12 research outputs found

    \u3cb\u3ePersonal Reflection:\u3c/b\u3e SoTL and Don\u27t Perish!

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    This reflection describes my early encounters with SoTL as I went through a critical period questioning my role and responsibilities as an academic and my journey with a cohort of students who made me realise that there is indeed a dire need for SoTL to bridge the nexus between a university academic’s teaching responsibilities as well as the global ‘publish or perish’ pressure most academics experience toda

    Arabic Language Learning (ALL) for Kids

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    Arabic Language has an exceptional position in Islam. It is the language of Quran, thus the need to learn and understand Arabic amongst Muslims is of paramount importance. For countries where their native language is not Arabic, the language is only taught in special schools. Arabic language needs to be introduced to children at early ages such as in the kindergarten. With the advent of computer technology, various kind of multimedia tools have been developed for the purpose of language learning. Since children are attracted to computer applications especially those that involve multimedia,there is a need to develop Arabic language learning applications for them. Even though there are few applications available in the market for that purpose, most of them do not fully utilize the multimedia elements. The prime objective of this study was to propose an Arabic Language Learning (ALL) for kids of ages between 4 to 6 years old that enable them to learn the language. In the process, an interactive field-tested ALL for kids has been developed as an alternative to the traditional learning tools. The results of user evaluation on the ALL indicate that it has good usability in terms of Learnability,Usefulness, Ease of Use and Outcome/Future Use. The results also indicate that there is a significant difference between novice and expert users for Usefulness and Ease of Use,while no significant difference for learnability and Outcome/Future Use

    Educational Painter for Preschool Children

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    A lot of people are trying to educate their children via ICT from the early stages of their age. Thus, the learning by drawing using computers is important to promote children skills because drawing develops children imagination. There are a lot of educational programs about the education of children on the drawing, but these programs are designed at a high level in which it is difficult for children to use it. The proposed painter application is designed to teach children drawing, by providing relevant drawing tools. It is also equipped with alphabet learning and it is pronunciation, so that can learn letters while drawing

    Arabic Language Learning (All) for kids

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    Arabic Language has an exceptional position in Islam.It is the language of Quran, thus the need to learn and understand Arabic amongst Muslims is of paramount importance. For countries where their native language is not Arabic, the language is only taught in special schools. Arabic language needs to be introduced to children at early ages such as in the kindergarten.With the advent of computer technology, various kind of multimedia tools have been developed for the purpose of language learning.Since children are attracted to computer applications especially those that involve multimedia, there is a need to develop Arabic language learning applications for them.Even though there are few applications available in the market for that purpose, most of them do not fully utilize the multimedia elements.The prime objective of this study was to propose an Arabic Language Learning (ALL) for kids of ages between 4 to 6 years old that enable them to learn the language.In the process, an interactive field-tested ALL for kids has been developed as an alternative to the traditional learning tools.The results of user evaluation on the ALL indicate that it has good usability in terms of Learn ability, Usefulness, Ease of Use and Outcome/Future Use.The results also indicate that there is a significant difference between novice and expert users for Usefulness and Ease of Use, while no significant difference for learn ability and Outcome/Future Use

    Exploring the relationship between factors that contribute to interactive engagement and academic performance

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    In an educational context, technology can prompt interactive engagement only when it is used in conjunction with interactive engagement methods. This study, therefore, examines the relationships between factors that contribute to higher levels of interactive engagement and performance, such as interactive engagement methods, technology, intrinsic motivation and deep learning. Five hundred and twenty-six (526) higher education students participated in this study. With structural equation modelling, the authors test the conceptual model and identify satisfactory model fit. The results indicate that interactive engagement methods, technology and intrinsic motivation have significant relationships with interactive engagement; deep learning mediates the relationships of the other variables with performanc


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    Ida Pramuwasti. K1206025. PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TEKNIK TWO STAY TWO STRAY SEBAGAI UPAYA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN BERDISKUSI SISWA KELAS IX A SMP NEGERI 1 GETASAN KABUPATEN SEMARANG TAHUN AJARAN 2009/2010. Skripsi. Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Februari 2010. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan: 1) kualitas proses pembelajaran keterampilan berdiskusi siswa kelas IX A SMP Negeri 1 Getasan Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010; dan 2) kualitas hasil pembelajaran keterampilan berdiskusi siswa kelas IX A SMP Negeri 1 Getasan Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan di SMP Negeri 1 Getasan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX A dan guru bahasa Indonesia kelas IX A SMP Negeri 1 Getasan. Siswa kelas IX A berjumlah 34 orang yang terdiri atas 18 siswa perempuan dan 16 siswa laki-laki. Objek penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran keterampilan berdiskusi di kelas IX A SMP Negeri 1 Getasan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara mendalam, angket, dan kajian dokumen. Validitas data dalam penelitian ini dikaji dengan teknik trianggulasi sumber data dan trianggulasi metode. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskripsi komparatif dan analisis kritis. Proses penelitian dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus yang meliputi empat tahapan, yaitu tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan, tahap observasi, serta tahap analisis dan refleksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan terdapat peningkatan kualitas proses dan hasil pembelajaran berdiskusi pada siswa kelas IX A SMP Negeri 1 Getasan. Peningkatan kualitas proses pembelajaran tersebut ditandai dengan meningkatnya: 1) jumlah siswa yang aktif dalam apersepsi; 2) jumlah siswa yang aktif dalam pembelajaran diskusi; 3) jumlah siswa yang perhatian dan konsentrasi dalam pembelajaran; dan 4) jumlah siswa yang kerjasama dalam diskusi. Adapun peningkatan kualitas hasil pembelajaran ditandai dengan meningkatnya jumlah siswa yang mencapai batas ketuntasan, yaitu pada siklus I ada 18 siswa yang tuntas (56%) dan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 26 siswa yang tuntas (76%). Peningkatan yang cukup siginifikan juga terjadi pada siklus III yaitu 30 siswa tuntas (91%). Nilai rata-rata siswa juga mengalami peningkatan yaitu 63 pada siklus I, 68 pada siklus II, dan 74 pada siklus III. Ketuntasan siswa dalam pembelajaran diskusi tersebut dinilai ketika siswa berdiskusi

    Propuesta didáctica para tratar las ideas alternativas sobre la evolución de las especies en 4º E.S.O, mediante una metodología apoyada en el aprendizaje colaborativo.

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    El presente trabajo consiste en el diseño de una propuesta didáctica sobre la evolución de las especies para el nivel de 4º E.S.O.La propuesta se basa en actividades colaborativas que trabajan las ideas alternativas que poseen los alumnos sobre la evolución.<br /

    Exploring the Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching English in High-Performing Senior High School: A Case Study at One of Islamic Private Senior High Schools In Pekanbaru

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    ABSTRACT Yohana Mirna, (2023): Exploring the Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching English in High-Performing Senior High School: A Case Study at One of Islamic Private Senior High Schools In Pekanbaru The research aims at exploring what the teachers’ strategies in teaching English in high-performing senior high school at one of Islamic Senior High School in Pekanbaru. It also aims to discover how the teachers applied the teaching strategies. Then, the reason why the English teachers chose and used the teaching strategies. And describe how the student's response after their English teachers used the teaching strategies. The English teachers of the school applied variants teaching strategies. They are, cooperative learning, discussion, games, pre-reading prediction, and lecture method. But, the teaching process of the teacher's strategies with the students in the classroom have not been explored yet. In order to explore what are the teacher' strategies in teaching English, this research used qualitative research approach with a case study research design. To select the participants, the purposive sampling technique was used. The participants of the research were two English teachers, and four students who joined the English class with the teachers. The data was collected from the observation, questionnaires, interview and documentation. As a result, the applied of the teaching strategies that the teachers used were suitable with the principle of teaching English and some related literatures. The students also showed and gave the good response when the teachers applied the strategies. They were excited and interested to following the teaching process with their English teachers. There were some reason why the English teachers chose and used the teaching strategies, they are teaching purposes which line of the school's vision and mission. It was create the Islamic characteristic of learners, high-performing, environment cultural. In conclusion, the teaching strategies that the English teachers used for the students showed the suitability of the process and the principles. Keywords: Teaching Strategies, Hig-Performing School

    Engaging students in group-based co-operative learning - A Malaysian perspective

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    In recent years, the information and communication technology (ICT) has created a significant impact on the methods of communicating information and knowledge to the learners and, consequently, innovative teaching techniques have evolved to change the way teachers teach and students learn. In this paper, the focus is on a study which was conducted on a group-based cooperative learning class to determine its impact on student learning and the reactions of these learners towards this instructional methodology. The students in the course were given a web-based multimedia-mediated cooperative learning project to complete. Students worked in groups and used multimedia and web technologies to construct their projects. As such, a technology-supported cooperative learning framework was established. A survey was conducted to ascertain the reactions of the students towards this mode of teaching and learning. Results of the study showed that in group-based learning, students learned by cooperating and interacting with each other and participated actively in their own learning process. Students also learned to cultivate teamwork, communication, management and interpersonal skills. Furthermore, by incorporating a multimedia project into the cooperative learning structure, a viable and effective strategy was created to enhance student learning