514 research outputs found

    Anti-Russia or anti-Ukraine: How do Twitter users feel about the ongoing conflict between August 2022 and February 2023? A sentiment analysis approach

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    The research presented in this thesis aimed to investigate the shifting sentiment among Twitter users regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict between August 2022 and February 2023. To comprehend this sentiment variation and public opinion, we travelled back to 1991, the year of the Soviet Union's dissolution, and reviewed literature to gain deeper insights into the Ukraine-Russia relationship. Employing a combination of descriptive analysis techniques, Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modelling, and Machine Learning algorithms such as Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, AdaBoost, and XGBoost, we examined the evolving Anti-Ukraine and Anti-Russia sentiments expressed by Twitter users during the second semester of the conflict. Our findings revealed that, within our datasets, there was a higher prevalence of tweets expressing Anti-Ukraine sentiments than those expressing Anti-Russia sentiments. Notably, the XGBoost model exhibited the most promising performance metrics, achieving an accuracy rate of 90% for the dataset with data from August and September 2022 and 93% accuracy for the dataset with data from February 2023.A investigação apresentada nesta tese teve como objetivo analisar a evolução do sentimento dos utilizadores do Twitter face ao conflito Ucrânia-Rússia entre agosto de 2022 e fevereiro de 2023. Para melhor compreender esta evolução de sentimento e da opinião pública, pesquisámos literatura relativa às relações entre a Ucrânia e a Rússia desde 1991, o ano da dissolução da União Soviética. Utilizando uma combinação de técnicas de análise descritiva, Análise de Sentimento, Topic Modelling e algoritmos de Machine Learning, como Regressão Logística, Árvore de Decisão, Naïve Bayes, AdaBoost e XGBoost, analisámos a evolução dos sentimentos Anti-Ucrânia e Anti-Rússia expressos pelos utilizadores do Twitter durante o segundo semestre do conflito. Concluímos que, dentro dos nossos conjuntos de dados, existe uma maior prevalência de tweets que expressam sentimentos Anti-Ucrânia em comparação com sentimentos Anti-Rússia. O modelo XGBoost apresentou as melhores métricas de performance, com uma taxa de accuracy de 90% para o dataset com dados de agosto e setembro de 2022 e uma taxa de accucary de 93% para o dataset com dados de fevereiro de 2023

    Evaluating soft biometrics in the context of face recognition

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    2013 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Soft biometrics typically refer to attributes of people such as their gender, the shape of their head, the color of their hair, etc. There is growing interest in soft biometrics as a means of improving automated face recognition since they hold the promise of significantly reducing recognition errors, in part by ruling out illogical choices. Here four experiments quantify performance gains on a difficult face recognition task when standard face recognition algorithms are augmented using information associated with soft biometrics. These experiments include a best-case analysis using perfect knowledge of gender and race, support vector machine-based soft biometric classifiers, face shape expressed through an active shape model, and finally appearance information from the image region directly surrounding the face. All four experiments indicate small improvements may be made when soft biometrics augment an existing algorithm. However, in all cases, the gains were modest. In the context of face recognition, empirical evidence suggests that significant gains using soft biometrics are hard to come by

    Gender Classification from Facial Images

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    Gender classification based on facial images has received increased attention in the computer vision community. In this work, a comprehensive evaluation of state-of-the-art gender classification methods is carried out on publicly available databases and extended to reallife face images, where face detection and face normalization are essential for the success of the system. Next, the possibility of predicting gender from face images acquired in the near-infrared spectrum (NIR) is explored. In this regard, the following two questions are addressed: (a) Can gender be predicted from NIR face images; and (b) Can a gender predictor learned using visible (VIS) images operate successfully on NIR images and vice-versa? The experimental results suggest that NIR face images do have some discriminatory information pertaining to gender, although the degree of discrimination is noticeably lower than that of VIS images. Further, the use of an illumination normalization routine may be essential for facilitating cross-spectral gender prediction. By formulating the problem of gender classification in the framework of both visible and near-infrared images, the guidelines for performing gender classification in a real-world scenario is provided, along with the strengths and weaknesses of each methodology. Finally, the general problem of attribute classification is addressed, where features such as expression, age and ethnicity are derived from a face image

    Understanding destination brand experience through data mining and machine learning

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    This research formalises a new methodology to measure and analyse Destination Brand Experience, improving upon traditional approaches by offering greater objectivity and rigour. Adopting a case study approach, five distinct and complementary types of analysis have been conducted: comprehensive sentiment analysis and topic modelling, an analysis using multiple thesauri, statistical analyses for hypothesis testing, and machine learning for classification. The methodological innovation, through the construction of thesauri, has enabled the measurement of sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioural dimensions in unique and emblematic attractions, experiences, and transportation within a tourist destination, based on visitor reviews. This new approach allows tourism professionals and destination managers to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance tourist satisfaction. The findings suggest that there are significant differences in the relationships between specific dimensions and that gender and culture moderate or impact these relationships.Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This study was supported by the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme of Andalusia 2014–2020, through the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan (Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación) PAIDI 2020 (Grant: P20_00457), and by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España) (Grant: FPU20/00235)

    Essays on Predictive Analytics in E-Commerce

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    Die Motivation für diese Dissertation ist dualer Natur: Einerseits ist die Dissertation methodologisch orientiert und entwickelt neue statistische Ansätze und Algorithmen für maschinelles Lernen. Gleichzeitig ist sie praktisch orientiert und fokussiert sich auf den konkreten Anwendungsfall von Produktretouren im Onlinehandel. Die “data explosion”, veursacht durch die Tatsache, dass die Kosten für das Speichern und Prozessieren großer Datenmengen signifikant gesunken sind (Bhimani and Willcocks, 2014), und die neuen Technologien, die daraus resultieren, stellen die größte Diskontinuität für die betriebliche Praxis und betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung seit Entwicklung des Internets dar (Agarwal and Dhar, 2014). Insbesondere die Business Intelligence (BI) wurde als wichtiges Forschungsthema für Praktiker und Akademiker im Bereich der Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) identifiziert (Chen et al., 2012). Maschinelles Lernen wurde erfolgreich auf eine Reihe von BI-Problemen angewandt, wie zum Beispiel Absatzprognose (Choi et al., 2014; Sun et al., 2008), Prognose von Windstromerzeugung (Wan et al., 2014), Prognose des Krankheitsverlaufs von Patienten eines Krankenhauses (Liu et al., 2015), Identifikation von Betrug Abbasi et al., 2012) oder Recommender-Systeme (Sahoo et al., 2012). Allerdings gibt es nur wenig Forschung, die sich mit Fragestellungen um maschinelles Lernen mit spezifischen Bezug zu BI befasst: Obwohl existierende Algorithmen teilweise modifiziert werden, um sie auf ein bestimmtes Problem anzupassen (Abbasi et al., 2010; Sahoo et al., 2012), beschränkt sich die WI-Forschung im Allgemeinen darauf, existierende Algorithmen, die für andere Fragestellungen als BI entwickelt wurden, auf BI-Fragestellungen anzuwenden (Abbasi et al., 2010; Sahoo et al., 2012). Das erste wichtige Ziel dieser Dissertation besteht darin, einen Beitrag dazu zu leisten, diese Lücke zu schließen. Diese Dissertation fokussiert sich auf das wichtige BI-Problem von Produktretouren im Onlinehandel für eine Illustration und praktische Anwendung der vorgeschlagenen Konzepte. Viele Onlinehändler sind nicht profitabel (Rigby, 2014) und Produktretouren sind eine wichtige Ursache für dieses Problem (Grewal et al., 2004). Neben Kostenaspekten sind Produktretouren aus ökologischer Sicht problematisch. In der Logistikforschung ist es weitestgehend Konsens, dass die “letzte Meile” der Zulieferkette, nämlich dann wenn das Produkt an die Haustür des Kunden geliefert wird, am CO2-intensivsten ist (Browne et al., 2008; Halldórsson et al., 2010; Song et al., 2009). Werden Produkte retourniert, wird dieser energieintensive Schritt wiederholt, wodurch sich die Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltfreundlichkeit des Geschäftsmodells von Onlinehändlern relativ zum klassischen Vertrieb reduziert. Allerdings können Onlinehändler Produktretouren nicht einfach verbieten, da sie einen wichtigen Teil ihres Geschäftsmodells darstellen: So hat die Möglichkeit, Produkte zu retournieren positive Auswirkungen auf Kundenzufriedenheit (Cassill, 1998), Kaufverhalten (Wood, 2001), künftiges Kaufverhalten (Petersen and Kumar, 2009) und emotianale Reaktionen der Kunden (Suwelack et al., 2011). Ein vielversprechender Ansatz besteht darin, sich auf impulsives und kompulsives (LaRose, 2001) sowie betrügerisches Kaufverhalten zu fokussieren (Speights and Hilinski, 2005; Wachter et al., 2012). In gegenwärtigen akademschen Literatur zu dem Thema gibt es keine solchen Strategien. Die meisten Strategien unterscheiden nicht zwischen gewollten und ungewollten Retouren (Walsh et al., 2014). Das zweite Ziel dieser Dissertation besteht daher darin, die Basis für eine Strategie von Prognose und Intervention zu entwickeln, mit welcher Konsumverhalten mit hoher Retourenwahrscheinlichkeit im Vorfeld erkannt und rechtzeitig interveniert werden kann. In dieser Dissertation werden mehrere Prognosemodelle entwickelt, auf Basis welcher demonstriert wird, dass die Strategie, unter der Annahme moderat effektiver Interventionsstrategien, erhebliche Kosteneinsparungen mit sich bringt

    DeepEthnic: Multi-Label Ethnic Classification from Face Images

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    Ethnic group classification is a well-researched problem, which has been pursued mainly during the past two decades via traditional approaches of image processing and machine learning. In this paper, we propose a method of classifying an image face into an ethnic group by applying transfer learning from a previously trained classification network for large-scale data recognition. Our proposed method yields state-of-the-art success rates of 99.02%, 99.76%, 99.2%, and 96.7%, respectively, for the four ethnic groups: African, Asian, Caucasian, and Indian

    Application of Computer Vision and Mobile Systems in Education: A Systematic Review

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    The computer vision industry has experienced a significant surge in growth, resulting in numerous promising breakthroughs in computer intelligence. The present review paper outlines the advantages and potential future implications of utilizing this technology in education. A total of 84 research publications have been thoroughly scrutinized and analyzed. The study revealed that computer vision technology integrated with a mobile application is exceptionally useful in monitoring students’ perceptions and mitigating academic dishonesty. Additionally, it facilitates the digitization of handwritten scripts for plagiarism detection and automates attendance tracking to optimize valuable classroom time. Furthermore, several potential applications of computer vision technology for educational institutions have been proposed to enhance students’ learning processes in various faculties, such as engineering, medical science, and others. Moreover, the technology can also aid in creating a safer campus environment by automatically detecting abnormal activities such as ragging, bullying, and harassment