16,145 research outputs found

    Embedded Software Design for Mechatronic Systems

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    This research project is motivated by the fact that nowadays it is impossible to separate control engineering from software engineering. Besides that both of them can be found in definitions of mechatronics, this project deals with exploitation and improvement of their strong natural interdependency. In all modern reactive systems, what all mechatronics systems are, one will always find one or more embedded computers. The functionality of these computers, and in turn controlled systems, is powered by embedded software [1]

    Incremental bounded model checking for embedded software

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    Program analysis is on the brink of mainstream usage in embedded systems development. Formal verification of behavioural requirements, finding runtime errors and test case generation are some of the most common applications of automated verification tools based on bounded model checking (BMC). Existing industrial tools for embedded software use an off-the-shelf bounded model checker and apply it iteratively to verify the program with an increasing number of unwindings. This approach unnecessarily wastes time repeating work that has already been done and fails to exploit the power of incremental SAT solving. This article reports on the extension of the software model checker CBMC to support incremental BMC and its successful integration with the industrial embedded software verification tool BTC EMBEDDED TESTER. We present an extensive evaluation over large industrial embedded programs, mainly from the automotive industry. We show that incremental BMC cuts runtimes by one order of magnitude in comparison to the standard non-incremental approach, enabling the application of formal verification to large and complex embedded software. We furthermore report promising results on analysing programs with arbitrary loop structure using incremental BMC, demonstrating its applicability and potential to verify general software beyond the embedded domain

    Modeling and visualizing networked multi-core embedded software energy consumption

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    In this report we present a network-level multi-core energy model and a software development process workflow that allows software developers to estimate the energy consumption of multi-core embedded programs. This work focuses on a high performance, cache-less and timing predictable embedded processor architecture, XS1. Prior modelling work is improved to increase accuracy, then extended to be parametric with respect to voltage and frequency scaling (VFS) and then integrated into a larger scale model of a network of interconnected cores. The modelling is supported by enhancements to an open source instruction set simulator to provide the first network timing aware simulations of the target architecture. Simulation based modelling techniques are combined with methods of results presentation to demonstrate how such work can be integrated into a software developer's workflow, enabling the developer to make informed, energy aware coding decisions. A set of single-, multi-threaded and multi-core benchmarks are used to exercise and evaluate the models and provide use case examples for how results can be presented and interpreted. The models all yield accuracy within an average +/-5 % error margin

    Verifying service continuity in a satellite reconfiguration procedure: application to a satellite

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    The paper discusses the use of the TURTLE UML profile to model and verify service continuity during dynamic reconfiguration of embedded software, and space-based telecommunication software in particular. TURTLE extends UML class diagrams with composition operators, and activity diagrams with temporal operators. Translating TURTLE to the formal description technique RT-LOTOS gives the profile a formal semantics and makes it possible to reuse verification techniques implemented by the RTL, the RT-LOTOS toolkit developed at LAAS-CNRS. The paper proposes a modeling and formal validation methodology based on TURTLE and RTL, and discusses its application to a payload software application in charge of an embedded packet switch. The paper demonstrates the benefits of using TURTLE to prove service continuity for dynamic reconfiguration of embedded software

    Dynamic Analysis of Embedded Software

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    abstract: Most embedded applications are constructed with multiple threads to handle concurrent events. For optimization and debugging of the programs, dynamic program analysis is widely used to collect execution information while the program is running. Unfortunately, the non-deterministic behavior of multithreaded embedded software makes the dynamic analysis difficult. In addition, instrumentation overhead for gathering execution information may change the execution of a program, and lead to distorted analysis results, i.e., probe effect. This thesis presents a framework that tackles the non-determinism and probe effect incurred in dynamic analysis of embedded software. The thesis largely consists of three parts. First of all, we discusses a deterministic replay framework to provide reproducible execution. Once a program execution is recorded, software instrumentation can be safely applied during replay without probe effect. Second, a discussion of probe effect is presented and a simulation-based analysis is proposed to detect execution changes of a program caused by instrumentation overhead. The simulation-based analysis examines if the recording instrumentation changes the original program execution. Lastly, the thesis discusses data race detection algorithms that help to remove data races for correctness of the replay and the simulation-based analysis. The focus is to make the detection efficient for C/C++ programs, and to increase scalability of the detection on multi-core machines.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Embedded software analysis with MOTOR

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