17 research outputs found

    A hardware mechanism to reduce the energy consumption of the register file of in-order architectures

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    This paper introduces an efficient hardware approach to reduce the register file energy consumption by turning unused registers into a low power state. Bypassing the register fields of the fetch instruction to the decode stage allows the identification of registers required by the current instruction (instruction predecode) and allows the control logic to turn them back on. They are put into the low-power state after the instruction use. This technique achieves an 85% energy reduction with no performance penalty

    Cross-Layer Approaches for an Aging-Aware Design of Nanoscale Microprocessors

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    Thanks to aggressive scaling of transistor dimensions, computers have revolutionized our life. However, the increasing unreliability of devices fabricated in nanoscale technologies emerged as a major threat for the future success of computers. In particular, accelerated transistor aging is of great importance, as it reduces the lifetime of digital systems. This thesis addresses this challenge by proposing new methods to model, analyze and mitigate aging at microarchitecture-level and above

    Automated Instruction Stream Throughput Prediction for Intel and AMD Microarchitectures

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    An accurate prediction of scheduling and execution of instruction streams is a necessary prerequisite for predicting the in-core performance behavior of throughput-bound loop kernels on out-of-order processor architectures. Such predictions are an indispensable component of analytical performance models, such as the Roofline and the Execution-Cache-Memory (ECM) model, and allow a deep understanding of the performance-relevant interactions between hardware architecture and loop code. We present the Open Source Architecture Code Analyzer (OSACA), a static analysis tool for predicting the execution time of sequential loops comprising x86 instructions under the assumption of an infinite first-level cache and perfect out-of-order scheduling. We show the process of building a machine model from available documentation and semi-automatic benchmarking, and carry it out for the latest Intel Skylake and AMD Zen micro-architectures. To validate the constructed models, we apply them to several assembly kernels and compare runtime predictions with actual measurements. Finally we give an outlook on how the method may be generalized to new architectures.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 7 table

    Hybrid Designs for Caches and Cores.

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    Processor power constraints have come to the forefront over the last decade, heralded by the stagnation of clock frequency scaling. High-performance core and cache designs often utilize power-hungry techniques to increase parallelism. Conversely, the most energy-efficient designs opt for a serial execution to avoid unnecessary overheads. While both of these extremes constitute one-size-fits-all approaches, a judicious mix of parallel and serial execution has the potential to achieve the best of both high-performing and energy-efficient designs. This dissertation examines such hybrid designs for cores and caches. Firstly, we introduce a novel, hybrid out-of-order/in-order core microarchitecture. Instructions that are steered towards in-order execution skip register allocation, reordering and dynamic scheduling. At the same time, these instructions can interleave on an instruction-by-instruction basis with instructions that continue to benefit from these conventional out-of-order mechanisms. Secondly, this dissertation revisits a hybrid technique introduced for L1 caches, way-prediction, in the context of last-level caches that are larger, have higher associativity, and experience less locality.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113484/1/sleimanf_1.pd

    The "MIND" Scalable PIM Architecture

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    MIND (Memory, Intelligence, and Network Device) is an advanced parallel computer architecture for high performance computing and scalable embedded processing. It is a Processor-in-Memory (PIM) architecture integrating both DRAM bit cells and CMOS logic devices on the same silicon die. MIND is multicore with multiple memory/processor nodes on each chip and supports global shared memory across systems of MIND components. MIND is distinguished from other PIM architectures in that it incorporates mechanisms for efficient support of a global parallel execution model based on the semantics of message-driven multithreaded split-transaction processing. MIND is designed to operate either in conjunction with other conventional microprocessors or in standalone arrays of like devices. It also incorporates mechanisms for fault tolerance, real time execution, and active power management. This paper describes the major elements and operational methods of the MIND architecture

    Heterogeneity-awareness in multithreaded multicore processors

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    During the last decades, Computer Architecture has experienced a great series of revolutionary changes. The increasing transistor count on a single chip has led to some of the main milestones in the field, from the release of the first Superscalar (1965) to the state-of-the-art Multithreaded Multicore Architectures, like the Intel Core i7 (2009).Moore's Law has continued for almost half of a century and is not expected to stop for at least another decade, and perhaps much longer. Moore observed a trend in the process technology advances. So, the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit has increased exponentially, doubling approximately every two years. Nevertheless, having more available transistors can not be always directly translated into having more performance.The complexity of state-of-the-art software has reached heights unthinkable in prior ages, both in terms of the amount of computation and the complexity involved. If we deeply analyze this complexity in software we would realize that software is comprised of smaller execution processes that, although maintaining certain spatial/temporal locality, imply an inherently heterogeneous behavior. That is, during execution time the hardware executes very different portions of software, with huge differences in terms of behavior and hardware requirements. This heterogeneity in the behaviour of the software is not specific of the latest videogame, but it is inherent to software programming itself, since the very beginning of Algorithmics.In this PhD dissertation we deeply analyze the inherent heterogeneity present in software behavior. We identify the main issues and sources of this heterogeneity, that hamper most of the state-of-the-art processor designs from obtaining their maximum potential. Hence, the heterogeneity in software turns most of the current processors, commonly called general-purpose processors, into overdesigned. That is, they have much more hardware resources than really needed to execute the software running on them. This fact would not represent a main problem if we were not concerned on the additional power consumption involved in software computation.The final goal of this PhD dissertation consists in assigning each portion of software exactly the amount of hardware resources really needed to fully exploit its maximal potential; without consuming more energy than the strictly needed. That is, obtaining complexity-effective executions using the inherent heterogeneity in software behavior as steering indicator. Thus, we start deeply analyzing the heterogenous behaviour of the software run on top of general-purpose processors and then matching it on top of a heterogeneously distributed hardware, which explicitly exploit heterogeneous hardware requirements. Only by being heterogeneity-aware in software, and appropriately matching this software heterogeneity on top of hardware heterogeneity, may we effectively obtain better processor designs.The PhD dissertation is comprised of four main contributions that cover both multithreaded single-core (hdSMT) and multicore (TCA Algorithm, hTCA Framework and MFLUSH) scenarios, deeply explained in their corresponding chapters in the PhD dissertation memory. Overall, these contributions cover a significant range of the Heterogeneity-Aware Processors' design space. Within this design space, we have focused on the state-of-the-art trend in processor design: Multithreaded Multicore (CMP+SMT) Processors.We make special emphasis on the MPsim simulation tool, specifically designed and developed for this PhD dissertation. This tool has already gone beyond this PhD dissertation, becoming a reference tool by an important group of researchers spread over the Computer Architecture Department (DAC) at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)

    An energy efficient dependence driven scalable dispatch scheme

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    This thesis proposes two schemes that target superscalar microarchitectures. The first scheme aims at alleviating the complexity of the dispatch logic by reducing the number of ports to the renamer. The second scheme targets L-1 data cache energy reduction by proposing a cache architecture incorporating IPC-aware dynamic associativity management. The dispatch stage constitutes a key critical path in the scalability of current generation superscalar processors. The rename map table (RMT) access and the dependence check logic (DCL) delays scale unfavorably with the dispatch width (DW) of a superscalar processor. It is a well-known program property that the results of most instructions are consumed within the following 4-6 instruction window. This program behavior can be exploited to reduce the rename delay by reducing the number of read/write ports in the RMT to significantly below the current 3xDW. We propose an algorithm to dynamically allocate reduced number of RMT ports to instructions in the current dispatch window, matching dispatch resources to average needs rather than peak needs. This results in shorter RMT access delays as well as in lower energy in the dispatch stage. The IPC reduction due to rename map table read/write port contention in the proposed scheme stays within 2-4%. The cycle time saved can also be leveraged to support wider dispatch in the same cycle time in order to offset this degradation. Data caches are designed with higher associativities to support data sets corresponding to peak load/store bandwidths. The second part of this thesis explores a more general design space for dynamic associativity (for a 4-way associative cache, consider 1-way, 2-way, and 4-way associative accesses). We use the actual instruction level parallelism exhibited by the instructions surrounding a given load to classify it as belonging to a particular IPC packet. The lookup schedule is fixed in advance for each IPC classifier. The energy savings over SPEC2000 CPU benchmarks average 28.6% for a 32KB, 4-way, L-1 data cache. The resulting performance (IPC) degradation from the dynamic way schedule is restricted to less than 2.25%, mainly because IPC based placement ends up being an excellent classifier