122 research outputs found

    Development and application of real-time and interactive software for complex system

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    Soft materials have attracted considerable interest in recent years for predicting the characteristics of phase separation and self-assembly in nanoscale structures. A popular method for demonstrating and simulating the dynamic behaviour of particles (e.g. particle tracking) and to consider effects of simulation parameters is cell dynamic simulation (CDS). This is a cellular computerisation technique that can be used to investigate different aspects of morphological topographies of soft material systems. The acquisition of quantitative data from particles is a critical requirement in order to obtain a better understanding and of characterising their dynamic behaviour. To achieve this objective particle tracking methods considering quantitative data and focusing on different properties and components of particles is essential. Despite the availability of various types of particle tracking used in experimental work, there is no method available to consider uniform computational data. In order to achieve accurate and efficient computational results for cell dynamic simulation method and particle tracking, two factors are essential: computing/calculating time-scale and simulation system size. Consequently, finding available computing algorithms and resources such as sequential algorithm for implementing a complex technique and achieving precise results is critical and rather expensive. Therefore, it is highly desirable to consider a parallel algorithm and programming model to solve time-consuming and massive computational processing issues. Hence, the gaps between the experimental and computational works and solving time consuming for expensive computational calculations need to be filled in order to investigate a uniform computational technique for particle tracking and significant enhancements in speed and execution times. The work presented in this thesis details a new particle tracking method for integrating diblock copolymers in the form of spheres with a shear flow and a novel designed GPU-based parallel acceleration approach to cell dynamic simulation (CDS). In addition, the evaluation of parallel models and architectures (CPUs and GPUs) utilising the mixtures of application program interface, OpenMP and programming model, CUDA were developed. Finally, this study presents the performance enhancements achieved with GPU-CUDA of approximately ~2 times faster than multi-threading implementation and 13~14 times quicker than optimised sequential processing for the CDS computations/workloads respectively

    GPU Accelerated Simulation of Transport Systems

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    Computer modelling and simulation of road networks are a vital tool used to evaluate, design and manage road network infrastructure. Road network simulations are however computationally expensive, with simulation runtime imposing limits on the scale and quantity of simulations performed within a reasonable time frame. This thesis examines the appropriateness of many-core processing architectures (such as GPUs) for the acceleration of microscopic and macroscopic road network simulation, and the potential impact on the choice of modelling approach. Fine-grained agent-based microscopic simulations of individual vehicles are parallelised using GPUs, achieving high performance through a novel graph-based communication strategy for data-parallel simulations. A minimal benchmark model and scalable road network are defined and used experimentally to evaluate performance compared to Aimsun, a commercial simulation tool for multi-core processors. Performance improvements of up to 67x are demonstrated for large scale simulations. High-level macroscopic simulations model network flow rather than individual vehicles. Although less computationally demanding than microscopic models, simulation runtimes can still be significant, often due to the calculation of many shortest paths. A novel Many-Source Shortest Path (MSSP) algorithm is proposed to concurrently find multiple shortest paths through sparse transport networks using GPUs. This is embedded within a commercial multi-core CPU macroscopic simulation tool, SATURN, and the performance evaluated on large-scale real-world road networks, demonstrating assignment performance improvements of up to 8.6x when comparing multi-processor GPU and CPU implementations. Finally, the impact of the performance improvements to both modelling techniques are evaluated using a common benchmark model and the relative improvements demonstrated by the benchmarking of each approach using different transport networks. These results suggest that GPUs will allow modellers to shift towards using finer-grained simulations for a broader range of modelling tasks

    Computational Explorations in Biomedicine: Unraveling Molecular Dynamics for Cancer, Drug Delivery, and Biomolecular Insights using LAMMPS Simulations

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    With the rapid advancement of computational techniques, Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations have emerged as powerful tools in biomedical research, enabling in-depth investigations of biological systems at the atomic level. Among the diverse range of simulation software available, LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) has gained significant recognition for its versatility, scalability, and extensive range of functionalities. This literature review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the utilization of LAMMPS in the field of biomedical applications. This review begins by outlining the fundamental principles of MD simulations and highlighting the unique features of LAMMPS that make it suitable for biomedical research. Subsequently, a survey of the literature is conducted to identify key studies that have employed LAMMPS in various biomedical contexts, such as protein folding, drug design, biomaterials, and cellular processes. The reviewed studies demonstrate the remarkable contributions of LAMMPS in understanding the behavior of biological macromolecules, investigating drug-protein interactions, elucidating the mechanical properties of biomaterials, and studying cellular processes at the molecular level. Additionally, this review explores the integration of LAMMPS with other computational tools and experimental techniques, showcasing its potential for synergistic investigations that bridge the gap between theory and experiment. Moreover, this review discusses the challenges and limitations associated with using LAMMPS in biomedical simulations, including the parameterization of force fields, system size limitations, and computational efficiency. Strategies employed by researchers to mitigate these challenges are presented, along with potential future directions for enhancing LAMMPS capabilities in the biomedical field.Comment: 39 pages- 10 figure

    Cell mechanics in flow: algorithms and applications

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    The computer simulations are pervasively used to improve the knowledge about biophysical phenomena and to quantify effects which are difficult to study experimentally. Generally, the numerical methods and models are desired to be as accurate as possible on the chosen length and time scales, but, at the same time, affordable in terms of computations. Until recently, the cell mechanics and blood flow phenomena on the sub-micron resolution could not be rigorously studied using computer simulations. However, within the last decade, advances in methods and hardware catalyzed the development of models for cells mechanics and blood flow modeling which, previously, were considered to be not feasible. In this context, a model should accurately describe a phenomenon, be computationally affordable, and be flexible to be applied to study different biophysical changes. This thesis focuses on the development of the new methods, models, and high-performance software implementation that expand the class of problems which can be studied numerically using particle-based methods. Microvascular networks have complex geometry, often without any symmetry, and to study them we need to tackle computational domains with several inlets and outlets. However, an absence of appropriate boundary conditions for particle- based methods hampers study of the blood flow in these domains. Another obstacle to model complex blood flow problems is the absence the highperformance software. This problem restricts the applicability of the of particlebased cell flow models to relatively small systems. Although there are several validated red blood cell models, to date, there are no models for suspended eukaryotic cells. The present thesis addresses these issues. We introduce new open boundary conditions for particle-based systems and apply them to study blood flow in a part of a microvascular network. We develop a software demonstrating outstanding performance on the largest supercomputers and used it to study blood flow in microfluidic devices. Finally, we present a new eukaryotic cell model which helps in quantifying the effect of sub-cellular components on the cell mechanics during deformations in microfluidic devices

    Interactive Visualization of Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data

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    Molecular Dynamics Simulations (MD) plays an essential role in the field of computational biology. The simulations produce extensive high-dimensional, spatio-temporal data describ-ing the motion of atoms and molecules. A central challenge in the field is the extraction and visualization of useful behavioral patterns from these simulations. Throughout this thesis, I collaborated with a computational biologist who works on Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simu-lation data. For the sake of exploration, I was provided with a large and complex membrane simulation. I contributed solutions to his data challenges by developing a set of novel visual-ization tools to help him get a better understanding of his simulation data. I employed both scientific and information visualization, and applied concepts of abstraction and dimensions projection in the proposed solutions. The first solution enables the user to interactively fil-ter and highlight dynamic and complex trajectory constituted by motions of molecules. The molecular dynamic trajectories are identified based on path length, edge length, curvature, and normalized curvature, and their combinations. The tool exploits new interactive visual-ization techniques and provides a combination of 2D-3D path rendering in a dual dimension representation to highlight differences arising from the 2D projection on a plane. The sec-ond solution introduces a novel abstract interaction space for Protein-Lipid interaction. The proposed solution addresses the challenge of visualizing complex, time-dependent interactions between protein and lipid molecules. It also proposes a fast GPU-based implementation that maps lipid-constituents involved in the interaction onto the abstract protein interaction space. I also introduced two abstract level-of-detail (LoD) representations with six levels of detail for lipid molecules and protein interaction. Finally, I proposed a novel framework consisting of four linked views: A time-dependent 3D view, a novel hybrid view, a clustering timeline, and a details-on-demand window. The framework exploits abstraction and projection to enable the user to study the molecular interaction and the behavior of the protein-protein interaction and clusters. I introduced a selection of visual designs to convey the behavior of protein-lipid interaction and protein-protein interaction through a unified coordinate system. Abstraction is used to present proteins in hybrid 2D space, and a projected tiled space is used to present both Protein-Lipid Interaction (PLI) and Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) at the particle level in a heat-map style visual design. Glyphs are used to represent PPI at the molecular level. I coupled visually separable visual designs in a unified coordinate space. The result lets the user study both PLI and PPI separately, or together in a unified visual analysis framework

    Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019

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    This open access book summarizes the research done and results obtained in the second funding phase of the Priority Program 1648 "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) presented at the SPPEXA Symposium in Dresden during October 21-23, 2019. In that respect, it both represents a continuation of Vol. 113 in Springer’s series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, the corresponding report of SPPEXA’s first funding phase, and provides an overview of SPPEXA’s contributions towards exascale computing in today's sumpercomputer technology. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest

    A Review of Platforms for the Development of Agent Systems

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    Agent-based computing is an active field of research with the goal of building autonomous software of hardware entities. This task is often facilitated by the use of dedicated, specialized frameworks. For almost thirty years, many such agent platforms have been developed. Meanwhile, some of them have been abandoned, others continue their development and new platforms are released. This paper presents a up-to-date review of the existing agent platforms and also a historical perspective of this domain. It aims to serve as a reference point for people interested in developing agent systems. This work details the main characteristics of the included agent platforms, together with links to specific projects where they have been used. It distinguishes between the active platforms and those no longer under development or with unclear status. It also classifies the agent platforms as general purpose ones, free or commercial, and specialized ones, which can be used for particular types of applications.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures, 9 tables, 83 reference

    Graphics Processing Unit Accelerated Coarse-Grained Protein-Protein Docking

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    Graphics processing unit (GPU) architectures are increasingly used for general purpose computing, providing the means to migrate algorithms from the SISD paradigm, synonymous with CPU architectures, to the SIMD paradigm. Generally programmable commodity multi-core hardware can result in significant speed-ups for migrated codes. Because of their computational complexity, molecular simulations in particular stand to benefit from GPU acceleration. Coarse-grained molecular models provide reduced complexity when compared to the traditional, computationally expensive, all-atom models. However, while coarse-grained models are much less computationally expensive than the all-atom approach, the pairwise energy calculations required at each iteration of the algorithm continue to cause a computational bottleneck for a serial implementation. In this work, we describe a GPU implementation of the Kim-Hummer coarse-grained model for protein docking simulations, using a Replica Exchange Monte-Carlo (REMC) method. Our highly parallel implementation vastly increases the size- and time scales accessible to molecular simulation. We describe in detail the complex process of migrating the algorithm to a GPU as well as the effect of various GPU approaches and optimisations on algorithm speed-up. Our benchmarking and profiling shows that the GPU implementation scales very favourably compared to a CPU implementation. Small reference simulations benefit from a modest speedup of between 4 to 10 times. However, large simulations, containing many thousands of residues, benefit from asynchronous GPU acceleration to a far greater degree and exhibit speed-ups of up to 1400 times. We demonstrate the utility of our system on some model problems. We investigate the effects of macromolecular crowding, using a repulsive crowder model, finding our results to agree with those predicted by scaled particle theory. We also perform initial studies into the simulation of viral capsids assembly, demonstrating the crude assembly of capsid pieces into a small fragment. This is the first implementation of REMC docking on a GPU, and the effectuate speed-ups alter the tractability of large scale simulations: simulations that otherwise require months or years can be performed in days or weeks using a GPU