743 research outputs found

    Honey Bees Inspired Optimization Method: The Bees Algorithm

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    Optimization algorithms are search methods where the goal is to find an optimal solution to a problem, in order to satisfy one or more objective functions, possibly subject to a set of constraints. Studies of social animals and social insects have resulted in a number of computational models of swarm intelligence. Within these swarms their collective behavior is usually very complex. The collective behavior of a swarm of social organisms emerges from the behaviors of the individuals of that swarm. Researchers have developed computational optimization methods based on biology such as Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimization, and Ant Colony. The aim of this paper is to describe an optimization algorithm called the Bees Algorithm, inspired from the natural foraging behavior of honey bees, to find the optimal solution. The algorithm performs both an exploitative neighborhood search combined with random explorative search. In this paper, after an explanation of the natural foraging behavior of honey bees, the basic Bees Algorithm and its improved versions are described and are implemented in order to optimize several benchmark functions, and the results are compared with those obtained with different optimization algorithms. The results show that the Bees Algorithm offering some advantage over other optimization methods according to the nature of the problem

    A Study Of Vantage Point Neighbourhood Search In The Bees Algorithm For Combinatorial Optimization Problems

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014Thesis (M.Sc. ) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014Bu tez çalışmasının temel amacı arıların kaynak arama davranışlarını modelleyen arı algoritmasının, kombinatoryal uzaylarda komşuluk arama fazına yeni bir yaklaşım geliştirilmesidir. Geliştirilen yaklaşım Gezgin Satıcı Problemine uygulanarak Gezgin Satıcı Problemi çözümünün en iyilenmesi amaçlanmıştır.This thesis focuses on nature-inspired optimisation algorithms, in particular, the Bees Algorithm that developed for combinatorial domains with new local search procedure and applied to Traveller Salesman Problem (TSP). An efficient and robust local neighborhood search algorithm is proposed for combinatorial domains to increase the efficiency of the Bees Algorithm.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Optimal power flow solution with current injection model of generalized interline power flow controller using ameliorated ant lion optimization

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    Optimal power flow (OPF) solutions with generalized interline power flow controller (GIPFC) devices play an imperative role in enhancing the power system’s performance. This paper used a novel ant lion optimization (ALO) algorithm which is amalgamated with Lévy flight operator, and an effectual algorithm is proposed named as, ameliorated ant lion optimization (AALO) algorithm. It is being implemented to solve single objective OPF problem with the latest flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) controller named as GIPFC. GIPFC can control a couple of transmission lines concurrently and it also helps to control the sending end voltage. In this paper, current injection modeling of GIPFC is being incorporated in conventional Newton-Raphson (NR) load flow to improve voltage of the buses and focuses on minimizing the considered objectives such as generation fuel cost, emissions, and total power losses by fulfilling equality, in-equality. For optimal allocation of GIPFC, a novel Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann (LSZ) approach is considered. The proposed algorithm is validated on single benchmark test functions such as Sphere, Rastrigin function then the proposed algorithm with GIPFC has been testified on standard IEEE-30 bus system

    Improved versions of the bees algorithm for global optimisation

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    This research focuses on swarm-based optimisation algorithms, specifically the Bees Algorithm. The Bees Algorithm was inspired by the foraging behaviour of honey bees in nature. It employs a combination of exploration and exploitation to find the solutions of optimisation problems. This thesis presents three improved versions of the Bees Algorithm aimed at speeding up its operation and facilitating the location of the global optimum. For the first improvement, an algorithm referred to as the Nelder and Mead Bees Algorithm (NMBA) was developed to provide a guiding direction during the neighbourhood search stage. The second improved algorithm, named the recombination-based Bees Algorithm (rBA), is a variant of the Bees Algorithm that utilises a recombination operator between the exploited and abandoned sites to produce new candidates closer to optimal solutions. The third improved Bees Algorithm, called the guided global best Bees Algorithm (gBA), introduces a new neighbourhood shrinking strategy based on the best solution so far for a more effective exploitation search and develops a new bee recruitment mechanism to reduce the number of parameters. The proposed algorithms were tested on a set of unconstrained numerical functions and constrained mechanical engineering design problems. The performance of the algorithms was compared with the standard Bees Algorithm and other swarm based algorithms. The results showed that the improved Bees Algorithms performed better than the standard Bees Algorithm and other algorithms on most of the problems tested. Furthermore, the algorithms also involve no additional parameters and a reduction on the number of parameters as well

    Performance Enhancement Of Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm

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    Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm is a recently proposed bio-inspired optimization algorithm, simulating foraging phenomenon of honeybees. Although literature works have revealed the superiority of ABC algorithm on numerous benchmark functions and real-world applications, the standard ABC and its variants have been found to suffer from slow convergence, prone to local-optima traps, poor exploitation and poor capability to replace exhaustive potential-solutions. To overcome the problems, this research work has proposed few modified and new ABC variants; Gbest Influenced-Random ABC (GRABC) algorithm systematically exploits two different mutation equations for appropriate exploration and exploitation of search-space, Multiple Gbest-guided ABC (MBABC) algorithm enhances the capability of locating global optimum by exploiting so-far-found multiple best regions of a search-space, Enhanced ABC (EABC) algorithm speeds up exploration for optimal-solutions based on the best so-far-found region of a search-space and Enhanced Probability-Selection ABC (EPS-ABC) algorithm, a modified version of the Probability-Selection ABC algorithm, simultaneously capitalizes on three different mutation equations for determining the global-optimum. All the proposed ABC variants have been incorporated with a proposed intelligent scout-bee scheme whilst MBABC and EABC employ a novel elite-update scheme