1,844 research outputs found

    Leveraging VR/AR/MR/XR Technologies to Improve Cybersecurity Education, Training, and Operations

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    The United States faces persistent threats conducting malicious cyber campaigns that threaten critical infrastructure, companies and their intellectual property, and the privacy of its citizens. Additionally, there are millions of unfilled cybersecurity positions, and the cybersecurity skills gap continues to widen. Most companies believe that this problem has not improved and nearly 44% believe it has gotten worse over the past 10 years. Threat actors are continuing to evolve their tactics, techniques, and procedures for conducting attacks on public and private targets. Education institutions and companies must adopt emerging technologies to develop security professionals and to increase cybersecurity awareness holistically. Leveraging Virtual/ Augmented/Mixed/Extended Reality technologies for education, training, and awareness can augment traditional learning methodologies and improve the nation’s cybersecurity posture. This paper reviews previous research to identify how distance and remote education are conducted generally, and how Virtual/Augmented/Extended/Mixed reality technologies are used to conduct cybersecurity awareness training, cybersecurity training, and conduct operations. Finally, barriers to adopting these technologies will be discussed. Understanding how these technologies can be developed and implemented provides one potential way of overcoming the cybersecurity workforce gap and increasing the competencies and capabilities of cybersecurity professionals

    A Strategic Roadmap for the Manufacturing Industry to Implement Industry 4.0

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    Industry 4.0 (also referred to as digitization of manufacturing) is characterized by cyber physical systems, automation, and data exchange. It is no longer a future trend and is being employed worldwide by manufacturing organizations, to gain benefits of improved performance, reduced inefficiencies, and lower costs, while improving flexibility. However, the implementation of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies is a difficult task and becomes even more challenging without any standardized approach. The barriers include, but are not limited to, lack of knowledge, inability to realistically quantify the return on investment, and lack of a skilled workforce. This study presents a systematic and content-centric literature review of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies, to highlight their impact on the manufacturing industry. It also provides a strategic roadmap for the implementation of Industry 4.0, based on lean six sigma approaches. The basis of the roadmap is the design for six sigma approach for the development of a new process chain, followed by a continuous improvement plan. The reason for choosing lean six sigma is to provide manufacturers with a sense of familiarity, as they have been employing these principles for removing waste and reducing variability. Major reasons for the rejection of Industry 4.0 implementation methodologies by manufactures are fear of the unknown and resistance to change, whereas the use of lean six sigma can mitigate them. The strategic roadmap presented in this paper can offer a holistic view of phases that manufacturers should undertake and the challenges they might face in their journey toward Industry 4.0 transition

    Digital strategy implementation in process manufacturing firms: the Sirmax case.

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    The elaboration aims to investigate how to effectively implement a digital strategy in process manufacturing firms. After having analyzed literature and benchmark cases, the focus is on the digital strategy implementation proposal for Sirmax, a process manufacturing firm.ope

    Network Intrusion Detection Using Autoencode Neural Network

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    In today's interconnected digital landscape, safeguarding computer networks against unauthorized access and cyber threats is of paramount importance. NIDS play a crucial role in identifying and mitigating potential security breaches. This research paper explores the application of autoencoder neural networks, a subset of deep learning techniques, in the realm of Network Intrusion Detection.Autoencoder neural networks are known for their ability to learn and represent data in a compressed, low-dimensional form. This study investigates their potential in modeling network traffic patterns and identifying anomalous activities. By training autoencoder networks on both normal and malicious network traffic data, we aim to create effective intrusion detection models that can distinguish between benign and malicious network behavior.The paper provides an in-depth analysis of the architecture and training methodologies of autoencoder neural networks for intrusion detection. It also explores various data preprocessing techniques and feature engineering approaches to enhance the model's performance. Additionally, the research evaluates the robustness and scalability of autoencoder-based NIDS in real-world network environments. Furthermore, ethical considerations in network intrusion detection, including privacy concerns and false positive rates, are discussed. It addresses the need for a balanced approach that ensures network security while respecting user privacy and minimizing disruptions. operation. This approach compresses the majority samples & increases the minority sample count in tough samples so that the IDS can achieve greater classification accuracy

    UAV Based 5G Network: A Practical Survey Study

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are anticipated to significantly contribute to the development of new wireless networks that could handle high-speed transmissions and enable wireless broadcasts. When compared to communications that rely on permanent infrastructure, UAVs offer a number of advantages, including flexible deployment, dependable line-of-sight (LoS) connection links, and more design degrees of freedom because of controlled mobility. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) combined with 5G networks and Internet of Things (IoT) components have the potential to completely transform a variety of industries. UAVs may transfer massive volumes of data in real-time by utilizing the low latency and high-speed abilities of 5G networks, opening up a variety of applications like remote sensing, precision farming, and disaster response. This study of UAV communication with regard to 5G/B5G WLANs is presented in this research. The three UAV-assisted MEC network scenarios also include the specifics for the allocation of resources and optimization. We also concentrate on the case where a UAV does task computation in addition to serving as a MEC server to examine wind farm turbines. This paper covers the key implementation difficulties of UAV-assisted MEC, such as optimum UAV deployment, wind models, and coupled trajectory-computation performance optimization, in order to promote widespread implementations of UAV-assisted MEC in practice. The primary problem for 5G and beyond 5G (B5G) is delivering broadband access to various device kinds. Prior to discussing associated research issues faced by the developing integrated network design, we first provide a brief overview of the background information as well as the networks that integrate space, aviation, and land

    Digitalization of Offshore Wind Farm Systems

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    Master's thesis in Offshore Technology: Industrial asset managementThis thesis investigates how new digital technologies and digitalization can help further evolve the offshore wind industry using the Industry 4.0 concept as a basis and explores how technologies within this concept can contribute to an offshore wind farm that overcomes some of these challenges. The study focuses on an offshore wind farm from a systems perspective, including respective modules, and where the Industry 4.0 technologies can be applied. Following this is the establishment of a systematic digitalization framework and a proposal on how to cope with increased volumes of data, connectivity, and complexity.publishedVersio

    Advanced technologies and international business : A multidisciplinary analysis of the literature

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The AuthorsAdvanced digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things, blockchain, big data analytics and augmented reality, are gradually transforming the way multinational firms do business. Due to the extent of this transformation many scholars argue that the integration of these technologies marks the commencement of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). However, the question how these advanced technologies impact international business activities needs further attention. To this end, we adopt a multidisciplinary approach to review the related literature in international business (IB), general management, information systems, and operations research. We include the two latter fields, because advanced technologies have received more attention in these bodies of literature. Based on our analysis, we discuss the implications of these technologies for international business. Further, we highlight the drivers of technology utilisation by multinational firms and likely outcomes. We also provide future research avenues.Peer reviewe

    Cyber Operator Competencies: The Role of Cognitive Competencies in Cyber Operator Practice and Education

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    PhD Dissertations in Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development (BUK): 17. Articles 2, 3 and 4 have been removed from the digital thesis due to lack of permission from the publishers. These can be viewed in the relevant journals/books, and in the printed thesis.The theme of this thesis is the role of cognitive competencies in cyber operator practice and education. Cyber operator practice is a new field of research where the importance and attention is growing rapidly. Research has accumulated a solid amount of knowledge about the technical skills required by a cyber operator. However, less is known about the cognitive competencies that support cyber operator proficiency. In order to gain insight into the cognitive demands of cyber operators, the cognitions of young cyber officers(1) attending the Norwegian Defence Cyber Academy have been studied. Findings contributes to the development of theory and evidence-based knowledge needed to develop educational guidelines for the cyber operator workforce. This dissertation proposes and take steps towards validation of a conceptual framework, The Hybrid Space, that describes the cognitive work environment of military cyber operators. The Hybrid Space conceptual framework is introduced in the first article of this thesis and is used in all parts of the study. Methodological contributions include a method and a software to collect quantitative data on cyber operators’ cognitive focus and assess cognitive agility. Cognitive agility is proposed as a competence and a measure of cyber operator performance. Empirical data collected during a cyber defence exercise support our theoretical assumption and helps to further develop The Hybrid Space conceptual framework. Findings indicate that knowledge and understanding of cyberspace as a domain of operations and the cognitive competencies supporting cyber operator proficiency are limited. Cognitive agility is proposed as a cognitive competency and is associated with higher levels of selfregulation. These findings suggest that cognitive competencies can indeed support cyber operator performance. This thesis therefore contributes to cyber operator practice and education by suggesting that education and training would benefit from including the development of cognitive competencies alongside the technical education and training needed to become a cyber operator. In this way, this thesis adds new insight and perspective into the novel area of cyber operator practice. The results provide the first indications that cyber operator performance can be supported by the development of cognitive competencies during education. 1 Cyber officer and cyber operator are used interchangeably throughout the articles and this extended abstract. The reason is that the students undergo the same education, but the position they later get determine their career path and the accompanying title. The use of the terms is maturing in both military and civilian sectors. As of now neither finite guidelines nor agreed upon norms exist that guide the use of the titlesSammendrag Temaet for denne doktoravhandlingen er rollen til kognitive kompetanser i cyber operator praksis og utdanning. Cyber operator praksis er et nytt forskningsfelt som har fatt stor oppmerksomhet de siste arene. Forskning pa omradet har produsert kunnskap om hvilke tekniske kunnskaper og ferdigheter en cyber operator ma ha. Mindre kunnskap finnes om de kognitive kompetansene som en cyber operator trenger for a kunne utove sin praksis effektivt. For a fa bedre innsikt i de kognitive kravene som cyber operatorer stilles ovenfor har jeg studert unge cyber offiserer under utdanning pa Forsvarets Ingeniorhogskole (2) (FIH). Denne avhandlingen bidrar med kunnskap og empirisk grunnlag for a utvikle forskningsbasert utdanning for fremtidens cyber operatorer. Avhandlingen fremholder og starter validering et konseptuelt rammeverk, The Hybrid Space, som beskriver de kognitive kravene militare cyber operatorer ma forholde seg til i utovelsen av sitt virke. Rammeverket blir introdusert i forste artikkel av denne avhandlingen og blir brukt som konseptuelt fundament i resten av avhandlingen. Avhandlingen fremlegger ogsa en metode og et dataverktoy som kan brukes til a samle inn kvantitative data om cyber operatorers kognitive fokus. Dette dataverktoyet kan ogsa benyttes til a undersoke hvordan cyber operatorer utviser kognitiv fleksibilitet over tid nar de gjennomforer en cyber operasjon. Kognitiv fleksibilitet foreslas som et prestasjonsmal for cyber operatorer. Empiriske data innhentet under en cyberforsvars ovelse bekrefter vare teoretiske hypoteser og bidrar til videre utvikling av det konseptuelle rammeverket. Hovedfunnene indikerer at kunnskap om og forstaelse for cyberspace som operasjonsdomene og rollen til kognitive kompetanser i cyber operatorens utforelse av cyber operasjoner er begrenset. Denne avhandlingen argumenter for at evne til fleksibel kognitiv manover i operasjonsmiljoet, definert som ‘cognitive agility’, er en viktig kognitiv kompetanse for cyber operatorer som kan predikeres ved a undersoke evne til selvregulering. Disse funnene indikerer at kognitive kompetanser kan bidra til a understotte cyber operatorers prestasjon. Avhandlingen bidrar til cyber operator praksis og utdanning ved a vise til at utvikling av cyber operator kompetanse bor inkludere utvikling av kognitive kompetanser i tillegg til utvikling av tekniske kunnskaper og ferdigheter. Med disse funnene bidrar denne avhandlingen bidrar til ny innsikt og perspektiv pa cyber operator praksis og utdanning. 2 Forsvarets Ingeniørhøgskole (FIH) endret i 2018 navn til Cyberingeniørskolen (CIS) og ble samtidig underlagt Forsvarets Høgskole (FHS)

    Federated Learning for 6G: Paradigms, Taxonomy, Recent Advances and Insights

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to play an instrumental role in the next generation of wireless systems, such as sixth-generation (6G) mobile network. However, massive data, energy consumption, training complexity, and sensitive data protection in wireless systems are all crucial challenges that must be addressed for training AI models and gathering intelligence and knowledge from distributed devices. Federated Learning (FL) is a recent framework that has emerged as a promising approach for multiple learning agents to build an accurate and robust machine learning models without sharing raw data. By allowing mobile handsets and devices to collaboratively learn a global model without explicit sharing of training data, FL exhibits high privacy and efficient spectrum utilization. While there are a lot of survey papers exploring FL paradigms and usability in 6G privacy, none of them has clearly addressed how FL can be used to improve the protocol stack and wireless operations. The main goal of this survey is to provide a comprehensive overview on FL usability to enhance mobile services and enable smart ecosystems to support novel use-cases. This paper examines the added-value of implementing FL throughout all levels of the protocol stack. Furthermore, it presents important FL applications, addresses hot topics, provides valuable insights and explicits guidance for future research and developments. Our concluding remarks aim to leverage the synergy between FL and future 6G, while highlighting FL's potential to revolutionize wireless industry and sustain the development of cutting-edge mobile services.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures; 9 Table

    Artificial Intelligence Applied to Supply Chain Management and Logistics: Systematic Literature Review

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    The growing impact of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) on supply chain management and logistics is remarkable. This technological advance has the potential to significantly transform the handling and transport of goods. The implementation of these technologies has boosted efficiency, predictive capabilities and the simplification of operations. However, it has also raised critical questions about AI-based decision-making. To this end, a systematic literature review was carried out, offering a comprehensive view of this phenomenon, with a specific focus on management. The aim is to provide insights that can guide future research and decision-making in the logistics and supply chain management sectors. Both the articles in this thesis and that form chapters present detailed methodologies and transparent results, reinforcing the credibility of the research for researchers and managers. This contributes to a deeper understanding of the impact of technology on logistics and supply chain management. This research offers valuable information for both academics and professionals in the logistics sector, revealing innovative solutions and strategies made possible by automation. However, continuous development requires vigilance, adaptation, foresight and a rapid problem-solving capacity. This research not only sheds light on the current panorama, but also offers a glimpse into the future of logistics in a world where artificial intelligence is set to prevail