12 research outputs found

    Students’ Cognitive And Attitude Of Secondary School In Learning Global Warming Using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Based On Gender

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    This study is titled students’ cognitive and attitude of secondary school in learning global warming using student team achievement division (STAD) based on gender. This study was intended to investigate students’ cognitive and attitude of secondary school in learning global warming using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) based on gender. This study was coducted at one of bilingual boarding school in Bandung. This study uses quasi-experimental method with matching pretest posttest comparison group design while the number of subject in the girl class is 15 (N=15) and in the boy class is 15 (N=15). Data is gained through cognitive test which measured by Blooms taxonomy cognitive level (C1-C6), questionnaire which measured by Test of Science Related Attitude (TOSRA) adapted from Barry J. Fraser, and observation sheet to ensure the implementation of STAD adapted from Robert E. Slavin. The result shows that student who learn global warming using STAD has an improvement on their cognitive score especially in the girl class. Meanwhile girl class has higher students’ attitude result in three scales of TOSRA that are; attitude to scientific inquiry, adoption of scientific attitude, and enjoyment of science lessons. Along with the students’ cognitive result, girl class also has better science related attitude than the boy class. Thus, it can be concluded that there is significant difference of students’ cognitive and attitude at girl and boy class in learning global warming using STAD. Penelitian ini berjudul kognitif dan afektif siswa sekolah menengah pertama dalam pembelajaran pemanasan global menggunakan Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) berdasarkan gender. Penelitian ini menekankan pada penginvestigasian kognitif dan afektif siswa sekolah menengah pertama dalam pembelajaran pemanasan global menggunakan Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) berdasarkan gender. Penelitian ini dilakukan di salah satu sekolah bilingual di Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi-experimental dengan desain matching pretest posttest comparison group sedangkan subjeknya berjumlah 15 orang pada kelas perempuan (N=15) dan 15 orang pada kelas laki-laki (N=15). Data penelitian didapatkan melalui tes kognitif yang diukur berdasarkan Blooms taxonomy cognitive level (C1-C6), kuesioner yang diukur berdasarkan Test of Science Related Attitude (TOSRA) yang diadaptasi dari Barry J. Fraser, dan lembar observasi untuk mengobservasi pengimplementasian STAD itu sendiri yang diadaptasi dari Robert E. Slavin. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa siswa yang mempelajari pemanasan global menggunakan STAD mengalami peningkatan dalam skor kognitif mereka terutama pada kelas perempuan. Selain itu kelas perempuan memiliki hasil skor afektif yang lebih tinggi pada 3 skala indikator sikap dari TOSRA yaitu; attitude to scientific inquiry, adoption of scientific attitude, and enjoyment of science lessons. Seiring dengan hasil kognitif siswa, kelas perempuan juga memiliki hasil skor afektif yang lebih baik daripada kelas laki-laki. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan dari kognitif dan afektif siswa dalam kelas perempuan dan laki-laki pada pembelajaran pemanasan global menggunakan STA

    Assessing Senior Secondary Students’ Attitude and Experiences towards Science and Technology in Jalingo Metropolis, Taraba State, Nigeria

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    This study examined the attitude and experiences of secondary school students towards science and technology in Jalingo metropolis of Taraba state, Nigeria. The population included all senior secondary 2 (SS 2) science students in senior Secondary Schools in Jalingo Metropolis. A total of 350 students (161 females and 189 males) were selected through simple random sampling method. The study used a descriptive survey design. The research instrument was a modified Likert scale questionnaire. The data obtained was analyzed using statistical tools (mean and standard deviation). Results indicated that there is a positive attitude towards science and technology. The result generally showed that students have positive experiences towards science and technology. The results also showed that there is a meaningful difference between males and females points of views on attitude towards science and technology and their experiences. According to this result, males have lower average sum (M=54.24) than the females with (M=55.52). The results of this research provide important information about Jalingo students’ attitude and experience towards science and technology and could be used by science educators for the development of science curricula and science text books

    Effect of Technology on Elementary Students’ Reasoning & Communication Skills in Science at Lebanese Private Schools: An Exploratory Study

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    With the emergence of multiple technological tools for teaching science such as active boards, mobile devices and tabs, the effectiveness and appropriateness of these tools are yet questionable. Students’ performance in science, especially in the Arab world, is still unsatisfactory as shown by the TIMMS results of 2007 and 2011. In Lebanon, it was interesting to understand what was being done, specifically in elementary schools, to improve students’ outcomes prior to sitting for international exams. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of Heads of private elementary schools, science coordinators, teachers, and students regarding the use of technology, and the extent to which these technologies were enhancing students’ skills. Participants in this study were 164 grade- six students from three private schools in different regions of Beirut, the Lebanese capital. Participants also included three administrators and four teachers of whom three were also coordinators in the corresponding schools. Semi-structured interviews, class observations and questionnaires were used to triangulate the results. Findings revealed that the vision and mission of the school leadership, the teachers’ practices associated with the appropriate integration of technology were key determinants for enhancing students’ perceptions of improvement in reasoning and communication skills in science

    Students’ Cognitive and Attitude of Secondary School in Learning Global Warming using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) based on Gender

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    This study was intended to investigate students’ cognitive and attitude of secondary school in learning global warming using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) based on gender. This study was conducted at one of bilingual boarding school in Bandung. This study uses the quasi-experimental method with matching pretest-posttest comparison group design while the number of subject in the girl class is 15 (N=15) and in the boy class is 15 (N=15). Data was gained through a cognitive test which measured by Bloom's taxonomy cognitive level (C1-C6), a questionnaire which measured by Test of Science Related Attitude (TOSRA). The result shows that student who learns global warming using STAD has an improvement on their cognitive score, especially in the girl class. Meanwhile, girl class has higher students’ attitude result in three scales of TOSRA that are; attitude to scientific inquiry, adoption of a scientific attitude, and enjoyment of science lessons. Along with the students’ cognitive result, girl class also has a better science-related attitude than the boy class. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between students’ cognitive and attitude at the girl and boy class in learning global warming using STAD


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    This study aims to integrate the Science Technology and Society models on the students' processes in grade IV elementary school. The implementation of this study uses a quantitative approach with a type of quasi-experimental research. The population of the study sample was calculated from the second class, namely the fourth grade of SD Negeri Margoagung as the experimental class and class IV SD Ngino 1 as the control class. Data analysis is an independent sample t-test. The results showed that there was a significant influence of the Science and Community Technology model on the process skills of the fourth grade students of Seyegan Margoagung Group with a value of 0.751 and p 0.000 <0.05. The Science Technology Model and the Unused Community. The Science Technology Model and Sociality are significant and positive in terms of process skills and student participation. This learning model can be applied to classes that can improve the process and involvement of students, students are easier to receive the material delivered by the teacher. PENGARUH MODEL SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN PROSES SAINS Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh model Science Technology and Society terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa pada kelas IV SD. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian quasi eksperimen. Populasi sampel penelitian yang digunakan diambil dari dua kelas yaitu kelas IV SD Negeri Margoagung sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas IV SD Ngino 1 sebagai kelas kontrol. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah independent sampel t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan model Science Technology and Society terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas IV SD seGugus Margoagung Seyegan dengan nilai thitung 0,751 dan p 0,000 < 0,05. Model Science Technology and Society berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa. Model Science Technology and Sociaety berpengaruh secara signifikan dan positif ditinjau dari keterampilan proses sains dan partisipasi siswa. Model pembelajaran ini dapat diterapkan pada suatu kelas dapat meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains dan partisipasi siswa, sehingga siswa lebih mudah dalam menerima materi yang disampaikan oleh guru

    Impact of Integrated Science and English Language Arts Literacy Supplemental Instructional Intervention on Science Academic Achievement of Elementary Students

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    The purpose of this quasi-experimental, nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design study was to determine if any differences existed in upper elementary school students’ science academic achievement when instructed using an 8-week integrated science and English language arts literacy supplemental instructional intervention in conjunction with traditional science classroom instruction as compared to when instructed using solely traditional science classroom instruction. The targeted sample population consisted of fourth-grade students enrolled in a public elementary school located in the southeastern region of the United States. The convenience sample size consisted of 115 fourth-grade students enrolled in science classes. The pretest and posttest academic achievement data collected consisted of the science segment from the Spring 2015, and Spring 2016 state standardized assessments. Pretest and posttest academic achievement data were analyzed using an ANCOVA statistical procedure to test for differences, and the researcher reported the results of the statistical analysis. The results of the study show no significant difference in science academic achievement between treatment and control groups. An interpretation of the results and recommendations for future research were provided by the researcher upon completion of the statistical analysi

    Remote Learning and Third-Grade Reading Performance in a 1:1 District

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    The purpose of this quantitative study was to explore a possible relationship between remote learning with 1:1 devices and reading performance for third graders in a school district in Tennessee by comparing differences between universal screener reading data from fall 2020 and universal screener reading data from both fall 2018 and fall 2019. Star Reading universal screener Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) data from fall 2018, fall 2019, and fall 2020 from three elementary schools were used for the study. Results indicated that the third-grade students’ fall 2020 Star Reading universal screener NCEs were significantly lower than their fall 2018 first grade and fall 2019 second grade universal screener NCEs. The fall 2020 third-grade NCEs were not significantly different from the third-grade fall 2018 and fall 2019 NCEs. There were significant differences in reading performance by gender. The third-grade female students scored significantly lower on their fall 2020 Star Reading universal screener than on their first-grade fall 2018 and second-grade fall 2019 Star Reading universal screener. There were no significant differences in the Star Reading universal screener NCEs for the third-grade male students. Implications for practice and recommendations for further research are discussed

    Exploring teachers’ experiences of implementing an integrated natural science and technology curriculum in the intermediate phase.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Curriculum for the 21st century that promotes the integration of Natural Science and Technology (NSTech) seeks to transform and develop curriculum by advocating for the flexibility of teachers’ knowledge and skills as opposed to traditional curriculum where subjects were taught in isolation. The restructuring of the curriculum has been an ongoing process for teachers in post-apartheid South Africa. Some studies on curriculum integration have rendered it effectual as it allows for flexibility in knowledge and skills that seek to offer solutions to the problems that exist in society. However, NSTech has attracted considerable scrutiny over the past few years. Studies note the problematic nature of integrating the curriculum, as teachers experience numerous setbacks in the form of contextual factors, inadequate experience and training, and the prescriptive nature of the curriculum. In this study, the problematic nature of NSTech is addressed by exploring the experiences of teachers who implemented an integrated NSTech curriculum, which was the core focus of the study. Additionally, the study sought to explore the reasons for teachers having these experiences, and how it influenced the way in which the NSTech curriculum was implemented. Through the analysis of interpretive qualitative data, this case study involved coding and categorising data into themes under the guiding research questions. The data sources included semi-structured interviews and semi-structured questionnaires with six Intermediate Phase teachers from three schools within the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal. These teachers were selected using purposive sampling with specific criteria. The results that emerged from this study, communicated the vital nature of teachers’ experiences in the implementation of an integrated NSTech curriculum. The key finding of the study showed that teachers had a multiplicity of experiences when implementing the NSTech curriculum. These experiences included an inclination towards either Natural Science or Technology which led to a disjuncture in the way NSTech was taught as an integrated subject. Teachers inclination resulted from their lack of content knowledge, pedagogical skills, contextual factors such as inadequate time and limited resources to implement NSTech as well as a lack of support offered in pre-service and in-service teaching. Teachers’ experiences were further exacerbated by personal, contextual, political and socio-economic factors that influenced the way in which NSTech was implemented by Intermediate Phase teachers. The study’s findings could be valuable to policy makers and schools alike within the Department of Education, and consequently guide decision-making processes and curriculum changes in the years to come. Bernstein’s theory of Classification and Framing was used to used to analyse and classify Intermediate Phase teachers’ experiences of implementing an integrated NSTech curriculum. Recommendations emanating from this study saw the need for policy makers to collaborate with teachers to understand how curriculum changes can affect their experiences when implementing an integrated NSTech curriculum and vice versa. Additionally, teachers need relevant and on-going support from the Department of Education to adequately implement the vision of policy makers

    At the Intersection of Gender & Technology: A Meta-Analysis

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    With the proliferation of novel technology-infused learning environments, there is a need to further our understanding of their impact on learners, the learning process, and the learning outcomes for diverse student bodies in various study programs. Investigating gender differences in usage and attitudes towards different technologies is important because educational institutions, especially public ones, are seen by policy makers as structures that aim to reform societal inequalities. The objective of this dissertation is to conduct a systematic review of the literature to establish the relationship between (a) gender and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) usage and (b) gender and attitudes towards the use of ICT, in the context of formal educational settings from elementary to postsecondary levels. This dissertation takes an in-depth look at ICT attitudes in learning by avoiding treating it as one indivisible construct. I subdivided the attitudinal construct into the different theoretical frameworks embedded in the literature related to technologies in pedagogical settings. These include Computer Anxiety, Negative Attitudes Towards ICT, Computer Confidence, Perceived Ease of Use of ICT, Perceived Usefulness of ICT, Perceived Satisfaction with ICT, Positive Attitudes Towards ICT, Motivation to Use ICT, Computer Self-efficacy, Intention to Use ICT, and Mixed Perceptions Towards ICT. After a systematic literature review, I synthesized the results of 213 studies and used random-effects meta-analytic techniques to evaluate gender differences across students’ reported usage and attitudes towards ICT in learning. Findings of this dissertation reveal significant gender differences between female and male students’ reported usage of ICT and attitudes towards ICT in favor of males. Average effect sizes ranged from small to moderate. The highest average effect size belonged to the construct of Computer Confidence where male students typically reported higher confidence with computers, with .38 standard deviations above the female students. The lowest effect size belonged to the construct of Perceived Satisfaction with ICT where male students typically reported higher perceived satisfaction with ICT, with .05 standard deviations above the female students. A number of contextual factors impacted the results of the outcomes to differing degrees. These include ‘research country’, ‘grade level of students’, ‘technology type surveyed’, ‘questionnaire used’, ‘ethnicities’, ‘subject matter’, ‘participation rate’, ‘sampling selectivity’, ‘competency’, ‘publication date’, ‘technology acceptance model’, ‘class context’, and ‘socioeconomic status’. This dissertation concludes with educational implications and suggestions for future research investigating gender differences in students’ usage and attitudes towards ICT in learning. Considerable effort should be made by researchers to contextualize the studies as possible and as such, I recommend that gender should not be researched as a homogeneous independent variable. After all, gender is embedded in many other variables, in the same way that it is embedded in the many structures of society. Gender therefore needs to be researched with other intersecting demographics, including but not limited to participants’ home country, ethnicity, age, and socioeconomic background. Intersectionality is a theory and a methodology that is suited to addressing the complexities of gender differences concerning the usage of and attitudes towards ICT. It imparts differences and particularities in social statuses in the hope of militating against those silent prejudices that result in social inequities. This theory allows us to inspect social demographic variables as they truly are: complex and interwoven. Adopting this theory does not mean that each study investigating gender differences needs to include all possible demographic variable interactions. However, it invites social scientists to be more comprehensive in their sampling selections and to be more aware of the complexity of social phenomena. Last but not least, intersectional methods require more than just an analysis of statistical interactions among social groups. They need to analyze the fundamental and significant impacts of these interactions