7 research outputs found

    Energy policies for data-center monolithic schedulers

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    Cloud computing and data centers that support this paradigm are rapidly evolving in order to satisfy new demands. These ever-growing needs represent an energy-related challenge to achieve sustainability and cost reduction. In this paper, we define an expert and intelligent system that applies various en ergy policies. These policies are employed to maximize the energy-efficiency of data-center resources by simulating a realistic environment and heterogeneous workload in a trustworthy tool. An environmental and economic impact of around 20% of energy consumption can be saved in high-utilization scenarios without exerting any noticeable impact on data-center performance if an adequate policy is applied

    Bullfighting extreme scenarios in efficient hyper-scale cluster computing

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    Data centres are quickly evolving to support new demands for Cloud-Computing services. Extreme workload peaks represent a challenge for the maintenance of the performance and service level agreements, even more when operation costs need to be minimised. In this paper, we first present an extensive analysis of the impact of extreme workloads in large-scale realistic Cloud-Computing data centres, including a comparison between the most relevant centralised resource managing models. Moreover, we extend our previous works by proposing a new energy-efficiency policy called Bullfighter which is able to keep performance key performance indicators while reducing energy consumption in extreme scenarios. This policy employs queue-theory distributions to foresee workload demands and adapt automatically to workload fluc tuations even in extreme environments, while avoiding the fine-tuning required for other energy policies. Finally, it is shown through extensive simulation that Bullfighter can save more than 40% of energy in the aforementioned scenarios without exerting any noticeable impact on data-centre performance.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RTI2018-098062-A-I0

    Sphere: Simulator of edge infrastructures for the optimization of performance and resources energy consumption

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    Edge computing constitutes a key paradigm to address the new requirements of areas such as smart cars, industry 4.0, and health care, where massive amounts of heterogeneous data from continuous geographically-distributed sources have to be processed and computed near real-time. To this end, new distributed infrastructures consisting on small computing clusters close to data sources, also known as Cloudlets have emerged. In order to evaluate the performance of these solutions we present Sphere, a simulation tool that enables researchers to establish various scenarios, including: (a) topology and orchestration model of the infrastructure; (b) incoming workload patterns; (c) resource-managing models; and (d) scheduling policies. Moreover, Sphere allows researchers to apply efficiency and performance policies both at infrastructure and cluster levels. The simulator presents the following benefits: (a) Evaluation of various orchestration models; (b) Analysis of resource-efficiency and performance strategies at Edge-infrastructure and cluster (Cloudlet/Cloud) level; (c) Execution of diverse workload generation patterns; (d) Evaluation of strategies for the infrastructure communication, as well as the impact on tasks completion time (makespan); and (e) Simulation of each cluster (Cloudlet/Cloud) independently, including resource-managing, scheduling and resource-efficiency models. Finally, we performed a deep evaluation based on realistic Edge-Computing use cases. The results of the experiments confirm that it is a performant and reliable tool for the analysis of orchestration, graph-resolving, energy-efficiency, resource-managing and scheduling strategies in Edge-computing environments.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-098062-A-I0

    GAME-SCORE: Game-based energy-aware cloud scheduler and simulator for computational clouds

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    Energy-awareness remains one of the main concerns for today's cloud computing (CC) operators. The optimisation of energy consumption in both cloud computational clusters and computing servers is usually related to scheduling problems. The definition of an optimal scheduling policy which does not negatively impact to system performance and task completion time is still challenging. In this work, we present a new simulation tool for cloud computing, GAME-SCORE, which implements a scheduling model based on the Stackelberg game. This game presents two main players: a) the scheduler and b) the energy-efficiency agent. We used the GAME-SCORE simulator to analyse the efficiency of the proposed game-based scheduling model. The obtained results show that the Stackelberg cloud scheduler performs better than static energy-optimisation strategies and can achieve a fair balance between low energy consumption and short makespan in a very short tim

    Parametric Numerical Study of the Airflow and Thermal Performance in a Real Data Center for Improving Sustainability

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    In recent years, reducing energy consumption has been relentlessly pursued by researchers and policy makers with the purpose of achieving a more sustainable future. The demand for data storage in data centers has been steadily increasing, leading to an increase in size and therefore to consume more energy. Consequently, the reduction of the energy consumption of data center rooms is required and it is with this perspective that this paper is proposed. By using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), it is possible to model a three-dimensional model of the heat transfer and air flow in data centers, which allows forecasting the air speed and temperature range under diverse conditions of operation. In this paper, a CFD study of the thermal performance and airflow in a real data center processing room with 208 racks under di erent thermal loads and airflow velocities is proposed. The physical-mathematical model relies on the equations of mass, momentum and energy conservation. The fluid in this study is air and it is modeled as an ideal gas with constant properties. The model of the e ect of turbulence is made by employing a k–" standard model. The results indicate that it is possible to reduce the thermal load of the server racks by improving the thermal performance and airflow of the data center room, without a ecting the correct operation of the server racks located in the sensible regions of the room.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Energy and performance-aware scheduling and shut-down models for efficient cloud-computing data centers.

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    This Doctoral Dissertation, presented as a set of research contributions, focuses on resource efficiency in data centers. This topic has been faced mainly by the development of several energy-efficiency, resource managing and scheduling policies, as well as the simulation tools required to test them in realistic cloud computing environments. Several models have been implemented in order to minimize energy consumption in Cloud Computing environments. Among them: a) Fifteen probabilistic and deterministic energy-policies which shut-down idle machines; b) Five energy-aware scheduling algorithms, including several genetic algorithm models; c) A Stackelberg game-based strategy which models the concurrency between opposite requirements of Cloud-Computing systems in order to dynamically apply the most optimal scheduling algorithms and energy-efficiency policies depending on the environment; and d) A productive analysis on the resource efficiency of several realistic cloud–computing environments. A novel simulation tool called SCORE, able to simulate several data-center sizes, machine heterogeneity, security levels, workload composition and patterns, scheduling strategies and energy-efficiency strategies, was developed in order to test these strategies in large-scale cloud-computing clusters. As results, more than fifty Key Performance Indicators (KPI) show that more than 20% of energy consumption can be reduced in realistic high-utilization environments when proper policies are employed.Esta Tesis Doctoral, que se presenta como compendio de artículos de investigación, se centra en la eficiencia en la utilización de los recursos en centros de datos de internet. Este problema ha sido abordado esencialmente desarrollando diferentes estrategias de eficiencia energética, gestión y distribución de recursos, así como todas las herramientas de simulación y análisis necesarias para su validación en entornos realistas de Cloud Computing. Numerosas estrategias han sido desarrolladas para minimizar el consumo energético en entornos de Cloud Computing. Entre ellos: 1. Quince políticas de eficiencia energética, tanto probabilísticas como deterministas, que apagan máquinas en estado de espera siempre que sea posible; 2. Cinco algoritmos de distribución de tareas que tienen en cuenta el consumo energético, incluyendo varios modelos de algoritmos genéticos; 3. Una estrategia basada en la teoría de juegos de Stackelberg que modela la competición entre diferentes partes de los centros de datos que tienen objetivos encontrados. Este modelo aplica dinámicamente las estrategias de distribución de tareas y las políticas de eficiencia energética dependiendo de las características del entorno; y 4. Un análisis productivo sobre la eficiencia en la utilización de recursos en numerosos escenarios de Cloud Computing. Una nueva herramienta de simulación llamada SCORE se ha desarrollado para analizar las estrategias antes mencionadas en clústers de Cloud Computing de grandes dimensiones. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que se puede conseguir un ahorro de energía superior al 20% en entornos realistas de alta utilización si se emplean las estrategias de eficiencia energética adecuadas. SCORE es open source y puede simular diferentes centros de datos con, entre otros muchos, los siguientes parámetros: Tamaño del centro de datos; heterogeneidad de los servidores; tipo, composición y patrones de carga de trabajo, estrategias de distribución de tareas y políticas de eficiencia energética, así como tres gestores de recursos centralizados: Monolítico, Two-level y Shared-state. Como resultados, esta herramienta de simulación arroja más de 50 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) de rendimiento general, de distribucin de tareas y de energía.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Energy policies for data-center monolithic schedulers

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    Cloud computing and data centers that support this paradigm are rapidly evolving in order to satisfy new demands. These ever-growing needs represent an energy-related challenge to achieve sustainability and cost reduction. In this paper, we define an expert and intelligent system that applies various en ergy policies. These policies are employed to maximize the energy-efficiency of data-center resources by simulating a realistic environment and heterogeneous workload in a trustworthy tool. An environmental and economic impact of around 20% of energy consumption can be saved in high-utilization scenarios without exerting any noticeable impact on data-center performance if an adequate policy is applied