37,813 research outputs found

    A scoping review to establish the relationship of community to the lives of looked after children and young people

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    Friendship networks and relationships with communities are important parts of the lives of looked after children and young people (LACYP). Much of legislation, policy, practice and research focuses on „the care experience‟ itself, as distinct from young people‟s everyday lives and their connectivity with wider environments. Considerable lack of understanding remains about what being „in care‟ means. This often results in prejudice and stigma. Groups set up specifically for LACYP offer opportunities to develop networks and relationships with adults and young people, and to raise awarenesses. Transitions may happen early and be experienced frequently by LACYP, however, they can offer new opportunities and positive relationships with different people. Meaningful participation in communities such as schools is an important factor in developing stability in relationships. Concepts of participation and empowerment form part of an ecological framework which locates the community context as central to building resilience for LACYP. What constitutes community cohesion and connectedness for LACYP requires a fine balance between the interests of protection and participation. Successful interconnectedness is a matter of shared concern for all. The key challenge remains that of identifying how stable community relationships for LACYP may be strengthened and supported to dynamic mutual benefit. These documents are outputs from the same project: 1) an end of project discussion paper; 2) an extended version of the discussion paper; and 3) four short guides for practice and polic

    Virtual EQ – the talent differentiator in 2020?

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    In an increasingly competitive, globalised world, knowledge-intensive industries/ services are seen as engines for success. Key to this marketplace is a growing army of ‘talent’ i.e. skilled and dedicated knowledge workers. These knowledge workers engage in non-routine problem solving through combining convergent, divergent and creative thinking across organizational and company boundaries - a process often facilitated though the internet and social media, consequently forming networks of expertise. For knowledge workers, sharing their learning with others through communities of practice embedded in new information media becomes an important element of their personal identity and the creation of their individual brand or e-social reputation. Part of the new knowledge/skills needed for this process becomes not only emotional intelligence (being attuned to the emotional needs of others) but being able to do this within and through new media, thus the emergence of virtual emotional intelligence (EQ). Our views of current research found that HRD practitioners in 2020 might need to consider Virtual EQ as part of their talent portfolio. However it seems that new technology has created strategies for capturing and managing knowledge that are readily duplicated and that a talent differentiator in 2020 might simply be the ability and willingness to learn

    The role of social networks in students’ learning experiences

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the role of social networks in computer science education. The Internet shows great potential for enhancing collaboration between people and the role of social software has become increasingly relevant in recent years. This research focuses on analyzing the role that social networks play in students’ learning experiences. The construction of students’ social networks, the evolution of these networks, and their effects on the students’ learning experience in a university environment are examined

    Resilience: Health in a New Key

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    This is the story of resilience, the remarkable capacity of individuals and communities to bounce back from adversity and even thrive in a world of turmoil and change. How we can begin to build on our strengths -- instead of becoming prisoners of our weaknesses -- is the subject of this issue brief

    Social Learning and Networking : How multiple actors can learn through joint analysis, dialogue and co-creation

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    We are facing complex societal problems such as climate change, human conflict, poverty and inequality, and need innovative solutions. Multi-stakeholder processes (MSPs) are more and more seen as a critical way of coming to such innovative solutions. It is thought that when multiple stakeholders are able to meet, share experiences, learn together and contribute to decisions, new and innovative ways of dealing with problems are found and turned into action. Still, much remains to be understood about the role and effectiveness of social learning in multi-stakeholder settings. This report summarizes the deliberations of the seminar “Social learning and networking: How multiple actors can learn through joint analysis, dialogue and co-creation”, which was held in Wageningen on 16 September 2010

    A construct on fostering unity through virtual community cohesion

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    This paper presents a research outcome that examines the construct that explains the cohesiveness of members of the social media in fostering unity.As the proliferation of the new media becomes rampant with the prevalence of the Internet, society tends to become individualistic and spends more time with their digital devices rather than interacting with family members, neighbors and colleagues.This phenomenon if left unchecked may contribute to disunity within the society. Hence, the objective of the study presented in this paper was to come up with a construct that can explain virtual community cohesion in fostering unity.The research approach includes consulting relevant materials on social cohesion and identifying dimensions that make up the social cohesion construct. These were then subjected to reviews by experts in the field of community cohesion. Meanwhile operational definitions of virtual community were examined and mapped against the traditional social cohesion. This results in a construct comprising of 8 components with 46 items for measuring unity through virtual community cohesion

    Virtual Collaboration in the Online Educational Setting: A Concept Analysis

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    This study was designed to explore the concept of virtual collaboration within the context of an online learning environment in an academic setting. Rodgers’ method of evolutionary concept analysis was used to provide a contextual view of the concept to identify attributes, antecedents, and consequences of virtual collaboration. Commonly used terms to describe virtual collaboration are collaborative and cooperative learning, group work, group interaction, group learning and teamwork. A constructivist pedagogy, group-based process with a shared purpose, support and web-based technology are required for virtual collaboration to take place. Consequences of virtual collaboration are higher order thinking and learning to work with others. A comprehensive definition of virtual collaboration is offered as an outcome of this analysis. Clarification of virtual collaboration prior to using it as a pedagogic tool in the online learning environment will enhance nursing education with the changes in nursing curriculum being implemented today. Further research is recommended to describe the developmental stages of the collaborative process among nursing students in online education and how virtual collaboration facilitates collaboration in practice