85 research outputs found

    Minimal unsatisfiable formulas with bounded clause-variable difference are fixed-parameter tractable

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    Recognition of minimal unsatisfiable CNF formulas (unsatisfiable CNF formulas which become satisfiable if any clause is removed) is a classical DP-complete problem. It was shown recently that minimal unsatisfiable formulas with n variables and n+k clauses can be recognized in time . We improve this result and present an algorithm with time complexity ; hence the problem turns out to be fixed-parameter tractable (FTP) in the sense of Downey and Fellows (Parameterized Complexity, 1999). Our algorithm gives rise to a fixed-parameter tractable parameterization of the satisfiability problem: If for a given set of clauses F, the number of clauses in each of its subsets exceeds the number of variables occurring in the subset at most by k, then we can decide in time whether F is satisfiable; k is called the maximum deficiency of F and can be efficiently computed by means of graph matching algorithms. Known parameters for fixed-parameter tractable satisfiability decision are tree-width or related to tree-width. Tree-width and maximum deficiency are incomparable in the sense that we can find formulas with constant maximum deficiency and arbitrarily high tree-width, and formulas where the converse prevails

    Playing Safe, Ten Years Later

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    We consider two-player games over graphs and give tight bounds on the memory size of strategies ensuring safety objectives. More specifically, we show that the minimal number of memory states of a strategy ensuring a safety objective is given by the size of the maximal antichain of left quotients with respect to language inclusion. This result holds for all safety objectives without any regularity assumptions. We give several applications of this general principle. In particular, we characterize the exact memory requirements for the opponent in generalized reachability games, and we prove the existence of positional strategies in games with counters

    Making Multicurves Cross Minimally on Surfaces

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    On an orientable surface SS, consider a collection Γ\Gamma of closed curves. The (geometric) intersection number iS(Γ)i_S(\Gamma) is the minimum number of self-intersections that a collection Γ\Gamma' can have, where Γ\Gamma' results from a continuous deformation (homotopy) of Γ\Gamma. We provide algorithms that compute iS(Γ)i_S(\Gamma) and such a Γ\Gamma', assuming that Γ\Gamma is given by a collection of closed walks of length nn in a graph MM cellularly embedded on SS, in O(nlogn)O(n \log n) time when MM and SS are fixed. The state of the art is a paper of Despr\'e and Lazarus [SoCG 2017, J. ACM 2019], who compute iS(Γ)i_S(\Gamma) in O(n2)O(n^2) time, and Γ\Gamma' in O(n4)O(n^4) time if Γ\Gamma is a single closed curve. Our result is more general since we can put an arbitrary number of closed curves in minimal position. Also, our algorithms are quasi-linear in nn instead of quadratic and quartic, and our proofs are simpler and shorter. We use techniques from two-dimensional topology and from the theory of hyperbolic surfaces. Most notably, we prove a new property of the reducing triangulations introduced by Colin de Verdi\`ere, Despr\'e, and Dubois [SODA 2024], reducing our problem to the case of surfaces with boundary. As a key subroutine, we rely on an algorithm of Fulek and T\'oth [JCO 2020]

    Playing Safe, Ten Years Later

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    We consider two-player games over graphs and give tight bounds on the memory size of strategies ensuring safety objectives. More specifically, we show that the minimal number of memory states of a strategy ensuring a safety objective is given by the size of the maximal antichain of left quotients with respect to language inclusion. This result holds for all safety objectives without any regularity assumptions. We give several applications of this general principle. In particular, we characterize the exact memory requirements for the opponent in generalized reachability games, and we prove the existence of positional strategies in games with counters

    Kinetic collision detection between two simple polygons

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    AbstractWe design a kinetic data structure for detecting collisions between two simple polygons in motion. In order to do so, we create a planar subdivision of the free space between the two polygons, called the external relative geodesic triangulation, which certifies their disjointness. We show how this subdivision can be maintained as a kinetic data structure when the polygons are moving, and analyze its performance in the kinetic setting

    Introduction to Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    This is an introduction to loop quantum cosmology (LQC) reviewing mini- and midisuperspace models as well as homogeneous and inhomogeneous effective dynamics

    Quantum field theory on a growing lattice

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    We construct the classical and canonically quantized theories of a massless scalar field on a background lattice in which the number of points--and hence the number of modes--may grow in time. To obtain a well-defined theory certain restrictions must be imposed on the lattice. Growth-induced particle creation is studied in a two-dimensional example. The results suggest that local mode birth of this sort injects too much energy into the vacuum to be a viable model of cosmological mode birth.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures; v.2: added comments on defining energy, and reference