301 research outputs found

    Edge-centric Optimization of Multi-modal ML-driven eHealth Applications

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    Smart eHealth applications deliver personalized and preventive digital healthcare services to clients through remote sensing, continuous monitoring, and data analytics. Smart eHealth applications sense input data from multiple modalities, transmit the data to edge and/or cloud nodes, and process the data with compute intensive machine learning (ML) algorithms. Run-time variations with continuous stream of noisy input data, unreliable network connection, computational requirements of ML algorithms, and choice of compute placement among sensor-edge-cloud layers affect the efficiency of ML-driven eHealth applications. In this chapter, we present edge-centric techniques for optimized compute placement, exploration of accuracy-performance trade-offs, and cross-layered sense-compute co-optimization for ML-driven eHealth applications. We demonstrate the practical use cases of smart eHealth applications in everyday settings, through a sensor-edge-cloud framework for an objective pain assessment case study

    No soldiers left behind: An IoT-based low-power military mobile health system design

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    © 2013 IEEE. There has been an increasing prevalence of ad-hoc networks for various purposes and applications. These include Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) and Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) which have emerging applications in health monitoring as well as user location tracking in emergency settings. Further applications can include real-Time actuation of IoT equipment, and activation of emergency alarms through the inference of a user\u27s situation using sensors and personal devices through a LPWAN. This has potential benefits for military networks and applications regarding the health of soldiers and field personnel during a mission. Due to the wireless nature of ad-hoc network devices, it is crucial to conserve battery power for sensors and equipment which transmit data to a central server. An inference system can be applied to devices to reduce data size for transfer and subsequently reduce battery consumption, however this could result in compromising accuracy. This paper presents a framework for secure automated messaging and data fusion as a solution to address the challenges of requiring data size reduction whilst maintaining a satisfactory accuracy rate. A Multilayer Inference System (MIS) was used to conserve the battery power of devices such as wearables and sensor devices. The results for this system showed a data reduction of 97.9% whilst maintaining satisfactory accuracy against existing single layer inference methods. Authentication accuracy can be further enhanced with additional biometrics and health data information


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    Precision Agriculture (PA) increases farm productivity, reduces pollution, and minimizes input costs. However, the wide adoption of existing PA technologies for complex field operations, such as spraying, is slow due to high acquisition costs, low adaptability, and slow operating speed. In this study, we designed, built, optimized, and tested a Modular Agrochemical Precision Sprayer (MAPS), a robotic sprayer with an intelligent machine vision system (MVS). Our work focused on identifying and spraying on the targeted plants with low cost, high speed, and high accuracy in a remote, dynamic, and rugged environment. We first researched and benchmarked combinations of one-stage convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures with embedded or mobile hardware systems. Our analysis revealed that TensorRT-optimized SSD-MobilenetV1 on an NVIDIA Jetson Nano provided sufficient plant detection performance with low cost and power consumption. We also developed an algorithm to determine the maximum operating velocity of a chosen CNN and hardware configuration through modeling and simulation. Based on these results, we developed a CNN-based MVS for real-time plant detection and velocity estimation. We implemented Robot Operating System (ROS) to integrate each module for easy expansion. We also developed a robust dynamic targeting algorithm to synchronize the spray operation with the robot motion, which will increase productivity significantly. The research proved to be successful. We built a MAPS with three independent vision and spray modules. In the lab test, the sprayer recognized and hit all targets with only 2% wrong sprays. In the field test with an unstructured crop layout, such as a broadcast-seeded soybean field, the MAPS also successfully sprayed all targets with only a 7% incorrect spray rate

    Sustainable Agriculture and Advances of Remote Sensing (Volume 2)

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    Agriculture, as the main source of alimentation and the most important economic activity globally, is being affected by the impacts of climate change. To maintain and increase our global food system production, to reduce biodiversity loss and preserve our natural ecosystem, new practices and technologies are required. This book focuses on the latest advances in remote sensing technology and agricultural engineering leading to the sustainable agriculture practices. Earth observation data, in situ and proxy-remote sensing data are the main source of information for monitoring and analyzing agriculture activities. Particular attention is given to earth observation satellites and the Internet of Things for data collection, to multispectral and hyperspectral data analysis using machine learning and deep learning, to WebGIS and the Internet of Things for sharing and publication of the results, among others

    Artificial Neural Networks in Agriculture

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    Modern agriculture needs to have high production efficiency combined with a high quality of obtained products. This applies to both crop and livestock production. To meet these requirements, advanced methods of data analysis are more and more frequently used, including those derived from artificial intelligence methods. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are one of the most popular tools of this kind. They are widely used in solving various classification and prediction tasks, for some time also in the broadly defined field of agriculture. They can form part of precision farming and decision support systems. Artificial neural networks can replace the classical methods of modelling many issues, and are one of the main alternatives to classical mathematical models. The spectrum of applications of artificial neural networks is very wide. For a long time now, researchers from all over the world have been using these tools to support agricultural production, making it more efficient and providing the highest-quality products possible

    Body-Area Capacitive or Electric Field Sensing for Human Activity Recognition and Human-Computer Interaction: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Due to the fact that roughly sixty percent of the human body is essentially composed of water, the human body is inherently a conductive object, being able to, firstly, form an inherent electric field from the body to the surroundings and secondly, deform the distribution of an existing electric field near the body. Body-area capacitive sensing, also called body-area electric field sensing, is becoming a promising alternative for wearable devices to accomplish certain tasks in human activity recognition and human-computer interaction. Over the last decade, researchers have explored plentiful novel sensing systems backed by the body-area electric field. On the other hand, despite the pervasive exploration of the body-area electric field, a comprehensive survey does not exist for an enlightening guideline. Moreover, the various hardware implementations, applied algorithms, and targeted applications result in a challenging task to achieve a systematic overview of the subject. This paper aims to fill in the gap by comprehensively summarizing the existing works on body-area capacitive sensing so that researchers can have a better view of the current exploration status. To this end, we first sorted the explorations into three domains according to the involved body forms: body-part electric field, whole-body electric field, and body-to-body electric field, and enumerated the state-of-art works in the domains with a detailed survey of the backed sensing tricks and targeted applications. We then summarized the three types of sensing frontends in circuit design, which is the most critical part in body-area capacitive sensing, and analyzed the data processing pipeline categorized into three kinds of approaches. Finally, we described the challenges and outlooks of body-area electric sensing

    Towards using Cough for Respiratory Disease Diagnosis by leveraging Artificial Intelligence: A Survey

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    Cough acoustics contain multitudes of vital information about pathomorphological alterations in the respiratory system. Reliable and accurate detection of cough events by investigating the underlying cough latent features and disease diagnosis can play an indispensable role in revitalizing the healthcare practices. The recent application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advances of ubiquitous computing for respiratory disease prediction has created an auspicious trend and myriad of future possibilities in the medical domain. In particular, there is an expeditiously emerging trend of Machine learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL)-based diagnostic algorithms exploiting cough signatures. The enormous body of literature on cough-based AI algorithms demonstrate that these models can play a significant role for detecting the onset of a specific respiratory disease. However, it is pertinent to collect the information from all relevant studies in an exhaustive manner for the medical experts and AI scientists to analyze the decisive role of AI/ML. This survey offers a comprehensive overview of the cough data-driven ML/DL detection and preliminary diagnosis frameworks, along with a detailed list of significant features. We investigate the mechanism that causes cough and the latent cough features of the respiratory modalities. We also analyze the customized cough monitoring application, and their AI-powered recognition algorithms. Challenges and prospective future research directions to develop practical, robust, and ubiquitous solutions are also discussed in detail.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures, 9 table

    An inference system framework for personal sensor devices in mobile health and internet of things networks

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    Future healthcare directions include individuals being monitored in real-time during day-to-day activity using wearable sensors. This thesis solves a critical requirement, that of intelligently managing when body sensors should alert doctors of changes to a person’s health status, bringing existing research closer to live health monitoring

    Aviation Safety/Automation Program Conference

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    The Aviation Safety/Automation Program Conference - 1989 was sponsored by the NASA Langley Research Center on 11 to 12 October 1989. The conference, held at the Sheraton Beach Inn and Conference Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia, was chaired by Samuel A. Morello. The primary objective of the conference was to ensure effective communication and technology transfer by providing a forum for technical interchange of current operational problems and program results to date. The Aviation Safety/Automation Program has as its primary goal to improve the safety of the national airspace system through the development and integration of human-centered automation technologies for aircraft crews and air traffic controllers