108 research outputs found

    Enhancing Compressed Sensing 4D Photoacoustic Tomography by Simultaneous Motion Estimation

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    A crucial limitation of current high-resolution 3D photoacoustic tomography (PAT) devices that employ sequential scanning is their long acquisition time. In previous work, we demonstrated how to use compressed sensing techniques to improve upon this: images with good spatial resolution and contrast can be obtained from suitably sub-sampled PAT data acquired by novel acoustic scanning systems if sparsity-constrained image reconstruction techniques such as total variation regularization are used. Now, we show how a further increase of image quality can be achieved for imaging dynamic processes in living tissue (4D PAT). The key idea is to exploit the additional temporal redundancy of the data by coupling the previously used spatial image reconstruction models with sparsity-constrained motion estimation models. While simulated data from a two-dimensional numerical phantom will be used to illustrate the main properties of this recently developed joint-image-reconstruction-and-motion-estimation framework, measured data from a dynamic experimental phantom will also be used to demonstrate their potential for challenging, large-scale, real-world, three-dimensional scenarios. The latter only becomes feasible if a carefully designed combination of tailored optimization schemes is employed, which we describe and examine in more detail

    Enhancing Compressed Sensing 4D Photoacoustic Tomography by Simultaneous Motion Estimation

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    A crucial limitation of current high-resolution 3D photoacoustic tomography (PAT) devices that employ sequential scanning is their long acquisition time. In previous work, we demonstrated how to use compressed sensing techniques to improve upon this: images with good spatial resolution and contrast can be obtained from suitably subsampled PAT data acquired by novel acoustic scanning systems if sparsity-constrained image reconstruction techniques such as total variation regularization are used. Now, we show how a further increase of image quality can be achieved for imaging dynamic processes in living tissue (4D PAT). The key idea is to exploit the additional temporal redundancy of the data by coupling the previously used spatial image reconstruction models with sparsity-constrained motion estimation models. While simulated data from a 2D numerical phantom will be used to illustrate the main properties of this recently developed joint-image-reconstructionand-motion-estimation framework, measured data from a dynamic experimental phantom will also be used to demonstrate its potential for challenging, large-scale, real-world, 3D scenarios. The latter only becomes feasible if a carefully designed combination of tailored optimization schemes is employed, which we describe and examine in more detail

    Single-pixel camera photoacoustic tomography

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    Since it was first demonstrated more than a decade ago, the single-pixel camera concept has been used in numerous applications in which it is necessary or advantageous to reduce the channel count, cost, or data volume. Here, three-dimensional (3-D), compressed-sensing photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is demonstrated experimentally using a single-pixel camera. A large area collimated laser beam is reflected from a planar Fabry-Pérot ultrasound sensor onto a digital micromirror device, which patterns the light using a scrambled Hadamard basis before it is collected into a single photodetector. In this way, inner products of the Hadamard patterns and the distribution of thickness changes of the FP sensor-induced by the photoacoustic waves-are recorded. The initial distribution of acoustic pressure giving rise to those photoacoustic waves is recovered directly from the measured signals using an accelerated proximal gradient-type algorithm to solve a model-based minimization with total variation regularization. Using this approach, it is shown that 3-D PAT of imaging phantoms can be obtained with compression rates as low as 10%. Compressed sensing approaches to photoacoustic imaging, such as this, have the potential to reduce the data acquisition time as well as the volume of data it is necessary to acquire, both of which are becoming increasingly important in the drive for faster imaging systems giving higher resolution images with larger fields of view

    Methods for Photoacoustic Image Reconstruction Exploiting Properties of Curvelet Frame

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    Curvelet frame is of special significance for photoacoustic tomography (PAT) due to its sparsifying and microlocalisation properties. In this PhD project, we explore the methods for image reconstruction in PAT with flat sensor geometry using Curvelet properties. This thesis makes five distinct contributions: (i) We investigate formulation of the forward, adjoint and inverse operators for PAT in Fourier domain. We derive a one-to-one map between wavefront directions in image and data spaces in PAT. Combining the Fourier operators with the wavefront map allows us to create the appropriate PAT operators for solving limited-view problems due to limited angular sensor sensitivity. (ii) We devise a concept of wedge restricted Curvelet transform, a modification of standard Curvelet transform, which allows us to formulate a tight frame of wedge restricted Curvelets on the range of the PAT forward operator for PAT data representation. We consider details specific to PAT data such as symmetries, time oversampling and their consequences. We further adapt the wedge restricted Curvelet to decompose the wavefronts into visible and invisible parts in the data domain as well as in the image domain. (iii) We formulate a two step approach based on the recovery of the complete volume of the photoacoustic data from the sub-sampled data followed by the acoustic inversion, and a one step approach where the photoacoustic image is directly recovered from the subsampled data. The wedge restricted Curvelet is used as the sparse representation of the photoacoustic data in the two step approach. (iv) We discuss a joint variational approach that incorporates Curvelet sparsity in photoacoustic image domain and spatio-temporal regularization via optical flow constraint to achieve improved results for dynamic PAT reconstruction. (v) We consider the limited-view problem due to limited angular sensitivity of the sensor (see (i) for the formulation of the corresponding fast operators in Fourier domain). We propose complementary information learning approach based on splitting the problem into visible and invisible singularities. We perform a sparse reconstruction of the visible Curvelet coefficients using compressed sensing techniques and propose a tailored deep neural network architecture to recover the invisible coefficients

    Distributed Compressive Sensing Algorithm for Photoacoustic Tomography

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    Biomedical imaging techniques are playing an essential role in diagnosing different kinds of diseases, which always motivates the search for improving their sensitivity and accuracy. Photoacoustic Tomography (PAT) is one of the most powerful techniques. PAT has many advantages as it is less expensive and faster than Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). It combines the advantages of optical imaging and ultrasound imaging as it provides high contrast, high penetration, and high-resolution images for biological tissues. Also, it uses non-ionizing radiation which is very safe for human health. The main challenge in PAT is that human tissues can be exposed only to a limited amount of radiation, so a full-view of PAT requires many transducers and a great number of measurements. This thesis aims to develop an efficient reconstruction algorithm of Photoacoustic (PA) images that uses a few number of transducers, a few number of measurements, and offers low computational complexity while maintaining a high quality of recovered images. The proposed reconstruction algorithm depends on the Compressive Sensing (CS) theory which is a signal processing technique that is capable of forming a full view PAT images (under certain prerequisites) with a few number of measurements. The proposed algorithm solves the CS problem using a distributed and parallel implementation of the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM). ADMM is a well-known method for solving convex optimization problems. A group of local processors that work in parallel with one global processor is used to form the images. The iterative algorithm of ADMM is distributed over local processors in such a way perfect reconstruction of images is possible. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is powerful and successful in reconstructing different kinds of PA images with very high quality and significantly reduced computational complexity. Reducing the computational complexity is reflected in a much lower reconstruction time. Also, the algorithm requires lower cost and shorter acquisition time since the CS theory is used which allows the recovery of images from a few number of samples and sensors. Although the idea of distributed ADMM has been introduced before in literature but to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to apply distributed ADMM method in recovering photoacoustic images by distributing the iterative algorithm among multiple processors working in parallel

    (An overview of) Synergistic reconstruction for multimodality/multichannel imaging methods

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    Imaging is omnipresent in modern society with imaging devices based on a zoo of physical principles, probing a specimen across different wavelengths, energies and time. Recent years have seen a change in the imaging landscape with more and more imaging devices combining that which previously was used separately. Motivated by these hardware developments, an ever increasing set of mathematical ideas is appearing regarding how data from different imaging modalities or channels can be synergistically combined in the image reconstruction process, exploiting structural and/or functional correlations between the multiple images. Here we review these developments, give pointers to important challenges and provide an outlook as to how the field may develop in the forthcoming years. This article is part of the theme issue 'Synergistic tomographic image reconstruction: part 1'

    Fully three-dimensional sound speed-corrected multi-wavelength photoacoustic breast tomography

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    Photoacoustic tomography is a contrast agent-free imaging technique capable of visualizing blood vessels and tumor-associated vascularization in breast tissue. While sophisticated breast imaging systems have been recently developed, there is yet much to be gained in imaging depth, image quality and tissue characterization capability before clinical translation is possible. In response, we have developed a hybrid photoacoustic and ultrasound-transmission tomographic system PAM3. The photoacoustic component has for the first time three-dimensional multi-wavelength imaging capability, and implements substantial technical advancements in critical hardware and software sub-systems. The ultrasound component enables for the first time, a three-dimensional sound speed map of the breast to be incorporated in photoacoustic reconstruction to correct for inhomogeneities, enabling accurate target recovery. The results demonstrate the deepest photoacoustic breast imaging to date namely 48 mm, with a more uniform field of view than hitherto, and an isotropic spatial resolution that rivals that of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The in vivo performance achieved, and the diagnostic value of interrogating angiogenesis-driven optical contrast as well as tumor mass sound speed contrast, gives confidence in the system's clinical potential.Comment: 33 pages Main Body, 9 pages Supplementary Materia

    Imaging Sensors and Applications

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    In past decades, various sensor technologies have been used in all areas of our lives, thus improving our quality of life. In particular, imaging sensors have been widely applied in the development of various imaging approaches such as optical imaging, ultrasound imaging, X-ray imaging, and nuclear imaging, and contributed to achieve high sensitivity, miniaturization, and real-time imaging. These advanced image sensing technologies play an important role not only in the medical field but also in the industrial field. This Special Issue covers broad topics on imaging sensors and applications. The scope range of imaging sensors can be extended to novel imaging sensors and diverse imaging systems, including hardware and software advancements. Additionally, biomedical and nondestructive sensing applications are welcome
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