2,165 research outputs found

    End-user composition of interactive applications through actionable UI components

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    Developing interactive systems to access and manipulate data is a very tough task. In particular, the development of user interfaces (UIs) is one of the most time-consuming activities in the software lifecycle. This is even more demanding when data have to be retrieved by accessing flexibly different online resources. Indeed, software development is moving more and more toward composite applications that aggregate on the fly specific Web services and APIs. In this article, we present a mashup model that describes the integration, at the presentation layer, of UI components. The goal is to allow non-technical end users to visualize and manipulate (i.e., to perform actions on) the data displayed by the components, which thus become actionable UI components. This article shows how the model has guided the development of a mashup platform through which non-technical end users can create component-based interactive workspaces via the aggregation and manipulation of data fetched from distributed online resources. Due to the abundance of online data sources, facilitating the creation of such interactive workspaces is a very relevant need that emerges in different contexts. A utilization study has been performed in order to assess the benefits of the proposed model and of the Actionable UI Components; participants were required to perform real tasks using the mashup platform. The study results are reported and discussed

    Supporting Evolution and Maintenance of android Apps

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    Mobile developers and testers face a number of emerging challenges. These include rapid platform evolution and API instability; issues in bug reporting and reproduction involving complex multitouch gestures; platform fragmentation; the impact of reviews and ratings on the success of their apps; management of crowd-sourced requirements; continuous pressure from the market for frequent releases; lack of effective and usable testing tools; and limited computational resources for handheld devices. Traditional and contemporary methods in software evolution and maintenance were not designed for these types of challenges; therefore, a set of studies and a new toolbox of techniques for mobile development are required to analyze current challenges and propose new solutions. This dissertation presents a set of empirical studies, as well as solutions for some of the key challenges when evolving and maintaining android apps. In particular, we analyzed key challenges experienced by practitioners and open issues in the mobile development community such as (i) android API instability, (ii) performance optimizations, (iii) automatic GUI testing, and (iv) energy consumption. When carrying out the studies, we relied on qualitative and quantitative analyses to understand the phenomena on a large scale by considering evidence extracted from software repositories and the opinions of open-source mobile developers. From the empirical studies, we identified that dynamic analysis is a relevant method for several evolution and maintenance tasks, in particular, because of the need of practitioners to execute/validate the apps on a diverse set of platforms (i.e., device and OS) and under pressure for continuous delivery. Therefore, we designed and implemented an extensible infrastructure that enables large-scale automatic execution of android apps to support different evolution and maintenance tasks (e.g., testing and energy optimization). In addition to the infrastructure we present a taxonomy of issues, single solutions to the issues, and guidelines to enable large execution of android apps. Finally, we devised novel approaches aimed at supporting testing and energy optimization of mobile apps (two key challenges in evolution and maintenance of android apps). First, we propose a novel hybrid approach for automatic GUI-based testing of apps that is able to generate (un)natural test sequences by mining real applications usages and learning statistical models that represent the GUI interactions. In addition, we propose a multi-objective approach for optimizing the energy consumption of GUIs in android apps that is able to generate visually appealing color compositions, while reducing the energy consumption and keeping a design concept close to the original

    L-Music: uma abordagem para composição musical assistida usando L-Systems

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    Generative music systems have been researched for an extended period of time. The scientific corpus of this research field is translating, currently, into the world of the everyday musician and composer. With these tools, the creative process of writing music can be augmented or completely replaced by machines. The work in this document aims to contribute to research in assisted music composition systems. To do so, a review on the state of the art of these fields was performed and we found that a plethora of methodologies and approaches each provide their own interesting results (to name a few, neural networks, statistical models, and formal grammars). We identified Lindenmayer Systems, or L-Systems, as the most interesting and least explored approach to develop an assisted music composition system prototype, aptly named L-Music, due to the ability of producing complex outputs from simple structures. L-Systems were initially proposed as a parallel string rewriting grammar to model algae plant growth. Their applications soon turned graphical (e.g., drawing fractals), and eventually they were applied to music generation. Given that our prototype is assistive, we also took the user interface and user experience design into its well-deserved consideration. Our implemented interface is straightforward, simple to use with a structured visual hierarchy and flow and enables musicians and composers to select their desired instruments; select L-Systems for generating music or create their own custom ones and edit musical parameters (e.g., scale and octave range) to further control the outcome of L-Music, which is musical fragments that a musician or composer can then use in their own works. Three musical interpretations on L-Systems were implemented: a random interpretation, a scale-based interpretation, and a polyphonic interpretation. All three approaches produced interesting musical ideas, which we found to be potentially usable by musicians and composers in their own creative works. Although positive results were obtained, the developed prototype has many improvements for future work. Further musical interpretations can be added, as well as increasing the number of possible musical parameters that a user can edit. We also identified the possibility of giving the user control over what musical meaning L-Systems have as an interesting future challenge.Sistemas de geração de música têm sido alvo de investigação durante períodos alargados de tempo. Recentemente, tem havido esforços em passar o conhecimento adquirido de sistemas de geração de música autónomos e assistidos para as mãos do músico e compositor. Com estas ferramentas, o processo criativo pode ser enaltecido ou completamente substituído por máquinas. O presente trabalho visa contribuir para a investigação de sistemas de composição musical assistida. Para tal, foi efetuado um estudo do estado da arte destas temáticas, sendo que foram encontradas diversas metodologias que ofereciam resultados interessantes de um ponto de vista técnico e musical. Os sistemas de Lindenmayer, ou L-Systems, foram selecionados como a abordagem mais interessante, e menos explorada, para desenvolver um protótipo de um sistema de composição musical assistido com o nome L-Music, devido à sua capacidade de produzirem resultados complexos a partir de estruturas simples. Os L-Systems, inicialmente propostos para modelar o crescimento de plantas de algas, são gramáticas formais, cujo processo de reescrita de strings acontece de forma paralela. As suas aplicações rapidamente evoluíram para interpretações gráficas (p.e., desenhar fractais), e eventualmente também foram aplicados à geração de música. Dada a natureza assistida do protótipo desenvolvido, houve uma especial atenção dada ao design da interface e experiência do utilizador. Esta, é concisa e simples, tendo uma hierarquia visual estruturada para oferecer uma orientação coesa ao utilizador. Neste protótipo, os utilizadores podem selecionar instrumentos; selecionar L-Systems ou criar os seus próprios, e editar parâmetros musicais (p.e., escala e intervalo de oitavas) de forma a gerarem excertos musicais que possam usar nas suas próprias composições. Foram implementadas três interpretações musicais de L-Systems: uma interpretação aleatória, uma interpretação à base de escalas e uma interpretação polifónica. Todas as interpretações produziram resultados musicais interessantes, e provaram ter potencial para serem utilizadas por músicos e compositores nos seus trabalhos criativos. Embora tenham sido alcançados resultados positivos, o protótipo desenvolvido apresenta múltiplas melhorias para trabalho futuro. Entre elas estão, por exemplo, a adição de mais interpretações musicais e a adição de mais parâmetros musicais editáveis pelo utilizador. A possibilidade de um utilizador controlar o significado musical de um L-System também foi identificada como uma proposta futura relevante

    Security Code Smells in Android ICC

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    Android Inter-Component Communication (ICC) is complex, largely unconstrained, and hard for developers to understand. As a consequence, ICC is a common source of security vulnerability in Android apps. To promote secure programming practices, we have reviewed related research, and identified avoidable ICC vulnerabilities in Android-run devices and the security code smells that indicate their presence. We explain the vulnerabilities and their corresponding smells, and we discuss how they can be eliminated or mitigated during development. We present a lightweight static analysis tool on top of Android Lint that analyzes the code under development and provides just-in-time feedback within the IDE about the presence of such smells in the code. Moreover, with the help of this tool we study the prevalence of security code smells in more than 700 open-source apps, and manually inspect around 15% of the apps to assess the extent to which identifying such smells uncovers ICC security vulnerabilities.Comment: Accepted on 28 Nov 2018, Empirical Software Engineering Journal (EMSE), 201

    Designing and evaluating the usability of a machine learning API for rapid prototyping music technology

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    To better support creative software developers and music technologists' needs, and to empower them as machine learning users and innovators, the usability of and developer experience with machine learning tools must be considered and better understood. We review background research on the design and evaluation of application programming interfaces (APIs), with a focus on the domain of machine learning for music technology software development. We present the design rationale for the RAPID-MIX API, an easy-to-use API for rapid prototyping with interactive machine learning, and a usability evaluation study with software developers of music technology. A cognitive dimensions questionnaire was designed and delivered to a group of 12 participants who used the RAPID-MIX API in their software projects, including people who developed systems for personal use and professionals developing software products for music and creative technology companies. The results from the questionnaire indicate that participants found the RAPID-MIX API a machine learning API which is easy to learn and use, fun, and good for rapid prototyping with interactive machine learning. Based on these findings, we present an analysis and characterization of the RAPID-MIX API based on the cognitive dimensions framework, and discuss its design trade-offs and usability issues. We use these insights and our design experience to provide design recommendations for ML APIs for rapid prototyping of music technology. We conclude with a summary of the main insights, a discussion of the merits and challenges of the application of the CDs framework to the evaluation of machine learning APIs, and directions to future work which our research deems valuable

    Learning the language of apps

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    To explore the functionality of an app, automated test generators systematically identify and interact with its user interface (UI) elements. A key challenge is to synthesize inputs which effectively and efficiently cover app behavior. To do so, a test generator has to choose which elements to interact with but, which interactions to do on each element and which input values to type. In summary, to better test apps, a test generator should know the app's language, that is, the language of its graphical interactions and the language of its textual inputs. In this work, we show how a test generator can learn the language of apps and how this knowledge is modeled to create tests. We demonstrate how to learn the language of the graphical input prior to testing by combining machine learning and static analysis, and how to refine this knowledge during testing using reinforcement learning. In our experiments, statically learned models resulted in 50\% less ineffective actions an average increase in test (code) coverage of 19%, while refining these through reinforcement learning resulted in an additional test (code) coverage of up to 20%. We learn the language of textual inputs, by identifying the semantics of input fields in the UI and querying the web for real-world values. In our experiments, real-world values increase test (code) coverage ~10%; Finally, we show how to use context-free grammars to integrate both languages into a single representation (UI grammar), giving back control to the user. This representation can then be: mined from existing tests, associated to the app source code, and used to produce new tests. 82% test cases produced by fuzzing our UI grammar can reach a UI element within the app and 70% of them can reach a specific code location.Automatisierte Testgeneratoren identifizieren systematisch Elemente der Benutzeroberfläche und interagieren mit ihnen, um die Funktionalität einer App zu erkunden. Eine wichtige Herausforderung besteht darin, Eingaben zu synthetisieren, die das App-Verhalten effektiv und effizient abdecken. Dazu muss ein Testgenerator auswählen, mit welchen Elementen interagiert werden soll, welche Interaktionen jedoch für jedes Element ausgeführt werden sollen und welche Eingabewerte eingegeben werden sollen. Um Apps besser testen zu können, sollte ein Testgenerator die Sprache der App kennen, dh die Sprache ihrer grafischen Interaktionen und die Sprache ihrer Texteingaben. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir, wie ein Testgenerator die Sprache von Apps lernen kann und wie dieses Wissen modelliert wird, um Tests zu erstellen. Wir zeigen, wie die Sprache der grafischen Eingabe lernen vor dem Testen durch maschinelles Lernen und statische Analyse kombiniert und wie dieses Wissen weiter verfeinern beim Testen Verstärkung Lernen verwenden. In unseren Experimenten führten statisch erlernte Modelle zu 50% weniger ineffektiven Aktionen, was einer durchschnittlichen Erhöhung der Testabdeckung (Code) von 19% entspricht, während die Verfeinerung dieser durch verstärkendes Lernen zu einer zusätzlichen Testabdeckung (Code) von bis zu 20% führte. Wir lernen die Sprache der Texteingaben, indem wir die Semantik der Eingabefelder in der Benutzeroberfläche identifizieren und das Web nach realen Werten abfragen. In unseren Experimenten erhöhen reale Werte die Testabdeckung (Code) um ca. 10%; Schließlich zeigen wir, wie kontextfreien Grammatiken verwenden beide Sprachen in einer einzigen Darstellung (UI Grammatik) zu integrieren, wieder die Kontrolle an den Benutzer zu geben. Diese Darstellung kann dann: aus vorhandenen Tests gewonnen, dem App-Quellcode zugeordnet und zur Erstellung neuer Tests verwendet werden. 82% Testfälle, die durch Fuzzing unserer UI-Grammatik erstellt wurden, können ein UI-Element in der App erreichen, und 70% von ihnen können einen bestimmten Code-Speicherort erreichen

    Bluefish: A Relational Framework for Graphic Representations

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    Complex graphic representations -- such as annotated visualizations, molecular structure diagrams, or Euclidean geometry -- convey information through overlapping perceptual relations. To author such representations, users are forced to use rigid, purpose-built tools with limited flexibility and expressiveness. User interface (UI) frameworks provide only limited relief as their tree-based models are a poor fit for expressing overlaps. We present Bluefish, a diagramming framework that extends UI architectures to support overlapping perceptual relations. Bluefish graphics are instantiated as relational scenegraphs: hierarchical data structures augmented with adjacency relations. Authors specify these relations with scoped references to components found elsewhere in the scenegraph. For layout, Bluefish lazily materializes necessary coordinate transformations. We demonstrate that Bluefish enables authoring graphic representations across a diverse range of domains while preserving the compositional and abstractional affordances of traditional UI frameworks. Moreover, we show how relational scenegraphs capture previously latent semantics that can later be retargeted (e.g., for screen reader accessibility).Comment: 27 pages, 14 figure

    ETSI MANO network orchestration

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    In the modern era there is a big change in the way computer networks are conceived and the old version defined by hardware implementation is leaving space for a new one based upon software functions. This innovation is the Network Function Virtualization and indeed aims at easing the management of networks and reducing the costs of their maintenance by deploying Virtual Network Functions in standard general purpose servers. The transition to this solution involved the necessity to improve the performance of virtualization techniques and with the development of new solutions now it is possible to run multiple different functions in the same physical machine. This means that also the cloud computing benefits from this technology, having computing, storaging and networking resources all easily manageable and accessible due to their separation from the hardware underneath. Therefore it is important that while building this architecture the components are properly working and interacting together and that the virtualization techniques do not produce too much overhead compared to the performance of the hardware implementation. In this essay will be discussed the Network Function Virtualization and the Open Source MANO project, focusing on its descriptors architecture and functioning. To better demonstrate how to create network topologies through these files, some examples are created and analyzed