13,492 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Cluster Head Selection Method in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless Sensor Network consists of sensor nodes deployed in a network. Each node is used to send and receive the information. Sensor nodes which having the skills to sense the surroundings, to perform the computation and to interact with other sensor nodes or to the Base station .Distinctive routing protocols and algorithms are introduced to locate manner to lessen the energy consumption in most of the research . This paper gives review at synchronous transit algorithm named Ridge Method Cluster Head Selection (RMCHS), which selects efficient Cluster Heads (CHs) to the sensor network. Also the well known routing protocol LEACH is discussed in terms of its strength and limitations. In this paper our goal is to make network energy efficient by using an enhanced Cluster Head selection method based upon weight and our proposed scheme achieve quiet efficient results than previous techniques. This paper is divides into some sections

    An energy-efficient cluster head selection in wireless sensor network using grey wolf optimization algorithm

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    Clustering is considered as one of the most prominent solutions to preserve theenergy in the wireless sensor networks. However, for optimal clustering, anenergy efficient cluster head selection is quite important. Improper selectionofcluster heads(CHs) consumes high energy compared to other sensor nodesdue to the transmission of data packets between the cluster members and thesink node. Thereby, it reduces the network lifetime and performance of thenetwork. In order to overcome the issues, we propose a novelcluster headselection approach usinggrey wolf optimization algorithm(GWO) namelyGWO-CH which considers the residual energy, intra-cluster and sink distance.In addition to that, we formulated an objective function and weight parametersfor anefficient cluster head selection and cluster formation. The proposedalgorithm is tested in different wireless sensor network scenarios by varyingthe number of sensor nodes and cluster heads. The observed results conveythat the proposed algorithm outperforms in terms of achieving better networkperformance compare to other algorithms

    AM-DisCNT: Angular Multi-hop DIStance based Circular Network Transmission Protocol for WSNs

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    The nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) contain limited energy resources, which are needed to transmit data to base station (BS). Routing protocols are designed to reduce the energy consumption. Clustering algorithms are best in this aspect. Such clustering algorithms increase the stability and lifetime of the network. However, every routing protocol is not suitable for heterogeneous environments. AM-DisCNT is proposed and evaluated as a new energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor networks. AM-DisCNT uses circular deployment for even consumption of energy in entire wireless sensor network. Cluster-head selection is on the basis of energy. Highest energy node becomes CH for that round. Energy is again compared in the next round to check the highest energy node of that round. The simulation results show that AM-DisCNT performs better than the existing heterogeneous protocols on the basis of network lifetime, throughput and stability of the system.Comment: IEEE 8th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA'13), Compiegne, Franc

    Enhancing the Stability of the Improved-LEACH Routing Protocol for WSNs

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    Recently, increasing battery lifetime in wireless sensor networks has turned out to be one of the major challenges faced by researchers. The sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks use a battery as their power source, which is hard to replace during deployment. Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is one of the most prominent wireless sensor network routing protocols that have been proposed to improve network lifetime by utilizing energy-efficient clustering. However, LEACH has some issues related to cluster-head selection, where the selection is done randomly. This leads to rapid loss of energy in the network. Improved LEACH is a LEACH alternative that has the ability to increase network lifetime by using the nodes' residual energy and their distance to the base station to select cluster-head nodes. However, Improved LEACH causes reduced stability, where the stability period is the duration before the death of the first node. The network stability period is important for applications that require reliable feedback from the network. Thus, we were motivated to investigate the Improved LEACH algorithm and to try to solve the stability problem. A new protocol is proposed in this paper: Stable Improved Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (SILEACH), which was developed to overcome the flaws of the Improved LEACH protocol. SILEACH balances the load between the nodes by utilizing an optimized method that considers the nodes' distance to the base station and their residual energy to select the cluster-head nodes and considers the nodes' distance to the cluster head and the base station to form clusters. The simulation results revealed that SILEACH is significantly more efficient than Improved LEACH in terms of stability period and network lifetime

    Report on Design of Distributed Energy Efficient and Reliable Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    A WSN (wireless sensor network) is a collection of nodes organized into a cooperative network, which are small energy constrained devices The efficient use of energy source in a sensor node is most desirable criteria for prolong the life time of wireless sensor network. So designing efficient routing for reducing energy consumption is the important factor. The energy consumed in cluster head (CH) selection phase of a random cluster based wireless sensor network (WSN) has been assumed as an insignificant factor in the previous research works. In this paper, the consumption of energy during the transmission of data from sensor nodes to the sink has been calculated. Routing protocols in WSNs along with the most energy efficient protocol named LEACH ( low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy) and STR protocol (shortest tree routing protocol) along with its advantages and disadvantages are discussed here. In this paper we improved the energy consumption of the node to get the parameters result such as energy, delay, throughput, jitter and Packet delivery ratio (pdr). DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15064

    Energy Efficient Clustering and Routing in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network

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    A critical need in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network (MWSN) is to achieve energy efficiency during routing as the sensor nodes have scarce energy resource. The nodes' mobility in MWSN poses a challenge to design an energy efficient routing protocol. Clustering helps to achieve energy efficiency by reducing the organization complexity overhead of the network which is proportional to the number of nodes in the network. This paper proposes a novel hybrid multipath routing algorithm with an efficient clustering technique. A node is selected as cluster head if it has high surplus energy, better transmission range and least mobility. The Energy Aware (EA) selection mechanism and the Maximal Nodal Surplus Energy estimation technique incorporated in this algorithm improves the energy performance during routing. Simulation results can show that the proposed clustering and routing algorithm can scale well in dynamic and energy deficient mobile sensor network.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Energy Efficient System for Wireless Sensor Networks using Modified RECHS Protocol

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    The area of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is one of the emerging and fast growing fields in the scientific world. This has brought about developing low cost, low-power and multi-function sensor nodes. Prolonged network lifetime, scalability, node mobility and load balancing are important requirements for many WSN applications. Clustering the sensor nodes is an effective technique to achieve these goals. Cluster-based routing protocol is currently a hot research in wireless sensor network. In this paper, we have added additional criteria for the selection of cluster heads in a Redundant and Energy-efficient Cluster head Selection Protocol(RECHS) and compared results with Energy Aware Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (EA-LEACH) protocol. This modified RECHS significantly increases the lifetime, reliability of the network. Simulation results show that comparison between two methods (Modified RECHS and EA- LEACH) for LEACH protocol on the basis of network lifetime (stability period), number of cluster heads are present per round, number of alive node are present per round and throughput of data transfer in the network. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15016