24 research outputs found

    Social  reading - the reader on digital margins

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    Electronic books enrich the reading experience through a range of possibilities digital technology offers, such as commenting or adding content at the margin space, marking interesting chapters and sharing the content with other readers. The phenomenon of social reading emerges with the influence of technology in the sphere of reading books and creates interactions for readers with the content and other readers. The great potential of enriching the reading experience is visible in the digital platforms for social reading, where the interaction and the creation of new content encourages the development of new way of reading and creativity. These activities may contribute to better understanding of the text. This enhances the communication about the text thus revitalizing the content and moves the reading itself from private to public sphere. This paper will show how are the activities in the digital margins transformed into a good indicator of the reading behavior, as well as the importance and usefulness of such for publishers to create new publishing products and services

    Impact of Collaborative Reading Annotation System on EFL/ESL Learners on A Digital Platform: A Case Study of Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh

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    The year 2020 is a significant milestone in the history of human civilization. Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the whole world literally came to stand still. The loss of human lives, the financial setback, new-norms of social behavior, potential threat to the progress of education and the mass paranoia have forced the world order to re-consider the traditional lifestyle and values. As a part of this re-consideration, Bangladesh with the aid of Bangladesh Research and Education Network (BDREN) came forward to offer the Zoom platform to all the educational institutions in the country for free in order to continue the progress of education. As a result the screen time of all the students increased. They started to spend considerable time reading electronic materials and media. Nevertheless, many studies show that screen-based reading tends to lead students to surface reading, attention deficiency and that results in poor comprehension. This study, thus, explores the use of a collaborative reading annotation system (CRAS) that enhances digital reading performance on an online platform. A group of thirty low-achievers in a Short Stories course was selected and CRAS was introduced to them. At the end of four months’ intensive instruction, a significant change in their performance was noted. Moreover, the group showed a remarkable interest in the reading tasks and high learning satisfaction. Keywords: Collaborative Reading, Reading Strategies, Digital Reading, EFL/ESL teaching/learning strategies DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-18-07 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Effects of E‐textbook Instructor Annotations on Learner Performance

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    With additional features and increasing cost advantages, e-textbooks are becoming a viable alternative to paper textbooks. One important feature offered by enhanced e-textbooks (e-textbooks with interactive functionality) is the ability for instructors to annotate passages with additional insights. This paper describes a pilot study that examines the effects of instructor e-textbook annotations on student learning as measured by multiple-choice and open-ended test items. Fifty-two college students in a business course were randomly assigned either a paper or an electronic version of a textbook chapter. Results show that the e-textbook group outperformed the paper textbook group on the open-ended test item, while both groups performed equally on the multiple-choice subject test. These results suggest that the instructional affordances that an interactive e-textbook provides may lead to higher-level learning

    Screen-Reading Habits and Use of e-Resources of Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences’ students: A study of Postgraduate Students

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate reading preferences, habits, and attitudes of postgraduate students in the digital age. The survey method was employed to collect the data from a convenience sample of 500 graduate students from five departments of Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences at the University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan. The results indicate a student’s preference to the e-reading although with various hurdles e.g. awareness of access to resources, trainings, remote access to resources, limited time of computer lab’s availability and electricity failure. Understanding student’s screen reading habits would enable the educationist, policy makers, technologist, and libraries to responds the needs and hazards to effective use of electronic resources

    Examining Student Learning and Perceptions in Social Annotation-Based Translation Activities

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    Limited research has been conducted on how to incorporate computer-supported collaborative learning into translation instruction despite the potential benefits. A study was conducted with a group of college English majors in China to examine the effects of using a social annotation tool to encourage student interaction during translation activities. The results showed that students made greater improvement when they completed the translation assignments with the support of a social annotation tool than when they completed the assignments in the traditional way. In addition, students had a positive attitude toward the use of the social annotation tool

    Pengembangan E-Book Interaktif Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Menggunakan Teknologi Cloud Computing pada Mata Kuliah PPDP PPG Prajabatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan e-book interaktif mata kuliah Pemahaman Peserta Didik dan Pembelajarannya dengan pendekatan pembelajaran kolaboratif berbasis teknologi cloud computing untuk mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) Prajabatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan yang terdiri dari tiga tahap: penelitian pendahuluan (preliminary research), tahap prototipe (prototype), dan tahap penilaian (assessment), dengan fokus pada pemanfaatan teknologi cloud computing. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner, uji validitas, dan efektivitas e-book interaktif yang dikembangkan melalui tahap-tahap yang dirancang sesuai dengan model Akker. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Evaluasi formatif dilakukan untuk menentukan validitas, praktikalitas, dan potensi efek produk. Validitas e-book yang dikembangkan mencapai skor 3.55 (validitas sangat tinggi) setelah dievaluasi oleh ahli dalam konteks desain pembelajaran, media, dan konten. Praktikalitas e-book dinilai tinggi dalam evaluasi satu-satu (skor 3.625) dan sangat tinggi dalam evaluasi kelompok kecil (skor 3.85). Uji lapangan menunjukkan hasil efektivitas sebesar 94.4%, menandakan bahwa e-book interaktif memiliki potensi efek tinggi. E-book ini dapat diterapkan dengan baik pada mahasiswa PPG Prajabatan sebagai sumber referensi yang mendukung pemahaman peserta didik dan pembelajaran melalui pendekatan kolaboratif berbasis teknologi cloud computing

    The effects of a peer-tutoring strategy on children’s e-book reading comprehension

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    Reading competence is one of the most critical skills for children’s academic success. In the study reported on here we proposed an integrated peer-tutoring strategy for reading comprehension that employs e-books for elementary school students. The effects of this strategy on children’s reading comprehension were investigated using a quasi-experimental design. Three classes of 11–12-year-old students (n = 73) participated in the study for 12 weeks. Compared to the control group, students in the experimental group, who engaged in peer tutoring with e-book reading, showed significant gains in reading comprehension. Students’ perceptions of the benefits of the peer-tutoring resources to their reading are discussed. The findings demonstrate that the integration of peer tutoring in e-book reading results in an effective instructional model for the enhancement of elementary school students’ reading. Keywords: e-book; elementary school children; mobile learning; peer tutoring; reading comprehensio

    The effectiveness of using online collaborative annotation based on reciprocal teaching instruction on students' reading comprehension at the Second Grade of SMP Khoiru Ummah Malang

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    ENGLISH: Reciprocal teaching (RT) strategy has been used to improve students’ reading comprehension in face to face learning. However, little was known about how to use RT with the use of annotation tool to comprehend texts in distance learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of using Online Collaborative Annotation based on RT Instruction on students’ reading comprehension for junior high school students’. In the presents study the researcher used quantitative methodology with pre-experimental design. The data was collected from pre-test and post-test provided by 37 students of eight grade SMP Khoiru Ummah, resulting a total of 74 recordings found. To determine the effectiveness of the strategy, the data was analyzed by using Paired T-test with significance level (α) = 0.05 or 5%. The findings showed that the value of Paired T-test is 0.000 < 0.05.. it can be concluded that the Online Collaborative Annotation based on RT Instruction is effective to improve students’ reading comprehension. Thus, from a total of participant students showed that the post-test score improved after implementing RT strategy. Online annotation supported RT strategy by help students to discuss anytime and help them to review and revise their comprehension. INDONESIA: Strategi reciprocal teaching (RT) telah digunakan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa dalam pembelajaran tatap muka. Namun, sedikit yang diketahui tentang cara menggunakan RT dengan penggunaan alat anotasi untuk memahami teks dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan Anotasi Kolaboratif Online berdasarkan Instruksi RT terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa untuk siswa sekolah menengah pertama. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metodologi kuantitatif dengan desain pra-eksperimental. Data dikumpulkan dari pre-test dan post-test yang diberikan oleh 37 siswa kelas delapan SMP Khoiru Ummah, sehingga total 74 rekaman ditemukan. Untuk mengetahui keefektifan strategi, data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Paired T-test dengan taraf signifikansi (α) = 0,05 atau 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai Paired T-test adalah 0,000 < 0,05. maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Anotasi Kolaborasi Online berbasis RT Instruction efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa. Dengan demikian, dari total peserta menunjukkan bahwa skor post-test meningkat setelah menerapkan strategi RT. Anotasi online mendukung strategi RT dengan membantu siswa berdiskusi kapan saja dan membantu mereka meninjau dan merevisi pemahaman mereka. ARABIC: تم استخدام استراتيجية التدريس المتبادل لتحسين فهم القراءة لدى الطلاب في التعلم وجهًا لوجه. ومع ذلك ، لا يُعرف الكثير عن كيفية استخدام RT مع استخدام أدوات التعليقات التوضيحية لفهم النص في التعلم عن بعد. كان الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو تحديد فعالية استخدام التعليقات التوضيحية التعاونية عبر الإنترنت استنادًا إلى إرشادات RT حول فهم القراءة لدى الطلاب لطلاب المدارس الثانوية. في هذه الدراسة ، استخدم الباحث المنهج الكمي بتصميم ما قبل التجربة. تم جمع البيانات من الاختبار القبلي والبعدي الذي أجراه 37 طالبًا في الصف الثامن من مدرسة خوارو الأمة المتوسطة ، بحيث تم العثور على إجمالي 74 سجلًا. لتحديد فعالية الاستراتيجية ، تم تحليل البيانات باستخدام اختبار T الزوجي بمستوى أهمية (α) = 0.05 أو 5٪. أظهرت النتائج أن قيمة اختبار T الزوجي كانت 0.000 <0.05. يمكن الاستنتاج أن التعليقات التوضيحية التعاونية عبر الإنترنت القائمة على إرشادات RT فعالة لتحسين فهم القراءة لدى الطلاب. وبالتالي ، من إجمالي المشاركين الذين أظهروا أن درجات ما بعد الاختبار قد تحسنت بعد تنفيذ استراتيجية RT. تدعم التعليقات التوضيحية عبر الإنترنت استراتيجيات RT من خلال مساعدة الطلاب على إجراء مناقشات في أي وقت ومساعدتهم على مراجعة ومراجعة فهمهم

    Investigating Linguistic, Literary, and Social Affordances of L2 Collaborative Reading

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    This exploratory study analyzes learner–learner interactions within a virtual environment when collaboratively reading Spanish poetry in a Hispanic literature course at the college level via an ecological theoretical perspective (van Lier, 2004). The goals of the study are (a) to present empirical data that illustrate the theoretical construct of affordance in a virtual, collaborative reading environment, and (b) to investigate the pedagogical ramifications of using a digital annotation tool to involve learners in collaborative reading. Three distinct types of affordances emerged in the data: linguistic, literary, and social affordances. Our findings indicate that the number of literary and social affordances outnumbered the linguistic affordances that emerged in students’ threaded discussions while collaboratively reading and annotating poems. In addition, the primary challenges for learners when engaging in collaborative reading included others’ comments impeding some students’ understanding of the text, and having to make one’s comments distinct from others’ comments to avoid being socially viewed as an inactive reader or student. From a pedagogical perspective, the primary benefits of incorporating collaborative reading in a second language poetry course involve the ability to establish a more open learning community and allowing students to carry out a closer reading of literary texts