26 research outputs found

    Opportunistic channel estimation with LTE signals of limited bandwidth for positioning applications

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    The positioning problem is interesting in a variety of applications, especially in indoor environments or in urban canyons, where the position information obtainable with traditional Global Navigation Satellite Systems is limited. In this paper, we deal with the problem of estimating, for the purposes of positioning, the time of arrival (TOA) and the angle of arrival (AOA) by processing LTE 3GPP signals, with particular attention to the uplink signals. The main contribution of this paper is the definition of new opportunistic methods to estimate the TOA and the AOA using the upstream demodulation reference signal (DM-RS) instead of the Sounding Reference Signal. We will show that the use of DM-RS and of estimation algorithms such as the Space-Alternating Generalized Expectation-Maximization and the Iterative Adaptive Approach for Amplitude and Phase estimation (IAA-APES) allows an efficient estimate of the parameters, in spite of the small, occupied bandwidth

    A survey on acoustic positioning systems for location-based services

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    Positioning systems have become increasingly popular in the last decade for location-based services, such as navigation, and asset tracking and management. As opposed to outdoor positioning, where the global navigation satellite system became the standard technology, there is no consensus yet for indoor environments despite the availability of different technologies, such as radio frequency, magnetic field, visual light communications, or acoustics. Within these options, acoustics emerged as a promising alternative to obtain high-accuracy low-cost systems. Nevertheless, acoustic signals have to face very demanding propagation conditions, particularly in terms of multipath and Doppler effect. Therefore, even if many acoustic positioning systems have been proposed in the last decades, it remains an active and challenging topic. This article surveys the developed prototypes and commercial systems that have been presented since they first appeared around the 1980s to 2022. We classify these systems into different groups depending on the observable that they use to calculate the user position, such as the time-of-flight, the received signal strength, or the acoustic spectrum. Furthermore, we summarize the main properties of these systems in terms of accuracy, coverage area, and update rate, among others. Finally, we evaluate the limitations of these groups based on the link budget approach, which gives an overview of the system's coverage from parameters such as source and noise level, detection threshold, attenuation, and processing gain.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónResearch Council of Norwa

    Acoustic underwater target tracking methods using autonomous vehicles

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    Marine ecological research related to the increasing importance which the fisheries sector has reached so far, new methods and tools to study the biological components of our oceans are needed. The capacity to measure different population and environmental parameters of marine species allows a greater knowledge of the human impact, improving exploitation strategies of these resources. For example, the displacement capacity and mobility patterns are crucial to obtain the required knowledge for a sustainable management of fisheries. However, underwater localisation is one of the main problems which must be addressed in subsea exploration, where no Global Positioning System (GPS) is available. In addition to the traditional underwater localisation systems, such as Long BaseLine (LBL) or Ultra-Short BaseLine (USBL), new methods have been developed to increase navigation performance, flexibility, and to reduce deployment costs. For example, the Range-Only and Single-Beacon (ROSB) is based on an autonomous vehicle which localises and tracks different underwater targets using slant range measurements conducted by acoustic modems. In a moving target tracking scenario, the ROSB target tracking method can be seen as a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) problem. Using Bayes' rule, the probability distribution function of the HMM states can be solved by using different filtering methods. Accordingly, this thesis presents different strategies to improve the ROSB localisation and tracking methods for static and moving targets. Determining the optimal parameters to minimize acoustic energy use and search time, and to maximize the localisation accuracy and precision, is therefore one of the discussed aspects of ROSB. Thus, we present and compare different methods under different scenarios, both evaluated in simulations and field tests. The main mathematical notation and performance of each algorithm are presented, where the best practice has been derived. From a methodology point of view, this work advances the understanding of accuracy that can be achieved by using ROSB target tracking methods with autonomous vehicles. Moreover, whereas most of the work conducted during the last years has been focused on target tracking using acoustic modems, here we also present a novel method called the Area-Only Target Tracking (AOTT). This method works with commercially available acoustic tags, thereby reducing the costs and complexity over other tracking systems. These tags do not have bidirectional communication capabilities, and therefore, the ROSB techniques are not applicable. However, this method can be used to track small targets such as jellyfish due to the reduced tag's size. The methodology behind the area-only technique is shown, and results from the first field tests conducted in Monterey Bay area, California, are also presented.La biologia marina junt amb la importància que ha adquirit el sector pesquer, fa que es requereixin noves eines per a l’estudi dels nostres oceans. La capacitat de mesurar diferents poblacions i paràmetres ambientals d’espècies marines permet millorar el coneixement de l’impacte que l’ésser humà té sobre elles, millorant-ne els mètodes d’explotació. Per exemple, la capacitat de desplaçament i els patrons de moviment són crucials per obtenir el coneixement necessari per a una explotació sostenible de les pescaries involucrades. No obstant, la localització submarina és un dels principals problemes que s’ha de resoldre en l’explotació dels recursos submarins, on el sistema de posició global (GPS) no es pot utilitzar. A part dels mètodes tradicionals de posicionament submarí, com per exemple el Long Base-Line (LBL) o el Ultra-Short Base-Line (USBL), nous mètodes han estat desenvolupats per tal de millorar la navegació, la flexibilitat, i per reduir els costos de desplegament. Per exemple, el Range-Only and Single-Beacon (ROSB) utilitza un vehicle autònom per a localitzar i seguir diferents objectius submarins mitjançant mesures de rang realitzades a partir de mòdems acústics. En un escenari on l’objectiu a seguir és mòbil, el mètode ROSB de seguiment pot ser vist com a un problema de Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Aleshores, utilitzant la regla de Bayes, la funció de distribució de probabilitat dels estats del HMM pot ser solucionat utilitzant diferents mètodes de filtratge. Per tant, s’estudien diferents estratègies per millorar el sistema de localització i seguiment basat en ROSB, tant per objectius estàtics com mòbils. En aquesta tesis, presentem i comparem diferents mètodes utilitzant diferents escenaris, els quals s’han avaluat tant en simulacions com en proves de camp reals. A més, es presenten les principals notacions matemàtiques de cada algoritme i les millors pràctiques a utilitzar. Per tant, des d’un punt de vista metodològic, aquest treball fa un pas endavant en el coneixement de l’exactitud que es pot assolir utilitzant els mètodes de localització i seguiment d’espècies mitjançant algoritmes ROSB i vehicles autònoms. A més a més, mentre molts dels treballs realitzant durant els últims anys es centren en l’ús de mòdems acústics per al seguiment d’objectius submarins, en aquesta tesis es presenta un innovador mètode anomenat Area-Only Target Tracking (AOTT). Aquest sistema utilitza petites etiquetes acústiques comercials (tag), la qual cosa, redueix el cost i la complexitat en comparació amb els altres mètodes. Addicionalment, gràcies a l’ús d’aquests tags de dimensions reduïdes, aquest sistema permet seguir espècies marines com les meduses. La metodologia utilitzada per el mètode AOTT es mostra en aquesta tesis, on també es presenten els primers experiments realitzats a la badia de Monterey a Califòrnia

    Techniques de contrôle de congestion et de dissémination d'informations dans les réseaux véhiculaires

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    Les réseaux véhiculaires, connus sous le terme VANETs, sont des réseaux impliquant des communications entre deux ou plusieurs véhicules et éventuellement une communication avec des éléments d’infrastructure sur la route. Récemment, le concept de systèmes de transports intelligent a connu beaucoup d’intérêt. Les STI sont des systèmes utilisant les nouvelles technologies de communication sans fil appliquées au domaine du transport pour améliorer la sécurité routière, la logistique et les services d’information. Des défis majeurs ont besoin cependant d'être abordés pour offrir une communication sur la route sécurisée et fiable dans des environnements anonymes et quelquefois hostiles à la communication. Comme dans tout système de communication, les réseaux véhiculaires doivent opérer en respectant des contraintes en termes de qualité de service. Ces contraintes sont d’autant plus strictes quand il s’agit de fournir des services de sécurité sur la route. Ce projet vise à développer des techniques de communication véhiculaires pour le relayage d’informations de manière fiable et à faible délai entre véhicules voyageant à haute vitesse. Ces techniques devront permettre de respecter des contraintes temporelles sévères afin d’envisager leur utilisation dans des applications de sécurité sur la route. Pour ce faire, cette thèse proposera d’abord des techniques efficaces de dissémination d’informations utilisant des approches multi-métriques basées sur différentes mesures en temps-réel. Des méthodes de relayage seront proposées qui permettent de diminuer les délais d’acheminement et augmenter la probabilité de réception. Ces méthodes utiliseront, entre autres, des approches d’adaptation de la portée et/ou de la priorité des messages en fonction de leur type et de l’intérêt éventuels des véhicules récepteurs en la réception de ces messages. Dans un second volet, ce projet proposera des concepts et des méthodes afin de palier au problème de congestion dans les réseaux véhiculaires qui peut résulter conjointement à la dissémination d’informations. Ces concepts et méthodes viseront à respecter la fiabilité exigée par les applications de sécurité, tout en restant conforme aux nouveaux standards de communications véhiculaires

    MediaSync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization

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    This book provides an approachable overview of the most recent advances in the fascinating field of media synchronization (mediasync), gathering contributions from the most representative and influential experts. Understanding the challenges of this field in the current multi-sensory, multi-device, and multi-protocol world is not an easy task. The book revisits the foundations of mediasync, including theoretical frameworks and models, highlights ongoing research efforts, like hybrid broadband broadcast (HBB) delivery and users' perception modeling (i.e., Quality of Experience or QoE), and paves the way for the future (e.g., towards the deployment of multi-sensory and ultra-realistic experiences). Although many advances around mediasync have been devised and deployed, this area of research is getting renewed attention to overcome remaining challenges in the next-generation (heterogeneous and ubiquitous) media ecosystem. Given the significant advances in this research area, its current relevance and the multiple disciplines it involves, the availability of a reference book on mediasync becomes necessary. This book fills the gap in this context. In particular, it addresses key aspects and reviews the most relevant contributions within the mediasync research space, from different perspectives. Mediasync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization is the perfect companion for scholars and practitioners that want to acquire strong knowledge about this research area, and also approach the challenges behind ensuring the best mediated experiences, by providing the adequate synchronization between the media elements that constitute these experiences

    Models and Algorithms for Ultra-Wideband Localization in Single- and Multi-Robot Systems

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    Location is a piece of information that empowers almost any type of application. In contrast to the outdoors, where global navigation satellite systems provide geo-spatial positioning, there are still millions of square meters of indoor space that are unaccounted for by location sensing technology. Moreover, predictions show that people’s activities are likely to shift more and more towards urban and indoor environments– the United Nations predict that by 2020, over 80% of the world’s population will live in cities. Meanwhile, indoor localization is a problem that is not simply solved: people, indoor furnishings, walls and building structures—in the eyes of a positioning sensor, these are all obstacles that create a very challenging environment. Many sensory modalities have difficulty in overcoming such harsh conditions when used alone. For this reason, and also because we aim for a portable, miniaturizable, cost-effective solution, with centimeter-level accuracy, we choose to solve the indoor localization problem with a hybrid approach that consists of two complementary components: ultra-wideband localization, and collaborative localization. In pursuit of the final, hybrid product, our research leads us to ask what benefits collaborative localization can provide to ultra-wideband localization—and vice versa. The road down this path includes diving into these orthogonal sub-domains of indoor localization to produce two independent localization solutions, before finally combining them to conclude our work. As for all systems that can be quantitatively examined, we recognize that the quality of our final product is defined by the rigor of our evaluation process. Thus, a core element of our work is the experimental setup, which we design in a modular fashion, and which we complexify incrementally according to the various stages of our studies. With the goal of implementing an evaluation system that is systematic, repeatable, and controllable, our approach is centered around the mobile robot. We harness this platform to emulate mobile targets, and track it in real-time with a highly reliable ground truth positioning system. Furthermore, we take advantage of the miniature size of our mobile platform, and include multiple entities to form a multi-robot system. This augmented setup then allows us to use the same experimental rigor to evaluate our collaborative localization strategies. Finally, we exploit the consistency of our experiments to perform cross-comparisons of the various results throughout the presented work. Ultra-wideband counts among the most interesting technologies for absolute indoor localization known to date. Owing to its fine delay resolution and its ability to penetrate through various materials, ultra-wideband provides a potentially high ranging accuracy, even in cluttered, non-line-of-sight environments. However, despite its desirable traits, the resolution of non-line-of-sight signals remains a hard problem. In other words, if a non-line-of-sight signal is not recognized as such, it leads to significant errors in the position estimate. Our work improves upon state-of-the-art by addressing the peculiarities of ultra-wideband signal propagation with models that capture the spatiality as well as the multimodal nature of the error statistics. Simultaneously, we take care to develop an underlying error model that is compact and that can be calibrated by means of efficient algorithms. In order to facilitate the usage of our multimodal error model, we use a localization algorithm that is based on particle filters. Our collaborative localization strategy distinguishes itself from prior work by emphasizing cost-efficiency, full decentralization, and scalability. The localization method is based on relative positioning and uses two quantities: relative range and relative bearing. We develop a relative robot detection model that integrates these measurements, and is embedded in our particle filter based localization framework. In addition to the robot detection model, we consider an algorithmic component, namely a reciprocal particle sampling routine, which is designed to facilitate the convergence of a robot’s position estimate. Finally, in order to reduce the complexity of our collaborative localization algorithm, and in order to reduce the amount of positioning data to be communicated between the robots, we develop a particle clustering method, which is used in conjunction with our robot detection model. The final stage of our research investigates the combined roles of collaborative localization and ultra-wideband localization. Numerous experiments are able to validate our overall localization strategy, and show that the performance can be significantly improved when using two complementary sensory modalities. Since the fusion of ultra-wideband positioning sensors with exteroceptive sensors has hardly been considered so far, our studies present pioneering work in this domain. Several insights indicate that collaboration—even if through noisy sensors—is a useful tool to reduce localization errors. In particular, we show that our collaboration strategy can provide the means to minimize the localization error, given that the collaborative design parameters are optimally tuned. Our final results show median localization errors below 10 cm in cluttered environments

    New Approach of Indoor and Outdoor Localization Systems

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    Accurate determination of the mobile position constitutes the basis of many new applications. This book provides a detailed account of wireless systems for positioning, signal processing, radio localization techniques (Time Difference Of Arrival), performances evaluation, and localization applications. The first section is dedicated to Satellite systems for positioning like GPS, GNSS. The second section addresses the localization applications using the wireless sensor networks. Some techniques are introduced for localization systems, especially for indoor positioning, such as Ultra Wide Band (UWB), WIFI. The last section is dedicated to Coupled GPS and other sensors. Some results of simulations, implementation and tests are given to help readers grasp the presented techniques. This is an ideal book for students, PhD students, academics and engineers in the field of Communication, localization & Signal Processing, especially in indoor and outdoor localization domains

    Characterisation of long-range horizontal performance of underwater acoustic communication

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    Underwater acoustic communication is a rapidly progressing field of technology, largely due to recent advances in low cost and power efficient digital signal processors. Unfortunately, the unpredictable and time varying physical properties of the underwater acoustic channel reduce communication reliability over long ranges. This study sought to characterise the performance of horizontal underwater acoustic data communication in various scenarios with particular application to subsea monitoring and control systems.To fulfil the experimental needs, two custom-built high frequency ambient noise recorder and modem control units were developed to operate with commercial underwater acoustic modems. Additionally, an underwater acoustic communication simulator based on the Bellhop propagation model was developed for Matlab, capable of producing performance predictions in both spatial and temporal studies. A series of short-term trials were conducted to determine the limitations of modem performance over different ranges. These trials included shallow water studies off the coast of Perth, Western Australia (D < 30 m), and a French deep water trial (D ≤ 1000 m) which used stand-alone modems. Experimental findings were compared to predictions obtained using two-dimensional range-depth performance simulations.A long-term investigation of the environmental influences on modem reliability was carried out off the coast of Perth in approximately 100 m of water. This involved simultaneously collecting environmental and modem performance data for over 16 days. The signal to noise ratio remained high for the duration of the trial so modem performance fluctuations could be attributed to changes in channel propagation. Using multiple linear regression, the measured environmental parameters were correlated with the observed modem performance and their contributions to an overall fitting curve were calculated. It was determined that the sound speed profile, in addition to the sea surface roughness, contributed strongly to the fitting curve, with a weaker contribution from the measured signal to noise ratio. This result was confirmed by performing temporal simulations which incorporated more detailed time-dependant environmental parameters. By progressively adding more parameters to the simulator including ambient noise, wave height and the sound speed profile, simulations provided more accurate predictions of the observed performanceOverall, the horizontal performance of underwater acoustic communication was characterised in several scenarios from a series of experimental and numerical investigations. Additionally, the developed simulator was shown to be an effective and flexible tool for predicting the performance of an underwater acoustic communication system. The results and tools discussed in this thesis provide an extensive investigation into the factors influencing horizontal underwater acoustic communication. The analysis demonstrates that whilst underwater acoustic communication can be effective, it is not yet a viable alternative to cabled telemetry for long-range subsea monitoring and control applications, where reliability is crucial. Underwater acoustic communication would best be suited as a non-critical or backup method for continuous monitoring systems until channel prediction and equalisation techniques are further refined

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks