30 research outputs found

    Enhancing inter-PMIPv6-domain for superior handover performance across IP-based wireless domain networks

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    As a network-based localized mobility management protocol, Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) enables a Mobile Host (MH) to roam within a localized domain without MH intervention in the mobility-related signalling. However, the PMIPv6 maintains MH mobility support in a restriction domain. Therefore, whenever the MH roams away from the PMIPv6 domain, its reachability status will be broken-down causing high handover latency and inevitable traffic loss for its communication session. This article proposes a proactive mechanism to mange the MH handover and maintain its data session continually across inter-PMIPv6-domains. The proposed mechanism introduces an intermediate global mobility anchor entity, called, which is responsible to coordinate MH handover as well as redirect its traffic across inter-PMIPv6-domains. Through various simulation evaluations, via ns-2, several experiments were conducted, revealing numerous results that verify the proposed mechanism superior performance over the conventional inter-PMIPv6-domain handover schemes in terms of handover latency, achieved throughput, protocol signalling cost and end-to-end traffic delivery latency

    A network-based coordination design for seamless handover between heterogeneous wireless networks

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 136-144).The rapid growth of mobile and wireless communication over the last few years has spawned many different wireless networks. These heterogeneous wireless networks are envisioned to interwork over an IP-based infrastructure to realize ubiquitous network service provisioning for mobile users. Moreover, the availability of multiple-interface mobile nodes (MNs) will make it possible to communicate through any of these wireless access networks. This wireless network heterogeneity combined with the availability of multiple-interface MNs creates an environment where handovers between the different wireless access technologies become topical during mobility events. Therefore, operators with multiple interworking heterogeneous wireless networks will need to facilitate seamless vertical handovers among their multiple systems. Seamless vertical handovers ensure ubiquitous continuity to active connections hence satisfy the quality of experience of the mobile users

    Advanced mobility handover for mobile IPv6 based wireless networks

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    We propose an Advanced Mobility Handover scheme (AMH) in this paper for seamless mobility in MIPv6-based wireless networks. In the proposed scheme, the mobile node utilizes a unique home IPv6 address developed to maintain communication with other corresponding nodes without a care-of-address during the roaming process. The IPv6 address for each MN during the first round of AMH process is uniquely identified by HA using the developed MN-ID field as a global permanent, which is identifying uniquely the IPv6 address of MN. Moreover, a temporary MN-ID is generated by access point each time an MN is associated with a particular AP and temporarily saved in a developed table inside the AP. When employing the AMH scheme, the handover process in the network layer is performed prior to its default time. That is, the mobility handover process in the network layer is tackled by a trigger developed AMH message to the next access point. Thus, a mobile node keeps communicating with the current access point while the network layer handover is executed by the next access point. The mathematical analyses and simulation results show that the proposed scheme performs better as compared with the existing approaches.Sadiq, AS.; Fisal, NB.; Ghafoor, KZ.; Lloret, J. (2014). Advanced mobility handover for mobile IPv6 based wireless networks. Scientific World Journal. 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/602808S2014You, I., Han, Y.-H., Chen, Y.-S., & Chao, H.-C. (2011). Next generation mobility management. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 11(4), 443-445. doi:10.1002/wcm.1136Li, L., Ma, L., Xu, Y., & Fu, Y. (2014). Motion Adaptive Vertical Handoff in Cellular/WLAN Heterogeneous Wireless Network. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 1-7. doi:10.1155/2014/341038Nahrstedt, K. (2011). Quality of Service in Wireless Networks Over Unlicensed Spectrum. Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing, 6(1), 1-176. doi:10.2200/s00383ed1v01y201109mpc008Cho, I., Okamura, K., Kim, T. W., & Hong, C. S. (2013). Performance analysis of IP mobility with multiple care-of addresses in heterogeneous wireless networks. Wireless Networks, 19(6), 1375-1386. doi:10.1007/s11276-012-0539-8Magagula, L. A., Chan, H. A., & Falowo, O. E. (2011). Handover approaches for seamless mobility management in next generation wireless networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 12(16), 1414-1428. doi:10.1002/wcm.1074Sadiq, A. S., Bakar, K. A., Ghafoor, K. Z., Lloret, J., & Mirjalili, S. (2012). A smart handover prediction system based on curve fitting model for Fast Mobile IPv6 in wireless networks. International Journal of Communication Systems, 27(7), 969-990. doi:10.1002/dac.2386Sadiq, A. S., Bakar, K. A., Ghafoor, K. Z., Lloret, J., & Khokhar, R. (2013). An Intelligent Vertical Handover Scheme for Audio and Video Streaming in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks. Mobile Networks and Applications, 18(6), 879-895. doi:10.1007/s11036-013-0465-8Lee, K.-W., Seo, W.-K., Cho, Y.-Z., Kim, J.-W., Park, J.-S., & Moon, B.-S. (2009). Inter-domain handover scheme using an intermediate mobile access gateway for seamless service in vehicular networks. International Journal of Communication Systems, 23(9-10), 1127-1144. doi:10.1002/dac.1076Lee, C.-W., Chen, M. C., & Sun, Y. S. (2012). Protocol and architecture supports for network mobility with QoS-handover for high-velocity vehicles. Wireless Networks, 19(5), 811-830. doi:10.1007/s11276-012-0503-7Castelluccia, C. (2000). HMIPv6. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 4(1), 48-59. doi:10.1145/360449.360474Modares, H., Moravejosharieh, A., Lloret, J., & Salleh, R. B. (2016). A Survey on Proxy Mobile IPv6 Handover. IEEE Systems Journal, 10(1), 208-217. doi:10.1109/jsyst.2013.2297705Modares, H., Moravejosharieh, A., Lloret, J., & Salleh, R. (2014). A survey of secure protocols in Mobile IPv6. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 39, 351-368. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2013.07.013Modares, H., Moravejosharieh, A., Salleh, R. B., & Lloret, J. (2014). Enhancing Security in Mobile IPv6. ETRI Journal, 36(1), 51-61. doi:10.4218/etrij.14.0113.0177Meneguette, R. I., Bittencourt, L. F., & Madeira, E. R. M. (2013). A seamless flow mobility management architecture for vehicular communication networks. Journal of Communications and Networks, 15(2), 207-216. doi:10.1109/jcn.2013.000034Al-Surmi, I., Othman, M., Abdul Hamid, N. A. W., & Ali, B. M. (2013). Enhancing inter-PMIPv6-domain for superior handover performance across IP-based wireless domain networks. Wireless Networks, 19(6), 1317-1336. doi:10.1007/s11276-012-0535-

    Virtual Mobility Domains - A Mobility Architecture for the Future Internet

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    The advances in hardware and wireless technologies have made mobile communication devices affordable by a vast user community. With the advent of rich multimedia and social networking content, an influx of myriads of applications, and Internet supported services, there is an increasing user demand for the Internet connectivity anywhere and anytime. Mobility management is thus a crucial requirement for the Internet today. This work targets novel mobility management techniques, designed to work with the Floating Cloud Tiered (FCT) internetworking model, proposed for a future Internet. We derive the FCT internetworking model from the tiered structure existing among Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks, to define their business and peering relationships. In our novel mobility management scheme, we define Virtual Mobility Domains (VMDs) of various scopes, that can support both intra and inter-domain roaming using a single address for a mobile node. The scheme is network based and hence imposes no operational load on the mobile node. This scheme is the first of its kind, by leveraging the tiered structure and its hierarchical properties, the collaborative network-based mobility management mechanism, and the inheritance information in the tiered addresses to route packets. The contributions of this PhD thesis can be summarized as follows: · We contribute to the literature with a comprehensive analysis of the future Internet architectures and mobility protocols over the period of 2002-2012, in light of their identity and handoff management schemes. We present a qualitative evaluation of current and future schemes on a unified platform. · We design and implement a novel user-centric future Internet mobility architecture called Virtual Mobility Domain. VMD proposes a seamless, network-based, unique collaborative mobility management within/across ASes and ISPs in the FCT Internetworking model. The analytical and simulation-based handoff performance analysis of the VMD architecture in comparison with the IPv6-based mobility protocols presents the considerable performance improvements achieved by the VMD architecture. · We present a novel and user-centric handoff cost framework to analyze handoff performance of different mobility schemes. The framework helps to examine the impacts of registration costs, signaling overhead, and data loss for Internet connected mobile users employing a unified cost metric. We analyze the effect of each parameter in the handoff cost framework on the handoff cost components. We also compare the handoff performance of IPv6-based mobility protocols to the VMD. · We present a handoff cost optimization problem and analysis of its characteristics. We consider a mobility user as the primary focus of our study. We then identify the suitable mathematical methods that can be leveraged to solve the problem. We model the handoff cost problem in an optimization tool. We also conduct a mobility study - best of our knowledge, first of its kind - on providing a guide for finding the number of handoffs in a typical VMD for any given user\u27s mobility model. Plugging the output of mobility study, we then conduct a numerical analysis to find out optimum VMD for a given user mobility model and check if the theoretical inferences are in agreement with the output of the optimization tool

    Estudio de la movilidad en redes de siguiente generación

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    El continuo avance de las redes de telecomunicaciones nos proporciona cada vez más facilidades en todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida. En este caso, nos hemos centrado en el estudio de la movilidad en Redes de Siguiente Generación. Una parte del presente proyecto se ha realizado en colaboración con Deutsche Telekom AG, durante una estancia de seis meses trabajando como colaboradora en sus laboratorios con emplazamiento en Berlín. El principal objetivo de este proyecto ha sido realizar un estudio sobre los diferentes estándares y tecnologías que facilitan la movilidad en Redes de Siguiente Generación. Por ello, en la primera parte se han estudiado los diferentes grupos de trabajo centrados en este aspecto, así como se ha recabado información sobre productos y soluciones disponibles en el mercado, para obtener una visión global de la situación actual. Como se puede comprobar más adelante, esta primera parte es la más extensa de todo el documento. Esto se debe a que es, probablemente, la parte más importante del trabajo, ya que contiene el estudio de los mecanismos que más tarde nos servirán para dar una solución teórica a los distintos escenarios que se plantean. En la segunda parte del proyecto, nos hemos centrado en desarrollar varios escenarios de interés en sistemas de Redes de Siguiente Generación y aportar, de forma posterior, posibles soluciones teóricas. Para finalizar, se han expuesto las conclusiones extraídas como resultado del trabajo y los aspectos que se podrán tratar sobre el mismo en un futuro próximo.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    A QoE-driven Vertical Handover Management Framework for Multimedia Services over Wireless Networks

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    With advances in wireless technology and mobile devices, the number of mobile users using multimedia services has increased significantly in recent years. Mobile devices can be connected and roam on heterogeneous wireless networks. The IEEE 802.21 group has designed a Media Independent Handover (MIH) standard to ensure seamless Vertical Handover (VHO) in heterogeneous networks. However, the standard currently depends on features of the network (e.g. the type of network and available bandwidth) to achieve seamless VHO. This approach is limited, as it does not consider how a Quality of Experience (QoE) can be provided and maintained for customers when delivering multimedia services in heterogeneous wireless networks. The aim of the project is to develop a novel QoE-driven VHO management framework for providing and maintaining an appropriate level of QoE of multimedia services as the mobile user’s actual requirements in heterogeneous wireless networks. A QoE-driven VHO algorithm is more efficient for maintaining this acceptable QoE of multimedia services than traditional network-based or QoS-based VHO algorithms. There are three main contributions during this project. Firstly, A thorough evaluation of the performance of voice and video services via Skype was carried out in terms of the QoE metric (i.e. MOS). This work identified the impact of video content and packet loss on the QoE metric for voice and video communication services over wireless networks. Secondly, a QoE-driven VHO algorithm was developed to provide and maintain an acceptable QoE of mobile video services for mobile users. Compared to a traditional network-based VHO algorithm, this algorithm can provide better QoE and maintain acceptable QoE. Lastly, the User-centric QoE-driven (UCQoE) VHO framework to provide satisfactory QoE of multimedia services according to the mobile user’s requirements. The framework allows users to set their own preferences (e.g. quality-guarantee or cost-free) and carry out VHO operations accordingly. The evaluation showed that the proposed framework can provide a better QoE for delivered video services than QoS-based and network-based VHO algorithms. Furthermore, the proposed framework can be used to avoid unnecessary cost of mobile data when the option of cost-free is preferred by the user. During this project, three international conference papers had been published and a journal paper has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. The main contribution-UCQoE VHO management framework can be developed to maintain QoE of all mobile services in the future

    A cross-layer mobility management framework for next-generation wireless roaming

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    Word processed copy.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 62-64).This thesis proposes a mobility management framework that aims to provide a framework for advanced mobility algorithms that allows the challenges of next-generation roaming to be met. The framework features tools that gather context and content information, guarantee low-level QoS, provide security, and offer link and handoff management. The framework aims to be scalable and reliable for all-IP heterogeneous wireless networks whilst conforming to 4G service requirements

    Avaliação de desempenho e mobilidade em redes auto-organizadas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaAs redes móveis ad hoc (ou auto-organizadas) são um assunto que nos últimos anos tem ganho muita atenção da comunidade científica. Os problemas associados a este tipo de redes foram amplamente estudados e expostos, foram propostas soluções, e algumas até foram tornadas um padrão da indústria. No entanto, a grande maioria do trabalho realizado, é dedicado a resolver só um problema de cada vez. Da mesma forma, as soluções que são testadas por forma a verificar a sua validade, muitas das vezes, são testadas recorrendo a trabalho de simulação. Uma parte do trabalho que é apresentado nesta dissertação de mestrado, junta uma série de protocolos desenvolvidos para redes ad hoc, os quais providenciam funcionalidades como: auto configuração, encaminhamento unicast e multicast, qualidade de serviço e taxação com incentivos numa única solução integrada que interliga as redes ad hoc a redes infra-estruturadas funcionando como uma extensão das mesmas. O demonstrador criado é avaliado de forma experimental, e os resultados obtidos são apresentados e discutidos. Uma vez que a rede ad hoc está interligada à rede infra-estruturada, num ambiente de quarta geração, é também apresentada uma arquitectura que suporta mobilidade de nós entre redes ad hoc e as redes infra-estuturadas que fazem parte do ambiente heterogéneo, e de este para as redes ad hoc é apresentada. A rede geral onde a rede ad hoc é integrada suporta novas tecnologias e tendências em gestão de mobilidade, tais como o protocolo em desenvolvimento IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover e gestão de mobilidade baseada em Domínios de Mobilidade Local. A forma como a rede ad hoc se integra com as tecnologias presentes na rede infra-estruturada, e como as especificidades da rede ad hoc são escondidas, é descrita e explicada. ABSTRACT: Mobile Ad hoc network is a subject that has gained lots of attention from the research community in recent years. The problems inherent to this types of networks have been studied and exposed, solutions have been created and even standardized. However, the vast majority of the work performed is dedicated to only one problem at the time. In addition, the tests performed to validate the produced solutions are, most of the times, obtained through simulation work. The work presented in this thesis gathers together a set of ad hoc protocols, providing functionalities such as auto-configuration, unicast and multicast routing, quality of service and charging and rewarding in one integrated testbed, serving as a stub network in a hotspot scenario. A experimental evaluation is performed, and results are presented and discussed. Additionally, since the network belongs to a hotspot of fourth generation, a architecture that supports mobility of nodes between the ad hoc network and infrastructure networks is presented. The general network that includes ad hoc network integrates and supports the new technologies and tendencies in mobility management, such as the IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover and mobility management based on Local Mobility Domains. The way the MANET fully integrates with the infrastructure network, and how the ad hoc networks specific characteristics are hidden, is also presented and explained

    Mobilidade distribuida em ambientes dinâmicos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesConventional networks have implemented a specific hierarchical structure, which in many cases deals with centralized mobility anchoring models to ensure IP session continuity. In this context, mobility management demands the existence of a centralized and static anchor point to allow reachability to mobile nodes connected to distinct networks. However, such centralized element is a single point of failures, introducing longer delays and higher management signalling. It may be more vulnerable to attacks, causing problems in the system. For this reason, mobility management addressed to centralized models is a satisfactory and non-optimal solution when mobile networks become less hierarchical. In order to improve mobility management to meet the requirements in mobile network evolution, there have been proposed solutions to distribute the anchor points closer to the end-user. This way, distributed and dynamic mobility anchoring improves scalability and availability, avoiding single points of failure and bottlenecks, as well as enabling transparent mobility support. In this framework, it is idealized and implemented a set of Vehicular scenarios using two different types of mobility management models, one centralized and another distributed. The results shows that the distributed mobility management protocol provides better results in terms of data loss, average data delay, data cost and signaling cost, when compared with the centralized mobility management protocol. The rapid growth of mobile nodes has lead to the increase of mobile data traffic consumption, and they are currently equipped with multiple network interfaces, which in many cases use different access technologies simultaneously. Therefore, session continuity of a certain user's services should be guaranteed independently of the access network technology. Consequently, there is a fundamental change in the network architectures, which is adopting flatten model to cope with users' behaviour and the evolution of the mobile data traffic consumption. Thus, it is specified a distributed mobility management scheme with multihoming support to provide continuity to active sessions when mobile nodes roam between networks/interfaces. This mobility mechanism is evaluated and tested in a real environment, demonstrating the capability to provide uninterrupted sessions for multihomed scenarios, such as the addition/removal of a link, likewise the capability to improve user experience.As redes de telecomunicações sem fios convencionais têm implementada uma estrutura hierárquica específica que em muitos casos lida com entidades centralizadas para garantirem continuidade de sessão e acessibilidade nas comunicações IP. Neste contexto, a gestão de mobilidade exige que haja uma âncora central e estática para permitir que os nós móveis se encontrem acessíveis quando conectados nas diferentes redes. Porém, este elemento central é suscetível a falhas introduzindo maiores atrasos, exigindo uma maior gestão da sinalização, sendo mais vulnerável a ataques o que pode causar problemas no sistema. Por estas razões, à medida que as redes móveis se tornam cada vez menos hierárquicas, a gestão da mobilidade baseada em modelos centralizados torna-se menos otimizada. Para melhorar a gestão de mobilidade tendo em consideração as exigências evolutivas da rede, têm vindo a ser propostas soluções para distribuir as âncoras, colocando-as mais perto do utilizador final com o objetivo de tornar a rede menos hierárquica, descentralizando o processo de gestão de mobilidade de uma forma dinâmica pelos nós da rede. Desta forma, a mobilidade distribuída em ambientes dinâmicos melhora a escalabilidade, acessibilidade e evita pontos centrais de falhas e engarrafamentos. Neste contexto, são idealizados e implementados três cenários de redes veiculares usando dois modelos de gestão de mobilidade, um centralizado e outro distribuído. Os resultados mostram que o protocolo de gestão de mobilidade distribuído apresenta melhores resultados em termos de perda de pacotes, atraso médio por pacote, custo de dados e custo de sinalização quando comparado com o protocolo de gestão de mobilidade centralizado. O rápido crescimento de nós móveis tem levado ao aumento do consumo de trafego de dados e, atualmente, estes estão equipados com múltiplas interfaces que, em muitos casos, utilizam diferentes tecnologias de acesso à rede. No entanto, a continuidade de sessão de um determinado serviço deve ser garantido, independentemente da tecnologia de acesso utilizada. Consequentemente, há uma preocupação em transformar a arquitetura da rede em modelos menos hierárquicos para lidar com o comportamento dos utilizadores e com a evolução do consumo de tráfego de dados móveis. Desta forma, é especificado um esquema de gestão de mobilidade distribuída com suporte a múltiplas interfaces para manter continuidade de sessões quando os nós móveis mudam de rede ou interface. Este mecanismo de mobilidade foi avaliado e testado num cenário real, demonstrando a capacidade de manter as sessões ativas em cenários com múltiplas interfaces melhorando a experiência do utilizador, dando como exemplo cenários de perda de ligação, ligação a outras redes e ligar/desligar uma interface