125 research outputs found

    Investigating model explanation of bug report assignment recommenders

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    Software projects receive a lot of bug reports, and each bug report needs to be triaged. An objective of the bug report triaging process is to find an appropriate developer who can fix the reported bug. As this process can be time-consuming and requires a lot of effort, researchers have implemented recommender systems using a variety of algorithms to automate this process. Although using these recommender systems has a number of benefits, there are still many obstacles to overcome. A key obstacle is that commonly used algorithms are black-box, making it difficult for practitioners to comprehend how the models make decisions. Lack of explainability results in a lack of trust and transparency in the recommendations. This work investigates approaches that lead to visually explainable bug report assignment recommender systems. First, we developed and compared six different recommender systems using three distinct machine learning algorithms: Random Forest (RF), MLP Classifier and Bidirectional Neural Networks (BNN) and two different feature extraction techniques: TF-IDF and Word2Vec. Second, we examine the use of WordNet to improve recommender accuracy. Third, we explore the explanation of a bug report assignment recommender using the feature-based local model LIME. Finally, we assess the use of a positivenegative horizontal bar chart, feature table, and word cloud to explain the recommender systems visually. Our analytical analysis indicates that the optimum approach for developing a bug report assignment recommender system uses TF-IDF with RF and visually explains the recommendation with a word cloud and LIME as a local model

    Explanations in Music Recommender Systems in a Mobile Setting

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    Revised version: some spelling errors corrected.Every day, millions of users utilize their mobile phones to access music streaming services such as Spotify. However, these `black boxes’ seldom provide adequate explanations for their music recommendations. A systematic literature review revealed that there is a strong relationship between moods and music, and that explanations and interface design choices can effect how people perceive recommendations just as much as algorithm accuracy. However, little seems to be known about how to apply user-centric design approaches, which exploit affective information to present explanations, to mobile devices. In order to bridge these gaps, the work of Andjelkovic, Parra, & O’Donovan (2019) was extended upon and applied as non-interactive designs in a mobile setting. Three separate Amazon Mechanical Turk studies asked participants to compare the same three interface designs: baseline, textual, and visual (n=178). Each survey displayed a different playlist with either low, medium, or high music popularity. Results indicate that music familiarity may or may not influence the need for explanations, but explanations are important to users. Both explanatory designs fared equally better than the baseline, and the use of affective information may help systems become more efficient, transparent, trustworthy, and satisfactory. Overall, there does not seem to be a `one design fits all’ solution for explanations in a mobile setting.Master's Thesis in Information ScienceINFO390MASV-INFOMASV-IK

    Trusted Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing; Trusted Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

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    The successful deployment of AI solutions in manufacturing environments hinges on their security, safety and reliability which becomes more challenging in settings where multiple AI systems (e.g., industrial robots, robotic cells, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)) interact as atomic systems and with humans. To guarantee the safe and reliable operation of AI systems in the shopfloor, there is a need to address many challenges in the scope of complex, heterogeneous, dynamic and unpredictable environments. Specifically, data reliability, human machine interaction, security, transparency and explainability challenges need to be addressed at the same time. Recent advances in AI research (e.g., in deep neural networks security and explainable AI (XAI) systems), coupled with novel research outcomes in the formal specification and verification of AI systems provide a sound basis for safe and reliable AI deployments in production lines. Moreover, the legal and regulatory dimension of safe and reliable AI solutions in production lines must be considered as well. To address some of the above listed challenges, fifteen European Organizations collaborate in the scope of the STAR project, a research initiative funded by the European Commission in the scope of its H2020 program (Grant Agreement Number: 956573). STAR researches, develops, and validates novel technologies that enable AI systems to acquire knowledge in order to take timely and safe decisions in dynamic and unpredictable environments. Moreover, the project researches and delivers approaches that enable AI systems to confront sophisticated adversaries and to remain robust against security attacks. This book is co-authored by the STAR consortium members and provides a review of technologies, techniques and systems for trusted, ethical, and secure AI in manufacturing. The different chapters of the book cover systems and technologies for industrial data reliability, responsible and transparent artificial intelligence systems, human centered manufacturing systems such as human-centred digital twins, cyber-defence in AI systems, simulated reality systems, human robot collaboration systems, as well as automated mobile robots for manufacturing environments. A variety of cutting-edge AI technologies are employed by these systems including deep neural networks, reinforcement learning systems, and explainable artificial intelligence systems. Furthermore, relevant standards and applicable regulations are discussed. Beyond reviewing state of the art standards and technologies, the book illustrates how the STAR research goes beyond the state of the art, towards enabling and showcasing human-centred technologies in production lines. Emphasis is put on dynamic human in the loop scenarios, where ethical, transparent, and trusted AI systems co-exist with human workers. The book is made available as an open access publication, which could make it broadly and freely available to the AI and smart manufacturing communities

    Intelligence artificielle: Les défis actuels et l'action d'Inria - Livre blanc Inria

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    Livre blanc Inria N°01International audienceInria white papers look at major current challenges in informatics and mathematics and show actions conducted by our project-teams to address these challenges. This document is the first produced by the Strategic Technology Monitoring & Prospective Studies Unit. Thanks to a reactive observation system, this unit plays a lead role in supporting Inria to develop its strategic and scientific orientations. It also enables the institute to anticipate the impact of digital sciences on all social and economic domains. It has been coordinated by Bertrand Braunschweig with contributions from 45 researchers from Inria and from our partners. Special thanks to Peter Sturm for his precise and complete review.Les livres blancs d’Inria examinent les grands dĂ©fis actuels du numĂ©rique et prĂ©sentent les actions menĂ©es par nosĂ©quipes-projets pour rĂ©soudre ces dĂ©fis. Ce document est le premier produit par la cellule veille et prospective d’Inria. Cette unitĂ©, par l’attention qu’elle porte aux Ă©volutions scientifiques et technologiques, doit jouer un rĂŽle majeur dans la dĂ©termination des orientations stratĂ©giques et scientifiques d’Inria. Elle doit Ă©galement permettre Ă  l’Institut d’anticiper l’impact des sciences du numĂ©rique dans tous les domaines sociaux et Ă©conomiques. Ce livre blanc a Ă©tĂ© coordonnĂ© par Bertrand Braunschweig avec des contributions de 45 chercheurs d’Inria et de ses partenaires. Un grand merci Ă  Peter Sturm pour sa relecture prĂ©cise et complĂšte. Merci Ă©galement au service STIP du centre de Saclay – Île-de-France pour la correction finale de la version française

    Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): What we know and what is left to attain Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

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    This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2021R1A2C1011198) , (Institute for Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation) (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) under the ICT Creative Consilience Program (IITP-2021-2020-0-01821) , and AI Platform to Fully Adapt and Reflect Privacy-Policy Changes (No. 2022-0-00688).Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently being utilized in a wide range of sophisticated applications, but the outcomes of many AI models are challenging to comprehend and trust due to their black-box nature. Usually, it is essential to understand the reasoning behind an AI mode ÄŸs decision-making. Thus, the need for eXplainable AI (XAI) methods for improving trust in AI models has arisen. XAI has become a popular research subject within the AI field in recent years. Existing survey papers have tackled the concepts of XAI, its general terms, and post-hoc explainability methods but there have not been any reviews that have looked at the assessment methods, available tools, XAI datasets, and other related aspects. Therefore, in this comprehensive study, we provide readers with an overview of the current research and trends in this rapidly emerging area with a case study example. The study starts by explaining the background of XAI, common definitions, and summarizing recently proposed techniques in XAI for supervised machine learning. The review divides XAI techniques into four axes using a hierarchical categorization system: (i) data explainability, (ii) model explainability, (iii) post-hoc explainability, and (iv) assessment of explanations. We also introduce available evaluation metrics as well as open-source packages and datasets with future research directions. Then, the significance of explainability in terms of legal demands, user viewpoints, and application orientation is outlined, termed as XAI concerns. This paper advocates for tailoring explanation content to specific user types. An examination of XAI techniques and evaluation was conducted by looking at 410 critical articles, published between January 2016 and October 2022, in reputed journals and using a wide range of research databases as a source of information. The article is aimed at XAI researchers who are interested in making their AI models more trustworthy, as well as towards researchers from other disciplines who are looking for effective XAI methods to complete tasks with confidence while communicating meaning from data.National Research Foundation of Korea Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning, Republic of Korea Ministry of Science & ICT (MSIT), Republic of Korea 2021R1A2C1011198Institute for Information amp; communications Technology Planning amp; Evaluation) (IITP) - Korea government (MSIT) under the ICT Creative Consilience Program IITP-2021-2020-0-01821AI Platform to Fully Adapt and Reflect Privacy-Policy Changes2022-0-0068

    A Learning Health System for Radiation Oncology

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    The proposed research aims to address the challenges faced by clinical data science researchers in radiation oncology accessing, integrating, and analyzing heterogeneous data from various sources. The research presents a scalable intelligent infrastructure, called the Health Information Gateway and Exchange (HINGE), which captures and structures data from multiple sources into a knowledge base with semantically interlinked entities. This infrastructure enables researchers to mine novel associations and gather relevant knowledge for personalized clinical outcomes. The dissertation discusses the design framework and implementation of HINGE, which abstracts structured data from treatment planning systems, treatment management systems, and electronic health records. It utilizes disease-specific smart templates for capturing clinical information in a discrete manner. HINGE performs data extraction, aggregation, and quality and outcome assessment functions automatically, connecting seamlessly with local IT/medical infrastructure. Furthermore, the research presents a knowledge graph-based approach to map radiotherapy data to an ontology-based data repository using FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) concepts. This approach ensures that the data is easily discoverable and accessible for clinical decision support systems. The dissertation explores the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process, data model frameworks, ontologies, and provides a real-world clinical use case for this data mapping. To improve the efficiency of retrieving information from large clinical datasets, a search engine based on ontology-based keyword searching and synonym-based term matching tool was developed. The hierarchical nature of ontologies is leveraged to retrieve patient records based on parent and children classes. Additionally, patient similarity analysis is conducted using vector embedding models (Word2Vec, Doc2Vec, GloVe, and FastText) to identify similar patients based on text corpus creation methods. Results from the analysis using these models are presented. The implementation of a learning health system for predicting radiation pneumonitis following stereotactic body radiotherapy is also discussed. 3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are utilized with radiographic and dosimetric datasets to predict the likelihood of radiation pneumonitis. DenseNet-121 and ResNet-50 models are employed for this study, along with integrated gradient techniques to identify salient regions within the input 3D image dataset. The predictive performance of the 3D CNN models is evaluated based on clinical outcomes. Overall, the proposed Learning Health System provides a comprehensive solution for capturing, integrating, and analyzing heterogeneous data in a knowledge base. It offers researchers the ability to extract valuable insights and associations from diverse sources, ultimately leading to improved clinical outcomes. This work can serve as a model for implementing LHS in other medical specialties, advancing personalized and data-driven medicine

    Explainable AI (XAI): core ideas, techniques and solutions

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    As our dependence on intelligent machines continues to grow, so does the demand for more transparent and interpretable models. In addition, the ability to explain the model generally is now the gold standard for building trust and deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in critical domains. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to provide a suite of machine learning (ML) techniques that enable human users to understand, appropriately trust, and produce more explainable models. Selecting an appropriate approach for building an XAI-enabled application requires a clear understanding of the core ideas within XAI and the associated programming frameworks. We survey state-of-the-art programming techniques for XAI and present the different phases of XAI in a typical ML development process. We classify the various XAI approaches and using this taxonomy, discuss the key differences among the existing XAI techniques. Furthermore, concrete examples are used to describe these techniques that are mapped to programming frameworks and software toolkits. It is the intention that this survey will help stakeholders in selecting the appropriate approaches, programming frameworks, and software toolkits by comparing them through the lens of the presented taxonomy

    Explainable NLP for Human-AI Collaboration

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    With more data and computing resources available these days, we have seen many novel Natural Language Processing (NLP) models breaking one performance record after another. Some of them even outperform human performance in some specific tasks. Meanwhile, many researchers have revealed weaknesses and irrationality of such models, e.g., having biases against some sub-populations, producing inconsistent predictions, and failing to work effectively in the wild due to overfitting. Therefore, in real applications, especially in high-stakes domains, humans cannot rely carelessly on predictions of NLP models, but they need to work closely with the models to ensure that every final decision made is accurate and benevolent. In this thesis, we devise and utilize explainable NLP techniques to support human-AI collaboration using text classification as a target task. Overall, our contributions can be divided into three main parts. First, we study how useful explanations are for humans according to three different purposes: revealing model behavior, justifying model predictions, and helping humans investigate uncertain predictions. Second, we propose a framework that enables humans to debug simple deep text classifiers informed by model explanations. Third, leveraging on computational argumentation, we develop a novel local explanation method for pattern-based logistic regression models that align better with human judgements and effectively assist humans to perform an unfamiliar task in real-time. Altogether, our contributions are paving the way towards the synergy of profound knowledge of human users and the tireless power of AI machines.Open Acces

    xxAI - Beyond Explainable AI

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    This is an open access book. Statistical machine learning (ML) has triggered a renaissance of artificial intelligence (AI). While the most successful ML models, including Deep Neural Networks (DNN), have developed better predictivity, they have become increasingly complex, at the expense of human interpretability (correlation vs. causality). The field of explainable AI (xAI) has emerged with the goal of creating tools and models that are both predictive and interpretable and understandable for humans. Explainable AI is receiving huge interest in the machine learning and AI research communities, across academia, industry, and government, and there is now an excellent opportunity to push towards successful explainable AI applications. This volume will help the research community to accelerate this process, to promote a more systematic use of explainable AI to improve models in diverse applications, and ultimately to better understand how current explainable AI methods need to be improved and what kind of theory of explainable AI is needed. After overviews of current methods and challenges, the editors include chapters that describe new developments in explainable AI. The contributions are from leading researchers in the field, drawn from both academia and industry, and many of the chapters take a clear interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving. The concepts discussed include explainability, causability, and AI interfaces with humans, and the applications include image processing, natural language, law, fairness, and climate science.https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/isqafacbooks/1000/thumbnail.jp

    xxAI - Beyond Explainable AI

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    This is an open access book. Statistical machine learning (ML) has triggered a renaissance of artificial intelligence (AI). While the most successful ML models, including Deep Neural Networks (DNN), have developed better predictivity, they have become increasingly complex, at the expense of human interpretability (correlation vs. causality). The field of explainable AI (xAI) has emerged with the goal of creating tools and models that are both predictive and interpretable and understandable for humans. Explainable AI is receiving huge interest in the machine learning and AI research communities, across academia, industry, and government, and there is now an excellent opportunity to push towards successful explainable AI applications. This volume will help the research community to accelerate this process, to promote a more systematic use of explainable AI to improve models in diverse applications, and ultimately to better understand how current explainable AI methods need to be improved and what kind of theory of explainable AI is needed. After overviews of current methods and challenges, the editors include chapters that describe new developments in explainable AI. The contributions are from leading researchers in the field, drawn from both academia and industry, and many of the chapters take a clear interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving. The concepts discussed include explainability, causability, and AI interfaces with humans, and the applications include image processing, natural language, law, fairness, and climate science
