67 research outputs found

    Range-only SLAM schemes exploiting robot-sensor network cooperation

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    Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a key problem in robotics. A robot with no previous knowledge of the environment builds a map of this environment and localizes itself in that map. Range-only SLAM is a particularization of the SLAM problem which only uses the information provided by range sensors. This PhD Thesis describes the design, integration, evaluation and validation of a set of schemes for accurate and e_cient range-only simultaneous localization and mapping exploiting the cooperation between robots and sensor networks. This PhD Thesis proposes a general architecture for range-only simultaneous localization and mapping (RO-SLAM) with cooperation between robots and sensor networks. The adopted architecture has two main characteristics. First, it exploits the sensing, computational and communication capabilities of sensor network nodes. Both, the robot and the beacons actively participate in the execution of the RO-SLAM _lter. Second, it integrates not only robot-beacon measurements but also range measurements between two di_erent beacons, the so-called inter-beacon measurements. Most reported RO-SLAM methods are executed in a centralized manner in the robot. In these methods all tasks in RO-SLAM are executed in the robot, including measurement gathering, integration of measurements in RO-SLAM and the Prediction stage. These fully centralized RO-SLAM methods require high computational burden in the robot and have very poor scalability. This PhD Thesis proposes three di_erent schemes that works under the aforementioned architecture. These schemes exploit the advantages of cooperation between robots and sensor networks and intend to minimize the drawbacks of this cooperation. The _rst scheme proposed in this PhD Thesis is a RO-SLAM scheme with dynamically con_gurable measurement gathering. Integrating inter-beacon measurements in RO-SLAM signi_cantly improves map estimation but involves high consumption of resources, such as the energy required to gather and transmit measurements, the bandwidth required by the measurement collection protocol and the computational burden necessary to integrate the larger number of measurements. The objective of this scheme is to reduce the increment in resource consumption resulting from the integration of inter-beacon measurements by adopting a centralized mechanism running in the robot that adapts measurement gathering. The second scheme of this PhD Thesis consists in a distributed RO-SLAM scheme based on the Sparse Extended Information Filter (SEIF). This scheme reduces the increment in resource consumption resulting from the integration of inter-beacon measurements by adopting a distributed SLAM _lter in which each beacon is responsible for gathering its measurements to the robot and to other beacons and computing the SLAM Update stage in order to integrate its measurements in SLAM. Moreover, it inherits the scalability of the SEIF. The third scheme of this PhD Thesis is a resource-constrained RO-SLAM scheme based on the distributed SEIF previously presented. This scheme includes the two mechanisms developed in the previous contributions {measurement gathering control and distribution of RO-SLAM Update stage between beacons{ in order to reduce the increment in resource consumption resulting from the integration of inter-beacon measurements. This scheme exploits robot-beacon cooperation to improve SLAM accuracy and e_ciency while meeting a given resource consumption bound. The resource consumption bound is expressed in terms of the maximum number of measurements that can be integrated in SLAM per iteration. The sensing channel capacity used, the beacon energy consumed or the computational capacity employed, among others, are proportional to the number of measurements that are gathered and integrated in SLAM. The performance of the proposed schemes have been analyzed and compared with each other and with existing works. The proposed schemes are validated in real experiments with aerial robots. This PhD Thesis proves that the cooperation between robots and sensor networks provides many advantages to solve the RO-SLAM problem. Resource consumption is an important constraint in sensor networks. The proposed architecture allows the exploitation of the cooperation advantages. On the other hand, the proposed schemes give solutions to the resource limitation without degrading performance

    Robot-Beacon Distributed Range-Only SLAM for Resource-Constrained Operation

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    This work deals with robot-sensor network cooperation where sensor nodes (beacons) are used as landmarks for Range-Only (RO) Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). Most existing RO-SLAM techniques consider beacons as passive devices disregarding the sensing, computational and communication capabilities with which they are actually endowed. SLAM is a resource-demanding task. Besides the technological constraints of the robot and beacons, many applications impose further resource consumption limitations. This paper presents a scalable distributed RO-SLAM scheme for resource-constrained operation. It is capable of exploiting robot-beacon cooperation in order to improve SLAM accuracy while meeting a given resource consumption bound expressed as the maximum number of measurements that are integrated in SLAM per iteration. The proposed scheme combines a Sparse Extended Information Filter (SEIF) SLAM method, in which each beacon gathers and integrates robot-beacon and inter-beacon measurements, and a distributed information-driven measurement allocation tool that dynamically selects the measurements that are integrated in SLAM, balancing uncertainty improvement and resource consumption. The scheme adopts a robot-beacon distributed approach in which each beacon participates in the selection, gathering and integration in SLAM of robot-beacon and inter-beacon measurements, resulting in significant estimation accuracies, resource-consumption efficiency and scalability. It has been integrated in an octorotor Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) and evaluated in 3D SLAM outdoor experiments. The experimental results obtained show its performance and robustness and evidence its advantages over existing methodsMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes DPI2014-59383-C2-1-

    Sparse Bayesian information filters for localization and mapping

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2008This thesis formulates an estimation framework for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) that addresses the problem of scalability in large environments. We describe an estimation-theoretic algorithm that achieves significant gains in computational efficiency while maintaining consistent estimates for the vehicle pose and the map of the environment. We specifically address the feature-based SLAM problem in which the robot represents the environment as a collection of landmarks. The thesis takes a Bayesian approach whereby we maintain a joint posterior over the vehicle pose and feature states, conditioned upon measurement data. We model the distribution as Gaussian and parametrize the posterior in the canonical form, in terms of the information (inverse covariance) matrix. When sparse, this representation is amenable to computationally efficient Bayesian SLAM filtering. However, while a large majority of the elements within the normalized information matrix are very small in magnitude, it is fully populated nonetheless. Recent feature-based SLAM filters achieve the scalability benefits of a sparse parametrization by explicitly pruning these weak links in an effort to enforce sparsity. We analyze one such algorithm, the Sparse Extended Information Filter (SEIF), which has laid much of the groundwork concerning the computational benefits of the sparse canonical form. The thesis performs a detailed analysis of the process by which the SEIF approximates the sparsity of the information matrix and reveals key insights into the consequences of different sparsification strategies. We demonstrate that the SEIF yields a sparse approximation to the posterior that is inconsistent, suffering from exaggerated confidence estimates. This overconfidence has detrimental effects on important aspects of the SLAM process and affects the higher level goal of producing accurate maps for subsequent localization and path planning. This thesis proposes an alternative scalable filter that maintains sparsity while preserving the consistency of the distribution. We leverage insights into the natural structure of the feature-based canonical parametrization and derive a method that actively maintains an exactly sparse posterior. Our algorithm exploits the structure of the parametrization to achieve gains in efficiency, with a computational cost that scales linearly with the size of the map. Unlike similar techniques that sacrifice consistency for improved scalability, our algorithm performs inference over a posterior that is conservative relative to the nominal Gaussian distribution. Consequently, we preserve the consistency of the pose and map estimates and avoid the effects of an overconfident posterior. We demonstrate our filter alongside the SEIF and the standard EKF both in simulation as well as on two real-world datasets. While we maintain the computational advantages of an exactly sparse representation, the results show convincingly that our method yields conservative estimates for the robot pose and map that are nearly identical to those of the original Gaussian distribution as produced by the EKF, but at much less computational expense. The thesis concludes with an extension of our SLAM filter to a complex underwater environment. We describe a systems-level framework for localization and mapping relative to a ship hull with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) equipped with a forward-looking sonar. The approach utilizes our filter to fuse measurements of vehicle attitude and motion from onboard sensors with data from sonar images of the hull. We employ the system to perform three-dimensional, 6-DOF SLAM on a ship hull

    Large-area visually augmented navigation for autonomous underwater vehicles

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    Submitted to the Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science & Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution June 2005This thesis describes a vision-based, large-area, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm that respects the low-overlap imagery constraints typical of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) while exploiting the inertial sensor information that is routinely available on such platforms. We adopt a systems-level approach exploiting the complementary aspects of inertial sensing and visual perception from a calibrated pose-instrumented platform. This systems-level strategy yields a robust solution to underwater imaging that overcomes many of the unique challenges of a marine environment (e.g., unstructured terrain, low-overlap imagery, moving light source). Our large-area SLAM algorithm recursively incorporates relative-pose constraints using a view-based representation that exploits exact sparsity in the Gaussian canonical form. This sparsity allows for efficient O(n) update complexity in the number of images composing the view-based map by utilizing recent multilevel relaxation techniques. We show that our algorithmic formulation is inherently sparse unlike other feature-based canonical SLAM algorithms, which impose sparseness via pruning approximations. In particular, we investigate the sparsification methodology employed by sparse extended information filters (SEIFs) and offer new insight as to why, and how, its approximation can lead to inconsistencies in the estimated state errors. Lastly, we present a novel algorithm for efficiently extracting consistent marginal covariances useful for data association from the information matrix. In summary, this thesis advances the current state-of-the-art in underwater visual navigation by demonstrating end-to-end automatic processing of the largest visually navigated dataset to date using data collected from a survey of the RMS Titanic (path length over 3 km and 3100 m2 of mapped area). This accomplishment embodies the summed contributions of this thesis to several current SLAM research issues including scalability, 6 degree of freedom motion, unstructured environments, and visual perception.This work was funded in part by the CenSSIS ERC of the National Science Foundation under grant EEC-9986821, in part by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution through a grant from the Penzance Foundation, and in part by a NDSEG Fellowship awarded through the Department of Defense

    Conservative Sparsification for Efficient Approximate Estimation

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    Linear Gaussian systems often exhibit sparse structures. For systems which grow as a function of time, marginalisation of past states will eventually introduce extra non-zero elements into the information matrix of the Gaussian distribution. These extra non-zeros can lead to dense problems as these systems progress through time. This thesis proposes a method that can delete elements of the information matrix while maintaining guarantees about the conservativeness of the resulting estimate with a computational complexity that is a function of the connectivity of the graph rather than the problem dimension. This sparsification can be performed iteratively and minimises the Kullback Leibler Divergence (KLD) between the original and approximate distributions. This new technique is called Conservative Sparsification (CS). For large sparse graphs employing a Junction Tree (JT) for estimation, efficiency is related to the size of the largest clique. Conservative Sparsification can be applied to clique splitting in JTs, enabling approximate and efficient estimation in JTs with the same conservative guarantees as CS for information matrices. In distributed estimation scenarios which use JTs, CS can be performed in parallel and asynchronously on JT cliques. This approach usually results in a larger KLD compared with the optimal CS approach, but an upper bound on this increased divergence can be calculated with information locally available to each clique. This work has applications in large scale distributed linear estimation problems where the size of the problem or communication overheads make optimal linear estimation difficult

    Ten years of cooperation between mobile robots and sensor networks

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    This paper presents an overview of the work carried out by the Group of Robotics, Vision and Control (GRVC) at the University of Seville on the cooperation between mobile robots and sensor networks. The GRVC, led by Professor Anibal Ollero, has been working over the last ten years on techniques where robots and sensor networks exploit synergies and collaborate tightly, developing numerous research projects on the topic. In this paper, based on our research, we introduce what we consider some relevant challenges when combining sensor networks with mobile robots. Then, we describe our developed techniques and main results for these challenges. In particular, the paper focuses on autonomous self-deployment of sensor networks; cooperative localization and tracking; self-localization and mapping; and large-scale scenarios. Extensive experimental results and lessons learnt are also discussed in the paper

    Development of Collaborative SLAM Algorithm for Team of Robots

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a fundamental problem for building truly automatic robots. Varieties of methods and algorithms have been generated, and applied into mobile robots during the last thirty years. However, each algorithm has its strength and weakness. This thesis studies the most recent published techniques in the field of mobile robot SLAM. Specifically, it focuses on investigating robot path and landmark position estimating errors made by different methods. The Hybrid method, which uses FastSLAM method as front-end and uses EKF-SLAM method as back-end, combines both methods advantages, producing smaller errors on estimating robot pose. The Hybrid method solves the single robot SLAM problems by summing the weighted mean values of each particle in FastSLAM. The contributions of this thesis is it presents an alternate mapping algorithm that extends this single-robot Hybrid SLAM algorithm to a multi-robot SLAM algorithm. In this algorithm, each robot draws map of the environment separately, and robots could transfer their mapping information into a central computer. The central computer could merge the landmark positions from different robots. At last, a revised landmark position as well as its covariance will be calculated. Landmark positions are fused together according to two robots feature information by using Kalman Filters

    Multi-Robot FastSLAM for Large Domains

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    For a robot to build a map of its surrounding area, it must have accurate position information within the area, and to obtain accurate position information within the area, the robot needs to have an accurate map of the area. This circular problem is the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. An efficient algorithm to solve it is FastSLAM, which is based on the Rao-Blackwellized particle filter. FastSLAM solves the SLAM problem for single-robot mapping using particles to represent the posterior of the robot pose and the map. Each particle of the filter possesses its own global map which is likely to be a grid map. The memory space required for these maps poses a serious limitation to the algorithm\u27s capability when the problem space is large. The problem will only get worse if the algorithm is adapted to multi-robot mapping. This thesis presents an alternate mapping algorithm that extends the single-robot FastSLAM algorithm to a multi-robot mapping algorithm that uses Absolute Space Representations (ASR) to represent the world. But each particle still maintains a local grid to map its vicinity and periodically this grid map is converted into an ASR. An ASR expresses a world in polygons requiring only a minimal amount of memory space. By using this altered mapping strategy, the problem faced in FastSLAM when mapping a large domain can be alleviated. In this algorithm, each robot maps separately, and when two robots encounter each other they exchange range and odometry readings from their last encounter to this encounter. Each robot then sets up another filter for the other robot\u27s data and incrementally updates its own map, incorporating the passed data and its own data at the same time. The passed data is processed in reverse by the receiving robot as if a virtual robot is back-tracking the path of the other robot. The algorithm is demonstrated using three data sets collected using a single robot equipped with odometry and laser-range finder sensors

    Exactly Sparse Delayed-State Filters for View-Based SLAM

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    This paper reports the novel insight that the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) information matrix is exactly sparse in a delayed-state framework. Such a framework is used in view-based representations of the environment that rely upon scan-matching raw sensor data to obtain virtual observations of robot motion with respect to a place it has previously been. The exact sparseness of the delayed-state information matrix is in contrast to other recent feature-based SLAM information algorithms, such as sparse extended information filter or thin junction-tree filter, since these methods have to make approximations in order to force the feature-based SLAM information matrix to be sparse. The benefit of the exact sparsity of the delayed-state framework is that it allows one to take advantage of the information space parameterization without incurring any sparse approximation error. Therefore, it can produce equivalent results to the full-covariance solution. The approach is validated experimentally using monocular imagery for two datasets: a test-tank experiment with ground truth, and a remotely operated vehicle survey of the RMS Titanic.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86062/1/reustice-25.pd

    Theory, Design, and Implementation of Landmark Promotion Cooperative Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a challenging problem in practice, the use of multiple robots and inexpensive sensors poses even more demands on the designer. Cooperative SLAM poses specific challenges in the areas of computational efficiency, software/network performance, and robustness to errors. New methods in image processing, recursive filtering, and SLAM have been developed to implement practical algorithms for cooperative SLAM on a set of inexpensive robots. The Consolidated Unscented Mixed Recursive Filter (CUMRF) is designed to handle non-linear systems with non-Gaussian noise. This is accomplished using the Unscented Transform combined with Gaussian Mixture Models. The Robust Kalman Filter is an extension of the Kalman Filter algorithm that improves the ability to remove erroneous observations using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the X84 outlier rejection rule. Forgetful SLAM is a local SLAM technique that runs in nearly constant time relative to the number of visible landmarks and improves poor performing sensors through sensor fusion and outlier rejection. Forgetful SLAM correlates all measured observations, but stops the state from growing over time. Hierarchical Active Ripple SLAM (HAR-SLAM) is a new SLAM architecture that breaks the traditional state space of SLAM into a chain of smaller state spaces, allowing multiple robots, multiple sensors, and multiple updates to occur in linear time with linear storage with respect to the number of robots, landmarks, and robots poses. This dissertation presents explicit methods for closing-the-loop, joining multiple robots, and active updates. Landmark Promotion SLAM is a hierarchy of new SLAM methods, using the Robust Kalman Filter, Forgetful SLAM, and HAR-SLAM. Practical aspects of SLAM are a focus of this dissertation. LK-SURF is a new image processing technique that combines Lucas-Kanade feature tracking with Speeded-Up Robust Features to perform spatial and temporal tracking. Typical stereo correspondence techniques fail at providing descriptors for features, or fail at temporal tracking. Several calibration and modeling techniques are also covered, including calibrating stereo cameras, aligning stereo cameras to an inertial system, and making neural net system models. These methods are important to improve the quality of the data and images acquired for the SLAM process