22 research outputs found

    MR-AT: Map Reduce based Apriori Technique for Sequential Pattern Mining using Big Data in Hadoop

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    One of the most well-known and widely implemented data mining methods is Apriori algorithm which is responsible for mining frequent item sets. The effectiveness of the Apriori algorithm has been improved by a number of algorithms that have been introduced on both parallel and distributed platforms in recent years. They are distinct from one another on account of the method of load balancing, memory system, method of data degradation, and data layout that was utilised in their implementation. The majority of the issues that arise with distributed frameworks are associated with the operating costs of handling distributed systems and the absence of high-level parallel programming languages. In addition, when using grid computing, there is constantly a possibility that a node will fail, which will result in the task being re-executed multiple times. The MapReduce approach that was developed by Google can be used to solve these kinds of issues. MapReduce is a programming model that is applied to large-scale distributed processing of data on large clusters of commodity computers. It is effective, scalable, and easy to use. MapReduce is also utilised in cloud computing. This research paper presents an enhanced version of the Apriori algorithm, which is referred to as Improved Parallel and Distributed Apriori (IPDA). It is based on the scalable environment referred as Hadoop MapReduce, which was used to analyse Big Data. Through the generation of split-frequent data regionally and the early elimination of unusual data, the proposed work has its primary objective to reduce the enormous demands placed on available resources as well as the reduction of the overhead communication that occurs whenever frequent data are retrieved. The paper presents the results of tests, which demonstrate that the IPDA performs better than traditional apriori and parallel and distributed apriori in terms of the amount of time required, the number of rules created, and the various minimum support values

    WiFi Miner: An online apriori and sensor based wireless network Intrusion Detection System

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    This thesis proposes an Intrusion Detection System, WiFi Miner, which applies an infrequent pattern association rule mining Apriori technique to wireless network packets captured through hardware sensors for purposes of real time detection of intrusive or anomalous packets. Contributions of the proposed system includes effectively adapting an efficient data mining association rule technique to important problem of intrusion detection in a wireless network environment using hardware sensors, providing a solution that eliminates the need for hard-to-obtain training data in this environment, providing increased intrusion detection rate and reduction of false alarms. The proposed system, WiFi Miner, solution approach is to find frequent and infrequent patterns on pre-processed wireless connection records using infrequent pattern finding Apriori algorithm also proposed by this thesis. The proposed Online Apriori-Infrequent algorithm improves the join and prune step of the traditional Apriori algorithm with a rule that avoids joining itemsets not likely to produce frequent itemsets as their results, thereby improving efficiency and run times significantly. A positive anomaly score is assigned to each packet (record) for each infrequent pattern found while a negative anomaly score is assigned for each frequent pattern found. So, a record with final positive anomaly score is considered as anomaly based on the presence of more infrequent patterns than frequent patterns found

    Discovery of Spatiotemporal Event Sequences

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    Finding frequent patterns plays a vital role in many analytics tasks such as finding itemsets, associations, correlations, and sequences. In recent decades, spatiotemporal frequent pattern mining has emerged with the main goal focused on developing data-driven analysis frameworks for understanding underlying spatial and temporal characteristics in massive datasets. In this thesis, we will focus on discovering spatiotemporal event sequences from large-scale region trajectory datasetes with event annotations. Spatiotemporal event sequences are the series of event types whose trajectory-based instances follow each other in spatiotemporal context. We introduce new data models for storing and processing evolving region trajectories, provide a novel framework for modeling spatiotemporal follow relationships, and present novel spatiotemporal event sequence mining algorithms

    Front Matter - Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications

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    Efficient tools and algorithms for knowledge discovery in large data sets have been devised during the recent years. These methods exploit the capability of computers to search huge amounts of data in a fast and effective manner. However, the data to be analyzed is imprecise and afflicted with uncertainty. In the case of heterogeneous data sources such as text, audio and video, the data might moreover be ambiguous and partly conflicting. Besides, patterns and relationships of interest are usually vague and approximate. Thus, in order to make the information mining process more robust or say, human-like methods for searching and learning it requires tolerance towards imprecision, uncertainty and exceptions. Thus, they have approximate reasoning capabilities and are capable of handling partial truth. Properties of the aforementioned kind are typical soft computing. Soft computing techniques like Genetic

    Graph based pattern discovery in protein structures

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    The rapidly growing body of 3D protein structure data provides new opportunities to study the relation between protein structure and protein function. Local structure pattern of proteins has been the focus of recent efforts to link structural features found in proteins to protein function. In addition, structure patterns have demonstrated values in applications such as predicting protein-protein interaction, engineering proteins, and designing novel medicines. My thesis introduces graph-based representations of protein structure and new subgraph mining algorithms to identify recurring structure patterns common to a set of proteins. These techniques enable families of proteins exhibiting similar function to be analyzed for structural similarity. Previous approaches to protein local structure pattern discovery operate in a pairwise fashion and have prohibitive computational cost when scaled to families of proteins. The graph mining strategy is robust in the face of errors in the structure, and errors in the set of proteins thought to share a function. Two collaborations with domain experts at the UNC School of Pharmacy and the UNC Medical School demonstrate the utility of these techniques. The first is to predict the function of several newly characterized protein structures. The second is to identify conserved structural features in evolutionarily related proteins

    Enhancing the interactivity of a clinical decision support system by using knowledge engineering and natural language processing

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    Mental illness is a serious health problem and it affects many people. Increasingly,Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) are being used for diagnosis and it is important to improve the reliability and performance of these systems. Missing a potential clue or a wrong diagnosis can have a detrimental effect on the patient's quality of life and could lead to a fatal outcome. The context of this research is the Galatean Risk and Safety Tool (GRiST), a mental-health-risk assessment system. Previous research has shown that success of a CDSS depends on its ease of use, reliability and interactivity. This research addresses these concerns for the GRiST by deploying data mining techniques. Clinical narratives and numerical data have both been analysed for this purpose.Clinical narratives have been processed by natural language processing (NLP)technology to extract knowledge from them. SNOMED-CT was used as a reference ontology and the performance of the different extraction algorithms have been compared. A new Ensemble Concept Mining (ECM) method has been proposed, which may eliminate the need for domain specific phrase annotation requirements. Word embedding has been used to filter phrases semantically and to build a semantic representation of each of the GRiST ontology nodes.The Chi-square and FP-growth methods have been used to find relationships between GRiST ontology nodes. Interesting patterns have been found that could be used to provide real-time feedback to clinicians. Information gain has been used efficaciously to explain the differences between the clinicians and the consensus risk. A new risk management strategy has been explored by analysing repeat assessments. A few novel methods have been proposed to perform automatic background analysis of the patient data and improve the interactivity and reliability of GRiST and similar systems

    Essentials of Business Analytics

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    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation