4,461 research outputs found

    Foreign language anxiety in distance education:Finnish secondary school students’ experiences of speaking tasks on online English lessons

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    Abstract. Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) has been recognized by previous research as a significant element in language learning with potential to cause various difficulties for learners of different ages and nationalities (e.g. Horwitz et al., 1986; MacIntryre & Gardner, 1991; Yan & Horwitz, 2008; Lucas et al., 2011; Radhia, 2016). While the manifestations, causes and effects of anxiety may be different for each individual, speaking tasks have been found to be among the most anxiety-provoking language learning activities (Young, 1990; Liu & Chen, 2013). However, studies remain scarce on FLA experienced on real-time online lessons held via videoconferencing, which is currently the learning context in many countries due to COVID-19 social distancing regulations. To allow teachers and learners to recognize FLA on online lessons and make efforts to reduce it, the present thesis examines Finnish secondary school students’ experiences of anxiety related to speaking tasks on online English videoconferencing lessons during the first distance studying period under COVID-19 in spring 2020. The results from a survey conducted in this thesis bring insights into students’ perceptions of the causes and effects of FLA on online videoconferencing lessons and traditional lessons as well as their suggestions of making new learning environments more pleasant. Survey responses are analysed with a descriptive approach comparing the reported elements of FLA with those found in previous research. The results suggest that some elements of FLA identified in previous studies, such as uncertainty, fear, distraction and reluctance to speak, emerge in both the traditional and videoconferencing context. However, the impact of peer pressure seems particularly strong on online lessons when students are unable to see each other’s reactions. Differences between individuals in the forms and levels of FLA emerge in causes, effects and perceptions of learning situations. Anxiety-reducing factors and positive effects of FLA such as efforts to improve one’s performance were mentioned only for traditional classroom learning, which suggests that students are more used to coping with FLA in face-to-face situations. While improvement suggestions ranged from omitting speaking tasks to forcing everyone to speak on camera, a relaxed and friendly atmosphere seems essential for making online English lessons more pleasant for every learner.Tiivistelmä. Vieraan kielen ahdistus (Foreign Language Anxiety, FLA) on tutkimuksissa tunnistettu merkittävänä kielenoppimisen elementtinä, joka voi aiheuttaa monenlaisia vaikeuksia eri-ikäisille ja eri kansalaisuuksia edustaville oppijoille (esim. Horwitz ym., 1986; MacIntryre & Gardner, 1991; Yan & Horwitz, 2008; Lucas ym., 2011; Radhia, 2016). Vaikka ilmenemistavat, syyt ja seuraukset voivat olla erilaisia kullakin yksilöllä, puhumisharjoitusten on todettu kuuluvan eniten ahdistusta aiheuttaviin kielenoppimistehtäviin (Young, 1990; Liu & Chen, 2013). Reaaliaikaisilla, videoyhteyden kautta toteutetuilla verkko-oppitunneilla koettua vieraan kielen ahdistusta on toistaiseksi tutkittu vain vähän. Kuitenkin tällä hetkellä juuri tämä on oppimiskonteksti useissa maissa koronaviruspandemiaan liittyvien lähikontaktien välttämissuositusten vuoksi. Tutkielmassani perehdyn suomalaisten yläkoulu- ja lukioikäisten kokemuksiin englannin videoyhteysoppituntien puhetilanteissa koetusta ahdistuksesta ensimmäisellä etäopetusjaksolla koronaviruspandemian aikana keväällä 2020. Tarkastelun tavoitteena on mahdollistaa opettajille sekä oppijoille vieraan kielen ahdistuksen tunnistaminen ja sen lieventämiseen pyrkiminen. Tutkielmaan kuuluva kysely tuo näkyviin oppilaiden käsityksiä videoyhteysoppitunneilla sekä perinteisillä oppitunneilla koetun vieraan kielen ahdistuksen syistä ja seurauksista. Lisäksi kysely kartoittaa oppilaiden ehdotuksia siitä, miten uusista oppimisympäristöistä voidaan tehdä miellyttävämpiä. Tulokset analysoidaan deskriptiivisellä otteella verraten esiin tulleita vieraan kielen ahdistuksen elementtejä aiempien tutkimusten löydöksiin. Tulokset osoittavat, että tietyt aiempien tutkimusten tunnistamat vieraan kielen ahdistuksen elementit tulevat esiin niin perinteisillä kuin videoyhteysoppitunneilla. Näihin kuuluvat esimerkiksi epävarmuus, pelko, keskittymisvaikeudet sekä haluttomuus puhua. Ryhmäpaineen vaikutus vaikuttaa erityisen vahvalta verkko-oppitunneilla, kun oppilaat eivät näe toistensa reaktioita. Aiheuttavat tekijät, vaikutukset sekä kokemukset oppimistilanteista tuovat esiin yksilöidenvälisiä eroja ahdistuksen muodoissa ja vahvuusasteissa. Ahdistusta lieventäviä tekijöitä sekä positiivisia vaikutuksia mainittiin vain perinteisen luokkahuonetuntien osalta. Näihin kuuluivat esimerkiksi pyrkimys oman suorituksen parantamiseen. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että oppilaat ovat tottuneempia käsittelemään vieraan kielen ahdistusta kasvokkain tapahtuvissa vuorovaikutustilanteissa. Parannusehdotukset vaihtelivat puhumisharjoitusten poistamisesta kaikkien puhumaan pakottamiseen, mutta rento ja tuttavallinen ilmapiiri vaikuttaa olevan keskeinen edellytys englannintuntien miellyttävimmiksi tekemiseksi jokaiselle oppijalle

    Digital Connections: Student Experiences in Online Language Exchanges

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    Exciting advances in technology have provided foreign language teachers with opportunities to connect students to native speakers of target languages. Much of the research in this area focuses on changes in proficiency or cultural sensitivity. Although valuable, the research is lacking in understanding students’ experiences online, including positive and negative feelings, challenges, as well as students’ overall opinions of the exchanges’ usefulness for learning. The present study used a mixed methods approach to examine the experiences of third-semester university students participating in online language exchanges with native speakers. A third-semester Spanish class at a large university consisting of 18 students was selected as a sample. Students were required to speak online with native Spanish speakers in the target language for 20 minutes each week. Students completed weekly surveys and a final survey, and three students were selected for semi-structured interviews. The data reveal common struggles that students face during online exchanges, methods students use for coping with these difficulties, areas of perceived growth, and social factors that affect students’ experiences. The article concludes with recommendations for what foreign language educators can do to support students in similar online exchanges


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    The present study focuses on the relation between English speaking anxiety and factors among Taiwanese university English and non-English majors. A total of 658 volunteer student participants from eight different universities in southern Taiwan were recruited for this study. This research aims to investigate the factors causing EFL English speaking anxiety. A mixed-method approach was used for data collection. The results indicate that learners are extremely concerned about the accuracy of their grammar usage, their lack of vocabulary knowledge, correct pronunciation, and wanting their meaning to be understood. For the gender-related issue, female learners experience more English speaking anxiety than male students. Additionally, non-English majors have more English speaking apprehension than English majors. In a similar vein, comparing the years of English learning, students who studied more years of English are less worried about speaking English in the classroom. This article concludes with some pedagogical implications for English instructors who wish to reduce speaking anxiety, particularly in Taiwanese EFL classrooms.  Article visualizations

    Overcoming foreign language anxiety in an emotionally intelligent tutoring system

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    Learning a foreign language entails cognitive and emotional obstacles. It involves complicated mental processes that affect learning and emotions. Positive emotions such as motivation, encouragement, and satisfaction increase learning achievement, while negative emotions like anxiety, frustration, and confusion may reduce performance. Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) is a specific type of anxiety accompanying learning a foreign language. It is considered a main impediment that hinders learning, reduces achievements, and diminishes interest in learning. Detecting FLA is the first step toward reducing and eventually overcoming it. Previously, researchers have been detecting FLA using physical measurements and self-reports. Using physical measures is direct and less regulated by the learner, but it is uncomfortable and requires the learner to be in the lab. Employing self-reports is scalable because it is easy to administer in the lab and online. However, it interrupts the learning flow, and people sometimes respond inaccurately. Using sensor-free human behavioral metrics is a scalable and practical measurement because it is feasible online or in class with minimum adjustments. To overcome FLA, researchers have studied the use of robots, games, or intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). Within these technologies, they applied soothing music, difficulty reduction, or storytelling. These methods lessened FLA but had limitations such as distracting the learner, not improving performance, and producing cognitive overload. Using an animated agent that provides motivational supportive feedback could reduce FLA and increase learning. It is necessary to measure FLA effectively with minimal interruption and then successfully reduce it. In the context of an e-learning system, I investigated ways to detect FLA using sensor-free human behavioral metrics. This scalable and practical method allows us to recognize FLA without being obtrusive. To reduce FLA, I studied applying emotionally adaptive feedback that offers motivational supportive feedback by an animated agent

    Immersive Telepresence: A framework for training and rehearsal in a postdigital age

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    Critical thinking is the thinking ability that must be possessed by students through learning to write and read poetry. The indicators of critical thinking ability in writing and reading traditional game-based poetry are (1) knowing the problem, (2) collecting and compiling information, (3) organizing, (4) analyzing, (5) reconstructing, (6) informing, 7) apply or inform. The process of critical thinking in learning to write and read poetry based on traditional games (egrang) can develop critical thinking skills of elementary school students, with learning styles, first, teachers review the curriculum and formulate basic competencies and competency standards. Second, teachers and students make observations. Third, Teacher ensures that students have experience playing stilts. Fourth, students practice traditional game play. Fifth, teachers and students are elaborating. Sixth, students collaborate to record the materials used as a game. Seventh, the stage of writing and reading poetry. Eighth, the stage of communicating. Ninth, stage of reflection. This learning model can train students' thinking power, provide ease of writing and reading, fostering cooperation and social sensitivity. The quality of playing stilts, discipline, courage, patience, focus / concentration, and confidence

    Analysis Of Students’ Anxiety In Speaking Of Grade VIII Junior High School

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    Artikel ini berfokus pada hasil penelitian yang mencoba untuk menganalisis kecemasan berbicara siswa terhadap keterampilan berbicara mereka. Metode penelitian adalah quasi-experimental design dengan two way ANOVA. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa skor keterampilan berbicara yang diajarkan menggunakan diskusi secara signifikan berbeda dari skor keterampilan berbicara yang diajarkan menggunakan permainan peran untuk siswa yang memiliki kecemasan berbicara rendah tetapi penerapan teknik ini sama untuk mengajar berbicara kepada siswa yang memiliki kecemasan berbicara yang tinggi; Namun, berdasarkan hasil ANOVA, skor siswa yang memiliki kecemasan berbicara yang tinggi dalam keterampilan berbicara yang diajarkan menggunakan permainan peran masih lebih baik dari pada mereka yang berada di kelas diskusi. Artinya, ada interaksi antara teknik mengajar dan kecemasan berbicara siswa terhadap keterampilan berbicara siswa.This article focuses on the results of the study attempting 1) to find out the significance difference on students’ speaking skill between those who are in discussion and role play technique 2) to find out the significance difference on students’ speaking skill between high and low anxiety . Research method was quasi-experimental design with two way ANOVA. Based on the research findings, it is known that the score of speaking skill taught using  discussion is significantly different from the score of speaking skill taught using role-play to the students having low speaking anxiety but the implementation of the technique is equal for teaching speaking to the students having high speaking anxiety; however, based on the result of ANOVA, the score of students having high speaking anxiety in speaking skill taught using  role-play is still better than those who are in discussion class. It means that, there is an interaction between teaching technique and students’ speaking anxiety on the students’ speaking skill. Keywords: Anxiety, Speaking Skill, Teaching Speaking, Discussion Technique, Role-Play Technique
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