21 research outputs found

    How preference markets assist new product idea screening

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    2siPurpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the different heuristics adopted by a crowd and a management committee to evaluate new product proposals, and whether, in assessing the value of proposals, they emphasize different features. Design/methodology/approach - The study takes a quantitative analysis approach to study an internal innovation contest held by the biotechnology company Novozymes. The contest generated 201 proposals that were evaluated by 109 research and development professionals by means of a virtual preference market, and by a management committee. Findings - The crowd and the committees' assessments of the value of the proposals were based on different features. The committee emphasized experience and inventors' seniority; the crowd set more store on informative idea descriptions but penalized overly complex and lengthy proposals. Research limitations/implications - The design of the innovation contest does not allow full comparison of the preference functions of crowd and committee. The findings from this case study cannot be generalized. The early stage of new product development seems fruitful for investigating crowdsourcing and knowledge management. Practical implications - Firms should consider adopting preference markets for idea screening and evaluation since they appraise ideas from different angles compared to managers. However, they complement, rather than substitute managerial evaluation, especially in the case of more detailed proposals. Originality/value - This is one of the first attempts to identify differences in the decision-making processes of crowds and committees. The paper identifies their strengths as evaluators of new product ideas and finds that the "wisdom of crowds" has some limitations in relation to the ability to process complex information.reservedmixedLauto, Giancarlo; Valentin, FinnLauto, Giancarlo; Valentin, Fin

    An exploratory study on knowledge management (KM) in the Maltese pharmaceutical sector

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    The pharmaceutical sector can be considered as a key player in the world’s economy. This is also the case for Malta’s economy where the pharmaceutical sector is considered an important business sector. Till October 2021, the Maltese Pharmaceutical Sector exported €353 million worth of pharmaceutical products making up approximately 13% of total exports for Malta (National Statistics Office, 2021). Nowadays we hear a lot about ‘a knowledge‑based economy’. Globalisation has brought an organisation’s knowledge assets into focus ‑ knowledge is being more and more recognised as a valued asset in competitive environments and “is increasingly at the heart of modern enterprises” (Ho et al., 2014, p. 734). Therefore, in these uncertain and challenging times we are living in, organisations, in particular, knowledge intensive organisations such as those operating in the pharmaceutical sector must make the best possible use of their knowledge‑based activities in order to maintain a competitive advantage (Valaei et al., 2017). Knowledge Management (KM) has been recognised as providing the key to organisations to attain organisational effectiveness (or related aspects such as organisational performance) by making the best use of their knowledge resources (Zack et al., 2009).peer-reviewe

    Estudio exploratorio sobre factores de éxito y barreras para la gestión de conocimiento en organizaciones desarrolladoras de software en Colombia

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    Knowledge Management (KM) is a key discipline for Software Development Organizations (SDO) because the main asset and the main product of these organizations is knowledge in diverse forms. This study identified the factors considered determinants for the success in KM implementation and the barriers that difficult the implementation of KM. For reaching the objective, a survey among representatives of 129 SDO in Colombia was conducted. One of the findings of this study is the identification of Human-oriented factors as the most relevant factors for the success of KM, and the high cost and low availability of financial and human resources, and unawareness and inexperience in KM as the main barriers for the implementation of KM. This study could be used as a reference for identifying and establishing the existing conditions that could influence in present or future KM implementations.La Gestión del Conocimiento (GC) es una disciplina clave para las Organizaciones Desarrolladoras de Software (ODS), dado que el conocimiento en sus diversas formas es el activo y el producto principal de estas organizaciones. Este artículo identifica los factores de éxito en la implementación de la GC y las barreras que dificultan su aplicación en ODS. Para alcanzar el objetivo se realizó una encuesta entre los representantes de 129 ODS en Colombia. Entre las conclusiones se destacan la identificación de los factores humanos como los más relevantes para el éxito en la GC, y el alto costo y baja disponibilidad de recursos financieros y humanos, y el desconocimiento y la inexperiencia en GC como los principales obstáculos para la aplicación de la GC. Este estudio podría ser utilizado como una referencia para la identificación y el establecimiento de las condiciones que podrían influir en presentes o futuras implementaciones de GC


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    Knowledge management (KM) arose because of the need for organizations to make more rational and effective use of their knowledge. This theme is consolidating as a new academic discipline. The objective of this research is to explore the scientific production in Brazil on this subject, from dissertations of master and theses of doctoral degrees (graduate courses) from 2006 to 2015. For data analysis, bibliometric techniques were applied to quantitative methods, the data were collected from ‘Plataforma CNPq Lattes’, the Brazilian official database of researcher’s curriculum. Among the main results, 295 theses, 797 academic dissertations and 296 professional master's dissertations were identified. There were 1,375 graduate students and 675 teacher advisors located in 339 graduate programs in 135 universities. It is concluded that the subject analyzed has an interdisciplinary emphasis, with papers from 34 of the 48 evaluation areas officially approved by CAPES (the Brazilian official department of Ministry of Education dedicated to the evaluation of graduate courses). More than half of the studies focus on two broad areas: ‘Administration / Accounting’ and ‘Interdisciplinary’.A gestão do conhecimento (GC) surgiu devido à necessidade de as organizações fazerem uso mais racional e eficaz de seus conhecimentos. Essa temática está se consolidando como uma nova disciplina acadêmica. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é explorar a produção científica no Brasil sobre a temática GC, a partir das dissertações e teses defendidas nos cursos de pós-graduação no período de 2006 a 2015. Para a análise dos dados foi efetuada uma pesquisa descritiva, documental, com a utilização da bibliometria, a partir de métodos quantitativos com dados extraídos da plataforma de curricular CNPq Lattes. Dentre os principais resultados, foram identificadas 295 teses, 797 dissertações acadêmicas e 296 dissertações de mestrado profissional. Foram 1.375 diferentes alunos e 675 docentes orientadores localizados em 339 programas de pós-graduação em 135 instituições de ensino superior. Conclui-se que a temática analisada tem ênfase interdisciplinar, com trabalhos oriundos de 34 das 48 áreas de avaliação oficializadas pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Mais da metade dos estudos concentra-se em duas grandes áreas: ‘Administração / Ciências Contábeis’ e ‘Interdisciplinar’

    Establishing a knowledgebased organisation Lesson learnt and KM challenges in Malaysian organisation

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    Purpose – Studies on knowledge management (KM) and its effect on organisational innovation and firm performance have been carried out and subsequently proven. However, the consequence is that KM programmes did not achieve the expected results that they were designed for. Considering the issue mentioned above, a KM shortfall and its underlying challenges seem to exist. The purpose of this study is to assess the current practices of KM, lesson learnt and KM challenges in Malaysian organisations from various types of industries. Design/methodology/approach – The study was conducted with information gathered through a focus group of managers with different hierarchical levels, different types of companies, from multinational corporations to state organisations. This inductive approach was adopted to gain a grounded, rich, local and lived understanding of the process based on the case studies of eight Malaysian organisations that represent the major industries in the Malaysian economic sectors. Additionally, the information gathered was further supported with secondary data that consisted of a case study report of the eight organisations on their KM programmes’ implementation. Findings – The overall results showed that the practice of KM in Malaysian organisations typically displays the following two challenges: (1) process and infrastructure issues and (2) cultural issues. Organisational culture remains the main obstacles faced by most of the organisations in adopting KM. As a lesson learnt, managers should also focus on the after-effect of KM programmes on soft human issues such as employees’ satisfaction and well-being. Research limitations/implications – The authors believe that further research is required considering KM challenges and employee satisfaction or well-being to improve KM performance among different groups of employees through such methods as research survey. Practical implications – The findings can act as a guideline for any organisations to address when adopting KM. Identification of the KM challenges provides the basis for organisations to attach considerable importance to employees’ satisfaction and well-being to enhance the chances of successful KM programmes. Managers should take a proactive approach in creating an appropriate atmosphere to cultivate KM culture among employees. Originality/value – This study offers not only challenges in implementing and sustaining an effective KM system within organisations but also promotes moving the KM literature to the next stage where there is a lack of concern on KM implementation effect on “soft” human issues from the perspectives of employees. This is due to organisations tend to eradicate people’s performance in terms of employee well-being and satisfaction and to the author’s knowledge, this has been largely unexplored in previous research.Purpose – Studies on knowledge management (KM) and its effect on organisational innovation and firm performance have been carried out and subsequently proven. However, the consequence is that KM programmes did not achieve the expected results that they were designed for. Considering the issue mentioned above, a KM shortfall and its underlying challenges seem to exist. The purpose of this study is to assess the current practices of KM, lesson learnt and KM challenges in Malaysian organisations from various types of industries. Design/methodology/approach – The study was conducted with information gathered through a focus group of managers with different hierarchical levels, different types of companies, from multinational corporations to state organisations. This inductive approach was adopted to gain a grounded, rich, local and lived understanding of the process based on the case studies of eight Malaysian organisations that represent the major industries in the Malaysian economic sectors. Additionally, the information gathered was further supported with secondary data that consisted of a case study report of the eight organisations on their KM programmes’ implementation. Findings – The overall results showed that the practice of KM in Malaysian organisations typically displays the following two challenges: (1) process and infrastructure issues and (2) cultural issues. Organisational culture remains the main obstacles faced by most of the organisations in adopting KM. As a lesson learnt, managers should also focus on the after-effect of KM programmes on soft human issues such as employees’ satisfaction and well-being. Research limitations/implications – The authors believe that further research is required considering KM challenges and employee satisfaction or well-being to improve KM performance among different groups of employees through such methods as research survey. Practical implications – The findings can act as a guideline for any organisations to address when adopting KM. Identification of the KM challenges provides the basis for organisations to attach considerable importance to employees’ satisfaction and well-being to enhance the chances of successful KM programmes. Managers should take a proactive approach in creating an appropriate atmosphere to cultivate KM culture among employees. Originality/value – This study offers not only challenges in implementing and sustaining an effective KM system within organisations but also promotes moving the KM literature to the next stage where there is a lack of concern on KM implementation effect on “soft” human issues from the perspectives of employees. This is due to organisations tend to eradicate people’s performance in terms of employee well-being and satisfaction and to the author’s knowledge, this has been largely unexplored in previous research

    A The Evaluation of Knowledge Management in Supply Chain Using EFQM Framework, Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making and Multi-Objective Programming

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    One Knowledge Management (KM) as one of the Supply Chain performanceimprovement factors can be strengthened through frameworks like EFQM ExcellenceModel in order to achieve competitive advantage. First, the KM enablers in SC areclassified based on EFQM enabler criteria. Then, the importance of each KM enabler isevaluated by fuzzy DEMATEL-ANP. In addition, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) isapplied to evaluate the importance of each KM enabler in knowledge sharing amongsupply chain people. In the research, the multi-objective mixed integer programming isused to optimize knowledge management and select KM strategy in each part of SC.Likewise, it is approved to select suitable members of SC for Research and Development(R&D) unit of SC. Results show that each part of SC should focus on developing someKM enablers, and selection of a suitable strategy. These results also emphasis theeffectiveness of each KM enabler and their development in selecting of suitable membersfor R&D unit of SC

    Relationship between leadership styles, emotional intelligence, and project manager performance

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    Project success rate declined from 62% in 2012 to 60% in 2015 despite advances in methods and tools. Project managers need emotional intelligence and leadership style to reduce the risk of project failure. Successful projects are assets to the organization and to the whole community. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between transformational leadership, transactional leadership, passive avoidance leadership, emotional intelligence, and project manager performance. Project managers from different industries in the states of Virginia and Maryland, and the District of Columbia were administered the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Self-Report of Emotional Intelligence, and Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales questionnaires. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis indicated the full model (nine predictors) significantly predict project manager performance, F(9, 92) = 8.330, p = .002, R2 = .449. The R2 value (.449) indicated approximately 45% of the variance in project manager performance was accounted for by the linear combination of the predictor variables. Inspirational motivation was the only significant contributor to the model (t = 3.213, Ã? = 3.959, p = .002). The result indicated that project manager performance tends to increase as inspirational motivation increases. The results of this study may have implications for positive social change include the potential for business leaders to enhance project manager performance through employing inspirational, motivational, and charismatic leadership techniques. Business leaders who improve project managers\u27 performance increase the propensity of organizational success. Successful organizations are sources of economic growth which reduces poverty and improves the quality of life

    Promoting Sustainability through Next-Generation Biologics Drug Development

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    The fourth industrial revolution in 2011 aimed to transform the traditional manufacturing processes. As part of this revolution, disruptive innovations in drug development and data science approaches have the potential to optimize CMC (chemistry, manufacture, and control). The real-time simulation of processes using “digital twins” can maximize efficiency while improving sustainability. As part of this review, we investigate how the World Health Organization’s 17 sustainability goals can apply toward next-generation drug development. We analyze the state-of-the-art laboratory leadership, inclusive personnel recruiting, the latest therapy approaches, and intelligent process automation. We also outline how modern data science techniques and machine tools for CMC help to shorten drug development time, reduce failure rates, and minimize resource usage. Finally, we systematically analyze and compare existing approaches to our experiences with the high-throughput laboratory KIWI-biolab at the TU Berlin. We describe a sustainable business model that accelerates scientific innovations and supports global action toward a sustainable future.BMBF, 01DD20002A, Verbundprojekt: Internationales Zukunftslabor für KI-gestützte Bioprozessentwicklung "KIWI-biolab"; Teilvorhaben: Koordination und Aufbau eines KI-Exzellenzzentrum

    An Exploration of Baby Boomer Mass Retirement Effects on Information Systems Organizations

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    The potential knowledge loss from Baby Boomer generation employee retirements can negatively affect information systems organizations. The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenology study was to explore the lived experiences of the leaders and managers of information systems organizations as they tried to maintain operational continuity after Baby Boomer worker retirements. The impact of this issue was the operational continuity after the Baby Boomer worker retirement. The social impact of this issue was the knowledge loss events that might result in business loss or even bankruptcy. McElroy\u27s knowledge life cycle model was the conceptual framework for this study that included knowledge production and knowledge integration processes within a feedback loop. The lived experiences of 20 knowledgeable participants who had experienced institutional knowledge loss from retired Baby Boomer generation employees were captured through purposeful sampling. Data were collected through individual interviews using either face-to-face or a web conferencing tool such as Skype and analyzed through a modified Van Kaam. Five themes were identified: business climate, delivery practices, work processes, camaraderie, and management response. Significant attributes that added to the body of knowledge were workplace navigation, alternate focus, and outsourcing management. The results of the study may enable organizations to be better able to understand and manage the Baby Boomer knowledge loss effects and subsequently create systems to help maintain their competitive edge and avoid knowledge loss that might result in business loss or even bankruptcy