459 research outputs found

    EOS: A project to investigate the design and construction of real-time distributed embedded operating systems

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    The EOS project is investigating the design and construction of a family of real-time distributed embedded operating systems for reliable, distributed aerospace applications. Using the real-time programming techniques developed in co-operation with NASA in earlier research, the project staff is building a kernel for a multiple processor networked system. The first six months of the grant included a study of scheduling in an object-oriented system, the design philosophy of the kernel, and the architectural overview of the operating system. In this report, the operating system and kernel concepts are described. An environment for the experiments has been built and several of the key concepts of the system have been prototyped. The kernel and operating system is intended to support future experimental studies in multiprocessing, load-balancing, routing, software fault-tolerance, distributed data base design, and real-time processing

    On the Semantics of Communicating Hardware Processes and their Translation into LOTOS for the Verification of Asynchronous Circuits with CADP

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    International audienceHardware process calculi, such as CHP (Communicating Hardware Processes), Balsa, or Haste (formerly Tangram), are a natural approach for the description of asynchronous hardware architectures. These calculi are extensions of standard process calculi with particular synchronisation features implemented using handshake protocols. In this article, we first give a structural operational semantics for value-passing CHP. Compared to the existing semantics of CHP defined by translation into Petri nets, our semantics is general enough to handle value-passing CHP with communication channels open to the environment, and is also independent of any particular (2- or 4-phase) handshake protocol used for circuit implementation. We then describe the translation of CHP into the process calculus LOTOS (ISO standard 8807), in order to allow asynchronous hardware architectures expressed in CHP to be verified using the CADP verification toolbox for LOTOS. A translator from CHP to LOTOS has been implemented and successfully used for the compositional verification of two industrial case studies, namely an asynchronous implementation of the DES (Data Encryption Standard) and an asynchronous interconnect of a NoC (Network on Chip)

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationOver the last decade, cyber-physical systems (CPSs) have seen significant applications in many safety-critical areas, such as autonomous automotive systems, automatic pilot avionics, wireless sensor networks, etc. A Cps uses networked embedded computers to monitor and control physical processes. The motivating example for this dissertation is the use of fault- tolerant routing protocol for a Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture that connects electronic control units (Ecus) to regulate sensors and actuators in a vehicle. With a network allowing Ecus to communicate with each other, it is possible for them to share processing power to improve performance. In addition, networked Ecus enable flexible mapping to physical processes (e.g., sensors, actuators), which increases resilience to Ecu failures by reassigning physical processes to spare Ecus. For the on-chip routing protocol, the ability to tolerate network faults is important for hardware reconfiguration to maintain the normal operation of a system. Adding a fault-tolerance feature in a routing protocol, however, increases its design complexity, making it prone to many functional problems. Formal verification techniques are therefore needed to verify its correctness. This dissertation proposes a link-fault-tolerant, multiflit wormhole routing algorithm, and its formal modeling and verification using two different methodologies. An improvement upon the previously published fault-tolerant routing algorithm, a link-fault routing algorithm is proposed to relax the unrealistic node-fault assumptions of these algorithms, while avoiding deadlock conservatively by appropriately dropping network packets. This routing algorithm, together with its routing architecture, is then modeled in a process-algebra language LNT, and compositional verification techniques are used to verify its key functional properties. As a comparison, it is modeled using channel-level VHDL which is compiled to labeled Petri-nets (LPNs). Algorithms for a partial order reduction method on LPNs are given. An optimal result is obtained from heuristics that trace back on LPNs to find causally related enabled predecessor transitions. Key observations are made from the comparison between these two verification methodologies

    Model-checking Synthesizable SystemVerilog Descriptions of Asynchronous Circuits

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    International audienceAsynchronous circuits have key advantages in terms of low energy consumption, robustness, and security. However , the absence of a global clock makes the design prone to deadlock, livelock, synchronization, and resource-sharing errors. Formal verification is thus essential for designing such circuits, but it is not widespread enough, as many hardware designers are not familiar with it and few verification tools can cope with asyn-chrony on complex designs. This paper suggests how an industrial design flow for asynchronous circuits, based upon the standard HDL SystemVerilog, can be supplemented with formal verification capabilities rooted in concurrency theory and model-checking technology. We demonstrate the practicality of our approach on an industrial asynchronous circuit (4000 lines of SystemVerilog) implementing a memory protection unit

    SpiNNaker - A Spiking Neural Network Architecture

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    20 years in conception and 15 in construction, the SpiNNaker project has delivered the world’s largest neuromorphic computing platform incorporating over a million ARM mobile phone processors and capable of modelling spiking neural networks of the scale of a mouse brain in biological real time. This machine, hosted at the University of Manchester in the UK, is freely available under the auspices of the EU Flagship Human Brain Project. This book tells the story of the origins of the machine, its development and its deployment, and the immense software development effort that has gone into making it openly available and accessible to researchers and students the world over. It also presents exemplar applications from ‘Talk’, a SpiNNaker-controlled robotic exhibit at the Manchester Art Gallery as part of ‘The Imitation Game’, a set of works commissioned in 2016 in honour of Alan Turing, through to a way to solve hard computing problems using stochastic neural networks. The book concludes with a look to the future, and the SpiNNaker-2 machine which is yet to come

    Past, Present, and Future of EEG-Based BCI Applications

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    An electroencephalography (EEG)-based brain–computer interface (BCI) is a system that provides a pathway between the brain and external devices by interpreting EEG. EEG-based BCI applications have initially been developed for medical purposes, with the aim of facilitating the return of patients to normal life. In addition to the initial aim, EEG-based BCI applications have also gained increasing significance in the non-medical domain, improving the life of healthy people, for instance, by making it more efficient, collaborative and helping develop themselves. The objective of this review is to give a systematic overview of the literature on EEG-based BCI applications from the period of 2009 until 2019. The systematic literature review has been prepared based on three databases PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus. This review was conducted following the PRISMA model. In this review, 202 publications were selected based on specific eligibility criteria. The distribution of the research between the medical and non-medical domain has been analyzed and further categorized into fields of research within the reviewed domains. In this review, the equipment used for gathering EEG data and signal processing methods have also been reviewed. Additionally, current challenges in the field and possibilities for the future have been analyzed

    Process algebra for performance evaluation

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    This paper surveys the theoretical developments in the field of stochastic process algebras, process algebras where action occurrences may be subject to a delay that is determined by a random variable. A huge class of resource-sharing systems – like large-scale computers, client–server architectures, networks – can accurately be described using such stochastic specification formalisms. The main emphasis of this paper is the treatment of operational semantics, notions of equivalence, and (sound and complete) axiomatisations of these equivalences for different types of Markovian process algebras, where delays are governed by exponential distributions. Starting from a simple actionless algebra for describing time-homogeneous continuous-time Markov chains, we consider the integration of actions and random delays both as a single entity (like in known Markovian process algebras like TIPP, PEPA and EMPA) and as separate entities (like in the timed process algebras timed CSP and TCCS). In total we consider four related calculi and investigate their relationship to existing Markovian process algebras. We also briefly indicate how one can profit from the separation of time and actions when incorporating more general, non-Markovian distributions

    A Calculus for Orchestration of Web Services

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    Service-oriented computing, an emerging paradigm for distributed computing based on the use of services, is calling for the development of tools and techniques to build safe and trustworthy systems, and to analyse their behaviour. Therefore, many researchers have proposed to use process calculi, a cornerstone of current foundational research on specification and analysis of concurrent, reactive, and distributed systems. In this paper, we follow this approach and introduce CWS, a process calculus expressly designed for specifying and combining service-oriented applications, while modelling their dynamic behaviour. We show that CWS can model all the phases of the life cycle of service-oriented applications, such as publication, discovery, negotiation, orchestration, deployment, reconfiguration and execution. We illustrate the specification style that CWS supports by means of a large case study from the automotive domain and a number of more specific examples drawn from it
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