1,261 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Analytics for Decision Making in Game Sports

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    Performance analysis and good decision making in sports is important to maximize chances of winning. Over the last years the amount and quality of data which is available for the analysis has increased enormously due to technical developments like, e.g., of sensor technologies or computer vision technology. However, the data-driven analysis of athletes and team performances is very demanding. One reason is the so called semantic gap of sports analytics. This means that the concepts of coaches are seldomly represented in the data for the analysis. Furthermore, sports in general and game sports in particular present a huge challenge due to its dynamic characteristics and the multi-factorial influences on an athlete’s performance like, e.g., the numerous interaction processes during a match. This requires different types of analyses like, e.g., qualitative analyses and thus anecdotal descriptions of performances up to quantitative analyses with which performances can be described through statistics and indicators. Additionally, coaches and analysts have to work under an enormous time pressure and decisions have to be made very quickly. In order to facilitate the demanding task of game sports analysts and coaches we present a generic approach how to conceptualize and design a Data Analytics System (DAS) for an efficient support of the decision making processes in practice. We first introduce a theoretical model and present a way how to bridge the semantic gap of sports analytics. This ensures that DASs will provide relevant information for the decision makers. Moreover, we show that DASs need to combine qualitative and quantitative analyses as well as visualizations. Additionally, we introduce different query types which are required for a holistic retrieval of sports data. We furthermore show a model for the user-centered planning and designing of the User Experience (UX) of a DAS. Having introduced the theoretical basis we present SportSense, a DAS to support decision making in game sports. Its generic architecture allows a fast adaptation to the individual characteristics and requirements of different game sports. SportSense is novel with respect to the fact that it unites raw data, event data, and video data. Furthermore, it supports different query types including an intuitive sketch-based retrieval and seamlessly combines qualitative and quantitative analyses as well as several data visualization options. Moreover, we present the two applications SportSense Football and SportSense Ice Hockey which contain sport-specific concepts and cover (high-level) tactical analyses

    Design and semantics of form and movement (DeSForM 2006)

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    Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM) grew from applied research exploring emerging design methods and practices to support new generation product and interface design. The products and interfaces are concerned with: the context of ubiquitous computing and ambient technologies and the need for greater empathy in the pre-programmed behaviour of the ‘machines’ that populate our lives. Such explorative research in the CfDR has been led by Young, supported by Kyffin, Visiting Professor from Philips Design and sponsored by Philips Design over a period of four years (research funding £87k). DeSForM1 was the first of a series of three conferences that enable the presentation and debate of international work within this field: ‱ 1st European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM1), Baltic, Gateshead, 2005, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. ‱ 2nd European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM2), Evoluon, Eindhoven, 2006, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. ‱ 3rd European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM3), New Design School Building, Newcastle, 2007, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. Philips sponsorship of practice-based enquiry led to research by three teams of research students over three years and on-going sponsorship of research through the Northumbria University Design and Innovation Laboratory (nuDIL). Young has been invited on the steering panel of the UK Thinking Digital Conference concerning the latest developments in digital and media technologies. Informed by this research is the work of PhD student Yukie Nakano who examines new technologies in relation to eco-design textiles

    Acute Exercise and Creativity: Embodied Cognition Approaches

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    This dissertation manuscript is the culmination of three years of research examining several unique, exercise-induced mechanisms underlying creativity. This collection of work addresses historical and current empirical concepts of creativity in a narrative review, providing recommendations for future research. Several reviews follow this introduction, highlighting the proposed effects of exercise on creativity, putative mechanisms for creativity, and the effects of exercise and embodied manipulations on creative behavior. Multiple experiments utilizing moderate-intensity exercise as a theoretical stimulus for higher-order cognitions were conducted to investigate associations between exercise and creativity, which lead to the final dissertation experiment. The dissertation experiment was the first to provide statistically significant evidence for acute, moderate-intensity treadmill exercise coupled with anagram problem-solving to prime subsequent RAT completion compared to a non-exercise, priming only condition. We emphasize that the additive effects of exercise plus priming may be a viable strategy for enhancing verbal convergent creativity. Future research is warranted to explore a variety of priming effects on the relationship between exercise, embodied interventions, and creativityThis dissertation manuscript is the culmination of three years of research examining several unique, exercise-induced mechanisms underlying creativity. This collection of work addresses historical and current empirical concepts of creativity in a narrative review, providing recommendations for future research. Several reviews follow this introduction, highlighting the proposed effects of exercise on creativity, putative mechanisms for creativity, and the effects of exercise and embodied manipulations on creative behavior. Multiple experiments utilizing moderate-intensity exercise as a theoretical stimulus for higher-order cognitions were conducted to investigate associations between exercise and creativity, which lead to the final dissertation experiment. The dissertation experiment was the first to provide statistically significant evidence for acute, moderate-intensity treadmill exercise coupled with anagram problem-solving to prime subsequent RAT completion compared to a non-exercise, priming only condition. We emphasize that the additive effects of exercise plus priming may be a viable strategy for enhancing verbal convergent creativity. Future research is warranted to explore a variety of priming effects on the relationship between exercise, embodied interventions, and creativit

    Soundtrack recommendation for images

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    The drastic increase in production of multimedia content has emphasized the research concerning its organization and retrieval. In this thesis, we address the problem of music retrieval when a set of images is given as input query, i.e., the problem of soundtrack recommendation for images. The task at hand is to recommend appropriate music to be played during the presentation of a given set of query images. To tackle this problem, we formulate a hypothesis that the knowledge appropriate for the task is contained in publicly available contemporary movies. Our approach, Picasso, employs similarity search techniques inside the image and music domains, harvesting movies to form a link between the domains. To achieve a fair and unbiased comparison between different soundtrack recommendation approaches, we proposed an evaluation benchmark. The evaluation results are reported for Picasso and the baseline approach, using the proposed benchmark. We further address two efficiency aspects that arise from the Picasso approach. First, we investigate the problem of processing top-K queries with set-defined selections and propose an index structure that aims at minimizing the query answering latency. Second, we address the problem of similarity search in high-dimensional spaces and propose two enhancements to the Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) scheme. We also investigate the prospects of a distributed similarity search algorithm based on LSH using the MapReduce framework. Finally, we give an overview of the PicasSound|a smartphone application based on the Picasso approach.Der drastische Anstieg von verfĂŒgbaren Multimedia-Inhalten hat die Bedeutung der Forschung ĂŒber deren Organisation sowie Suche innerhalb der Daten hervorgehoben. In dieser Doktorarbeit betrachten wir das Problem der Suche nach geeigneten MusikstĂŒcken als Hintergrundmusik fĂŒr Diashows. Wir formulieren die Hypothese, dass die fĂŒr das Problem erforderlichen Kenntnisse in öffentlich zugĂ€nglichen, zeitgenössischen Filmen enthalten sind. Unser Ansatz, Picasso, verwendet Techniken aus dem Bereich der Ähnlichkeitssuche innerhalb von Bild- und Musik-Domains, um basierend auf Filmszenen eine Verbindung zwischen beliebigen Bildern und MusikstĂŒcken zu lernen. Um einen fairen und unvoreingenommenen Vergleich zwischen verschiedenen AnsĂ€tzen zur Musikempfehlung zu erreichen, schlagen wir einen Bewertungs-Benchmark vor. Die Ergebnisse der Auswertung werden, anhand des vorgeschlagenen Benchmarks, fĂŒr Picasso und einen weiteren, auf Emotionen basierenden Ansatz, vorgestellt. ZusĂ€tzlich behandeln wir zwei Effizienzaspekte, die sich aus dem Picasso Ansatz ergeben. (i) Wir untersuchen das Problem der AusfĂŒhrung von top-K Anfragen, bei denen die Ergebnismenge ad-hoc auf eine kleine Teilmenge des gesamten Indexes eingeschrĂ€nkt wird. (ii) Wir behandeln das Problem der Ähnlichkeitssuche in hochdimensionalen RĂ€umen und schlagen zwei Erweiterungen des LokalitĂ€tssensitiven Hashing (LSH) Schemas vor. ZusĂ€tzlich untersuchen wir die Erfolgsaussichten eines verteilten Algorithmus fĂŒr die Ähnlichkeitssuche, der auf LSH unter Verwendung des MapReduce Frameworks basiert. Neben den vorgenannten wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen beschreiben wir ferner das Design und die Implementierung von PicassSound, einer auf Picasso basierenden Smartphone-Anwendung

    On the relation between body and movement space representation: an experimental investigation on spinal cord injured people

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    Body Representation (BR) and Movement Space Perception (MSP) are fundamental for human beings in order to move in space and interact with object s and other people. Both BR and space representation change after spinal cord injuries in complete paraplegic individuals (CPP), who suffer from lower limbs paralysis and anesthesia. To date, the interaction between BR and MSP in paraplegic individuals rem ains unexplored. In two consecutive experiments, we tested I ) if the individual\u2019s wheelchair is embodied in BR; and ii) if the embodied wheelchair modifies the MSP. For the first question a speeded detection task was used. Participants had to respond to v isual stimuli flashing on their trunk, legs or wheelchair. In three counterbalanced conditions across participant, they took part to the experiment while: 1) sitting in their wheelchair, 2) in another wheelchair, or 3) with the LEDs on a wooden bar. To in dicate the embodiment, there was no difference in the CPP\u2019s responses for LEDs on the body and personal wheelchair while these were slower in other conditions After this, while sitting in their or another wheelchair, CPPs were asked to judge the slope of a ramp rendered in immersive virtual reality and to estimate the distance of a flag positioned over the ramp. When on their own wheelchair, CPPs perceived the flag closer than in the other wheelchair. These results indicate that the continuous use of a too l induces embodiment and that this i mpact on the perception of MSP

    Design and semantics of form and movement : DeSForM 2006

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    Design and semantics of form and movement : DeSForM 2006

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