250 research outputs found

    Adaptive spline fitting with particle swarm optimization

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    In fitting data with a spline, finding the optimal placement of knots can significantly improve the quality of the fit. However, the challenging high-dimensional and non-convex optimization problem associated with completely free knot placement has been a major roadblock in using this approach. We present a method that uses particle swarm optimization (PSO) combined with model selection to address this challenge. The problem of overfitting due to knot clustering that accompanies free knot placement is mitigated in this method by explicit regularization, resulting in a significantly improved performance on highly noisy data. The principal design choices available in the method are delineated and a statistically rigorous study of their effect on performance is carried out using simulated data and a wide variety of benchmark functions. Our results demonstrate that PSO-based free knot placement leads to a viable and flexible adaptive spline fitting approach that allows the fitting of both smooth and non-smooth functions.Comment: Accepted version; Typo corrected in equation 3; Minor changes to tex

    Adaptive spline fitting with particle swarm optimization

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    In fitting data with a spline, finding the optimal placement of knots can significantly improve the quality of the fit. However, the challenging high-dimensional and non-convex optimization problem associated with completely free knot placement has been a major roadblock in using this approach. We present a method that uses particle swarm optimization (PSO) combined with model selection to address this challenge. The problem of overfitting due to knot clustering that accompanies free knot placement is mitigated in this method by explicit regularization, resulting in a significantly improved performance on highly noisy data. The principal design choices available in the method are delineated and a statistically rigorous study of their effect on performance is carried out using simulated data and a wide variety of benchmark functions. Our results demonstrate that PSO-based free knot placement leads to a viable and flexible adaptive spline fitting approach that allows the fitting of both smooth and non-smooth functions

    From Nonlinear Optimization to Convex Optimization through Firefly Algorithm and Indirect Approach with Applications to CAD/CAM

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    ABSTRACT. Fitting spline curves to data points is a very important issue in many applied fields. It is also challenging, because these curves typically depend on many continuous variables in a highly interrelated nonlinear way. In general, it is not possible to compute these parameters analytically, so the problem is formulated as a continuous nonlinear optimization problem, for which traditional optimization techniques usually fail.This paper presents a new bioinspired method to tackle this issue. In this method, optimization is performed through a combination of two techniques. Firstly, we apply the indirect approach to the knots, in which they are not initially the subject of optimization but precomputed with a coarse approximation scheme. Secondly, a powerful bioinspired metaheuristic technique, the firefly algorithm, is applied to optimization of data parameterization; then, the knot vector is refined by using De Boor’s method, thus yielding a better approximation to the optimal knot vector. This scheme converts the original nonlinear continuous optimization problem into a convex optimization problem, solved by singular value decomposition. Our method is applied to some illustrative real-world examples from the CAD/CAM field. Our experimental results show that the proposed scheme can solve the original continuous nonlinear optimization problem very efficiently

    Memetic simulated annealing for data approximation with local-support curves

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    This paper introduces a new memetic optimization algorithm called MeSA (Memetic Simulated Annealing) to address the data fitting problem with local-support free-form curves. The proposed method hybridizes simulated annealing with the COBYLA local search optimization method. This approach is further combined with the centripetal parameterization and the Bayesian information criterion to compute all free variables of the curve reconstruction problem with B-splines. The performance of our approach is evaluated by its application to four different shapes with local deformations and different degrees of noise and density of data points. The MeSA method has also been compared to the non-memetic version of SA. Our results show that MeSA is able to reconstruct the underlying shape of data even in the presence of noise and low density point clouds. It also outperforms SA for all the examples in this paper.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grants TEC2013-47141-C4-R (RACHEL) and #TIN2012-30768 (Computer Science National Program) and Toho University (Funabashi, Japan)

    Glitch subtraction from gravitational wave data using adaptive spline fitting

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    Transient signals of instrumental and environmental origins ( glitches ) in gravitational wave data elevate the false alarm rate of searches for astrophysical signals and reduce their sensitivity. Glitches that directly overlap astrophysical signals hinder their detection and worsen parameter estimation errors. As the fraction of data occupied by detectable astrophysical signals will be higher in next generation detectors, such problematic overlaps could become more frequent. These adverse effects of glitches can be mitigated by estimating and subtracting them out from the data, but their unpredictable waveforms and large morphological diversity pose a challenge. Subtraction of glitches using data from auxiliary sensors as predictors works but not for the majority of cases. Thus, there is a need for nonparametric glitch mitigation methods that do not require auxiliary data, work for a large variety of glitches, and have minimal effect on astrophysical signals in the case of overlaps. In order to cope with the high rate of glitches, it is also desirable that such methods be computationally fast. We show that adaptive spline fitting, in which the placement of free knots is optimized to estimate both smooth and non-smooth curves in noisy data, offers a promising approach to satisfying these requirements for broadband short-duration glitches, the type that appear quite frequently. The method is demonstrated on glitches drawn from three distinct classes in the Gravity Spy database as well as on the glitch that overlapped the double neutron star signal GW170817. The impact of glitch subtraction on the GW170817 signal, or those like it injected into the data, is seen to be negligible

    Tabu search-based method for bézier curve parameterization

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    A very important issue in many applied fields is to construct the fitting curve that approximates a given set of data points optimally in the sense of least-squares. This problem arises in a number of areas, such as computer-aided design & manufacturing (CAD/CAM), virtual reality, medical imaging, computer graphics, computer animation, and many others. This is also a hard problem, because it is highly nonlinear, over-determined and typically involves a large number of unknown variables. A critical step in this process is to obtain a suitable parameterization of the data points. In this context, this paper introduces a new method to obtain an optimal solution for the parameterization problem of the least-squares fitting Bézier curve. Our method is based on a local search metaheuristic approach for optimization problems called tabu search. The method is applied to some simple yet illustrative examples for the cases of 2D and 3D curves. The proposed method is simple to understand, easy to implement and can be applied to any kind of smooth data points. Our experimental results show that the presented method performs very well, being able to fit the data points with a high degree of accuracy.This research has been financially supported by the Computer Science National Program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Project Ref. #TIN2012-30768, Toho University, the University of Cantabria, and the Instituto de Física de Cantabria, a mixed research center of the University of Cantabria and CSIC-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.Peer Reviewe

    Multiple 2D self organising map network for surface reconstruction of 3D unstructured data

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    Surface reconstruction is a challenging task in reverse engineering because it must represent the surface which is similar to the original object based on the data obtained. The data obtained are mostly in unstructured type whereby there is not enough information and incorrect surface will be obtained. Therefore, the data should be reorganised by finding the correct topology with minimum surface error. Previous studies showed that Self Organising Map (SOM) model, the conventional surface approximation approach with Non Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) surfaces, and optimisation methods such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Differential Evolution (DE) and Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) methods are widely implemented in solving the surface reconstruction. However, the model, approach and optimisation methods are still suffer from the unstructured data and accuracy problems. Therefore, the aims of this research are to propose Cube SOM (CSOM) model with multiple 2D SOM network in organising the unstructured surface data, and to propose optimised surface approximation approach in generating the NURBS surfaces. GA, DE and PSO methods are implemented to minimise the surface error by adjusting the NURBS control points. In order to test and validate the proposed model and approach, four primitive objects data and one medical image data are used. As to evaluate the performance of the proposed model and approach, three performance measurements have been used: Average Quantisation Error (AQE) and Number Of Vertices (NOV) for the CSOM model while surface error for the proposed optimised surface approximation approach. The accuracy of AQE for CSOM model has been improved to 64% and 66% when compared to 2D and 3D SOM respectively. The NOV for CSOM model has been reduced from 8000 to 2168 as compared to 3D SOM. The accuracy of surface error for the optimised surface approximation approach has been improved to 7% compared to the conventional approach. The proposed CSOM model and optimised surface approximation approach have successfully reconstructed surface of all five data with better performance based on three performance measurements used in the evaluation

    Immunological-based approach for accurate fitting of 3D noisy data points with Bézier surfaces

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    Free-form parametric surfaces are common tools nowadays in many applied fields, such as Computer-Aided Design & Manufacturing (CAD/CAM), virtual reality, medical imaging, and many others. A typical problem in this setting is to fit surfaces to 3D noisy data points obtained through either laser scanning or other digitizing methods, so that the real data from a physical object are transformed back into a fully usable digital model. In this context, the present paper describes an immunologicalbased approach to perform this process accurately by using the classical free-form Bézier surfaces. Our method applies a powerful bio-inspired paradigm called Artificial Immune Systems (AIS), which is receiving increasing attention from the scientific community during the last few years because of its appealing computational features. The AIS can be understood as a computational methodology based upon metaphors of the biological immune system of humans and other mammals. As such, there is not one but several AIS algorithms. In this chapter we focus on the clonal selection algorithm (CSA), which explicitly takes into account the affinity maturation of the immune response. The paper describes how the CSA algorithm can be effectively applied to the accurate fitting of 3D noisy data points with Bézier surfaces. To this aim, the problem to be solved as well as the main steps of our solving method are described in detail. Some simple yet illustrative examples show the good performance of our approach. Our method is conceptually simple to understand, easy to implement, and very general, since no assumption is made on the set of data points or on the underlying function beyond its continuity. As a consequence, it can be successfully applied even under challenging situations, such as the absence of any kind of information regarding the underlying function of data

    Improving particle swarm optimization path planning through inclusion of flight mechanics

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    Military engagements are continuing the movement toward automated and unmanned vehicles for a variety of simple and complex tasks. This allows humans to stay away from dangerous situations and use their skills for more difficult tasks. One important piece of this strategy is the use of automated path planners for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Current UAV operation requires multiple individuals to control a single plane, tying up important human resources. Often paths are planned by creating waypoints for a vehicle to fly through, with the intention of doing reconnaissance while avoiding as much danger to the plane as possible. Path planners often plan routes without taking into consideration the UAV\u27s ability to perform the maneuvers required to fly the specified waypoints, instead relying upon them to fly as close as possible. This thesis presents a path planner solution incorporating vehicle mechanics to insure feasible flight paths. This path planner uses Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and digital pheromones to generate multiple three-dimensional flight paths for the operator to choose from. B-spline curves are generated using universal interpolation with each path waypoint representing a control point. The b-spline curve represents the flight path of the UAV. Each point along the curve is evaluated for fuel efficiency, threat avoidance, reconnaissance, terrain avoidance, and vehicle mechanics. Optimization of the flight path occurs based on operator defined performance characteristics, such as maximum threat avoidance or minimum vehicle dynamics cost. These performance characteristics can be defined for each unique aircraft, allowing the same formulation to be used for any aircraft. The vehicle mechanics conditions considered are pull-out, glide, climb, and steady, level, co-ordinate turns. Calculating the flight mechanics requires knowing the velocity and angle of the plane, calculated using the derivative of the point on the curve. The flight mechanics of the path allows the path planner to determine whether the path exceeds the maximum load factor (G-force), minimum velocity (stall velocity), or the minimum turning radius. Comparing the results between PSO Path Planner with flight mechanics and PSO Path Planner without flight mechanics over five scenarios indicates an increase in the feasibility of the returned paths. Visualizing the flight paths was improved by changing the original waypoint based visualization to a b-spline curve representation. Using b-spline curves allows for an accurate representation of the actual UAV flight path especially when considering turns. Operators no longer must create a mental representation of the flight path to match the waypoints

    Cuckoo Search Algorithm with Lévy Flights for Global-Support Parametric Surface Approximation in Reverse Engineering

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    This paper concerns several important topics of the Symmetry journal, namely, computer-aided design, computational geometry, computer graphics, visualization, and pattern recognition. We also take advantage of the symmetric structure of the tensor-product surfaces, where the parametric variables u and v play a symmetric role in shape reconstruction. In this paper we address the general problem of global-support parametric surface approximation from clouds of data points for reverse engineering applications. Given a set of measured data points, the approximation is formulated as a nonlinear continuous least-squares optimization problem. Then, a recent metaheuristics called Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA) is applied to compute all relevant free variables of this minimization problem (namely, the data parameters and the surface poles). The method includes the iterative generation of new solutions by using the Lévy flights to promote the diversity of solutions and prevent stagnation. A critical advantage of this method is its simplicity: the CSA requires only two parameters, many fewer than any other metaheuristic approach, so the parameter tuning becomes a very easy task. The method is also simple to understand and easy to implement. Our approach has been applied to a benchmark of three illustrative sets of noisy data points corresponding to surfaces exhibiting several challenging features. Our experimental results show that the method performs very well even for the cases of noisy and unorganized data points. Therefore, the method can be directly used for real-world applications for reverse engineering without further pre/post-processing. Comparative work with the most classical mathematical techniques for this problem as well as a recent modification of the CSA called Improved CSA (ICSA) is also reported. Two nonparametric statistical tests show that our method outperforms the classical mathematical techniques and provides equivalent results to ICSA for all instances in our benchmark.This research work has received funding from the project PDE-GIR (Partial Differential Equations for Geometric modelling, Image processing, and shape Reconstruction) of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant agreement No. 778035, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Computer Science National Program) under Grant #TIN2017-89275-R of the Agencia Estatal de Investigación and European Funds FEDER (AEI/FEDER, UE), and the project #JU12, jointly supported by public body SODERCAN of the Regional Government of Cantabria and European Funds FEDER (SODERCAN/FEDER UE). We also thank Toho University, Nihon University, and the Symmetry 2018, 10, 58 23 of 25 University of Cantabria for their support to conduct this research wor