24 research outputs found

    Enabling caches in probabilistic timing analysis

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    Hardware and software complexity of future critical real-time systems challenges the scalability of traditional timing analysis methods. Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA) has recently emerged as an industrially-viable alternative technique to deal with complex hardware/software. Yet, MBPTA requires certain timing properties in the system under analysis that are not satisfied in conventional systems. In this thesis, we introduce, for the first time, hardware and software solutions to satisfy those requirements as well as to improve MBPTA applicability. We focus on one of the hardware resources with highest impact on both average performance and Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) in current real-time platforms, the cache. In this line, the contributions of this thesis follow three different axes: hardware solutions and software solutions to enable MBPTA, and MBPTA analysis enhancements in systems featuring caches. At hardware level, we set the foundations of MBPTA-compliant processor designs, and define efficient time-randomised cache designs for single- and multi-level hierarchies of arbitrary complexity, including unified caches, which can be time-analysed for the first time. We propose three new software randomisation approaches (one dynamic and two static variants) to control, in an MBPTA-compliant manner, the cache jitter in Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) processors in real-time systems. To that end, all variants randomly vary the location of programs' code and data in memory across runs, to achieve probabilistic timing properties similar to those achieved with customised hardware cache designs. We propose a novel method to estimate the WCET of a program using MBPTA, without requiring the end-user to identify worst-case paths and inputs, improving its applicability in industry. We also introduce Probabilistic Timing Composability, which allows Integrated Systems to reduce their WCET in the presence of time-randomised caches. With the above contributions, this thesis pushes the limits in the use of complex real-time embedded processor designs equipped with caches and paves the way towards the industrialisation of MBPTA technology.La complejidad de hardware y software de los sistemas críticos del futuro desafía la escalabilidad de los métodos tradicionales de análisis temporal. El análisis temporal probabilístico basado en medidas (MBPTA) ha aparecido últimamente como una solución viable alternativa para la industria, para manejar hardware/software complejo. Sin embargo, MBPTA requiere ciertas propiedades de tiempo en el sistema bajo análisis que no satisfacen los sistemas convencionales. En esta tesis introducimos, por primera vez, soluciones hardware y software para satisfacer estos requisitos como también mejorar la aplicabilidad de MBPTA. Nos centramos en uno de los recursos hardware con el máximo impacto en el rendimiento medio y el peor caso del tiempo de ejecución (WCET) en plataformas actuales de tiempo real, la cache. En esta línea, las contribuciones de esta tesis siguen 3 ejes distintos: soluciones hardware y soluciones software para habilitar MBPTA, y mejoras de el análisis MBPTA en sistemas usado caches. A nivel de hardware, creamos las bases del diseño de un procesador compatible con MBPTA, y definimos diseños de cache con tiempo aleatorio para jerarquías de memoria con uno y múltiples niveles de cualquier complejidad, incluso caches unificadas, las cuales pueden ser analizadas temporalmente por primera vez. Proponemos tres nuevos enfoques de aleatorización de software (uno dinámico y dos variedades estáticas) para manejar, en una manera compatible con MBPTA, la variabilidad del tiempo (jitter) de la cache en procesadores comerciales comunes en el mercado (COTS) en sistemas de tiempo real. Por eso, todas nuestras propuestas varían aleatoriamente la posición del código y de los datos del programa en la memoria entre ejecuciones del mismo, para conseguir propiedades de tiempo aleatorias, similares a las logradas con diseños hardware personalizados. Proponemos un nuevo método para estimar el WCET de un programa usando MBPTA, sin requerir que el usuario dentifique los caminos y las entradas de programa del peor caso, mejorando así la aplicabilidad de MBPTA en la industria. Además, introducimos la composabilidad de tiempo probabilística, que permite a los sistemas integrados reducir su WCET cuando usan caches de tiempo aleatorio. Con estas contribuciones, esta tesis empuja los limites en el uso de diseños complejos de procesadores empotrados en sistemas de tiempo real equipados con caches y prepara el terreno para la industrialización de la tecnología MBPTA

    A Survey of Probabilistic Timing Analysis Techniques for Real-Time Systems

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    This survey covers probabilistic timing analysis techniques for real-time systems. It reviews and critiques the key results in the field from its origins in 2000 to the latest research published up to the end of August 2018. The survey provides a taxonomy of the different methods used, and a classification of existing research. A detailed review is provided covering the main subject areas: static probabilistic timing analysis, measurement-based probabilistic timing analysis, and hybrid methods. In addition, research on supporting mechanisms and techniques, case studies, and evaluations is also reviewed. The survey concludes by identifying open issues, key challenges and possible directions for future research

    On the limits of probabilistic timing analysis

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    Over the last years, we are witnessing the steady and rapid growth of Critica! Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) industries, such as automotive and aerospace. Many of the increasingly-complex CRTES' functionalities that are currently implemented with mechanical means are moving towards to an electromechanical implementation controlled by critica! software. This trend results in a two-fold consequence. First, the size and complexity of critical-software increases in every new embedded product. And second, high-performance hardware features like caches are more frequently used in real-time processors. The increase in complexity of CRTES challenges the validation and verification process, a necessary step to certify that the system is safe for deployment. Timing validation and verification includes the computation of the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimates, which need to be trustworthy and tight. Traditional timing analysis are challenged by the use of complex hardware/software, resulting in low-quality WCET estimates, which tend to add significant pessimism to guarantee estimates' trustworthiness. This calls for new solutions that help tightening WCET estimates in a safe manner. In this Thesis, we investigate the novel Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA), which in its original version already shows potential to deliver trustworthy and tight WCETs for tasks running on complex systems. First, we propose a methodology to assess and ensure that ali cache memory layouts, which can significantly impact WCET, have been adequately factored in the WCET estimation process. Second, we provide a solution to achieve simultaneously cache representativeness and full path coverage. This solution provides evidence proving that WCET estimates obtained are valid for ali program execution paths regardless of how code and data are laid out in the cache. Lastly, we analyse and expose the main misconceptions and pitfalls that can prevent a sound application of WCET analysis based on extreme value theory, which is used as part of MBPTA.En los últimos años, se ha podido observar un crecimiento rápido y sostenido de la industria de los sistemas embebidos críticos de tiempo real (abreviado en inglés CRTES}, como por ejemplo la industria aeronáutica o la automovilística. En un futuro cercano, muchas de las funcionalidades complejas que actualmente se están implementando a través de sistemas mecánicos en los CRTES pasarán a ser controladas por software crítico. Esta tendencia tiene dos consecuencias claras. La primera, el tamaño y la complejidad del software se incrementará en cada nuevo producto embebido que se lance al mercado. La segunda, las técnicas hardware destinadas a alto rendimiento (por ejemplo, memorias caché) serán usadas más frecuentemente en los procesadores de tiempo real. El incremento en la complejidad de los CRTES impone un reto en los procesos de validación y verificación de los procesadores, un paso imprescindible para certificar que los sistemas se pueden comercializar de forma segura. La validación y verificación del tiempo de ejecución incluye la estimación del tiempo de ejecución en el peor caso (abreviado en inglés WCET}, que debe ser precisa y certera. Desafortunadamente, los procesos tradicionales para analizar el tiempo de ejecución tienen problemas para analizar las complejas combinaciones entre el software y el hardware, produciendo estimaciones del WCET de mala calidad y conservadoras. Para superar dicha limitación, es necesario que florezcan nuevas técnicas que ayuden a proporcionar WCET más precisos de forma segura y automatizada. En esta Tesis se profundiza en la investigación referente al análisis probabilístico de tiempo de ejecución basado en medidas (abreviado en inglés MBPTA), cuyas primeras implementaciones muestran potencial para obtener un WCET preciso y certero en tareas ejecutadas en sistemas complejos. Primero, se propone una metodología para certificar que todas las distribuciones de la memoria caché, una de las estructuras más complejas de los CRTES, han sido contabilizadas adecuadamente durante el proceso de estimación del WCET. Segundo, se expone una solución para conseguir a la vez representatividad en la memoria caché y cobertura total en caminos críticos del programa. Dicha solución garantiza que la estimación WCET obtenida es válida para todos los caminos de ejecución, independientemente de como el código y los datos se guardan en la memoria caché. Finalmente, se analizan y discuten los mayores malentendidos y obstáculos que pueden prevenir la aplicabilidad del análisis de WCET basado en la teoría de valores extremos, la cual forma parte del MBPTA.Postprint (published version

    Branch Prediction For Network Processors

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    Originally designed to favour flexibility over packet processing performance, the future of the programmable network processor is challenged by the need to meet both increasing line rate as well as providing additional processing capabilities. To meet these requirements, trends within networking research has tended to focus on techniques such as offloading computation intensive tasks to dedicated hardware logic or through increased parallelism. While parallelism retains flexibility, challenges such as load-balancing limit its scope. On the other hand, hardware offloading allows complex algorithms to be implemented at high speed but sacrifice flexibility. To this end, the work in this thesis is focused on a more fundamental aspect of a network processor, the data-plane processing engine. Performing both system modelling and analysis of packet processing functions; the goal of this thesis is to identify and extract salient information regarding the performance of multi-processor workloads. Following on from a traditional software based analysis of programme workloads, we develop a method of modelling and analysing hardware accelerators when applied to network processors. Using this quantitative information, this thesis proposes an architecture which allows deeply pipelined micro-architectures to be implemented on the data-plane while reducing the branch penalty associated with these architectures

    A Survey of Probabilistic Schedulability Analysis Techniques for Real-Time Systems

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    This survey covers schedulability analysis techniques for probabilistic real-time systems. It reviews the key results in the field from its origins in the late 1980s to the latest research published up to the end of August 2018. The survey outlines fundamental concepts and highlights key issues. It provides a taxonomy of the different methods used, and a classification of existing research. A detailed review is provided covering the main subject areas as well as research on supporting techniques. The survey concludes by identifying open issues, key challenges and possible directions for future research

    Multi-core architectures with coarse-grained dynamically reconfigurable processors for broadband wireless access technologies

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    Broadband Wireless Access technologies have significant market potential, especially the WiMAX protocol which can deliver data rates of tens of Mbps. Strong demand for high performance WiMAX solutions is forcing designers to seek help from multi-core processors that offer competitive advantages in terms of all performance metrics, such as speed, power and area. Through the provision of a degree of flexibility similar to that of a DSP and performance and power consumption advantages approaching that of an ASIC, coarse-grained dynamically reconfigurable processors are proving to be strong candidates for processing cores used in future high performance multi-core processor systems. This thesis investigates multi-core architectures with a newly emerging dynamically reconfigurable processor – RICA, targeting WiMAX physical layer applications. A novel master-slave multi-core architecture is proposed, using RICA processing cores. A SystemC based simulator, called MRPSIM, is devised to model this multi-core architecture. This simulator provides fast simulation speed and timing accuracy, offers flexible architectural options to configure the multi-core architecture, and enables the analysis and investigation of multi-core architectures. Meanwhile a profiling-driven mapping methodology is developed to partition the WiMAX application into multiple tasks as well as schedule and map these tasks onto the multi-core architecture, aiming to reduce the overall system execution time. Both the MRPSIM simulator and the mapping methodology are seamlessly integrated with the existing RICA tool flow. Based on the proposed master-slave multi-core architecture, a series of diverse homogeneous and heterogeneous multi-core solutions are designed for different fixed WiMAX physical layer profiles. Implemented in ANSI C and executed on the MRPSIM simulator, these multi-core solutions contain different numbers of cores, combine various memory architectures and task partitioning schemes, and deliver high throughputs at relatively low area costs. Meanwhile a design space exploration methodology is developed to search the design space for multi-core systems to find suitable solutions under certain system constraints. Finally, laying a foundation for future multithreading exploration on the proposed multi-core architecture, this thesis investigates the porting of a real-time operating system – Micro C/OS-II to a single RICA processor. A multitasking version of WiMAX is implemented on a single RICA processor with the operating system support

    Securing Access to Cloud Computing for Critical Infrastructure

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    Cloud computing offers cost effective services on-demand which encourage critical infrastructure providers to consider migrating to the cloud. Critical infrastructures are considered as a backbone of modern societies such as power plants and water. Information in cloud computing is likely to be shared among different entities, which could have various degrees of sensitivity. This requires robust isolation and access control mechanisms. Although various access control models and policies have been developed, they cannot fulfil requirements for a cloud based access control system. The reason is that cloud computing has a diverse sets of security requirements and unique security challenges such as multi-tenant and heterogeneity of security policies, rules and domains. This thesis provides a detailed study of cloud computing security challenges and threats, which were used to identify security requirements for various critical infrastructure providers. We found that an access control system is a crucial security requirement for the surveyed critical infrastructure providers. Furthermore, the requirement analysis was used to propose a new criteria to evaluate access control systems for cloud computing. Moreover, this work presents a new cloud based access control model to meet the identified cloud access control requirements. The model does not only ensure the secure sharing of resources among potential untrusted tenants, but also has the capacity to support different access permissions for the same cloud user. Our focused in the proposed model is the lack of data isolation in lower levels (CPU caches), which could lead to bypass access control models to gain some sensitive information by using cache side-channel attacks. Therefore, the thesis investigates various real attack scenarios and the gaps in existing mitigation approaches. It presents a new Prime and Probe cache side-channel attack, which can give detailed information about addresses accessed by a virtual machine with no need for any information about cache sets accessed by the virtual machine. The design, implementation and evaluation of a proposed solution preventing cache side-channel attacks are also presented in the thesis. It is a new lightweight solution, which introduces very low overhead (less than 15,000 CPU cycles). It can be applied in any operating system and prevents cache side-channel attacks in cloud computing. The thesis also presents a new detecting cache side-channel attacks solution. It focuses on the infrastructure used to host cloud computing tenants by counting cache misses caused by a virtual machine. The detection solutions has 0% false negative and 15% false positive

    The uneven profile of memory development in Down Syndrome

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    This thesis explores memory development in children with Down syndrome (DS) between aged 3 years and 9 months and 14 years and 5 months (N=43). While memory has been extensively explored in older individuals with DS, relatively little work has considered the development of memory in childhood in DS, in part due to the difficulty of assessing memory in individuals with lower levels of ability. The project was innovative in applying a mixture of original and pre-existing tasks to this population, in order to characterise a wide range of memory abilities at varying levels of cognitive demand. These abilities were initially compared between those with DS and typically developing individuals by age group, early childhood (3 years 9 months to 8 years 4 months) and late childhood (9 years 9 months to 14 years 5 months). Standardised tasks were used to produce mental-age equivalents and raw scores for verbal and non-verbal memory abilities (BPVS, BAS II pattern construction). Study 1 examined object and object-in-place recognition using eye-tracking, using a low demand methodology that excluded few participants. Study 2 examined verbal working and long-term memory abilities overall, as well as learning and forgetting rates. Primacy, recency and mid-list recall rates were also analysed to shed light on strategies of encoding. Study 3 examined spatial working and long-term memory abilities, as well as forgetting rates. Study 4 examined multimodal associative immediate and delayed memory, using a spatialauditory associative eye-tracking paradigm. Study 5 examined the relationships between sustained attention, inhibition, and sleep behaviour measures, as these faculties are implicated in the development of memory abilities. Finally, in Study 6, cross-sectional developmental trajectories were constructed for all memory measures to ascertain if base levels or gradients of change significantly differed, either with respect to chronological age or domain-relevant mental age measures, in comparison to a sample of typically developing children. Overall, the project charted the emergence of an uneven profile of memory abilities across childhood in DS