263 research outputs found

    Egocentric Mapping of Body Surface Constraints

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    The relative location of human body parts often materializes the semantics of on-going actions, intentions and even emotions expressed, or performed, by a human being. However, traditional methods of performance animation fail to correctly and automatically map the semantics of performer postures involving self-body contacts onto characters with different sizes and proportions. Our method proposes an egocentric normalization of the body-part relative distances to preserve the consistency of self contacts for a large variety of human-like target characters. Egocentric coordinates are character independent and encode the whole posture space, i.e., it ensures the continuity of the motion with and without self-contacts. We can transfer classes of complex postures involving multiple interacting limb segments by preserving their spatial order without depending on temporal coherence. The mapping process exploits a low-cost constraint relaxation technique relying on analytic inverse kinematics; thus, we can achieve online performance animation. We demonstrate our approach on a variety of characters and compare it with the state of the art in online retargeting with a user study. Overall, our method performs better than the state of the art, especially when the proportions of the animated character deviates from those of the performer

    Basic gestures as spatiotemporal reference frames for repetitive dance/music patterns in samba and charleston

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    THE GOAL OF THE PRESENT STUDY IS TO GAIN BETTER insight into how dancers establish, through dancing, a spatiotemporal reference frame in synchrony with musical cues. With the aim of achieving this, repetitive dance patterns of samba and Charleston were recorded using a three-dimensional motion capture system. Geometric patterns then were extracted from each joint of the dancer's body. The method uses a body-centered reference frame and decomposes the movement into non-orthogonal periodicities that match periods of the musical meter. Musical cues (such as meter and loudness) as well as action-based cues (such as velocity) can be projected onto the patterns, thus providing spatiotemporal reference frames, or 'basic gestures,' for action-perception couplings. Conceptually speaking, the spatiotemporal reference frames control minimum effort points in action-perception couplings. They reside as memory patterns in the mental and/or motor domains, ready to be dynamically transformed in dance movements. The present study raises a number of hypotheses related to spatial cognition that may serve as guiding principles for future dance/music studies

    Effects of Parkinson’s disease on optic flow perception for heading direction during navigation

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    Visuoperceptual disorders have been identified in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and may affect the perception of optic flow for heading direction during navigation. Studies in healthy subjects have confirmed that heading direction can be determined by equalizing the optic flow speed (OS) between visual fields. The present study investigated the effects of PD on the use of optic flow for heading direction, walking parameters, and interlimb coordination during navigation, examining the contributions of OS and spatial frequency (dot density). Twelve individuals with PD without dementia, 18 age-matched normal control adults (NC), and 23 young control adults (YC) walked through a virtual hallway at about 0.8 m/s. The hallway was created by random dots on side walls. Three levels of OS (0.8, 1.2, and 1.8 m/s) and dot density (1, 2, and 3 dots/m2) were presented on one wall while on the other wall, OS and dot density were fixed at 0.8 m/s and 3 dots/m2, respectively. Three-dimensional kinematic data were collected, and lateral drift, walking speed, stride frequency and length, and frequency, and phase relations between arms and legs were calculated. A significant linear effect was observed on lateral drift to the wall with lower OS for YC and NC, but not for PD. Compared to YC and NC, PD veered more to the left under OS and dot density conditions. The results suggest that healthy adults perceive optic flow for heading direction. Heading direction in PD may be more affected by the asymmetry of dopamine levels between the hemispheres and by motor lateralization as indexed by handedness.Published versio

    Visuospatial deficits, walking dynamics and effects of visual cues on gait regulation in Parkinson's disease (PD)

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    Individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) present with motor and non-motor symptoms, including in the visuospatial domain. Correction of walking abnormalities through application of visual cues in the environment has been reported in PD, but the mechanisms of action are poorly understood. The present project examined competing explanations of the effects of visual guidance on multiple aspects of gait in PD. Comfortable over-ground walking was performed by 9 participants with left-side motor onset (LPD), 11 with right-side motor onset (RPD), and 13 age-matched normal control participants (NC). Study 1 examined whether veering in PD is predominantly induced by asymmetrical perception of the visual environment or by motor asymmetry between relatively affected and relatively non-affected body side. Walking conditions were eyes-open, vision-occluded, and egocentric reference point (walk toward the perceived center of a distant target). The visual hypothesis predicted that LPD, with a known tendency toward left spatial hemineglect, would veer rightward, whereas RPD would veer leftward. The motor hypothesis predicted the opposite pattern of results because the more affected body side has shorter step length. The results supported the visual hypothesis. In Study 2, visually-cued gait was examined to establish whether the key variable to improvement is attention to pattern rhythmicity, or instead if improvement may arise from perception of dynamic flow. Floor patterns included transverse lines (attention; 3 frequencies) and randomly-placed squares (dynamic; 3 densities). Relative to baseline, both transverse lines and random squares, especially at higher frequency/density, resulted in gait improvements and induced more stable interlimb coordination, especially for LPD, the subgroup known to have greater visual dependence. Effects lasted after the cues were removed. The success of the random-squares cuing indicates that the mechanism of improvement may be dynamic flow of visual texture rather than attention, and further suggests that vision-based interventions need not be restricted to transverse lines. Taken together, the studies lay the foundation for the development of treatments for walking disturbances in PD by addressing critical issues that could influence the outcomes of therapeutic interventions, including the role of visual input and the differential effects on PD subgroups.2017-07-01T00:00:00

    Deep Reinforcement Learning for Inverse Kinematics and Path Following for Concentric Tube Robots

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    Concentric tube robots (CTRs) are continuum robots that allow for bending and twisting motions unattainable by traditional rigid link robots. The curvilinear backbones can benefit surgical applications by improving dexterity, enlarging the workspace, and reducing trauma at the entry point of the instrument. The curvilinear backbone that is attributed is the result of pre-curved, super-elastic tubes arranged concentrically. Each tube has a straight and pre-curved section and is actuated in rotation and translation from the tube base with the neighboring tube interactions producing the curvilinear backbone. The modeling of the neighboring tube interactions is non-trivial, and an explored topic in CTR literature. However, model-based kinematics and control can be inaccurate due to inherent manufacturing errors of the tubes, permanent deformation over time, and unmodelled physical interactions. This thesis proposes a model-free control method using deep reinforcement learning (DRL). The DRL framework aims to control the end-effector of the CTR with limited modeling information by leveraging simulation data, which is much less costly than hardware data. To develop a DRL framework, a Markov Decision Process (MDP) with states, actions, and rewards needs to be defined for the inverse kinematics task. First, action exploration was investigated with this MDP in a simpler simulation as CTRs have a unique extension degree of freedom per tube. Next, state representation, curriculum reward, and adaptation methods over multiple CTR systems were developed in a more accurate simulation. To validate the work in simulation, a noise-induced simulation environment was utilized to demonstrate the initial robustness of the learned policy. Finally, a hardware system was developed where a workspace characterization was performed to determine simulation to hardware differences. By using Sim2Real domain transfer, a simulation policy was successfully transferred to hardware for inverse kinematics and path following, validating the approach

    Percepção do ambiente urbano e navegação usando visão robótica : concepção e implementação aplicado à veículo autônomo

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    Orientadores: Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira, Alessandro Corrêa VictorinoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: O desenvolvimento de veículos autônomos capazes de se locomover em ruas urbanas pode proporcionar importantes benefícios na redução de acidentes, no aumentando da qualidade de vida e também na redução de custos. Veículos inteligentes, por exemplo, frequentemente baseiam suas decisões em observações obtidas a partir de vários sensores tais como LIDAR, GPS e câmeras. Atualmente, sensores de câmera têm recebido grande atenção pelo motivo de que eles são de baixo custo, fáceis de utilizar e fornecem dados com rica informação. Ambientes urbanos representam um interessante mas também desafiador cenário neste contexto, onde o traçado das ruas podem ser muito complexos, a presença de objetos tais como árvores, bicicletas, veículos podem gerar observações parciais e também estas observações são muitas vezes ruidosas ou ainda perdidas devido a completas oclusões. Portanto, o processo de percepção por natureza precisa ser capaz de lidar com a incerteza no conhecimento do mundo em torno do veículo. Nesta tese, este problema de percepção é analisado para a condução nos ambientes urbanos associado com a capacidade de realizar um deslocamento seguro baseado no processo de tomada de decisão em navegação autônoma. Projeta-se um sistema de percepção que permita veículos robóticos a trafegar autonomamente nas ruas, sem a necessidade de adaptar a infraestrutura, sem o conhecimento prévio do ambiente e considerando a presença de objetos dinâmicos tais como veículos. Propõe-se um novo método baseado em aprendizado de máquina para extrair o contexto semântico usando um par de imagens estéreo, a qual é vinculada a uma grade de ocupação evidencial que modela as incertezas de um ambiente urbano desconhecido, aplicando a teoria de Dempster-Shafer. Para a tomada de decisão no planejamento do caminho, aplica-se a abordagem dos tentáculos virtuais para gerar possíveis caminhos a partir do centro de referencia do veículo e com base nisto, duas novas estratégias são propostas. Em primeiro, uma nova estratégia para escolher o caminho correto para melhor evitar obstáculos e seguir a tarefa local no contexto da navegação hibrida e, em segundo, um novo controle de malha fechada baseado na odometria visual e o tentáculo virtual é modelado para execução do seguimento de caminho. Finalmente, um completo sistema automotivo integrando os modelos de percepção, planejamento e controle são implementados e validados experimentalmente em condições reais usando um veículo autônomo experimental, onde os resultados mostram que a abordagem desenvolvida realiza com sucesso uma segura navegação local com base em sensores de câmeraAbstract: The development of autonomous vehicles capable of getting around on urban roads can provide important benefits in reducing accidents, in increasing life comfort and also in providing cost savings. Intelligent vehicles for example often base their decisions on observations obtained from various sensors such as LIDAR, GPS and Cameras. Actually, camera sensors have been receiving large attention due to they are cheap, easy to employ and provide rich data information. Inner-city environments represent an interesting but also very challenging scenario in this context, where the road layout may be very complex, the presence of objects such as trees, bicycles, cars might generate partial observations and also these observations are often noisy or even missing due to heavy occlusions. Thus, perception process by nature needs to be able to deal with uncertainties in the knowledge of the world around the car. While highway navigation and autonomous driving using a prior knowledge of the environment have been demonstrating successfully, understanding and navigating general inner-city scenarios with little prior knowledge remains an unsolved problem. In this thesis, this perception problem is analyzed for driving in the inner-city environments associated with the capacity to perform a safe displacement based on decision-making process in autonomous navigation. It is designed a perception system that allows robotic-cars to drive autonomously on roads, without the need to adapt the infrastructure, without requiring previous knowledge of the environment and considering the presence of dynamic objects such as cars. It is proposed a novel method based on machine learning to extract the semantic context using a pair of stereo images, which is merged in an evidential grid to model the uncertainties of an unknown urban environment, applying the Dempster-Shafer theory. To make decisions in path-planning, it is applied the virtual tentacle approach to generate possible paths starting from ego-referenced car and based on it, two news strategies are proposed. First one, a new strategy to select the correct path to better avoid obstacles and to follow the local task in the context of hybrid navigation, and second, a new closed loop control based on visual odometry and virtual tentacle is modeled to path-following execution. Finally, a complete automotive system integrating the perception, path-planning and control modules are implemented and experimentally validated in real situations using an experimental autonomous car, where the results show that the developed approach successfully performs a safe local navigation based on camera sensorsDoutoradoMecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto MecanicoDoutor em Engenharia Mecânic

    Real-time 3D hand reconstruction in challenging scenes from a single color or depth camera

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    Hands are one of the main enabling factors for performing complex tasks and humans naturally use them for interactions with their environment. Reconstruction and digitization of 3D hand motion opens up many possibilities for important applications. Hands gestures can be directly used for human–computer interaction, which is especially relevant for controlling augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR) devices where immersion is of utmost importance. In addition, 3D hand motion capture is a precondition for automatic sign-language translation, activity recognition, or teaching robots. Different approaches for 3D hand motion capture have been actively researched in the past. While being accurate, gloves and markers are intrusive and uncomfortable to wear. Hence, markerless hand reconstruction based on cameras is desirable. Multi-camera setups provide rich input, however, they are hard to calibrate and lack the flexibility for mobile use cases. Thus, the majority of more recent methods uses a single color or depth camera which, however, makes the problem harder due to more ambiguities in the input. For interaction purposes, users need continuous control and immediate feedback. This means the algorithms have to run in real time and be robust in uncontrolled scenes. These requirements, achieving 3D hand reconstruction in real time from a single camera in general scenes, make the problem significantly more challenging. While recent research has shown promising results, current state-of-the-art methods still have strong limitations. Most approaches only track the motion of a single hand in isolation and do not take background-clutter or interactions with arbitrary objects or the other hand into account. The few methods that can handle more general and natural scenarios run far from real time or use complex multi-camera setups. Such requirements make existing methods unusable for many aforementioned applications. This thesis pushes the state of the art for real-time 3D hand tracking and reconstruction in general scenes from a single RGB or depth camera. The presented approaches explore novel combinations of generative hand models, which have been used successfully in the computer vision and graphics community for decades, and powerful cutting-edge machine learning techniques, which have recently emerged with the advent of deep learning. In particular, this thesis proposes a novel method for hand tracking in the presence of strong occlusions and clutter, the first method for full global 3D hand tracking from in-the-wild RGB video, and a method for simultaneous pose and dense shape reconstruction of two interacting hands that, for the first time, combines a set of desirable properties previously unseen in the literature.Hände sind einer der Hauptfaktoren für die Ausführung komplexer Aufgaben, und Menschen verwenden sie auf natürliche Weise für Interaktionen mit ihrer Umgebung. Die Rekonstruktion und Digitalisierung der 3D-Handbewegung eröffnet viele Möglichkeiten für wichtige Anwendungen. Handgesten können direkt als Eingabe für die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion verwendet werden. Dies ist insbesondere für Geräte der erweiterten oder virtuellen Realität (AR / VR) relevant, bei denen die Immersion von größter Bedeutung ist. Darüber hinaus ist die Rekonstruktion der 3D Handbewegung eine Voraussetzung zur automatischen Übersetzung von Gebärdensprache, zur Aktivitätserkennung oder zum Unterrichten von Robotern. In der Vergangenheit wurden verschiedene Ansätze zur 3D-Handbewegungsrekonstruktion aktiv erforscht. Handschuhe und physische Markierungen sind zwar präzise, aber aufdringlich und unangenehm zu tragen. Daher ist eine markierungslose Handrekonstruktion auf der Basis von Kameras wünschenswert. Multi-Kamera-Setups bieten umfangreiche Eingabedaten, sind jedoch schwer zu kalibrieren und haben keine Flexibilität für mobile Anwendungsfälle. Daher verwenden die meisten neueren Methoden eine einzelne Farb- oder Tiefenkamera, was die Aufgabe jedoch schwerer macht, da mehr Ambiguitäten in den Eingabedaten vorhanden sind. Für Interaktionszwecke benötigen Benutzer kontinuierliche Kontrolle und sofortiges Feedback. Dies bedeutet, dass die Algorithmen in Echtzeit ausgeführt werden müssen und robust in unkontrollierten Szenen sein müssen. Diese Anforderungen, 3D-Handrekonstruktion in Echtzeit mit einer einzigen Kamera in allgemeinen Szenen, machen das Problem erheblich schwieriger. Während neuere Forschungsarbeiten vielversprechende Ergebnisse gezeigt haben, weisen aktuelle Methoden immer noch Einschränkungen auf. Die meisten Ansätze verfolgen die Bewegung einer einzelnen Hand nur isoliert und berücksichtigen keine alltäglichen Umgebungen oder Interaktionen mit beliebigen Objekten oder der anderen Hand. Die wenigen Methoden, die allgemeinere und natürlichere Szenarien verarbeiten können, laufen nicht in Echtzeit oder verwenden komplexe Multi-Kamera-Setups. Solche Anforderungen machen bestehende Verfahren für viele der oben genannten Anwendungen unbrauchbar. Diese Dissertation erweitert den Stand der Technik für die Echtzeit-3D-Handverfolgung und -Rekonstruktion in allgemeinen Szenen mit einer einzelnen RGB- oder Tiefenkamera. Die vorgestellten Algorithmen erforschen neue Kombinationen aus generativen Handmodellen, die seit Jahrzehnten erfolgreich in den Bereichen Computer Vision und Grafik eingesetzt werden, und leistungsfähigen innovativen Techniken des maschinellen Lernens, die vor kurzem mit dem Aufkommen neuronaler Netzwerke entstanden sind. In dieser Arbeit werden insbesondere vorgeschlagen: eine neuartige Methode zur Handbewegungsrekonstruktion bei starken Verdeckungen und in unkontrollierten Szenen, die erste Methode zur Rekonstruktion der globalen 3D Handbewegung aus RGB-Videos in freier Wildbahn und die erste Methode zur gleichzeitigen Rekonstruktion von Handpose und -form zweier interagierender Hände, die eine Reihe wünschenwerter Eigenschaften komibiniert

    Embodied learning of a generative neural model for biological motion perception and inference

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    Although an action observation network and mirror neurons for understanding the actions and intentions of others have been under deep, interdisciplinary consideration over recent years, it remains largely unknown how the brain manages to map visually perceived biological motion of others onto its own motor system. This paper shows how such a mapping may be established, even if the biologically motion is visually perceived from a new vantage point. We introduce a learning artificial neural network model and evaluate it on full body motion tracking recordings. The model implements an embodied, predictive inference approach. It first learns to correlate and segment multimodal sensory streams of own bodily motion. In doing so, it becomes able to anticipate motion progression, to complete missing modal information, and to self-generate learned motion sequences. When biological motion of another person is observed, this self-knowledge is utilized to recognize similar motion patterns and predict their progress. Due to the relative encodings, the model shows strong robustness in recognition despite observing rather large varieties of body morphology and posture dynamics. By additionally equipping the model with the capability to rotate its visual frame of reference, it is able to deduce the visual perspective onto the observed person, establishing full consistency to the embodied self-motion encodings by means of active inference. In further support of its neuro-cognitive plausibility, we also model typical bistable perceptions when crucial depth information is missing. In sum, the introduced neural model proposes a solution to the problem of how the human brain may establish correspondence between observed bodily motion and its own motor system, thus offering a mechanism that supports the development of mirror neurons
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