172 research outputs found

    Some Perspectives on Network Modeling in Therapeutic Target Prediction

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    Drug target identification is of significant commercial interest to pharmaceutical companies, and there is a vast amount of research done related to the topic of therapeutic target identification. Interdisciplinary research in this area involves both the biological network community and the graph algorithms community. Key steps of a typical therapeutic target identification problem include synthesizing or inferring the complex network of interactions relevant to the disease, connecting this network to the disease-specific behavior, and predicting which components are key mediators of the behavior. All of these steps involve graph theoretical or graph algorithmic aspects. In this perspective, we provide modelling and algorithmic perspectives for therapeutic target identification and highlight a number of algorithmic advances, which have gotten relatively little attention so far, with the hope of strengthening the ties between these two research communities

    Nonparametric Simulation of Signal Transduction Networks with Semi-Synchronized Update

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    Simulating signal transduction in cellular signaling networks provides predictions of network dynamics by quantifying the changes in concentration and activity-level of the individual proteins. Since numerical values of kinetic parameters might be difficult to obtain, it is imperative to develop non-parametric approaches that combine the connectivity of a network with the response of individual proteins to signals which travel through the network. The activity levels of signaling proteins computed through existing non-parametric modeling tools do not show significant correlations with the observed values in experimental results. In this work we developed a non-parametric computational framework to describe the profile of the evolving process and the time course of the proportion of active form of molecules in the signal transduction networks. The model is also capable of incorporating perturbations. The model was validated on four signaling networks showing that it can effectively uncover the activity levels and trends of response during signal transduction process

    Structural modelling and robustness analysis of complex metabolic networks and signal transduction cascades

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    The dissertation covers the topic of structural robustness of metabolic networks on the basis of the concept of elementary flux modes (EFMs). It is shown that the number of EFMs does not reflect the topology of a network sufficiently. Thus, new methods are developed to determine the structural robustness of metabolic networks. These methods are based on systematic in-silico knockouts and the subsequent calculation of dropped out EFMs. Thereby, together with single knockouts also double and multiple knockouts can be used. After evaluation of these methods they are applied to metabolic networks of human erythrocyte and hepatocyte as well as to a metabolic network of Escherichia coli (E. coli). It is found that the erythrocyte has the lowest structural robustness, followed by the hepatocyte and E. coli. These results coincide very well with the circumstance that human erythrocyte and hepatocyte and E. coli are able to adapt to conditions with increasing diversity. In a further part of the dissertation the concept of EFMs is expanded to signal transduction pathways consisting of kinase cascades. The concept of EFMs is based on the steady-state condition for metabolic pathways. It is shown that under certain circumstances this steady-state condition also holds for signalling cascades. Furthermore, it is shown that it is possible to deduce minimal conditions for signal transduction without knowledge about the kinetics involved. On the basis of these assumptions it is possible to calculate EFMs for signalling cascades. But due to the fact that these EFMs do no longer just have mass flux but also information flux, they are now called elementary signalling modes (ESMs).Die Dissertation behandelt die strukturelle Robustheit von metabolischen Netzwerken auf der Basis des Konzepts der elementaren Flussmoden (EFMen). Es wird gezeigt, dass die Anzahl der EFMen die Topologie eines metabolischen Netzes nicht ausreichend widerspiegelt. Darauf aufbauend werden neue Methoden entwickelt, um die strukturelle Robustheit metabolischer Netze zu bestimmen. Diese Methoden beruhen auf systematischen in-silico-Knockouts und der anschließenden Bestimmung des Anteils an weggefallenen EFMen. Dabei können neben Einfach-Knockouts auch Doppel- oder Mehrfach-Knockouts verwendet werden. Nach der Evaluierung werden diese Methoden auf metabolische Netzwerke des menschlichen Erythrozyten und Hepatozyten, sowie des Bakteriums Escherichia coli (E. coli) angewendet. Es zeigt sich, dass der Erythrozyt die im Vergleich geringste strukturelle Robustheit besitzt, gefolgt vom Hepatozyten und E. coli. Diese Ergebnisse stimmen sehr gut mit der Beobachtung überein, dass sich die menschlichen Erythrozyten und Hepatozyten, sowie E. coli an zunehmend verschiedene Bedingungen anpassen können. In einem weiteren Teil der Dissertation wird das Konzept der EFMen auf Signaltransduktionswege bestehend aus Kinase-Kaskaden erweitert. Das Konzept der EFMen beruht auf der Annahme eines quasi-stationären Zustands für metabolische Netzwerke. Es wird gezeigt, dass dieser quasi-stationäre Zustand unter bestimmten Bedingungen auch in Signal-Kaskaden angenommen werden kann. Weiterhin wird gezeigt, dass man ohne Kenntnis der beteiligten Kinetiken Minimalbedingungen für die Signalweiterleitung ableiten kann. Auf Basis dieser Annahmen lassen sich für Signal-Kaskaden EFMen berechnen. Aber aufgrund der Tatsache, dass sie nicht mehr nur Masse-, sondern auch Informationsfluss beschreiben, werden sie nun als elementare Signalmoden (ESMen) bezeichnet

    Using graph theory to analyze biological networks

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    Understanding complex systems often requires a bottom-up analysis towards a systems biology approach. The need to investigate a system, not only as individual components but as a whole, emerges. This can be done by examining the elementary constituents individually and then how these are connected. The myriad components of a system and their interactions are best characterized as networks and they are mainly represented as graphs where thousands of nodes are connected with thousands of vertices. In this article we demonstrate approaches, models and methods from the graph theory universe and we discuss ways in which they can be used to reveal hidden properties and features of a network. This network profiling combined with knowledge extraction will help us to better understand the biological significance of the system

    Control of complex networks requires both structure and dynamics

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    The study of network structure has uncovered signatures of the organization of complex systems. However, there is also a need to understand how to control them; for example, identifying strategies to revert a diseased cell to a healthy state, or a mature cell to a pluripotent state. Two recent methodologies suggest that the controllability of complex systems can be predicted solely from the graph of interactions between variables, without considering their dynamics: structural controllability and minimum dominating sets. We demonstrate that such structure-only methods fail to characterize controllability when dynamics are introduced. We study Boolean network ensembles of network motifs as well as three models of biochemical regulation: the segment polarity network in Drosophila melanogaster, the cell cycle of budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the floral organ arrangement in Arabidopsis thaliana. We demonstrate that structure-only methods both undershoot and overshoot the number and which sets of critical variables best control the dynamics of these models, highlighting the importance of the actual system dynamics in determining control. Our analysis further shows that the logic of automata transition functions, namely how canalizing they are, plays an important role in the extent to which structure predicts dynamics.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Signaling Networks: Asynchronous Boolean Models

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    Modeling Functional Modules Using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods

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    Understanding the aspects of the cell functionality that account for disease or drug action mechanisms is the main challenge for precision medicine. In spite of the increasing availability of genomic and transcriptomic data, there is still a gap between the detection of perturbations in gene expression and the understanding of their contribution to the molecular mechanisms that ultimately account for the phenotype studied. Over the last decade, different computational and mathematical models have been proposed for pathway analysis. However, they are not taking into account the dynamic mechanisms contained by pathways as represented in their layout and the interactions between genes and proteins. In this thesis, I present two slightly different mathematical models to integrate human transcriptomic data with prior knowledge of signalling and metabolic pathways to estimate the Mechanistic Pathway Activities (MPAs). MPAs are continuous and individual level values that can be used with machine learning and statistical methods to determine biomarkers for the early diagnosis and subtype classification of the diseases, and also to suggest potential therapeutic targets for individualized therapeutic interventions. The overall objective is, developing new and advanced systems biology approaches to propose functional hypotheses that help us to understand and interpret the complex mechanism of the diseases. These mechanisms are crucial for robust personalized drug treatments and predict clinical outcomes. First, I contributed to the development of a method which is designed to extract elementary sub-pathways from a signalling pathway and to estimate their activity. Second, this algorithm adapted to metabolic modules and it is implemented as a webtool. Third, the method used to reveal a pan-cancer metabolic landscape. In this study, I analyzed the metabolic module profile of 25 different cancer types and the method is also validated using different computational and experimental approaches. Each method developed in this thesis was benchmarked against the existing similar methods, evaluated for their sensitivity and specificity, experimentally validated when it is possible and used to predict clinical outcomes of different cancer types. The research described in this thesis and the results obtained were published in different systems biology and cancer-related peer-reviewed journals and also in national newspapers
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