran digital untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dini anak. Teknik ini menerapkan metode penelitian Kuantitatif dan memanfaatkan publikasi dan artikel resmi secara nasional sebagai alat pengumpulan data dan sumber referensi. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji penggunaan alat pendidikan digital untuk mengembangkan kemampuan membaca penting pada anak-anak. Keterampilan literasi mencakup indikator penting pengenalan kata, seperti keahlian dalam mengenali huruf, asosiasi bunyi-huruf, kesadaran fonemik, dan pemahaman aturan penulisan. Studi ini mengeksplorasi solusi permasalahan literasi dengan menggunakan aplikasi digital yang dapat diakses oleh seluruh pemangku kepentingan, termasuk guru, orang tua, dan siswa. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik studi kasus, khususnya dengan melakukan observasi literatur pada tahun 2010 hingga 2018. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran digital dapat meningkatkan keterampilan literasi anak usia dini di lembaga PAUD secara signifikan dengan membekali guru dengan materi yang sesuai. sumber daya untuk memanfaatkan alat pendidikan ini. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan sumber daya pendidikan digital dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi anak usia dini di lembaga PAUD

    The development of a gamebook for education

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    Mobile technologies are becoming very accessible to students, due to advances in the development of technology and a simultaneous decline in hardware costs. In this way, it is relevant to consider the potential of these devices in teaching and learning. Our research was designed to evaluate the possibility of creating gamebooks (gamified books) that are effective in teaching and learning. After analyzing the features available in many free or open tools for making ebooks we find out that these tools were not appropriate creating gamebooks. This paper presents a novel interactive book, the gamebook (g-book): a book with a story that can be read sequentially or not. The main difference refers to the ability to choose different paths to the main characters or the unfolding of the history, as happens in games. We built a model of a dynamic book that functions as an educational game for "Environmental Studies", aimed at children in the 4th grade, mostly 9-10 years old, in Portuguese schools. This paper presents the design and features of this g-book titled "Adventures in the Guadiana River", implemented with the Unity3D platform that can be explored in iPhones, iPads, Android mobile devices and web browsers for the OSX and Windows platforms. Preliminary tests with our prototypes revealed very good usability and promising pedagogical potential in the proposed models.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design of a transmedia project targeted to language learning

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    Comunicação apresentada na 7ª Conferência Internacional de Arte Digital realizada em Óbidos de 19-20 de março de 2015Transmedia is steadily gaining ground in education. A transmedia learning environment is immersive and engaging and presents the potential to meet the needs of 21st Century learners. This paper looks into the design stage of a transmedia learning project targeted to English as Second Language learners and explores aspects concerning the integration of learning goals and strategies within the structure of the project. In this manner, we hope to contribute to the development of transmedia learning environments