6,522 research outputs found

    Complexity dichotomy on partial grid recognition

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    Deciding whether a graph can be embedded in a grid using only unit-length edges is NP-complete, even when restricted to binary trees. However, it is not difficult to devise a number of graph classes for which the problem is polynomial, even trivial. A natural step, outstanding thus far, was to provide a broad classification of graphs that make for polynomial or NP-complete instances. We provide such a classification based on the set of allowed vertex degrees in the input graphs, yielding a full dichotomy on the complexity of the problem. As byproducts, the previous NP-completeness result for binary trees was strengthened to strictly binary trees, and the three-dimensional version of the problem was for the first time proven to be NP-complete. Our results were made possible by introducing the concepts of consistent orientations and robust gadgets, and by showing how the former allows NP-completeness proofs by local replacement even in the absence of the latter

    Improved Bounds for Drawing Trees on Fixed Points with L-shaped Edges

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    Let TT be an nn-node tree of maximum degree 4, and let PP be a set of nn points in the plane with no two points on the same horizontal or vertical line. It is an open question whether TT always has a planar drawing on PP such that each edge is drawn as an orthogonal path with one bend (an "L-shaped" edge). By giving new methods for drawing trees, we improve the bounds on the size of the point set PP for which such drawings are possible to: O(n1.55)O(n^{1.55}) for maximum degree 4 trees; O(n1.22)O(n^{1.22}) for maximum degree 3 (binary) trees; and O(n1.142)O(n^{1.142}) for perfect binary trees. Drawing ordered trees with L-shaped edges is harder---we give an example that cannot be done and a bound of O(nlogn)O(n \log n) points for L-shaped drawings of ordered caterpillars, which contrasts with the known linear bound for unordered caterpillars.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Markov convexity and nonembeddability of the Heisenberg group

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    We compute the Markov convexity invariant of the continuous infinite dimensional Heisenberg group H\mathbb{H}_\infty to show that it is Markov 4-convex and cannot be Markov pp-convex for any p<4p < 4. As Markov convexity is a biLipschitz invariant and Hilbert space is Markov 2-convex, this gives a different proof of the classical theorem of Pansu and Semmes that the Heisenberg group does not admit a biLipschitz embedding into any Euclidean space. The Markov convexity lower bound will follow from exhibiting an explicit embedding of Laakso graphs GnG_n into H\mathbb{H}_\infty that has distortion at most Cn1/4lognC n^{1/4} \sqrt{\log n}. We use this to show that if XX is a Markov pp-convex metric space, then balls of the discrete Heisenberg group H(Z)\mathbb{H}(\mathbb{Z}) of radius nn embed into XX with distortion at least some constant multiple of (logn)1p14loglogn.\frac{(\log n)^{\frac{1}{p}-\frac{1}{4}}}{\sqrt{\log \log n}}. Finally, we show that Markov 4-convexity does not give the optimal distortion for embeddings of binary trees BmB_m into H\mathbb{H}_\infty by showing that the distortion is on the order of logm\sqrt{\log m}.Comment: version to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourie

    Pattern vectors from algebraic graph theory

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    Graphstructures have proven computationally cumbersome for pattern analysis. The reason for this is that, before graphs can be converted to pattern vectors, correspondences must be established between the nodes of structures which are potentially of different size. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we turn to the spectral decomposition of the Laplacian matrix. We show how the elements of the spectral matrix for the Laplacian can be used to construct symmetric polynomials that are permutation invariants. The coefficients of these polynomials can be used as graph features which can be encoded in a vectorial manner. We extend this representation to graphs in which there are unary attributes on the nodes and binary attributes on the edges by using the spectral decomposition of a Hermitian property matrix that can be viewed as a complex analogue of the Laplacian. To embed the graphs in a pattern space, we explore whether the vectors of invariants can be embedded in a low- dimensional space using a number of alternative strategies, including principal components analysis ( PCA), multidimensional scaling ( MDS), and locality preserving projection ( LPP). Experimentally, we demonstrate that the embeddings result in well- defined graph clusters. Our experiments with the spectral representation involve both synthetic and real- world data. The experiments with synthetic data demonstrate that the distances between spectral feature vectors can be used to discriminate between graphs on the basis of their structure. The real- world experiments show that the method can be used to locate clusters of graphs

    An "almost" full embedding of the category of graphs into the category of groups

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    We construct a functor from the category of graphs to the category of groups which is faithful and "almost" full, in the sense that it induces bijections of the Hom sets up to trivial homomorphisms and conjugation in the category of groups. We provide several applications of this construction to localizations (i.e. idempotent functors) in the category of groups and the homotopy category.Comment: 24 pages; to appear in Adv. Math

    Strongly Monotone Drawings of Planar Graphs

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    A straight-line drawing of a graph is a monotone drawing if for each pair of vertices there is a path which is monotonically increasing in some direction, and it is called a strongly monotone drawing if the direction of monotonicity is given by the direction of the line segment connecting the two vertices. We present algorithms to compute crossing-free strongly monotone drawings for some classes of planar graphs; namely, 3-connected planar graphs, outerplanar graphs, and 2-trees. The drawings of 3-connected planar graphs are based on primal-dual circle packings. Our drawings of outerplanar graphs are based on a new algorithm that constructs strongly monotone drawings of trees which are also convex. For irreducible trees, these drawings are strictly convex