13 research outputs found

    Penerapan Finite State Machine Untuk Merancang Pengendali Motor Stepper Menggunakan Vhdl

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    Makalah ini menjelaskan tentang proses pembelajaran mata kuliah perancangan chip digital berbasis proyek yang menerapkan Finite State machine (FSM) sebagai metode untuk merancang pengendali motor stepper menggunakan VHDL. Motor stepper yang digunakan dalam studi kasus ini adalah motor stepper unipolar. Dimana motor stepper tersebut dikendalikan dengan 2 mode, yaitu half-step dan full-step. Pengendalian pada mode full step terdiri dari 2 cara yaitu dengan kendali 1 phase ON dan 2 phase ON. Pengendali motor stepper diimplementasikan pada chip Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) dengan seri EPM3032ALC44-4. Dari hasil simulasi waktu yang dibutuhkan dari input sampai ke output membutuhkan waktu 3 ns. Kata kunci : Pengendali, Motor Stepper, FSM, VHD

    Sistema Automatizado de Control y Registro de Entrada/Salida de los Usuarios de la Biblioteca Salomón de la Selva de la UNAN-Managua

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    Este trabajo de Seminario de Graduación consiste en diseñar un prototipo de control de acceso para los usuarios de la Biblioteca Salomón de la Selva de la UNAN-Managua, con el objetivo de obtener un control específico y un sistema estadístico capaz de manejar información de la entrada y salida de los usuarios a dicha biblioteca. Para poder llevar esto acabo se empleó un sistema de bases de datos basado en SQL Server 2012, adecuándole un lector de barra (USB PN.APT-LS4090) como sistema de identificación quien estará ligado a la base de datos antes mencionada la cual será la encargada de mantener la información captada a través del lector produciendo así un mayor control estadístico de la afluencia de los usuarios de la Biblioteca Salomón de la Selva de la UNAN-Managua, donde toda esta información será visualizada mediante una interfaz web diseñada en visual Studio 2012. Adicionalmente para mayor comodidad de acceso se diseñó un prototipo de puerta automática manipulada a través de sensores infrarrojos quienes serán los encargados de detectar las radiaciones electromagnéticas de los cuerpos enviando un pulso eléctrico al micro-controlador Arduino Leonardo para que este sea el que indique al motor en qué sentido girara ya sea para abrir o cerrar la puert

    Generation of a Blister Model by Disruption of the Dermal-Epidermal Junction for Diagnosis of Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa

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    Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (RDEB) is a severe skin disorder produced by a mutation in the COL7A1 gene (c.6527inC) and leads to dysfunctional or absent collagen type VII in the dermo-epidermal junction. Consequently, blisters appear throughout the body, including mucous membranes. Currently, diagnosis is routinely performed by rubbing the skin to induce a blister and taking a biopsy for histological analysis. Mutational analysis is possible but it is expensive and difficult. In this work, a suction device has been developed to substitute the current RDEB diagnostic method by a more precise, reproducible and reliable one. An easy to use device represents a less invasive method of diagnosis that betters the life of patients that may have severe conditions such as RDEB. The principal characteristics of the device are its small size and manageability. It is equipped with a vacuum pump for suctioning, connected to a pressure sensor, an OLED screen to provide real-time reading of the sensor, and an incandescent light bulb to provide heat. The device can be turned on and off by a simple pushbutton, and the suction modulated. It is operated by an Arduino-compatible microcontroller. To obtain the combination of pressure and time needed for blister generation, RDEB human skin mice models were developed using human plasma scaffolds as dermal component. Applying a negative pressure of 80-85 kPa for 5 minutes produced a well-defined blister at the DEJ, without damaging the dermis. Results were confirmed by Hematoxylin and Eosin staining and immunohistochemical studies of collagen VII, vimentin and cytokeratins 10 and 14. Temperature influenced blister generation. Higher negative pressures proved to cause dermal disruption, with DEJ and intradermal blistering, as well as tissue deformation. Epidermis remained intact in all cases. To complement this work and explore one of the possible applications of the device, the result was tested on a skin model corrected for the COL7A1 gene mutation that was provided by another research group. Collagen VII was observed, and tissue architecture was conserved after suction without dermal disruption or blisters. In conclusion, determining blistering times for EB represents a great advance in the diagnosis of the disorder. Helping such patients determine their condition may greatly influence their cures. In addition, the data obtained may help in develop specific treatments for the different types and subtypes of RB, including RDEB.Ingeniería Biomédica (Plan 2010

    Effect of eco-friendly solvents in solution-based ZrOx dielectrics

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    Over the past decade, solution-based dielectric oxides have been widely studied in electronic applications, enabling the use of low-cost processing technologies and device improvement. Among many high-к dielectrics, zirconium oxide (ZrOx) has been regarded as one of the most promising inorganic dielectric materials for its excellent properties. This work aims to study the effect of environmentally friendly solvents, in order to replace the conventional ones and obtain a safer working environment and optimize solution-based ZrOx. dielectrics. For this, ZrOx thin films were produced with different solvents and different process conditions by sol-gel method. Its microstructure and electronic properties as dielectrics in thin films metal-insulator-semiconductor structured capacitors for high-frequency circuits were investigated systematically. It was found that the capacitors obtained from a zirconium nitrate-based precursor solution with a concentration of 0.2 M in 2-methoxyethanol (2-ME) annealed at 300 °C showed an average dielectric constant of 8.7 ± 0.6 and a low leakage current density of (2.2 ± 2.7) × 10-8 A/cm2 at 1 MV/cm. However, 2-ME is a toxic solvent that can cause serious harm to human health as such eco-friendly solvents were tested. Ethanol-based ZrOx capacitors were successfully produced at 300 °C showing an average dielectric constant of 10.8 ± 0.2 and a leakage current density of (8.7 ± 0.4) × 10-7 A/cm2 at 1 MV/cm. Looking towards the future of electronics, metal-insulator-metal capacitors were processed on a flexible substrate at a low temperature of 150 °C combined with deep ultra-violet (DUV) irradiation, showing an average dielectric constant 11 ± 1 and a low leakage current density of (4.7 ± 4.7) × 10-7 A/cm2 at 0.5 MV/cm. Finally, the optimized ZrOx dielectric thin films were successfully applied as gate insulator in solution-processed In2O3 TFTs

    Diseño e implementación de un prototipo a láser para el etiquetado sobre cáscaras de frutos dulces.

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    In the present project the elaboration of a prototype to laser for the labeling on the shell of sweet fruits is described, this process allows: to reduce the use of the plastic adhesives on the edible foods and to obtain the infomation on the origin of the product by means of the PLU Code (Price Look-Up). For the manufacture of the prototype, it was necessary to make previous drafts in AutoCAD, which helped to choose the most appropriate desing of the machine to later build it in different materials that satisfy and allow to make a laser labeling. Through the use of drivers, the movements of the laser machine were made. Also, taking as a reference the design of a CNC Shield V3, modifications were made that allowed the board to meet the needs presented by the laser prototype implementing such as: emergency stop, security for the physical part of the prototype, ignition indicators, laser power control, each of the systems allows the structure to function properly. For laser labeling on the fruit skin it is necessary to vectorize the image to be used, this is done through the free software “Inkscape”. The “CNC Control” program, which interprets the commands established in the “LaserGRBL”, is required for the movement of the motors. By performing 180 tests, it was posible to establish a 92.22% effectiveness of the prototype laser.En el presente proyecto se describe la elaboración de un prototipo a láser para el etiquetado sobre la cáscara de frutos dulces, este proceso permite reducir el uso de los adhesivos plásticos sobre los alimentos comestibles y obtener la información sobre la procedencia del producto por medio del Código PLU (Price Look-Up). Para la fabricación del prototipo, fue necesario realizar los bosquejos previos en AutoCAD, lo cual ayudó a elegir el diseño más apropiado de la máquina para posteriormente construirlo en diferentes materiales que satisfagan y permitan realizar un etiquetado a láser. A través del uso de drivers se realizó los movimientos con los que cuenta la máquina a láser. Así mismo, tomando como referencia el diseño de una CNC Shield V3 se realizaron modificaciones que permitieron que la placa cumpliera con las necesidades presentadas por el prototipo a láser implementando como son: paro de emergencia, seguridad para la parte física del prototipo, indicadores de encendido, control de la potencia del láser, cada uno de estos sistemas permiten que la estructura funcione de manera adecuada. Para el etiquetado a láser sobre la cáscara de las frutas es necesario vectorizar la imagen a utilizar, esto se lo realiza por medio del software libre “Inkscape”. Para el movimiento de los motores se requiere el programa “CNC Control”, el mismo que interpreta los comandos establecidos en el software “LaserGRBL”. Mediante la realización de 180 pruebas, se logró establecer un 92.22% de efectividad del prototipo a láser

    Development environment for user interfaces in embedded systems

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    Embedded systems are devices used to control, monitor or assist the operation of a larger system they are embedded into. They are often controlled through the corresponding user interface. This thesis describes the development of a user interface for the Xiphra SE encryption devices which are produced and marketed by Beyond Semiconductor company. In the first part, the reader will be introduced to a handful of basic input/output devices and with the way they can be used inside the Linux system. Font smoothing methods are explained further on since they are quite often being used to increase readability of the displayed information. The mid-part talks about planning the development of user interfaces influenced by the understanding of specifics and limitations of embedded systems. With this in mind, a plan for the development of the Xiphra SE user interface is created, defining all our needs and requirements. It also evaluates existing solutions: two GUI frameworks and one widget library, which can be used to speed up the development process. In the main part, the thesis describes the creation of the development environment that consists of the following software components: framebuffer driver, font tool, framebuffer simulator, graphics library, widget library and graphical user interface for the Xiphra SE devices. In the last part, we sum up our work and give options for further improvements


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    PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF UNTUK MATA PELAJARAN PIRANTI SENSOR DAN AKTUATOR KELAS XI PADA PAKET KEAHLIAN TEKNIK OTOMASI INDUSTRI DI SMK N 2 DEPOK Oleh : Arianto NIM. 11518241029 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan model media pembelajaran interaktif piranti aktuator, mengetahui kelayakan dari media pembelajaran interaktif piranti aktuator, dan mengetahui respon penilaian siswa terhadap media pembelajaran interaktif piranti aktuator untuk mata pelajaran piranti sensor dan aktuator kelas XI. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan dengan tahapan pengembangan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation, Evaluation). Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Media pembelajaran ini dikembangkan menggunakan perangkat lunak Adobe Flash Professional CS6. Kelayakan media pembelajaran ini diuji oleh tiga ahli materi dan dua ahli media. Evaluasi media pembelajaran ini melibatkan 32 siswa kelas XI Paket Keahlian Teknik Otomasi Industri. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan model media pembelajaran interaktif piranti aktuator yang tepat untuk mata pelajaran piranti sensor dan aktuator kelas XI meliputi: 1) halaman utama menyajikan menu kompetensi, materi, evaluasi, pustaka, profil, petunjuk, dan keluar, 2) menyajikan objek-objek media berupa teks, video, audio, gambar, animasi dan interactive link, dan 3) model penyajian menggunakan model tutorial dan simulasi. Kelayakan media pembelajaran interaktif piranti aktuator untuk mata pelajaran piranti sensor dan aktuator kelas XI berdasarkan: 1) ahli materi ditinjau dari aspek pembelajaran, isi materi dan manfaat memperoleh rerata skor 3,52 dengan kategori sangat layak, 2) ahli media ditinjau dari aspek tampilan dan pemrograman memperoleh rerata skor 3,17 dengan kategori layak. Respon penilaian siswa terhadap media pembelajaran interaktif piranti aktuator untuk mata pelajaran piranti sensor dan aktuator kelas XI menyatakan bahwa 37,5% siswa menilai sangat baik dan 62,5% siswa menilai baik. Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran Interaktif, Piranti Aktuator, Teknik Otomasi Industr

    Sistema modular didáctico para prácticas de Control de servomotores AC

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    Desarrollar un módulo didáctico para la ejecución de prácticas de laboratorio en la bancada de pruebas de servomotores AC del laboratorio de la Carrera de Ingeniería en Mecatrónica de la Universidad Técnica del Norte.En el presente trabajo de titulación desarrolla un sistema modular didáctico para prácticas de laboratorio de control de posición y velocidad de servomotores AC. En el cual se propone una arquitectura basada en un sistema de control HMI-PLC, para gestionar los servosistemas GSK DA98D y consecuentemente los motores síncronos 110 SJT. Dentro de un contexto postpandemia, se diseña con un enfoque de “Laboratorio remoto”, por esto, se incluye en la arquitectura un sistema de transmisión de video en vivo multiplataformas desarrollado con el software OBS. La configuración del HMI virtual permite la ejecución de ejercicios específicos estructurados para el sistema modular didáctico. Además, dota de versatilidad a las experimentaciones al permitir el uso de diferentes escalas y sistemas de referencia y facilita la interacción del estudiante con el sistema de control al brindar un seguimiento del proceso a través de gráficas y simulaciones. El sistema mecánico diseñado cuenta con piezas y partes desmontables e intercambiables que proveen de la característica de modularidad al sistema didáctico, con ello se han logrado ejecutar funciones básicas con los servomotores como el posicionamiento angular y lineal de manera precisa. Las prácticas de laboratorio estructuradas y ejecutadas en el sistema modular didáctico han permitido a estudiantes el aprendizaje de conexiones eléctricas, programación, seguimiento de procesos a través de un HMI y aplicaciones industriales básicas de servomotores AC.Ingenierí

    Diagnostic reasoning approaches and success rates in bomb disposal

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    As professions, medicine and bomb disposal have many similarities, with one easily recognizable commonality being that practitioners in both disciplines rely on decision-making that is objective, dispassionate, and to the largest extent possible, grounded in scientific theory. Using research methodologies honed over decades in the medical community, this study investigates diagnostic reasoning approaches and success rates in the bomb disposal community, as viewed through the lens of improvised explosive device (IED) circuit analysis, which includes component identification, hazard assessment, and circuit type-by-function determination. The population for this study consisted of current and former military and civilian bomb technicians, and factors such as years of bomb disposal experience, length of initial training, and specialized IED training were analyzed to determine effects on success rates. A convergent mixed-methods design with a pragmatistic worldview was used, and the data gathered suggests that overall, no variables assessed had any effect on a bomb technician’s ability to successfully perform component identification, assessment of associated hazards, and determination of circuit type-by-function. Quantitatively, average success rates for study participants, by independent variable, showed no statistically significant differences, except for those who attended specific bomb disposal schools for their initial training, and only for circuit type-by-function determinations. Average success rates for study participants were 20% for component identification; 16% for associated hazards; and 51% for circuit type-by-function. Qualitatively, over 90% of participants used Type 1 decision-making (i.e., heuristics and pattern matching) as their diagnostic reasoning approach, and focused on component identification and circuit configurations in determining hazards associated with devices, and circuit type-by-function. Additionally, an analysis of component and hazard selections clearly suggests that bomb technicians key in on specific components, and these selections drive their further analysis. Self-assessed confidence-level data also suggests that study participants significantly over-rated their ability to recognize components, assess hazards, and determine circuit type-by-function. The results of this study can be used by thought leaders and trainers in the bomb disposal community to push for fostering and improving diagnostic reasoning skills, problem-solving, and critical thinking, which in turn should lead to a reduction in operational errors during IED response operations