166 research outputs found

    A survey of real-time crowd rendering

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    In this survey we review, classify and compare existing approaches for real-time crowd rendering. We first overview character animation techniques, as they are highly tied to crowd rendering performance, and then we analyze the state of the art in crowd rendering. We discuss different representations for level-of-detail (LoD) rendering of animated characters, including polygon-based, point-based, and image-based techniques, and review different criteria for runtime LoD selection. Besides LoD approaches, we review classic acceleration schemes, such as frustum culling and occlusion culling, and describe how they can be adapted to handle crowds of animated characters. We also discuss specific acceleration techniques for crowd rendering, such as primitive pseudo-instancing, palette skinning, and dynamic key-pose caching, which benefit from current graphics hardware. We also address other factors affecting performance and realism of crowds such as lighting, shadowing, clothing and variability. Finally we provide an exhaustive comparison of the most relevant approaches in the field.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Subspace self-collision culling

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    Large Growth Deformations of Thin Tissue using Solid-Shells

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    Simulating large scale expansion of thin structures, such as in growing leaves, is challenging. Sold-shells have a number of potential advantages over conventional thin-shell methods, but have thus far only been investigated for small plastic deformation cases. In response, we present a new general-purpose FEM growth framework for simulating large plastic deformations using a new solid-shell growth approach while supporting morphogen diffusion and collision handling. Large plastic deformations are handled by augmenting solid-shell elements with \textit{plastic embedding} and strain-aware adaptive remeshing. Plastic embedding is an approach to model large plastic deformations by modifying the rest configuration in response to displacement strain. We exploit the solid-shell's ability of describing both stretching and bending in terms of displacement strain to implement both plastic stretching and bending using the same plasticity model. The large deformations are adaptively remeshed using a strain-aware criteria to anticipate buckling and eliminate low-quality elements. We perform qualitative investigations on the capabilities of the new solid-shell growth approach in reproducing buckling, rippling, rolling, and collision deformations, relevant towards animating growing leaves, flowers, and other thin structures. The qualitative experiments demonstrates that solid-shells are a viable alternative to thin-shells for simulating large and intricate growth deformations

    Robust interactive simulation of deformable solids with detailed geometry using corotational FEM

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    This thesis focuses on the interactive simulation of highly detailed deformable solids modelled with the Corotational Finite Element Method. Starting from continuum mechanics we derive the discrete equations of motion and present a simulation scheme with support for user-in-the-loop interaction, geometric constraints and contact treatment. The interplay between accuracy and computational cost is discussed in depth, and practical approximations are analyzed with an emphasis on robustness and efficiency, as required by interactive simulation. The first part of the thesis focuses on deformable material discretization using the Finite Element Method with simplex elements and a corotational linear constitutive model, and presents our contributions to the solution of widely reported robustness problems in case of large stretch deformations and finite element degeneration. First,we introduce a stress differential approximation for quasi-implicit corotational linear FEM that improves its results for large deformations and closely matches the fullyimplicit solution with minor computational overhead. Next, we address the problem ofrobustness and realism in simulations involving element degeneration, and show that existing methods have previously unreported flaws that seriously threaten robustness and physical plausibility in interactive applications. We propose a new continuous-time approach, degeneration-aware polar decomposition, that avoids such flaws and yields robust degeneration recovery. In the second part we focus on geometry representation and contact determination for deformable solids with highly detailed surfaces. Given a high resolution closed surface mesh we automatically build a coarse embedding tetrahedralization and a partitioned representation of the collision geometry in a preprocess. During simulation, our proposed contact determination algorithm finds all intersecting pairs of deformed triangles using a memory-efficient barycentric bounding volume hierarchy, connects them into potentially disjoint intersection curves and performs a topological flood process on the exact intersection surfaces to discover a minimal set of contact points. A novel contact normal definition is used to find contact point correspondences suitable for contact treatment.Aquesta tesi tracta sobre la simulació interactiva de sòlids deformables amb superfícies detallades, modelats amb el Mètode dels Elements Finits (FEM) Corotacionals. A partir de la mecànica del continuu derivem les equacions del moviment discretes i presentem un esquema de simulació amb suport per a interacció d'usuari, restriccions geomètriques i tractament de contactes. Aprofundim en la interrelació entre precisió i cost de computació, i analitzem aproximacions pràctiques fent èmfasi en la robustesa i l'eficiència necessàries per a la simulació interactiva. La primera part de la tesi es centra en la discretització del material deformable mitjançant el Mètode dels Elements Finits amb elements de tipus s'implex i un model constituent basat en elasticitat linial corotacional, i presenta les nostres contribucions a la solució de problemes de robustesa àmpliament coneguts que apareixen en cas de sobreelongament i degeneració dels elements finits. Primer introduïm una aproximació dels diferencials d'estress per a FEM linial corotacional amb integració quasi-implícita que en millora els resultats per a deformacions grans i s'apropa a la solució implícita amb un baix cost computacional. A continuació tractem el problema de la robustesa i el realisme en simulacions que inclouen degeneració d'elements finits, i mostrem que els mètodes existents presenten inconvenients que posen en perill la robustesa plausibilitat de la simulació en aplicacions interactives. Proposem un enfocament nou basat en temps continuu, la descomposició polar amb coneixement de degeneració, que evita els inconvenients esmentats i permet corregir la degeneració de forma robusta. A la segona part de la tesi ens centrem en la representació de geometria i la determinació de contactes per a sòlids deformables amb superfícies detallades. A partir d'una malla de superfície tancada construím una tetraedralització englobant de forma automàtica en un preprocés, i particionem la geometria de colisió. Proposem un algorisme de detecció de contactes que troba tots els parells de triangles deformats que intersecten mitjançant una jerarquia de volums englobants en coordenades baricèntriques, els connecta en corbes d'intersecció potencialment disjuntes i realitza un procés d'inundació topològica sobre les superfícies d'intersecció exactes per tal de descobrir un conjunt mínim de punts de contacte. Usem una definició nova de la normal de contacte per tal de calcular correspondències entre punts de contacte útils per al seu tractament.Postprint (published version

    Position Based Balloon Angioplasty

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    Balloon angioplasty is an endovascular procedure to widen narrowed or obstructed blood vessels, typically to treat arterial atherosclerosis. Simulating angioplasty procedure in the complex vascular structures is a challenge task since the balloon and vessels are both flexible bodies. In this paper, we proposed a position based balloon physical model to solve nonlinear physical deformation in the process of balloon inflation. Firstly, the balloon is discrete modeled by the closed triangle mesh, and the hyperelastic membrane material and continuum based formulation are combined to compute the mechanical properties in the process of balloon inflation. Then, an adaptive air mesh generation algorithm is proposed as a preprocessing procedure for accelerating the coming collision process between balloon and blood vessel according to the characteristic of collision area which is relative fixed. The experiment results show that this physical model is feasible, which could simulate the contact and deformation process between the inflation balloon and the diseased blood vessel wall with good robustness and in realtime

    Sparse Volumetric Deformation

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    Volume rendering is becoming increasingly popular as applications require realistic solid shape representations with seamless texture mapping and accurate filtering. However rendering sparse volumetric data is difficult because of the limited memory and processing capabilities of current hardware. To address these limitations, the volumetric information can be stored at progressive resolutions in the hierarchical branches of a tree structure, and sampled according to the region of interest. This means that only a partial region of the full dataset is processed, and therefore massive volumetric scenes can be rendered efficiently. The problem with this approach is that it currently only supports static scenes. This is because it is difficult to accurately deform massive amounts of volume elements and reconstruct the scene hierarchy in real-time. Another problem is that deformation operations distort the shape where more than one volume element tries to occupy the same location, and similarly gaps occur where deformation stretches the elements further than one discrete location. It is also challenging to efficiently support sophisticated deformations at hierarchical resolutions, such as character skinning or physically based animation. These types of deformation are expensive and require a control structure (for example a cage or skeleton) that maps to a set of features to accelerate the deformation process. The problems with this technique are that the varying volume hierarchy reflects different feature sizes, and manipulating the features at the original resolution is too expensive; therefore the control structure must also hierarchically capture features according to the varying volumetric resolution. This thesis investigates the area of deforming and rendering massive amounts of dynamic volumetric content. The proposed approach efficiently deforms hierarchical volume elements without introducing artifacts and supports both ray casting and rasterization renderers. This enables light transport to be modeled both accurately and efficiently with applications in the fields of real-time rendering and computer animation. Sophisticated volumetric deformation, including character animation, is also supported in real-time. This is achieved by automatically generating a control skeleton which is mapped to the varying feature resolution of the volume hierarchy. The output deformations are demonstrated in massive dynamic volumetric scenes

    Automatic 3D model creation with velocity-based surface deformations

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    The virtual worlds of Computer Graphics are populated by geometric objects, called models. Researchers have addressed the problem of synthesizing models automatically. Traditional modeling approaches often require a user to guide the synthesis process and to look after the geometry being synthesized, but user attention is expensive, and reducing user interaction is therefore desirable. I present a scheme for the automatic creation of geometry by deforming surfaces. My scheme includes a novel surface representation; it is an explicit representation consisting of points and edges, but it is not a traditional polygonal mesh. The novel surface representation is paired with a resampling policy to control the surface density and its evolution during deformation. The surface deforms with velocities assigned to its points through a set of deformation operators. Deformation operators avoid the manual computation and assignment of velocities, the operators allow a user to interactively assign velocities with minimal effort. Additionally, Petri nets are used to automatically deform a surface by mimicking a user assigning deformation operators. Furthermore, I present an algorithm to translate from the novel surface representations to a polygonal mesh. I demonstrate the utility of my model generation scheme with a gallery of models created automatically. The scheme's surface representation and resampling policy enables a surface to deform without requiring a user to control the deformation; self-intersections and hole creation are automatically prevented. The generated models show that my scheme is well suited to create organic-like models, whose surfaces have smooth transitions between surface features, but can also produce other kinds of models. My scheme allows a user to automatically generate varied instances of richly detailed models with minimal user interaction